Prospectus 2022-23 - Website

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All India Rank

GPAT 2022

Gold Medal
National Shooting


(Established under Act 07 of 2008, Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
The First University dedicated to the Pharmaceutical Sciences in India
Incorporating it’s constituent Institute

General Council Board of Governors

Sh. Vinai K. Saxena Dr. Shridhar Prof. Ramesh K. Dr. Shridhar Dwivedi Prof. Ramesh K. Prof. Viswamohan
Chairman & Chancellor Dwivedi Goyal Chairman Goyal Katoch

Prof. C. R. Babu Dr. Rajeev Singh Sh. Pankaj Prof. Arun K. Dr. Rajesh Prof. K. C. Dr. A. C. Verma
Raghuvanshi Ramanbhai Patel Agarwal Jain Upadhyay IAS

Dr. A. C. Verma Ms. Alice Vaz R Prof. P. K. Sahoo Dr. O. P. Shukla Ms. Alice Vaz R Prof. P. K. Sahoo Prof. Geeta Dr. O. P. Shukla
IAS IAS IAS Aggarwal

Academic Council Finance Commi ee

Prof. Ramesh K. Prof. N. Udupa Dr. Saroj Prof. Surender

Goyal, Chairman Chooramani Gopal Singh Prof. Ramesh K. Prof. Viswamohan Prof. Arun K.
Goyal, Chairman Katoch Agarwal

Dr. Rajiv Gula Prof. P. K. Sahoo Prof. Geeta Prof. Rajiv Tonk

Dr. A. C. Verma Ms. Alice Vaz R


Prof. Harvinder Dr. Jaseela Majeed Dr. Shilpa Jain Prof. Sharad
Popli Wakode

Sh. Ranjeet Kumar Dr. O. P. Shukla

Prof. Richa Rai Prof. Ajay Sharma Dr. R. C. Khatri Dr. O. P. Shukla


Patron Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal
Vice Chancellor
Chairpersons Prof. P. K. Sahoo 1. Vision, Mission & Objec ves 2
Offg. Director
Dr. O. P. Shukla
2. From the Vice Chancellor's desk 3
Chief Admission Officer Prof. Rajiv Kumar Tonk
Administra on Officer Mrs. Nisha
3. Milestones & Fact Sheet 4
Post Graduate Courses
Admission Officers Dr. Meenakshi K. Chauhan 4. Programs offered by the University 5
Mrs. Manju Vyas Singh
Members Dr. Rajani Mathur
Dr. Mukesh Nandave 5. University units & facili es 6
Dr. Minakshi Garg
Dr. Sheetal Kalra
Dr. Sachin Kumar 6. Faculty and Staff 7
Dr. Suraj Pal Verma
Dr. Amanpreet Kaur
Dr. Sumit Sharma 7. Courses offered & Seats 12
Dr. Anoop Kumar
Dr. Abhishek Dadhich
Dr. Sheetal Yadav 8. Admission requirement 16
Dr. Arya Lakshmi
Dr. Ravinder Kumar
Dr. Sa sh Manchanda 9. How to Apply 34
Member Secretary Dr. Anubha Agrawal

Undergraduate & Diploma Courses

10. Guidance for the candidates 34
Admission Officers Dr. Prabodh Chander
Dr. Mahaveer Dhobi
Members Dr. Madhu Gupta 11. Reserva ons 36
Dr. Puneeta Ajmera
Dr. Ajit Kumar Thakur
Dr. Swaminathan 12. Fee structure 41
Dr. Sahil Kumar
Dr. Vijender Kumar
Dr. Sapna Dhiman
13. Discipline and An -Ragging policy 44
Dr. K. Praveen
Dr. Pri Jain
Dr. Varsha Chorsiya
Dr. Devesh Tewari 14. Placements 2021-2022 46
Dr. Pooja Mongia Raj
Dr. Sakshi Bajaj
Dr. Dalapathi Gugulothu 15. Annexure: I to IX 49
Ms. Megha S. Chaudhary
Member Secretary Mr. Aditya Kaushik
Hostel Admission Mrs. Manju Vyas Singh 16. Schedule of admission 56
Dr. J. Swaminathan
Dr. Madhu Gupta
Computer Assistants Mr. Rahul Prasad
Ms. Sukri Garg


• To be the ul mate des na on for • To develop core competency in pharmaceu cal sector
educa on, training and research in and contribute in building leaders, administrators and
pharmaceu cal sciences and allied personnel who can take up responsibili es as
areas and thereby, Cater to the health pharmaceu cal science professionals, appropriate for
needs of the people at large. community, ins tu ons and industries on health and
management related fields.

