2023-No Artpunk Winners Circle
2023-No Artpunk Winners Circle
2023-No Artpunk Winners Circle
Overall Winner
Yay! We won! So now what? By Justin Evans
You managed to slay the Dracolich! The battle was action packed and you
all looked super cool, but the ruins collapsed, sending you all tumbling down
into the �looded cavern below. Now the water seems to be quickly rising
around you. Time to �ind a way out, while hauling as much treasure as you
Runner Up
Recipe for Adventure - Rise of the Undought
By Daniel “Salynrad” Sluschny
A Necromancers evil plan to asphyxiate a town in bonedust meets an overzealous baker,
mayhem ensues and the heroes are thrown into the middle.
Theme Winner
Fall, Rise, Repeat By Daniel James
A one-page, vertical dungeon for players that believe themselves unworthy of death,
seeking to rise once more and stand amongst the living.
Youth Winner
Temple of the Sun By Brandon Evans
The characters stumble into the Temple of the Sun. They must face its challenges and
recover the four elemental gems to unlock its treasure.
Honorable Mentions
Sisyphus’ Burdern Adrien Nivaggioli
Undercroft L3
The Treasure The crypt for the nobility of Dwemerhold,
Cult Temple L4
The party starts with 20 treasure. desecrated by the Necromancer when he raised his When the Corpse Knight isn’t busy doing
Corpse Knight. The remaining spirits are vengeful. stabby things for the Necromancer, he
If a character fails a skill roll but they
usually hangs out here bragging to cultists.
still want to succeed: lose 1 treasure
If a character would die but leaves Reflecting Pool L3
some treasure behind to avoid death:
lose 3 treasure Dead lights float and beckon... Quarters L4
Until recently the
If the water level rises and floods the
Necromancer served the
level they are on: lose d6 treasure
Catacombs L3 Dracolich. Now he’s
probably super mad!
Burial niches where the faithful of Dwemerhold had
been laid to rest. Some of the occupants have been
animated by the Necromancer to deal with goblins.
Embalming Room L3
The Sneaky Tunnel L2 The Necromancer uses this room to animate the
dead. Most recently he has been working on
The goblins are working on a tunnel to try to sneak something that combines a mix of ’spare parts’...
around the Necromancer’s experiment. A few good
whacks could open up a crack into the Catacombs.
Goblin Camp L2
The Rising Water
The band of goblins have been raiding ‘loot’ from the
The caverns are flooding and the party tombs above, but recently the tombs have been plagued
will have to move quickly. The water with undead. They’ve barricaded the stairs leading up.
rises one level (starting with Level 1)
every 60 minutes of play. Not in-game
time, actual play time. Set a timer.
Rat Pen L2
When the water rises, the party has
to scramble and swim as fast as they
Start Here! Junk Garden L2
This is the goblins’
Them’s good eatin’ ... and
they will probably swarm if
can. In the process they will lose d6 trophy room to show the gates are left opened!
treasure. Then the GM moves them to Natural Chasm L1 off all their ‘loot’ and
a starting point on the next level up. Now filled with debris and a dead dracholich ... it also doubles as a
q Water Level 1 (L1) which is preventing the water from draining. garbage pit.
q Water Level 2 (L2)
q Water Level 3 (L3)
q Water Level 4 (L4)
Waterfall L1
There are pillars here that are more
Epilogue ancient than the ruins above. Water seems
Underground River L1 to be rushing from the crack in the stone
Once the party finds the exit, together
A Deep Elf scouting party came here after hearing with more force than normal.
answer these questions:
Muck Pit L1 the battle with the dracolich. The collapse blocked
Who is doomed? For every 5 treasure
their path home. They eye the party’s treasure.
lost, one character is doomed to an Filled with nasty
unhappy ending. Roll dice to see who. sludge and glowing
Who betrays whom to get more
mushrooms. A thrown Credit and Licensing Influences
mushroom will release
treasure? sticky glowing spores. Map created using Dungeon Scrawl Open Beta v1.5.1 CC0 The Shadowdark RPG
What do the rest of the characters Map artwork by Mark Gosbell CC0 The Forbidden Island board game
do with their riches? Additional artwork licensed through Shutterstock Lots of past great one-page dungeons
Created by Justin Evans under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
Recipe for Adventure
Before beginning to serve, prepare a budding, When all is ready, with a grand ritual they will
Also prepare the Baker Golly Ovenrest to bake
bright eyed Necromancer with the grand plan of begin to reanimate the bonedust and wreak havoc
almost all the flour into tasty pastry, bread and
milling his skeleton army down to dust, mixing it in the city, asphyxiating all resistance and leaving
noodles among other things.
with flour and smuggling it into the city. the bodies as intact as possible.
