Common Rock Forming Minerals
Common Rock Forming Minerals
Common Rock Forming Minerals
varies from red, pink and white (orthoclase), to green, grey and
While rocks consist of aggregates of minerals, minerals white (plagioclase). Feldspar is also hard but can be scratched by
themselves are made up of one or a number of chemical elements quartz. Feldspar in igneous rocks forms well-developed crystals
with a definite chemical composition. Minerals cannot be broken which are roughly rectangular in shape, and they cleave or break
down into smaller units with different chemical compositions in along flat faces. The grains, in contrast to quartz, often have
the way that rocks can. More than two thousand three hundred straight edges and flat rectangular faces, some of which may meet
different types of minerals have been identified. Luckily many are at right angles.
rare and the common rocks are made up of a relatively small
number of minerals.
Banded Columnar
Biotite Orthoclase
Augite Hornblende