• To have a comprehensive, mul disciplinary ins tute for learning and research with holis c
approach in pharmaceu cal and sciences
• To provide infrastructure and research facili es for the dissemina on of the advanced knowledge to
the students in various branches of pharmaceu cal sciences through innova ve teaching-learning
processes with inter- disciplinary approach such that they propagate their wisdom to acquire all
kinds of knowledge and generate new ideas
• To educate and train manpower for the development of the country and establish linkages with
industries for the promo on of science and technology through several health-related courses in
MLT, GNM and X-Ray Technology
• To cul vate the spirit of embracing interna onalism/ diversity and compe veness/ compe on
amongst students such that novel and crea ve ideas are harnessed, leading to unique discoveries
and inven ons, for the advantage of society at large

• Curricular Designing : Unique Courses with Global Thinking & Local Needs
• Teaching Learning Process: Pedagogy with Par cipa ve Learning
• Research & Innova on : Research Excellence with Innova on & Incuba on
• Infrastructure: Ambience for Rigorous Learning
• Student Progression : Encaging the Dreams by Job Crea on
• Governance: Leadership without Power & Power without Hierarchy
• Best Prac ces: Integra on of Yoga, Sports & Physiotherapy educa on for holis c development
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Reaching the community for Health Awareness ¼yksdk% leLrk% lqf[kuks HkoUrq½


Welcome to
the Centre of Learning for Pharmaceu cal and Health Sciences
Delhi Pharmaceu cal Sciences & Research University
Pharmaceu cal and allied health sciences, the world's saviour in the me of Post-Covid
era has opened several opportuni es of educa on. This includes not only pharmacy
courses for new drug discovery and innova ons but also diagnos cs, health services and
management at the society level. Delhi Pharmaceu cal Sciences and Research University,
the First Pharmacy University of India and third in the World, started in the last academic
sessions to D. Pharm., M. Pharm., BPT, B. Sc. (Sports), MBA, MHA, MPH. In 2020-21, new
courses started like PG Diploma in Clinical research with Apollo Hospital Research &
Educa on (AHRE), Execu ve M. Pharm. (Drug Regulatory Science); MBA (Interna onal Pharma Management);
BBA (Healthcare); MPT (Sports Medicine); B. Pharm (Ayurveda); PG Diploma in Tissue Culture; M.Sc. (Ar ficial
Intelligence in Medicine); DMLT; BMLT; Diploma in Medita on and Yoga and new skill development courses in
Medicine Management. This year we are introducing addi onally MBA Healthcare & Hospital Management, B.
Sc. (Nursing) and B. Sc. (Biomedical Sciences), MPT in Cardio-Thoracic Medicine and Paediatrics. Cer ficate
program in yoga sciences and DMYS got a grand success in launching Yoga at the level of public at large.
The academic session 2022-23 has been vibrant and full of landmarks achievements. Consistently for the
second me the First All India rank in Graduate Pharmacy Ap tude in Test (GPAT) was from DPSRU with over 70
candidates qualified. On 22nd December we had the 4th Convoca on of our University with Dr. Somani, DCGI,
CDSCO as the Chief Guest.
DPSRU thrives to create the state-of-the-art infrastructure research facili es. Besides unique Ocular
Pharmacology lab, Clinical research, Herbal Technology and Nanotechnology Centers, it has come up with
BioNest Bioincubator Center of DBT-BIRAC, Precision Medicine & Pharmacy, Center of DKDF, Govt. of Delhi and
Centre for Advanced Formula on Technologies of DSIR-CRTDS, Govt. of India and DST-FIST, New Delhi. This has
enabled the University to establish linkages with industries for the promo on of science and currently, the
University has more than 35 MoUs signed with Na onal Government ins tu ons and Pharma Industry. The
University is collabora ng with ins tu ons from countries like the UK, West Indies, Portugal, Philippines,
Malaysia, Thailand and even China.
DPSRU con nues to have a focus for research and innova on. Our faculty members published over 300
research papers, could get patents granted as well as filed in good number. Two more facul es got in to the list
of top 2% scien sts. The number of regular faculty number has been now doubled. Now we have over 80 full
me regular facul es. In addi on to academic ac vi es, several workshops, seminars and guest lectures were
organized. Our University con nues to have strong e ups with industry. Innova ve products are being
developed. Research, innova on and incuba on have been a priority of our university.
Our University has been thriving for the quality educa on and welfare of the students. We have now over 150
Ph.D. students and more importantly one third come with Govt scholarships from agencies like ICMR, DST, CSIR
etc and an equal number ge ng collabora on and aid with research centres like DRDO, THISTI, IPC and pharma
With prayers to the almighty to keep our mentors of the university, teaching and non-teaching staff and alumni
I acknowledge their constant support. I welcome the aspirants to have a dis nct career in the field of health
sciences including pharmacy and pharmaceu cal sciences.
Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal,
Vice Chancellor


