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Reading Materials

Student Learning Outcomes: After successfully completing this course, students will
be able to:
1. Communicate effectively using correct IT terminologies properly. This course
SLO supports LCOB Learning Goal:
Be effective communicators. Assessment Methods: Quizzes, Discussion Forums,
Also, as supplemental outcomes:
• Be able to remove all spelling and grammar errors using a computer tool available.
• Be able to properly format a report using headings, subheadings and paragraphs.
• Be able to use credible sources to support claims.
• Be able to provide reference and citation information properly.

2. Recognize characteristics, benefits and costs of various information systems

(such as ERP, CRM, SCM, ECM/Collaboration, TPS, MIS, DSS, EIS, AI, Expert
Systems, DB, Data Warehouse, Big Data, BI, & Analytics, IoT, Blockchain) used for
improving efficiency and effectiveness and decision-making in businesses. This course
SLO supports LCOB Learning Goal: Have interdisciplinary business knowledge.
Assessment Methods: Quizzes Discussion Forums, Report and Exercises.

3. Explain how organizations leverage IT resources to gain competitive advantage

by using frameworks of competitive advantages (such as five forces, generic
strategies, value chain activities, systems thinking, BPM,
BPR) and identifying and recommend an appropriate IT/IS. This course SLO supports
LCOB Learning Goal: Be effective problem solvers. Assessment Methods: Quizzes,
Report, Discussion Forums and Exercises.

4. Recommend a strategy for acquiring IT capabilities (called IT/IS sourcing options)

by recognizing and describing available options (such as on-premise, cloud (SaaS,
PaaS, IaaS, etc.), Virtualization, in-house
development, outsourcing, buy vs build decision) and pros and cons of those options.
This course SLO supports LCOB Learning Goal: Be effective problem solvers.
Assessment Methods: Exercises, Discussion Forums, Quizzes and Exercises.

5. Recognize issues associated with IT hardware and practices in the IT industry,

as well as data collection, data sharing, security and privacy practices used by
businesses, describe existing corporate social responsibility frameworks, laws,
regulations, standards, code of ethics, policies, and available information security tools
and methods, and explain how businesses address the issues using them. This course
SLO supports LCOB Learning Goals: Understand the business environment.
Assessment Methods: Report, Discussion Forums and Quizzes.

6. Rapidly adapt yourself to new technologies (including ones new to you) through
hands-on exercises. This course SLO supports AACSB Technology Agility Learning
Goal. Assessment Methods: Exercise.
Text Book:
Information Systems for Business and Beyond

Module 1:

Download ShareholdersVsStakeholdersDebate.pdf

Download s40991-016-0004-6.pdf

Download About Ethics and Privacy in Academe.pdf

Download Consent vs NonConsent.pdf

Module 2:
Download why companies are becoming b corporations.pdf

📖 Read: The Barbarians Are at Etsy’s Hand-Hewn, Responsibly Sourced Gates Links to an
external site.

📖 Read: You wouldn’t buy a blood diamond, but do you own a conflict phone? Links to an
external site.

📖 Apple, Google, Microsoft, Tesla and Dell sued over child-mined cobalt from Africa Links to an
external site.

Module 3:

📖 Read: If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste? Links to an
external site.

📖 Read: The model for recycling our old smartphones is actually causing massive pollution Links
to an external site.

📖 Read: Inside 'iPhone City,' the massive Chinese factory town where half of the world's iPhones
are produced Links to an external site.

📖 Read: Workers describe harsh conditions at Apple supplier in China Links to an external site.

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