Nhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in Educational Buildings
Nhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in Educational Buildings
Nhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in Educational Buildings
Associate Professor, School of Architecture and Design, K R Mangalam
University, Gurugram, Haryana, India,
e-mail: [email protected]
Gargi JHA
Architect, Studio. M, Sector 108, Gurugram, Haryana, India,
e-mail: [email protected]
• Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii • Vol. 15 • Nr. 2 • 2024
Enhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in
Arhitectură Educational Buildings • M. Samreen, G. Jha
• Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii • Vol. 15 • Nr. 2 • 2024
Identification and Approach refers to the These individuals are familiar with the
way people identify and approach a campus and its layout to some extent, but
space. This includes building signage and the wayfinding system makes it easier for
ground signage that can help people them to find their way around and locate
identify the location and entrance of a specific departments or buildings within
building (Caduff and Timpf, 2007). the campus. The secondary audience for
Circulation refers to the way people the wayfinding system includes visitors
move through a space. This includes the to the university, such as prospective
layout of the space, the pathways people students, parents, and members of the
take, and the architectural cues and signs community who attend events or
that help or hinder circulation. performances at the Allard Hall, building
Information refers to the signs and number eleven. These individuals may
displays that provide information about a not be familiar with the campus and its
space, including maps, directories, and layout, so the wayfinding system is
directional signs. Regulation refers to designed to be intuitive and easy to use,
safety and security considerations, providing clear directions and signage to
including fire exits and emergency help them find their way.
evacuation routes. To gain a deeper
understanding of wayfinding principles Allard Hall is situated at City Centre
and techniques, case studies have been Campus where 112 Street meets 104
conducted on complex, multi-functional Avenue. It offers information to current
buildings located in urban contexts with and prospective students, employees, and
diverse audiences. These case studies visitors and houses spaces such as a
analyze the four parameters of theatre of almost 400 plus seating
Enhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in
Arhitectură Educational Buildings • M. Samreen, G. Jha
• Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii • Vol. 15 • Nr. 2 • 2024
Fig. 2. Campus tour guide detailed parking map to help students and visitors with ease of transportation
access (Source: Author).
Fig. 3. The image displays sign types with descriptions and quantities, visualizing their placement in the
building for the user
(Behance, 2016).
Fig. 4. A comprehensive ground map of Allard Hall, MacEwan University had been made, showing the
different areas used by people to assess footfall density based on the size and function of the areas (Source:
Enhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in
Arhitectură Educational Buildings • M. Samreen, G. Jha
Fig. 5. By analyzing footfall density, the figure depicts the positions of emergency exits in a way that ensures
the efficient evacuation of users (Source: Author).
Fig. 6. Enhancing exit efficiency: assessing user footfall density to strategically design entry exits (Source:
Fig. 7. Based on the information provided by the ground map the figure depicts the various high and
medium user areas on campus, this graph shall be used to determine the best locations for signage (Source:
• Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii • Vol. 15 • Nr. 2 • 2024
Fig. 8a. The image depicts the campus's grand Fig. 8b. There are plenty of signage on metro
name (Source: Author). station. Signage at the entry gate, platforms and
gates to help with environmental awareness
(Source: Author).
Fig 9b. A color-coded campus map of the institution with various legends depicting all necessary points to
assist all users in finding their way around (IIT Delhi, 2018).
Enhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in
Arhitectură Educational Buildings • M. Samreen, G. Jha
• Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii • Vol. 15 • Nr. 2 • 2024
Table 1. Optimizing campus navigation: A case study on effective circulation, information, and regulation
strategies for improved wayfinding (Source: Author).
Case study MacEwan University, Centre for Culture and Case Study 2: Indian Institute of
Arts, Canada Technology, Delhi
Identification Big, bold signage: The value of large, bold signs was Prestigious reputation. Large and
and approach seen in the example of MacEwan University where it noticeable entrance. Good
served to not only provide guidance but also to give connectivity to public transportation
the wayfinding system a unique identity. By making (e.g., bus stops and metro stations).
navigation recognizable and interesting, this distinctive Visible college name tags for easy
brand improved user experience. Online tour guide: identification
An online tour guide can be a helpful resource for
people who are new to a campus or building.
Signage Map: Recognizing the importance of an
on-campus signage map requires delving into its
design specifics. Tailoring the map to user
preferences, integrating intuitive symbols, and
strategically placing it in high-traffic locations can
all considerably improve its usefulness.