B. Sc. (Nursing) * • Act 7 of 2008 Passed by the State Legislature
B. Sc. (Biomedical 2021
MPT (Cardiovascular DMLT, BMLT, BBA, B. Pharm. (Ayu.), of Delhi as a State University No. F14(16)LA-
and Pulmonary) * MBA (Interna onal Trade Management),
MPT (Pediatrics) *
Execu ve M. Pharm. (Drug Regulatory
Science), PG Diploma in Plant Tissue
2008/Law/134-143 dated 24th October 2008
Cer ficate Courses : NGS & its Culture. M. Sc. (Ar ficial Intelligence
Applica on, in Medicine). MPT (Sports Medicine)
Quality Assurance of
Biopharmaceu cals
Centre for Medita on and Yoga Sciences
• Establishment Date declared as 1st February
(No. F. 2(412) / 2008 / SB / Vol. II / 71) dated
PG Diploma in Clinical Research 21.01.2010.
M.Sc. (Sports Science)

WCSC Cer ficate Courses • The University was made func onal by
no fica on on 24th July 2015 with Prof.

M. Pharm. in Biotechnology Shyam Sunder Agrawal appointed as the

Cosmeceu cs
Industrial Pharmacy interim Vice Chancellor
Pharm. Analysis
B. Sc (Sports Science)
2016 DIIF
1. B. Pharm • UGC No fica on F.9-19/2015/(CPP-I/PU)
2. M. Pharm - 8 Subjects
3. MBA dated 22nd September 2015 recognized under
4. MPH
5. Cer ficate Course in Yoga 2015 2f empowering to award degrees specified
Admission started in various
courses of Pharmacy and
Physiotherapy in DPSRU
under sec on 22 of the University.
in August 2015

• Appointment of the First Regular Vice

Chancellor : Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal on 26th
Enacted as Delhi Pharmaceu cal
Sciences and Research University August, 2016
(DPSRU) on 11th September, 2008

• First Statutes : Published (17/01/2018)

Upgraded to Delhi
Ins tute of • PCI Approval : upto 2021
Pharmaceu cal
Sciences and
Research (DIPSAR)
• DCPTOT Approval : upto 2021

• AICTE Approval : upto 2022

Moved to the Present
Loca on at Pushp Vihar • WCSC Centre : 2019

• DBT-BIRAC-BIONEST Centre : 2019

Converted into the
• Precision Medicine Centre : 2021
college of Pharmacy and
transferred to PUSA
Polytechnic building under
Delhi University with induc on
of B. Pharm course

1964 • Centre for Medita on and Yoga Sciences :

Founded as Department
of Pharmacy with a 2021
DIPLOMA in Pharmacy
Course at Kashmiri
Gate Polytechnic
• An ISO 9001-2015 cer fited University





• D. Pharm. •• DMLT
• B. Pharm. • BMLT

• B. Pharm. (Ayu.) • B. Sc. (Hons.) in Sports Sciences

• B. Pharm. (Lateral entry) • B. Sc. (Biomedical Sciences)

• M. Pharm. in Pharmaceu cal Chemistry • B. Sc. (Nursing)*

• M. Pharm. in Pharmaceu cs PROGRAMS OPEN TO BASIC SCIENCE (B.