When they venture out of town serve them the Mill. The Necromancer, in guise of the miller whom he
Mi killed upon completion of the work, opens the door but takes some time as he needs to put his dark ritual
ll on hold (not knowing it has failed due to an overzealous baker)
He’ll try to get the heroes out of his hair by being pleasant and playing dumb at first but will serve them a
beating if they don’t comply, sending the miller Zombie against them. If the fight is too easy, consider
whipping up a few skeletons or more bonedust-devils from the last course.
After the Necromancer and his minions have been dealt with the haunting ends.
There is a chance the heroes believe the necromancers lies and maybe tell him about the situation in town
at which point he’ll know his plans have been foiled and abandon ship right after the conversation.
The Shadow in the Sun
You suddenly wake up in a huge, pretentious hall filled with diamonds and furniture that was all
colored in bright yellowy gold. A being, which you can't recognize because it's shining so bright,
sitting on a throne starts talking:
“You have been chosen to save the sun from the shadow trying to take us over! The shadow
beings have been waiting a long time to defeat the light beings, which make the sunshine,
so the sun is forever dark. They are in the center of the sun, waiting until tonight,
so they can eliminate us, leading to the sun never rising again. Will you help us?”
The sun ruler explains to you what awaits you in the dungeon:
The first step is to go to the weapon dealer to get weapons for the mission. The difficulty is
that the dealer is very sketchy, and because you don’t come from the sun, he’ll try to scam you
to get more money or give you weapons that don’t work. If you try to defend yourself, he might
end up killing you, so what you need to do is be as careful as possible. From him, you'll need to
buy Darkvision and the weapons or enchantments of your choice but be careful; shadow beings are
immune to weapons using fire. The most effective weapons are metal, wood, or light-related weapons.
The second step is finding the secret passageway inside the weapon shop to the inside of the sun.
There, you’ll find a room (1) full of traps designed to kill you. You’ll need to find the traps
and then find a way to get around them. The traps are not only on the floor tiles but on the walls
too. The traps include the floor disappearing, the walls crumbling, or highly venomous lizards
being thrown at you. All the traps could instantly kill you, but luckily the room isn’t that big.
Once you’ve escaped, the next room (2) awaits you. There, you’ll have to fight your first group
of three shadow beings, which will protect the next rooms at all costs, even at the cost of death.
The downside for you is that the room is incredibly dark, so you’ll need to have Darkvision to even
have a chance of making it out. The shadow beings have very powerful weapons, which can each kill
you with three hits. Their problem is that the sun beings have gifted you very powerful shields, so
not every attack reaches you, but you’ll still need to be careful and kill them as fast as you can.
In the next room (3), there’s venomous fog, which can kill you fast, but the door to the next
room is closed, so you have to find a key for the door. The difficulty is that the room is
filled with a lot of things, ranging from antique teacups to fluffy pillows, making it hard to
find the right key. The time until the rise of the shadow beings to the surface of the planet
is getting shorter every minute, and once they’ve gotten to the surface, nothing can stop them.
A hideous alien monstrosity , imprisoned centuries ago,
driven MAD by loneliness. Should anyone have the misfortune
to understand it’s ramblings, insanity checks are a MUST. It
thrashes round the chamber, dealing out crush attacks on anyone
fool enough to get close.
It cannot be killed by normal means, but can be reduced to a
torpor state should the water surrounding it cool to near
F e e t h ig h a n d r is in Though untouched for
centuries, there is plenty
that will get you killed:
A derelict temple, devoted to a long a The irate remains of the Undead Librarian stalk
forgotten god, deep beneath the city streets. the corridors, searching for his keys.
a Skeletal cultists drag themselves through the
A map guides the party deep into dark on their remaining limbs, clutching nubs of
the SEWERS to a rusted daggers, chittering
huge cast iron wheel. unsavoury thoughts.
