SOP VERBED English Version

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YEAR 2024

Take a permission to the examiner

Nurse: Assalamualaikum wr.wb good morning teachers, let me introduce myself, my name

is...from class... Excuse me, I want to ask permission to take the verbed (tidy up the

bed) practical examination. Am I allowed?

Washing the hands before going to interactions with the patient

The tools and materials are ready, then prepare the patient

Nurse: Good morning grandma, how are you today?

Nurse: Do you have any complaints?

Patient: Yes, my bed is dirty because it hasn't been changed for 3 days

Nurse: Let me introduce myself, my name is … as a nurse assistant here, grandma can call

me nurse…. First of all, I want to ask what’s your name? What’s your birth date? Would you

like to tell me where you are now? Do you know what day is today?

Nurse: Very good, your answer and identity are correct.

Nurse: Here, I’ll look after grandma and help you to carry out the action of changing the

loom which aims to keep your bed clean. I’ll do this action for about 15 minutes. Grandma,

don't worry, I will help you to carry out this action, but I ask you to follow my instructions,

do you understand my explanation? Grandma is willing for me to help you carry out this


Patient: Yes, willing

First, nurses maintain patient privacy and security.

Cover the patient's blanket, close the bed rail, close the door and curtain the window.

Environmental preparation: turn on the lights if the room is dark.

Permission to family

Nurse: Are you Deniza's family?

Let me introduce myself, my name is … as the nurse here. You can call me …, I will do the

procedure for Grandma Denisa about 15 minutes, please one of your family member wait

inside, and the others must wait outside, thank you.

Preparation of equipment, bringing tools and materials close to the patient

Washing hands 6 steps

1. Rubbing palms

2. Rub the back of hands

3. Clean between of the fingers

4. Clean the knuckles

5. Rotate the right to left thumbs

6. Clean the nail tips


Nurse: Excuse me grandma, would you like to tilt your body to the left side? I will clean and

put new sheets on.

Patient: Yes, you can

1. Take dirty linen and place it in the dirty basket, then disinfect the bed by spraying

disinfectant liquid on the bed, wait 1 until 2 minutes and clean with a clean cloth.
2. Lay the sheet with longitudinal folds that define the center line of the 2 beds

3. Insert the head sheet under the mattress approximately 25 cm then make a 45⁰ angle

4. Insert the foot sheet under the mattress and make a 45⁰ angle (insert the head sheet more

than the foot)

5. Insert the sheet from the side under the mattress (the side where the nurse is standing)

6. Place the sheet horizontally about 50 cm from the head line of the mattress as well as the

sheet cloth then insert them together under the mattress."

Nurse: Excuse me grandma, would you tilt to the right? I will clean and straighten the right

bed sheets.

Patient: Yes please

7. Finish the other side like the first side

Nurse: Excuse me, can grandma lift her head? I'll take Grandma's pillow and replace it with a

new pillowcase.

Patient: Yes, you can

8. Insert the pillow into the cover

9. Return the patient to bed

Nurse: Excuse me, would you like to lift her head please? I'll put the pillow down and you

can go back to sleep. Next, I'm going to assemble the blanket. Do you want to use a blanket?

Patient: Yes, I want to

10. Pick up dirty blankets. Then, replace it with a new blanket. Place the blanket about 25 cm

from the line of the mattress with the head then insert the feet under the mattress

11. Clean up the tools that have been used

12. Remove APD

13. Throw rubbish into medical waste

Nurse: Grandma, I have finished changing the bed sheets. How do you after I change the


Patient: I feel comfortable and the sheets look neat and clean

Nurse: Thank you for your cooperation, Grandma. Hopefully grandma gets well soon. If

grandma needs my help. Grandma can call me.

Nursing Assistant washes hands 6 steps

Perform nursing documentation.

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