• M. Pharm. in Pharmacology MEDICAL SCIENCES {BDS, B. Sc.
• M. Pharm. in Quality Assurance (NURSING), BPT, MBBS}

• M. Pharm. in Clinical Research • Masters in Public Health (MPH)

• M. Pharm. in Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy • MBA-Healthcare & Hospital Management

• M. Pharm. in Cosmeceu cs
• M. Sc. Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine
• M. Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Affairs
• M. Sc. Sports Sciences
• M. Pharm. in Industrial Pharmacy
• M. Pharm. in Pharmaceu cal Analysis
• BBA-Health Care
• M. Pharm. in Pharmaceu cal Biotechnology
• MBA-Interna onal Trade Management (MBA-
• M. Pharm. in Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry
• Execu ve M. Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science
• MBA-Pharmaceu cal Management (MBA-PM)
• PG Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture
• DPSRU-AHERF PG Diploma in Clinical Research
(PGDCR) • Medicine Management

• Sports Assessment & Yoga Applica on

MEDICAL SCIENCES • Beauty Wellness Consultant
• BPT • N ex t G e n e ra o n S e q u e n c i n g a n d i t s
• MPT (Sports Medicine) applica ons

• MPT (Pediatrics) * • Quality Assurance of Biopharmaceu cals

*Subject to approval from the respec ve council
• MPT (Cardiovascular and Pulmonary) *



1. Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Infrastructure

Research (DIPSAR) • Land Area: 10.36 acre
2. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences • Mul media enabled Class Rooms
• State-of-art Laboratory
3. School of Allied Health Sciences and
Management • Central Animal House
• Rain Water Harves ng system
4. School of Physiotherapy
• Informa on Technology Centre
5. Academy of Sports Sciences Research and • Museum
Management (ASSRM) • Auditorium

6. DPSRU Innovation and Incubation Foundation • Incuba on Centre

(DIIF) • Well Stocked Library
• Central Instrumenta on Laboratory (CIL)
7. Yoga and Fitness Centre
• Food Court
8. World Class Skill Centre, DTTE, New Delhi • Staff Quarters
9. DPSRU Bioincubator centre • Guest House (India Interna onal Hospitality Centre)
• Gymnasium
10. Centre for Meditation and Yoga Sciences
• Physiotherapy & General OPD
• Clinical Research
• Mother Dairy Booth


The university is commi ed to achieving/accomplishing new benchmarks with global standards/ideals of excellence in
the field of Pharmaceu cal Science and Technology, Management and Allied health care areas by dissemina ng
knowledge through cu ng-edge research, educa on and innova on.
1) Ocular Pharmacology
2) Clinical Research (BA/BE Centre)
3) Advanced Herbal Drug Formula on & Technology
4) Bio Nest Centre
6) Nanotechnology
7) Drug Discovery Centre
8) Precision Medicine Centre
9) Centre for Medita on & Yoga Sciences
10) Pharmacovigilance and Outcome Research



Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal, Vice Chancellor
Dr. O.P. Shukla, Registrar
Prof. Prabhat K. Sahoo, Dean (Research and Development)
Prof. Geeta Aggarwal, Dean (Academics)
Prof. Rajiv Kumar Tonk, Dean (Student's Welfare)


SCIENCES AND RESEARCH Mrs. Manju Vyas Associate Professor
Prof. Prabhat. K. Sahoo, Offg. Director Dr. Sakshi Bajaj* Lecturer
DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICS / HOSPITAL Other contractual / part- me temporary faculty
Dr. Himanshu Dr. Varun Sharma
Prof. Prabhat K. Sahoo Professor
Prof. Meenakshi K. Chauhan Professor Prof. Harvinder Popli, Director
Mr. Bhag Chand Lecturer (Sel. Grade) DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY/
Dr. Gaurav K. Jain Associate Professor BIOTECHNOLOGY
Dr. Pooja Mongia Raj Assistant Professor Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal Vice Chancellor
Dr. Dalapathi Gugulothu Assistant Professor Dr. Mukesh Nandave Associate Professor
Dr. Sa sh Manchanda* Lecturer Dr. Ajit Kumar Thakur Assistant Professor
Dr. Anshul* Assistant Professor Dr. Aparna Chowdhary* Assistant Professor
Prof. Dharam Pal Pathak Professor AFFAIRS
Prof. Sharad R. Wakode Professor Prof. Harvinder Popli Professor
Mrs. Amrita Parle Lecturer (Sel. Grade) Prof. Geeta Aggarwal Professor
Dr. Ramesh Bodla Lecturer (Sr. Scale) Dr. Sushama Talegaonkar Associate Professor
Dr. Saurabh Dahiya Associate Professor
Dr. Madhu Gupta Associate Professor
Dr. Sahil Kumar Assistant Professor
Dr. Minakshi Garg Associate Professor
Dr. Himangini* Lecturer
Dr. Amanpreet Kaur Assistant Professor
Dr. Nee ka Sharma* Assistant Professor
Dr. Sumit Sharma Assistant Professor
Dr. Ruhi Ali* Assistant Professor
Dr. Foziyah Zakir* Assistant Professor
RESEARCH Dr. Bhara Mangla* Assistant Professor

