ICATCEM 2024 - Brochure KLUniversity
ICATCEM 2024 - Brochure KLUniversity
ICATCEM 2024 - Brochure KLUniversity
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6 authors, including:
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Dr. A. Senthil, HOD, CSE- Honors, KLEF Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India - 522 302 .
ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY as a platform for advancing Mathematical research but also Numerical Methods Operations Research
The KL College of Engineering was started in the academic offers an excellent opportunity for participants to grasp and Algorithms Probability and Statistics
year 1980-81 and achieved autonomous status in 2006. It was current research trends and update their expertise in their Fuzzy Algebra
conferred with Deemed to be University (Koneru Lakshmaiah respective areas of study. The conference will feature invited
Participants will get hands-on training for PYTHON
Education Foundation) status in the year 2009, under Section talks from researchers at renowned institutes, along with
PROGRAMMING to enhance their research skills in
3 of the UGC Act 1956. The University underwent assessment paper presentations.
Computational Engineering Mathematics.
by NAAC and was accredited for a period of five years from CALL FOR PAPERS
2018 to 2023, with a CGPA of 3.57 and an A++ grade. The IMPORTANT DATES
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished
University has been accorded with Category-1 status. KLEF Abstract Submission Deadline : 30.06.2024
research papers presenting innovative ideas on a wide range
has established an ecosystem to promote innovation, Acceptance of Abstract : 02.07.2024
of topics, including but not limited to: Analysis, Optimization,
including a centre for Innovation, Incubation and Fullpaper submission Deadline : 07.07.2024
ODE, PDE, Fractional Calculus, Dynamical Systems, Fuzzy Set
Entrepreneurship Development (CIIED), leading to start-ups in Theory, Fluid Dynamics, Graph Theory, Mathematical Last date for Registration : 08.07.2024
different disciplines. Through publishing in various national Modelling, Variational Inequalities (Inclusions), Fixed Point Conference Dates : 9th - 13th July, 2024
and international refereed journals, particularly in Scopus/SCI Theory, Numerical Methods and Algorithms, Neural Networks, REGISTRATION FEE
Indexed journals, research has taken a quantum leap Image Processing, and Cryptography. The acceptance of Participation only : ₹ 1000/-
towards improving its quality, resulting with good h-index. papers will be based on the recommendations of the peer Research Scholars : ₹ 1500/-
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT review committee, and authors will be notified accordingly. Faculty/Academician : ₹ 2000/-
The Department of Mathematics was established in 1980 and GUIDELINES FOR PAPER SUBMISSION Industry Persons : ₹ 2500/-
has strong support 100% Doctorate faculty. All the faculty Authors are requested to submit their original papers in IEEE Foreign Participants : 100 USD
members are highly qualified, motivated and specialized in format (not previously published or presented) in either Registration Link: https://forms.gle/HdudpuqPU5mBH1CbA
various areas of Mathematics. The department focuses on Word or PDF format. Participants are requested to upload MODE OF PAYMENT
Pure and Applied Mathematics to cater the professional their abstract in registration form. Account Name : Registrar KLEF
needs of students from varied backgrounds. The department Conference E-Mail: [email protected] Account Number : 62275955808
offers PG Program in M.Sc Applied Mathematics,
PUBLICATION Bank : State Bank of India
Computational Mathematics and Ph.D. research programs.
The proceedings containing the abstracts of all accepted Branch : Vaddeswaram
The department also offers courses for students majoring in
papers will be released on the first day of ICATCEM-2024 with IFSC Code : SBIN0021361
Science, Engineering, Commerce, Pharmacy, Law, Arts,
ISBN number. Furthermore, all selected papers will undergo ACCOMMODATION
Architecture, Agriculture and Business Administration. The
peer review by experts in specialized areas. All accepted papers Accommodation may be provided for the limited
curriculum has been designed with an emphasis on the
will be published in Scopus, WOS journals according to their participants will be arranged inside the campus on payment
concepts of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with their
preferences. Journals will be listed in the conference website basis with prior request.
applications and coding. The faculty members regularly
along with article processing charges . KEYNOTE SPEAKERS
attend seminars, workshops and conferences to keep
themselves updated with the latest research inputs and The conference focuses on a diverse range of research Dr. Paul Samuel Francis, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya
efficient classroom management techniques that meet the fields, including but not limited to: Dr. Suresh Rasappan, UTAS, Ibri, Oman
challenges of a fast-changing technical world. Differential Equations and Stability Analysis Dr. Sathiyaraj Thambiayya, USCI University, Malaysia
Dynamical Systems Fluid Dynamics Dr. Ramesh Kasilingam, IIT Madras, India
Mathematical Modelling Fuzzy Set Theory Dr. Debopriya Mukherjee, IIT Indore, India
The conference aims to bring together academicians,
Analysis and Optimization Dr. Ayyapan Srinivasan, IIT Hyderabad, India
scientists, researchers, engineers, and industrialists to share Image and Signal
Dr. R. Sivaraj, NIT Jalandhar, India
their experiences, current research findings, and innovations Fixed Point Theory Processing
Dr. K. Palpandi, NIT Calicut, India
in the field of Applied Mathematics. This event not only serves Control Theory Graph Theory
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