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Physical Properties of Minerals

Minerals: the building blocks of rocks

• Definition of a Mineral:
✔ naturally occurring

✔ inorganic

✔ solid

✔ characteristic crystalline structure

✔ definite chemical composition

How do we identify minerals?

• Physical properties:
✔ Color

✔ Streak

✔ Luster

✔ Hardness

✔ Crystal form

✔ Cleavage
✔ Fracture

✔ Density

✔ Distinctive

1. Colour
•Determined by the chemical composition of the
•Colour is not particularly useful as a diagnostic
•Some minerals show a wide variety of colours
•Quartz can be transparent, white, pink, brown,
purple, yellow, orange and even black
•Many minerals show very similar colours

• Allochromatic minerals show colour variations

• Idiochromatic minerals have constant colour
Mineralogy 5

Colour 4
xamples of colour variation in Fluorite
Colour 5
Plagioclase feldspar

Calcite Barytes

Fluorite Gypsum

All these minerals are grey or white in colour

The way in which a mineral
2. Lustre reflects light
Controlled by the atomic
structure of the mineral
Main types of lustre are
Quartz – Vitreous
Vitreous Lustre
Dog-Tooth Calcite
The mineral reflects light like glass
Sometimes glassy lustre is used instead of vitreous
Metallic Lustre
GalenaMinerals reflect light

like metals.
Metallic lustre often tarnishes to a dull lustre

Biotite Mica Muscovite Mica

Pearly Lustre
The lustre of a pearl or
mother of pearl
Shows clearly on the
cleavage surfaces of
biotite and muscovite
Silky Lustre

Also shown by Talc
and selenite (a variety
of gypsum)

The Occurs in minerals with a
lustre fibrous structure
silk Satin spar (a fibrous form
of gypsum) shows this to
good effect

Gypsum (Satin Spar)

Resinous Lustre
lustre of resin
The mineral has a
grainy appearance
Sphalerite, opal
and amber show
resinous lustre
Sphalerite (Zinc Blende)
Dull or Earthy

The mineral does not reflect

light and has the same
appearance as soil.
Minerals such as galena
have metallic lustres on
freshly broken surfaces but
they tarnish to dull with
prolonged exposure to the
atmosphere 1cm
Limonite has a dull or earthy lustre
3. Streak
The colour of a mineral’s powder
Obtained by rubbing a mineral
specimen on an unglazed white
porcelain tile
Useful for identifying metallic ore
Silicates generally do not mark
the tile and have no streak

White minerals streaked on a white

tile will have a white streak
Any minerals harder than the tile (6)
will scratch it
Haematite gives a cherry red
Metallic Ore Minerals – Characteristic Streaks
4. Hardness
Measured on Moh’s scale from 1.0 (softest) to 10


Talc 1.0 Diamond 10.0

Scale was devised by measuring the amount of noise and powder
produced from rubbing a mineral on a metal file
Moh’s Scale of Hardness
Steel nail 5.5-6.0
Fingernail 2.5
Copper coin 3.0
Window glass 5.0

Everyday objects can be substituted for minerals on Moh’s scale

Testing For Hardness
Try to scratch mineral
specimens with substances of
known hardness
If a mineral is not scratched by
your fingernail, but is
scratched by a copper coin
then it will have a hardness of
If a mineral cannot be
scratched by steel it has a
hardness of over 6.0

Gypsum is scratched by a
fingernail, hardness <2.5
The way a mineral breaks when struck by a
The type of fracture is not controlled by any weaknesses
in the atomic structure of the mineral
Types of Fracture
Conchoidal – Like Glass
Even – Flat fracture surface
Uneven – Irregular fracture surface
Hackly – Very jagged like cast

Fracture is only described when the mineral has no cleavage

Conchoidal Fracture
This type of fracture is
the same as that shown
by window glass
A series of concentric
curved lines can be
seen on the fractured
A diagnostic property of
the mineral quartz

Rose quartz showing conchoidal fracture

6. Cleavage
The way a mineral breaks
when struck by a hammer
Cleavage is controlled by lines
of weakness in the atomic
structure of the mineral
Minerals can have 1, 2, 3
or 4 planes of cleavage
1 plane, parallel or
basal cleavage
2 planes of cleavage that
intersect at a characteristic angle
3 planes (cubic, rhombohedral)
4 planes, octahedral cleavage
Parallel or Basal
1cm B

iotite Mica Barytes

One plane of cleavage enables the mineral to part along
parallel lines. It is analogous to a ream of paper that can be
separated into individual sheets.
Minerals Showing 2 Sets of Cleavage

Planes 1cm

Augite Plagioclase Feldspar Feldspars –

intersect at 90 degrees

Augite (Pyroxene) – intersect at 90 degrees

Hornblende (Amphibole) – Intersect at 60/120

1cm Calcite
Produced by the intersect at 90 degrees e.g.
intersection of three halite
cleavage planes
Rhombohedral cleavage 3
Cubic cleavage 3 planes planes intersect at 60/120
degrees e.g. calcite
7.Acid Reaction
Use dilute hydrochloric acid
to test for carbonates
Calcite effervesces (fizzes)
and gives off carbon dioxide

Calcite reacting and giving

off carbon dioxide


If a mineral can be
tasted in the mouth, then
it is soluble in fresh
Halite (rock salt) tastes
salty and is a diagnostic
property of the mineral
Steel pins and magnet
Octahedral crystals of Magnetite attracted to
The ability of a mineral to attract iron filings and pick up steel pins
Magnets stick to magnetite quite readily and is the only
strongly magnetic mineral found at the earth’s surface

A characteristic sensation experienced when a mineral is held and rubbed
between the fingers

2cm 2cm
Graphite feels very cold upon
the touch as it is a very good Form or Habit
conductor of heat
Talc feels very greasy when
rubbed between the fingers
rphous Chalcopyrite
Crystallised Iron Pyrite

This refers to the common appearance of the mineral and

varies from crystallised to amorphous or massiveThe external
shape (habit) of well-developed crystals can be visually studied and
Variations in Habit/Form/Appearance of Minerals
Variations in Habit/Form/Appearance of Minerals
Diagnostic Properties
Those properties that allow any mineral to be

identified Most minerals have two to four diagnostic

properties Hardness, cleavage, streak and habit are

most useful Colour, lustre, transparency and density

are less useful

Special properties such as acid reaction, taste, magnetism, striking

fire with steel and feel are often used to identify a mineral

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