Dr. Rajani Mathur Associate Professor Dr. Mamta Bishnoi* Assistant Professor
Dr. S. Latha Lecturer (Sr. Scale) Dr. Sharmistha Mohapatra* Assistant Professor
Dr. Sachin Kumar Assistant Professor Temporary Part-Time Faculty
Dr. Anoop Kumar Assistant Professor Dr. Varsha Pradhan *Contractual / Temporary



Prof. Rajiv Kumar Tonk Professor
Prof. Richa H Rai Professor
Dr. Prabodh Chander Associate Professor
Dr. Shilpa Jain (P.T.) Associate Professor
Dr. Pri Jain Assistant Professor
Dr. Sheetal Kalra (P.T.) Associate Professor
Dr. Suraj Pal Verma Assistant Professor
Dr. Parul Sharma (P.T.) Assistant Professor
Dr. K. Praveen Kumar Assistant Professor
Dr. Sapna Dhiman (P.T.) Assistant Professor
Dr. Kalicharan Sharma* Assistant Professor
Dr. Neha Kumari (P.T.) Assistant Professor
Dr. Archana Sharma* Assistant Professor
Dr. Tabussum Saher (P.T.) Assistant Professor
PHYTOCHEMISTRY Dr. Varsha Chorsiya Assistant Professor
Prof. Ajay Sharma Professor Dr. Ravinder Kumar (P.T.) Assistant Professor
Dr. Mahaveer Dhobi Associate Professor Dr. Savita Tamaria (P.T.) Assistant Professor
Dr. Vijender Kumar Assistant Professor Dr. Jitender Munjal (P.T.)* Assistant Professor
Dr. Devesh Tewari Assistant Professor Temporary part- me faculty
Dr Arya Lakshmi Marise Assistant Professor Dr. Anil Sabharwal Dr. HershaVij
Other contractual/part- me temporary faculty Dr. Madhurima Roy Dr. Poonam Dimri
Dr. Saveena Chauhan Mrs. Laxmi Rathore Dr. Vikram


SCHOOL OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal Chairperson
AND MANAGEMENT Dr. O. P. Shukla Registrar

Dr. Jaseela Majeed, Head Dr. Madhu Gupta COO

Mrs. Meghna A. Singh* Faculty
Prof. A. K. Uppal Dr. Meera Sood
Dr. Jaseela Majeed Associate Professor
Dr. Puneeta Ajmera Associate Professor DPSRU INNOVATION AND INCUBATION
Dr. J. Swaminathan Assistant Professor FOUNDATION
Dr. Sheetal Yadav Assistant Professor Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal Chairman & Director
Dr. Abhishek Dadhich Assistant Professor Dr. O. P. Shukla Director
Ms. Rakhi Ahuja* Assistant Professor Prof. Harvinder Popli Director
Dr. Ramsha Iqbal* Assistant Professor Prof. Geeta Aggarwal Director
Dr. S. Sivakalai* Assistant Professor Mr. Navin Kumar Gaur Chief Execu ve Officer
Dr. Sarika Singh* Assistant Professor Ms. Manjali Goswami* Assistant Manager
Dr. Einstein Charles R.* Assistant Professor (Admin & Opr.)
Dr. Piyush Mishra* Assistant Professor Mr. Raj Kumar* Lab technician
Temporary Part-Time Faculty Mr. Yashwant* MTS
Ms. Abhilasha Abhay Gupta Dr. Vijay Wadhwa
Mr. Rupender* MTS
Dr. Priyanka Dadhich Dr. Gayatri
*Contractual / Temporary