Turning it (STR) a6 inch Tentacle Tips
diverts the flow, that have developed
revealing a hatch for a few sentience, severed
seconds... before the wheel rotates by tomtremendous
back and water floods back in. themselves from the monstrosity and formed a
The FIX: someone stays back, peaceful collective, dreaming of escape to a
holding it in place, break the fresh mountain river. Hopefully their
mechanism (STR) or disables attempts at communication by telepathic
it (INT). sucker to the forehead will not be
The hatch (think submarine) will misconstrued as attack.
An d ris ing
automatically seal when the last
PC reaches the bottom of the With the water
diverted in 1,
2 Control Room
the temple begins to flood. How
quickly is at the GM’s discretion; use
it to ramp up tension.
The stench of mold &
rot meets the party.
This room is full of Cracking open doors to 6 & 3 will
broken machinery and slow the rise BUT the water is
rotting wood. A winch relentless.
drum occupies the
centre, winding mechanism AND as the level rises, so
broken. A taught cable does the reach of the
descends through a narrow monstrosity’s tentacles :D
hole in the floor. The FIX: Pull the plug!
Once upon a time, the Either fixing the winch (INT
controls operated all the valves check w/ parts) or a
and gates, enabling cultists move herculean act of strength to
freely through and out the temple. pull the plug (AND holding
The winch may be repairable, your breath).
A dry dusty storeroom
A once proud , now (that may soon become very
only so much rotting waste. wet). Home to a melancholic
stone head that struggles to
HOWEVER, a successful search will
find one of the following:
muster any enthusiasm for guests. Will perk
1 A flawed ruby ring; the wearer’s up briefly should anyone tell it a joke.
fingers slowly transform into Offers mostly useless advice but does
tentacles. know how to put the monstrosity into a
torpor state AND that there is
2 A Water Breathing amulet,
might come in useful. an Ice Crystal set
into the face of the
3 Scroll of Strength; altar that would do
lasts d6 minutes.
the trick.
4 Undarr Quine’s book of Additionally there is
culinary delight; 101 a comfy chair which
exotic ways to cook squid. bestows full healing
5 Small Stone Fish; on anyone that takes a
inserting it into the ear quick nap on it.
enables the user to AND a large chest full
understand all aquatic languages. of cultists promotional
6. Ointment of Ahu; repulsive stuff... The wearer is pamphlets for the cult.
HOWEVER with a bit of woodworking, the chest lid could
immune but all within 10’ make CON checks or are be fashioned into a winch handle.
incapacitated, vomiting profusely, last d6 rounds.
7 pool
The cages containing skeletal remains, one boney hand Fancy a dip in the ? It’s cold, in for any
clutches the Librarian’s keys which open all doors, bar longer than a couple of rounds, CON checks or start
the hatch AND marks the bearer as friend. shivering. If you can dodge the tentacles and swim/sink
Temple dedicated to a
A nightmarish to the bottom, there’s a 6’ wide shaft to the plug:
Dead Alien God.A black altar rises above a Give that a serious tug (see and rising) and the temple
dark pool. turns into a giant cistern; water drains rapidly, where?
IF the sewer water has been diverted in 1, it gushes
Surely safer than here...
out the wall pipe, the water level rises, lapping over
Gettin g Obvious options: Blow the hatch, flushed
the edge of the pool and begins to fill the room.... down the plug hole, flood the temple and swim up
Tentacles lurk in the dark, attracted to the loud or O u t ? the pipe in 4 OR another creative method your
careless; make a perception check or be subjected to clever players devise.
1d3 surprise attacks.
A sealed stone door leads down to 6;hard pick lock or https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
STR check to crack it open.
A “Quick-and-Easy” 5-Step Multi-Level Monument to Self Help
By: Connor Murphy and Evan Murphy
A powerful, cult-like Mega Corporation known as UP Co. is Sales Floor
dominating the market, ruining livelihoods, and forcing everyone
to participate in their evil and greedy practices. Selling anything This floor features 9 a sea of desks 10 an office supplies
even remotely related to “up” (birds, balloons, items that raise store room 11 an empty Humanoid Resources Department.
