41 Tower of The Time Thief

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Created by;
ower The Howling Rafters: 6
The Bell Room: 7 Zach Trent,
of the The only way up to the Bell Room is by using a rotting
A ladder from The Chapel leads up to the rafters. The Noah Morriss,
Time Thief wooden ladder in a remote corner of The Chapel. If the PCs and
wood beams here are weak, and erratic movement
have not stopped time in The Ballroom, the ladder will be Adam Nyhoff
could cause someone to fall to The Chapel. Several
infinite and they will never reach the top. A large brass
hundred clocks of various designs cover the wall.
bell hangs from the rafters and The Baby lies in the middle
Every time the bell tolls the clock faces rip away
Hook: Players are begged by of the room. The smell of its filth fills the players nostrils The Wizard's Broken Dream: The remains of
revealing the screaming visages of the tower's
townsfolk to investigate an as it begins its advance, crawling towards them with its the Wizard's attempt to grant himself
victims. At the far end of the rafters are the remains
accursed clock tower on the obese, wrinkled arms. immorality. A desk is strewn with nails,
of The Wizard’s Broken Dream. Guarding it is The
outskirts of town. Large sums bones, and several dozen clock hands
Wizard’s Zombie.
of money, gifts, and praise soaked in blood.
are offered as rewards.

The Chapel: 2 The Quarters: 3

Rotten wood doors open to the empty chapel and silence A simple bed and a simple vanity make up this Chapel adjacent
the last lingering notes of a forgotten choir. Dust
The Graveyard: 1 covered pews sit facing an altar, upon which is an old
room. Within a drawer of the vanity is the Erase-That-Mistake
Surrounding the church are a slew of headstones guarded Wand and a journal which details Background. Touching
stopwatch that only runs backwards. Picking it up forces either forces an Age Save. The mirror of the vanity acts as a
by a rusted gate that squeals when opened. Stepping onto
an Age Save. At the back of the Chapel is a dark staircase way of communicating with lost ancestors. A PC will see and
the grounds of the church triggers The Dead.
which leads down to The Dining Area and The Ballroom. hear a loved one rather than a reflection of themself. The
bed, if tampered with, will quickly remake itself.

The Dining Area: 4

Sitting around a well placed dining table are a number of The Dead: These yellow skeletons are stuck
Background: In the old abandoned clock tower, connected spectral party guests of varying ages. They are forever in in a haunting loop of regrowth. Their flesh
to a decrepit cathedral, dark secrets of immortality lie a loop of introduction, and any conversation with them will and blood reform on their bodies as they
among the remains of a wizard and his son. Attempting to restart after a few words. The guests can give information claw out of their tombs. Every round that
extend both his and his child’s mortality, the wizard about the nature of the clocktower, but it will need to be PCs are in the Graveyard 1d6 more emerge.
damned his son to an eternal life of torment. The Baby is all pried from them. They will not follow into The Chapel.
that remains now, drawing on the life force of innocent
bystanders and further extending its corrupted The Ballroom: 5 The Wizard’s Zombie: What remains of the
immortality. Every few minutes, children emerge from a set of doors wizard is a mindless zombie in tattered
and begin a strange waltz. As the music crescendos the wizard robes. It possesses a few magic
children age, becoming elderly by the end of the song. capabilities and guards the remains of The
Age Save: PCs roll any die. If even, Erase-That-Mistake They flee through another set of doors, and after a few Wizard's Broken Dream.
nothing happens. If odd, the PCs must Wand: The rusty arm moments the same children emerge from the original
roll 1d100 and have their age be of a clock face. A doors and start anew. If the PCs join the dancers, time will The Baby: An enormous infant kept
changed to that number. This effect player can use it to stop for the outside world and the PCs will be allowed to go eternally young by the tower. It can swat,
will revert if the PC leaves the church allow a reroll on an up to The Bell Room. Going through one of the doors will crush, and rip with its fat hands. The Baby
grounds. action. result in a PC seeing a twisted, aged version of themself can also force Age Saves on the PCs by
and will be forced to make an Age Save to leave. ringing the brass bell.


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