PRECISION MEDICINE CENTRE Computer Staff and Data Entry Operators

Dr. Subodh Kumar Research Associate Ms. Jyo Baisla Ms. Anjali Singh*
Dr. Ruchika Sharma Research Associate Mr. Pankaj* Mr. Vikram Singh*
Ms. Keer Maheshwari JRF Mr. Vikas Yadav* Ms. Saroj*
YOGA AND FITNESS CENTRE Mr. Sahil* Ms. Pritha Sarkar (PRO)*
Dr. Shilpa Jain Coordinator LIBRARY STAFF
Sh. C. P. Ray* Acharya Mr. S. Sengupta Librarian
MEDICAL UNIT Ms. Yogita Ahuja Assistant Librarian
Dr. Priyanka Sonam Medical officer Ms. Sarita Rani Library A endant
Dr. Manju Vatsa* Consultant Ms. Namrata* Library A endant
Ms. Suhasini D Nurse Ms. Divya Kushwaha* Library Assistant
Ms. Shivani Du * Hospital Liasoning Officer EXAMINATION SECTION
Mr. Jiledar* (A nd.) Mr. Naresh Kumar* (A nd.) Dr. Ramchander Khatri Ass . Controller, Exam
Mr. Hussain Alam* Consultant
Mr. Rohit Singh Naruka* Mr. Lakshay Dahiya*
Ms. Nisha Assistant Registrar
Mr. Gaurav Kumar*
Mr. Ranjit Kumar Sr. Accounts Officer
Mr. Dhruv Arora AAO
Mr. Aditya Kaushik Sec on officer
Mr. Denesh Ms. Deepali
Mr. Pankaj Kumar OSD to VC
Mr. Mohit Mr. Sujoy Robinson
Dr. Anubha Agarwal* Assistant Registrar (Acad)
Mr. Ramji Lal Ms. Neeta Rathore
Mr. Harish Meghwani* Assistant Registrar
Mr. Javed Akhtar Ms. Shalini Pathania
Mr. Devesh Trivedi* Consultant (Recruitment
Mr. Ram Kumar Mr. Devender Kumar
& Establishment)
Mr. Rajesh Rawal* Consultant (Purchase and
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Ms. Divya Bhardwaj
Mr. Avinash Bansal* Mr. Ja n Gautam*
Mr. Rakesh Chhabra* Consultant (Estate
Mr. Mohd. Firdos* Ms. Kashish*
Mr. Amit Mehto*
Mr. S. S. Mathur* Consultant
Mr. Man Singh Student Sec on
Ms. Bimla Rawat* Store Keeper
Mr. Kirshan Kumar EPBAX Operator
Mr. Jitender Shiwach* Boys Hostel Matron
Mr. Nishant Kaushik Jr. Steno
Mrs. Prem Lata* Girls Hostel Matron
Mr. Ankur Ravi* Junior Engineer
Mr. Kaushal Kishor* Mr. Priyadarshee Pathak*
Mr. Rahul (Dealing Assist. Cum MTS)
Mr. Naresh* Mr. Manish*
Mr. Hemant Kumar Driver
Mr. Gaurav* Mr. Deepak*
Mr. Yogesh Kumar* Mr. Sunil Meena*
Ms. Lata Du Mr. Shresth Bagga
Mr. Ranjit Paswan* Mr. Sajan Singh*
Mr. Arun K. Sharma Mr. Mohd. Rizwan
Mr. Jasbir Singh* Mr. Sandeep*
Mr. Rajesh Kumar (Accounts Clerk)
Mr. Gaurav Kumar* Mr. Vikas*
*Contractual / Temporary



Dr. Anshul Bagai, Director Mr. Sachin Satyarthi Ms. Supriya Singh
Dr. A. K. Uppal Sr. Professor
Mr. Deepanshu Ms. Harsha Choudhary
Mr. M. P. S. Bisht Head of Development &
Marke ng Program Ms. Neha Rathi Mr. Shiv Shankar

Mr. Ravi Shankar Head of Administra on Ms. Sukri Garg Ms. Komal
Dr. Gagandeep Kaur Assistant Professor Ms. Tanya Arora Mr. Shani Kumar Mishra
Ms. Amandeep Kaur Assistant Professor Mr. Mohd. Hasim Ansari Mr. Jaikant Dahaliya
Ms. Sonia Assistant Professor Mr. Ni sh Arora Mr. Gagan Kumar
Mr. Baljinder Singh Assistant Professor Mr. Aaman Kumar Mr. Gaurav Prasad Ram
Ms. Sakshi Sudha Assistant Professor Ms. Shweta Rana Ms. Sonali Chopra
Mr. Nihal Assistant Professor Mr. Amit Mr. Sunil Kumar
Mr. Piyush Negi Assistant Professor Lab Assistant
Ms. Megha S. Chaudhary Admission Counsellor
Mr. Tushal Mr. Kuldeep
Mr. Kumar Goyal Research Execu ve
Ms. Deewangi Mr. Ajit Kumar
Ms. Khushboo Sr. Execu ve HR
Mr. Rohit Mr. Mohd Akram
Mr. Pawan Kumar Pandey Execu ve Accounts
Mr. Shareen Malik Mr. Yogesh Kumar
Mr. Deepak Kumar Sr. Admin. Execu ve
Mr. Ayush Sharma Admin. Execu ve Lab A endant