your stats), their influence has allowed them to circumvent the Everyone here subscribes to a “grindset” that blinds them to
laws of the land. Should their nefarious CEO Mr. Vilderbrandt the corruption of the company as though they are possessed by
choose, UP Co. could rule the world. the corporate spirit. They even work 24/7 like zombies! There
are only 12 2 security guards and they generally slack off. A
glass ceiling separates the Sales Floor from the Executive Suite
The Market
above. The glass is reinforced but could be broken with enough
The area surrounding UP Co. was once a bustling economy but effort and creativity. 13 Air ducts connect the Sales Floor and
now struggles in the literal shadow of UP Co. The few business Executive Suite. A small bundle containing supplies and a note
owners left here are willing to share info about UP Co’s origins can be found in the ducts. The note warns of a sinister plot by
as a seller of self-help books, their pyramid-scheme practices, the CEO. 14 There is a balcony for smoke breaks, though no
and the evil CEO Mr. Vilderbrandt. one would ever take a break from the grind, doing so
will attract a lot of attention.
The UP Co. Store
The Up Co. market stall leads shoppers through a Executive Suite
maze of products before they can leave the store. Everyone here is some kind of flying fiend,
There are 3 methods of entering the UP Co. HQ getting to work through the many 15 balconies.
above. 1 A teleporter for transporting goods from The office spaces line the walls all the way to the
the Store to the Warehouse 2 a staircase to the ceiling. 16 The Lounge is where executives take
Training Room 3 a loading dock on the exterior of their frequent breaks. Here, a contest can be found.
the store. Each entrance is guarded by security who will Three chalices sit on a table with the following inscription
possibly detain anyone without an UP Badge. Adventur- on the wall above:
ers may obtain UP Badges by signing a contract to become Temgni . Amu sdaerepel ium
it quo ma xim e llreseq
E t v be the ntioui-
CEO of
Sales Associates (this may have consequences later on). fugit om lorroratu
If you wao nt
nist r to
d o lo
sant utrede
orro w, ille
ptasit q nes cipe n
t is
magnusn m na uoitiave
tur e endi
The Warehouse nte im
duPut in the wor ide
u skdto ae rise abo
ugisitnes etrequpeolde iumreici
disyou peeors.msednisittr ea
The Warehouse is where UP Co. products are seqr ita u p t a
ten t
aeperuibme usat nqu is
t ut uct your
stored and processed. It features endless walls of cipodi
quSa icia
i crifitiussdthe
ce euu qui daliq
mprod esilof
uib es
atseq n t e n u
sorrs ow.
shelving, arcane conveyor belts, and count- con ruaurt, lab or,
itiaee en and id em
less employees (including a giant!) A heavy nessed di dis p
presence of UP Co security act like police SubmitittoeUP t qCo:uo dere is
enforcing strict company policies.
4 The Corporate Ladder stretches Filling the chalices with blood,
from the warehouse up to the Sales sweat, and tears will award
Floor. It features broken, illusory, a magic item. 17 A set of
and trap rungs to prevent anyone double doors leading to
from climbing it. The workers the CEO’s office can be
on the Sales Floor love found on the ceiling.
to watch people fall off
the ladder, but would
respect anyone who
reaches the top.
1. Security Team HQ
2. Orb-Room, traps always on
the 3. To the Museum
orb of
iridion 1 2
(limit their connection)
Location: �e Orb is 3
an innocuous gemstone Perform the Ritual while
protected in a gallery at the defending the party from
Museum of Natural History. Security Team reinforcements
Increased paranoia has thwarted any (if applicable). �e ritual consists of:
attempts to retrieve the Orb by A performance: music, dance, poetry
diplomatic means. �e museum’s visiting A request: to Iridion that is very specific and has
hours are intentionally normal. Casing the no loopholes the GM can maneuver through.
museum reveals the following: An o�fering to the Iridion of something psycho-spiritual.
1. �e Orb has 24/7 surveillance by a Security team of magic Ex: future quest, an object of value, devotion/worship
users. (Team size = player count, scaled to meet your player’s Resolution: Idirion, if accepting the ritual, partially binds
combat desire)
the Ancient Ones. �ey cannot enter this plan completely, but
2. �e Orb’s security is threefold, and uses level appropriate DC’s: still they rise to power enough to directly in�luence our reality.