Circulation Circulation tracings for four different personas Different routes for pedestrians, cyclists,
from both primary and secondary groups were and vehicles.
taken to identify clear and efficient routes, Allowance for private vehicles to enter
accessible pathways, and safety features. the campus, with designated parking
Signages placed all over the campus to aid the areas or zones. Signs and maps that
journey, including at building entrances, for clearly indicate the different routes and
wayfinding, parking, and transportation, and modes of transportation available
emergency and safety. within the campus.
Information The campus signages are designed to fit campus At IIT Delhi, the strategic use of symbols,
aesthetics while providing clear directions to help colors, and fonts improves wayfinding.
users reach their destinations. Exploring certain symbols and colors
The signages are easy to read and highly visible, that appeal to a wide range of age
making navigation around the campus easier and groups is critical for maximum efficacy.
more efficient.
Information kiosks are important, but
their impact can be increased by
emphasizing user-friendly maps,
informational booklets, and an
intuitively designed interface.
Regulations Heat maps: Consistent and prominent use of
Administrators can identify areas of congestion and directional signs throughout the
adjust traffic flow accordingly to improve efficiency. campus, with clear labels and arrows
Sensor technology: This can provide valuable data to indicating the direction of buildings,
help manage foot traffic and ensure the safety of facilities, and landmarks
individuals in the event of an emergency. Campus maps available at key
Clearly marked entries and exits: locations such as entrances,
Individuals are better able to navigate a space and information kiosks, and online
find their way to designated entry and exit points. platforms
Inferences The use of heat maps and sensor technology, The campus provides visitors with
along with clear marking of entries and exits, clear signage, multiple routes, and
helps to regulate the flow of people, ensuring accessible transportation options.
safety and efficient movement. Frequent directional signages would
Additionally, the use of visible signages and make navigation through the
information cues helps visitors navigate the space complex layout of the campus easier
with ease. Overall, these measures contribute to a
better experience for all users of the space.
Enhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in
Arhitectură Educational Buildings • M. Samreen, G. Jha
For example, younger individuals may The insights gained from our case studies
prefer visual or digital signage, while underscore the critical role of signage and
older individuals may prefer written or technology in the effectiveness of
colored signage. It's important to take wayfinding systems within educational
these preferences into account when buildings. Careful consideration of factors
designing a wayfinding system to ensure such as dimensions and materials is
that it is accessible and usable for all crucial when selecting signage for optimal
users (Kim et al., 2011). functionality. Considerations for effective
signage—dimensions, material, and
New technologies and innovative signage technology—should not only prioritize
have been helpful in improving functionality but also align with
wayfinding in buildings. However, there sustainable practices. Opting for eco-
is still room for improvement in building friendly materials, energy-efficient
design and natural wayfinding methods. technologies, and mindful design choices
Additionally, by adopting a user centric contributes not only to effective
approach the needs and preferences of navigation but also to a more
different user groups can be addressed in environmentally conscious approach in
developing more effective and inclusive the built environment. To bridge this gap,
wayfinding systems. we have derived a set of guidelines based
on our observations and analyses. These
4. Conclusion guidelines aim to provide practical
In the realm of wayfinding design, assistance in selecting appropriate signage
perception emerges as a fundamental and materials, while also emphasizing the
factor in enhancing the overall user integration of technology for a
experience. The research conducted on comprehensive wayfinding solution.
educational buildings has illuminated Creating effective signage is essential in
the pivotal role of thoughtful spatial environments where the spatial layout is
layout, effective signage, and user- complex and difficult to navigate. To
friendly technology in reducing ensure that signage is accessible and easy
confusion and promoting efficient. This to understand for all individuals, there are
study serves as a valuable guide for six practical guidelines that may be
educational institutions seeking to followed.
implement user-centric wayfinding
solutions that foster improved comfort, These guidelines are:
satisfaction, and well-being for students,
faculty, and visitors. The research has 1. Emphasize what is significant by using
led us to recognize the critical role of brighter colors, higher contrast with the
wayfinding systems in creating a background, and lighter to make
positive user experience. To build an important information stand out.
effective wayfinding system, it is
essential to address four primary factors: MacEwan University uses brightly
Identification and Approach, colored signs, such as at Allard Hall, to
Circulation, Regulation, and make critical areas stand out. Brighter
Information. We have found that colors and better contrast improve the
integrating signage and technology is a visual hierarchy, making critical
practical way to enhance these factors in information stand out for a more
university environments. successful wayfinding experience.
• Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii • Vol. 15 • Nr. 2 • 2024
Enhancing User Experience Through Wayfinding in
Arhitectură Educational Buildings • M. Samreen, G. Jha
• Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii • Vol. 15 • Nr. 2 • 2024
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