CENTRE FOR MEDITATION Mr. Lalan Kumar Singh Mr. Ajay Sachdeva

AND YOGA SCIENCES Mr. Maanik Chaudhary Mr. Pawan Biduri

Dr. Shilpa Jain (P.T.) Honorary Director Mr. Manish Mr. Tarun Sharma

Mr. Amresh Jha Senior Consultant Mr. Tej Bahadur Singh Mr. Manoj Kumar
Mr. Kamlesh Mishra Consultant Mr. Rahul Prasad
Ms Alisha Gupta Junior Consultant MTS
Dist- Coordinator Mr. Amit Kumar Mr. Sunil Kumar
Ms. Bhawna Kalra Ms. Vandana Mr. Ranjeet Kumar Ms. Dhaneshwari
Mr. Mayank Sharma Ms. Shalini Jha Mr. Rahul Mr. Aman Kumar
Mr. Pra ma Dawar Mr. Rahul Kumar Mishra Mr. Jai Bhagwan Mr. Neeraj
Ms. Rekha Rani Mr. Chandan K. Satyarthi Mr. Deepak Yadav Mr. Vijay Kumar
Mr. Durga Nand Durge
Mr. Manoj Kumar Mr. Ni n Sharma
Other Staff
Mr. Surya Prasad Regmi Mr. Ritesh Kumar
Mr. Deepak Chopra UDC
Mr. Ja n Kumar Mr. Ankush Arya
Mr. Navdeep Sharma Tally Operator
Ms. Shivani Ms. Hemani
Ms. Seema Dwivedi Ms. Madhvi Singh Ms. Anupama Bha Telephone Operator

Ms. Madhu Kumari Ms. Tammana Ms. Radhika Arora Enquiry Assistant
Mr. Atul Singh Mr. Pri sh Maurya Mr. Rahul Kainth Office Execu ve
Mr. Sachendra Shrivastava Mr. Rajesh Kumar
Part Time-yoga Instructors
Ms. Sudha*
*Contractual / Temporary


MoU’s & Collabora ons : 2021-22

DPSRU signed MoU with THSTI for Drug Discovery MoU signing ceremony of DPSRU with G. B. Pant
and Transla onal Research Program Hospital held on June 3, 2022
on September 9, 2021

MoU signing ceremony of DPSRU with MoU signing ceremony with Zeon Pharmaceu cal
Na onal Ins tute of Biologicals (NIB), held on March 3, 2022
May 18, 2022

School of Physiotherapy and School of Allied health MoU with Na onal Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
Sciences signed MOU with special Olympics Bharat, and Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission,
March 10, 2022 February 24, 2022


All courses of D. Pharm., B. Pharm., M. Pharm. and Ph. D. have approval from PCI & AICTE, No. 124DL-7/2021-2022, PCI-417 & No. North-
West/19318549191/2021/EOA, respec vely for DIPSAR and No. 125DL-7/2021-2022, PCI-418 &No. North-West/1-9318051971/2021/EOA, respec vely
for SPS, DPSRU. Other courses of M. Pharm. (Cosmeceu cs), Execu ve M. Pharm (Drug Regulatory Science) and School of Allied Health Science &
Management have approval from Board of Governors. Courses of BPT are having NOC from DCPT & OT (Le er No. DH & FW-E/28/2016-P and R-Secy (H&FW)
Maximum Alloca on of Seats
Diploma / Undergraduates Dura on Approved
Programmes Delhi Non-Delhi
Intake Defence
Bachelor of Pharmacy
8 Semesters 100 41 12 06 22 8 11 2 1 1 5
(B. Pharm.) DIPSAR

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.)