Arcana/Magic: A protection enchantment that alerts the Security Team if
any movement, sound, or light is detected. aftermath You take stock of all your sacrifices, looking on with
Dexterity: A magicked lock. Can be picked by normal means, but the horror as these twisted malevolent beings ascend into your plane of
Di�ficulty is increased. existence. around you, peoples of all nations make peace, old wounds
Strength: A magically created gravity well. Once the Orb is moved, the well are set aside as what is left of humanity joins together for what will
increases, trying to suck the orb into its podium, along with the thief. be a long and painful war. maybe you slowed the invasion, hamstrung
Once in possession of the Orb, the players can perform a ritual to call on the Ancient Ones, lessened their grasp on humanity, but their slobber-
the Iridion to rebind the Ancient Ones. ing, gibbering visage will always be present as your real war begins.
Desper ate vil
lagersask t
he heroesto assassi
nate Molar
the t
rol lki
ng t hatli
vesinhiskeep inthe mountains.
The tribute he demandsistoo high,butifthey don'tpay
he willsack theirvill
age wi
thhisundead ar my.
Holy Symbols
Each of the relentless dead, aside from Athena’s, wear the holy symbol
A Note on Gods
of their god. Apollo’s depicts a swan, Artemis’ a deer, Zeus’ an eagle, This adventure refers to the gods of Olympus. These gods have been
Poseidon’s a horse, and Hermes’ a tortoise. chosen as they are well known and are not system specific. To slot this
Athena’s symbol is hidden in the secret compartment of the altar, and adventure into an existing game, you could rework the referenced gods
depicts an owl. This can be placed alongside Apollo and Artemis’ to fit your setting, or suggest that this culture worshipped different
symbols in the spaces on the door to unlock it and escape. gods, or knew your setting’s gods by different names, emphasising
different aspects of their divinity.
Athena’s priestess took Charon’s symbol so that she could hide treasure
in the Altar’s secondary compartment, leaving her symbol in its place. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Village of Prunt The Azagathalus Wyrms travel interdimensionally
Prunt The Hot Duck to different worlds to test their mettle against
General Store native creatures and peoples. They’ve dug out a
subterranean colony under the village of Prunt.
Having tested themselves against mundane creatures,
they now seek to contest themselves against more
intelligent and powerful species.
Ch iant
35’ drop ers Co O Prunt is found empty
al except for a hysterical
#1 me
Purple velvety skin like leather-wrapped plate s drunkard (Zora) in The Hot
armor. Dextrous yellow fangs twitch around in Duck pub.
three concentric circles on their faces. She’ll cry and rant
One elephant-sized Elder wyrm (Azag’lor) and ten Ce iant inconsolably, “All taken!
tiger-sized acolyte wyrms (Yuggo, Thrax, Xulth, pe Death worms! All gone!”
Zylga, Nyar, Thulg, Xygro, Zhara, Hazar, and Lakh) Sinkhole can be a hidden
make up the crew of the Xylocrax Drifter. trap or it can simply be
The goal of any acolyte is to have a satisfying found next to the pub.
encounter filled with honor, daring and
honest brutality.
Fo Colony
• They hiss and clack their teeth. gC
av Throughout the colony, where there
• They claw, bite and attack es isn’t a natural light source, a faint
with their sharp tail otherworldly glow emanates from
pincers. the walls and ceiling.
• Pouch around their Wyrm Tunnel
necks hold magic Narrow and gritty with many hand
crystals. Ic holds. Used for quicker movement
Din e through colony by wyrms.
• Heat Resistant go
s Lava Pit
via magic crystal Air is a dense sulfurous miasma.
#2 orr L
• Cold Resistant a fl ava The rope bridge is treacherous.
via magic crystal l slo ows Corral #1
• Telepathic . Musty odor of wild creatures.
(15’ radius) - Giant Chiggers (Bite)
L Jump around frenetically.
• Spits Corrosive Pit ava Attack with bites.
Venom (30’) W
Tu ate - Ocher Slime (Acidic)
nn r
• Electrical els Try to sneak up and envelope
Discharge their prey.
(10’ radius) W
in ate - Giant Centipede (Bite 2x)
flo r is
• Health od 1’ Will drop from the ceiling if given
ed de
Regeneration ar ep the chance. Will wrap around prey
ea before biting.
Acrid green fog with no visibility.
• The wyrms do not seek to
kill. They seek to prove Corral #2
superiority over their foe. The air is chilly.
- Ice Dingos (Bite/Claw w/ Freeze)
• Unconscious, wyrms will
Water Tunnels
regenerate. Ground is slippery with moisture.
