Attachment 1
Attachment 1
Attachment 1
Student Learning Outcomes: After successfully completing this course, students will
be able to:
1. Communicate effectively using correct IT terminologies properly. This course
SLO supports LCOB Learning Goal:
Be effective communicators. Assessment Methods: Quizzes, Discussion Forums,
Also, as supplemental outcomes:
• Be able to remove all spelling and grammar errors using a computer tool available.
• Be able to properly format a report using headings, subheadings and paragraphs.
• Be able to use credible sources to support claims.
• Be able to provide reference and citation information properly.
6. Rapidly adapt yourself to new technologies (including ones new to you) through
hands-on exercises. This course SLO supports AACSB Technology Agility Learning
Goal. Assessment Methods: Exercise.
Text Book:
Information Systems for Business and Beyond
Module 1:
Download ShareholdersVsStakeholdersDebate.pdf
Download s40991-016-0004-6.pdf
Module 2:
Download why companies are becoming b corporations.pdf
📖 Read: The Barbarians Are at Etsy’s Hand-Hewn, Responsibly Sourced Gates Links to an
external site.
📖 Read: You wouldn’t buy a blood diamond, but do you own a conflict phone? Links to an
external site.
📖 Apple, Google, Microsoft, Tesla and Dell sued over child-mined cobalt from Africa Links to an
external site.
Module 3:
📖 Read: If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste? Links to an
external site.
📖 Read: The model for recycling our old smartphones is actually causing massive pollution Links
to an external site.
📖 Read: Inside 'iPhone City,' the massive Chinese factory town where half of the world's iPhones
are produced Links to an external site.
📖 Read: Workers describe harsh conditions at Apple supplier in China Links to an external site.