• Near death, wyrms will Flooded areas are especially
retreat to regenerate. S slippery.
ver and Sa
• Creatures are released to nd Sand Grotto
y lo is G
move players along. os ro Air is hot and dusty. Loose sand
e. tto
Ar makes footing difficult.
• Wyrms will overpower en St
le a oc Arena
creatures that might kill a ibu ka
player. o om est d Rotting remains of previously killed
er V e creatures litter the ground. Elder
• Disabled players are taken St wyrm is waiting here when players
to the stockade and healed. arrive.
Purple marble-lined foyer.
G all Storeroom
• Elder wyrm will have m Chests and barrels filled with
telepathic conversation er supplies and food.
with players when they St Stockade
reach the Vestibule. It Villagers are traumatized, but alive
will thank the players and healthy.
for helping them in their tr Crystal ine Galley
ine Bridge tr
trial. La Strange food smells surround these
• Wyrms may reward long tables and grilling pits.
players with crystals of Latrine
various limited powers. Not too smelly.
- Telepathy Ba s Barracks
ac a ck
- Heat Resistance ks rr Some wyrms are lounge around now
- Cold Resistance Ba that the trials are done here.
- Electrical Discharge Elder Azag’lor’s Quarters
• Villagers will be released Eldritch writings on papers atop
the desk describe calculations for
alive and healthy.
’s traveling to other worlds. Crystals
• The wyrms’ travel ’lo of powers locked in the chest.
crystals have just ag
r Azers Crystal Bridge
finished recharging and de t
can be sensed to be El uar The 40’ tall crystal cluster vibrates
Q with enormous eerie energy.
brimming with energy. Wyrms interact with purple glass
The wyrms will depart for control consoles that display
next world after players indecipherable notations.
leave the ship area.
Written by Rebecca Bennett, Illustrated by Emily Yu
Enemy Mine
Something rises from the rubble...
Area Description (LxW)
Room 1: Rubble-Filled Room. 20x30ft. It’s filled with broken
rock, loose Cetus ore and crushed bodies of other prisoners.
2ft of dirt to clear in order to exit.
Concept Enemy: 1 wounded tentacle flails around the room.
Enemy Mine is a system-agnostic TTRPG one-shot allowing Loot: 1 stick of dynamite (1d12 blunt force DMG) within a
quick character roll ups and minimal prep-time. Role play as locked toolbox. Removes up to 5ft dirt.
prisoners at Crooked Tree Mine processing Cetus ore. Players Room 2: Prisoner Quarters. 22x48ft. The air is sour from
must escape the mine and the creature it awoke. unwashed workers and un-emptied chamber pots.
Enemy: 1 Enspelled Officer is making sure that all workers
Current Situation within the room are dead.
A mis-timed explosion breaches Crooked Tree Mine as Loot: Officer carrying a note from the Warden that the
something rises from the deep. It starts with a rumble. Then prisoners must be sacrificed.
the tunnels go dark with only the glow of purple Cetus ore to Room 3: Slop Room. 24x48ft. This is where the ore is lifted to
light your path. As you barely escape a landslide of rocks, an the surface and food is brought below for the prisoners to eat.
armoured tentacle snakes out of the walls and slams into a The mining elevator is crushed beneath rubble.
nearby group of prisoners, crushing both them and the chain Enemy: 1 Giant Worm will erupt from the mine elevator if
tethering you together. the prisoners inspect the area.
As prisoners, you haven’t left the mine since first being Loot: Several pieces of Cetus ore within the broken mine
sentenced there. Now, you have no choice but to climb your elevator.
way out and into the safety of the Warden’s Camp above Room 4: Ore Processing, 22x30ft. Behind a broken wall is a
ground. You’ve heard whispers of the Warden’s madness and part of a many-pieced summoning spell carved into the rock.
his obsession with the mine but surely he wouldn’t sacrifice the If destroyed/defaced, DM to add +5 to Summon the Kraken.
whole venture? Loot: Pile of worn clothing, within the pockets is a job
DM/GM Note: The Warden has gone mad researching the advertisement for more miners.
entombed creature, uncovering that the Cetus ore can also Room 5: Quartermaster’s Office. 22x30ft. A desk sits in the
harm the creature. He worships the creature as a god and middle of the room littered with paper, pens, and unsent
once it is summoned, all Players and surrounding areas are letters. At the back of the room is a bookshelf, scuff marks on
destroyed by the creature. the floor in front of it.
Mechanics Loot: 1 bottle of whiskey, 1 pack of matches (if combined
Character Creation: Players roll 1d6 or pick one from each into a molotov (2d6 fire DMG)), 1 letter opener (1d3 DMG)
selection. All prisoners have 12 HP and no armour: Secret: If the bookshelf is moved, players will find a Secret
1 2 3 Creatures Room .
DM rolls 1d20 to see if attacks hit. Room 6: Secret Room. 5x5ft. Filled with ancient scrolls about
Background Political Forger Henchman a god entombed within the mountain. Whoever buried the
Prisoner Armoured Tentacle: 10HP, armour as leather creature made sure it was done under layers of Cetus ore. It’s
Talent Storytelling Ventriloquism Lockpicking An undulating limb emerges from the depths of the mine. Reacts by clear the writer turned mad from their obsession.
touch and instinct. Loot: golden tentacle pendant (200 gold).
Weapon Pickaxe (1D5 DMG, dig 1ft per turn) Tactics: Considered wounded once health is reduced to 50%. Once Room 7: Dead End Tunnel. 23x30ft. Body of an Officer under
4 5 6 wounded, any attacks with Cetus Ore cause +1 DMG. piles of rocks. His mouth is bloody and purple as though he’s
Attack: The tentacle flails, all nearby targets take 1d6 DMG and been eating the Cetus ore.
Background Graffiti Artist Arsonist Mass Murderer
must Save or fall prone. Loot: 1 Senior Officer’s Sword (2d6). Key to Room 9 under
Talent Knife Throwing Wrestling Carpentry
Giant Worm: 8HP, no armour body if searched.
Weapon Shovel (1D3 DMG, digs 2ft per turn) Normally docile, the worm is ambushing survivors. Room 8: Holding Cell. 15x25ft. Where prisoners are held
Dirt Mound: As the walls of the tunnels cave in, rocks and dirt Tactics: Blind and hunts by sound. before being assigned jobs. The cell door is open and a trail of
cut off escape. At the end of each player turn, 1d6 is rolled. The Bite: 1d4 DMG | Spit Take: spits acid, 5ft range, 1d4 DMG. blood leads to Room 10.
running total of all rolls is added to the dirt mound (indicated Enemy: 2 Enspelled Officers are pacing the room
Enspelled Officer: 5HP, no armour
by the sidebar on the map). Loot: Bloody wedding ring.
The officers whisper and hiss into the darkness. Their eyes glow
If the dirt mound reaches a room players are currently in: Room 9: Locked storage.15x25ft.
purple, showing how little humanity is left.
Roll 1d6: 1-3: an armoured tentacle lashes out at the Loot: 2 leather armour, 1 cross bow with 6 bolts (1d8
Tactics: Driven to madness. Will not notice wounds.
players; 4-6: nothing happens. piercing)
Attack: 1d6 sword.
Players must dig their way out before moving on. Room 10: Shrine. 15x25ft. Dead prisoners are piled in the
Kraken Warden: 18HP, no armour centre of the room. Officers sit and stare at the glowing shrine.
If the dirt rises above the players, they suffocate to death.
A tentacle emerges from the Warden’s mouth. He is focused on Enemy: roll 1d6+2 to calculate amount of Officers.
Hallways: DM rolls 1d6 to determine if an encounter occurs. summoning the creature. Room 11: Warden’s Camp, located within an open field.
1 Rocks fall from the ceiling, 1d3 DMG to 2 random players Tactics: Divided between attacking and summoning. The Warden prays over the mine’s entrance. He seems
Purple Haze: Fires a bolt of magic, 30ft range, 1d6+1 DMG surprised to see anyone survive the destruction of the mine.
2 1d6 coin found within toolboxes or next to bodies Summon the Kraken: Rolls 1d6 and adds that to a separate Hallways: 10ft wide, 30° slope. The beams bracing the rock
3-4 Nothing happens running total. The Kraken appears at 60. Once summoned, all walls have shattered. The rail for the mine cart is unusable.
players and surroundings are destroyed. Roll 1d6 for encounters (see Hallways mechanics).
5-6 Giant Worm appears
Summon Tentacle: Summons a wounded tentacle. CC BY-SA 4.0