6 Semesters 10 5# 1# 0# 2# 1 2** 0 0 0 0
3rd Semester-Lateral Entry* (DIPSAR)

Diploma in Pharmacy 2 Years

(+500 hrs. 120 49 15 7 26 10 13 3 1 2 6
(D. Pharm.) 1st Year (DIPSAR)
Bachelor of Pharmacy
8 Semesters 60 24 7 4 13 5 7 1 1 1 3
(B. Pharm.) (SPS)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) # # #
6 Semesters 6 3 1 0 1 0 1** 0 0 0 0
3rd Semester-Lateral Entry* (SPS)

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Ayurveda)

8 Semesters 40 16 5 2 9 3 5 1 0 1 2
(B. Pharm. Ayu.)

DIPSAR : Delhi Ins tute of Pharmaceu cal Sciences and Research; SPS : School of Pharmaceu cal Sciences
* Addi onal seats will be available, if there is vacancy due to drop out of the candidate in B. Pharm. 1st or 2nd Semester. The announcement of addi onal
number of these seats shall be declared on or before the display of merit list for LE candidates which shall be final and binding. Reserva on will be exactly as
per the category in which vacancy has occurred. #These seats are only for DPSRU Students.** This seat for non-DPSRU Students. $There shall be 10% of total
seats for each course under EWS reserva on seats. They will be in addi on to the total approved intake (i.e., supernumerary).
Note : OBC category reserva on exists based on Govt. of NCT of Delhi. In case of unavailability of candidate for Defence category, the seats to be filled by
General Category Candidates of Delhi category.
Alloca on of Seats
Postgraduate Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Delhi Delhi Non-
Intake Defence $ DPSRU
M. Pharm. (DIPSAR)
Quality Assurance 4 Semesters 18 5 2 1 4 3 0 0 1 2 2
Clinical Research 4 Semesters 8 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Pharmaceu cal Chemistry 4 Semesters 8 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Pharmaceu cs 4 Semesters 8 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Pharmacology 4 Semesters 8 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy 4 Semesters 5 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
M. Pharm. (School of Pharmaceu cal Sciences)
Cosmeceu cs 4 Semesters 10 4 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Drug Regulatory Affairs 4 Semesters 15 5 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 2 1
Industrial Pharmacy 4 Semesters 15 5 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 2 1
Pharmaceu cal Analysis 4 Semesters 15 5 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 2 1
Pharmaceu cal Biotechnology 4 Semesters 15 5 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 2 1
Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry

4 Semesters 15 5 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 2 1
PG Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture 1 Year 15 5 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 2 1
Execu ve M. Pharm. (Drug Regulatory Science)
Candidates serving in Government
Organiza ons such as CDSCO / IPC / 12 4 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 1 1
STATE FDCA / FSSI / NADA etc. 2 Years
Pharmaceu cal industry sponsored 08 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Scholarship for M. Pharm. in Cosmeceu cs and Execu ve M. Pharm. (Drug Regulatory Science) is not available.


Alloca on of Seats
Undergraduate Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Defence
Intake $
DMLT 2 Years 60 24 7 4 13 5 7 1 1 1 3
BMLT 3 Years 60 24 7 4 13 5 7 1 1 1 3
BBA (Healthcare)£ 3 Years 40 16 5 2 9 3 5 1 0 1 2
B. Sc. (Biomedical Sciences) 3 Years 40 16 5 2 9 3 5 1 0 1 2

Alloca on of Seats
Postgraduate Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Delhi$ Delhi
Intake Defence EWS Non-
MBA (Healthcare & Hospital Management)€ 4 Semesters 30 10 3 2 5 4 0 0 2 3 4
Masters in Public Health 4 Semesters 10 4 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
MBA (Pharmaceu cal Management)Ѱ 4 Semesters 30 10 3 2 5 4 0 0 2 3 4
MBA (Interna onal Trade Management) 4 Semesters 30 10 3 2 5 4 0 0 2 3 4
M. Sc. (Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine) 4 Semesters 15 5 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 2 1

Alloca on of Seats
Maximum Delhi
Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Defence Non-

Intake DPSRU
Bachelor of Sports Science (BSS) 6 Semesters 60 24 7 4 13 5 7 1 1 1 3 0
Master of Sports Science (MSS) 4 Semesters 20 7 2 1 4 2 3 0 0 0 1 2

• $There shall be 10% of total seats for each course under EWS reserva on seats. They will be in addi on to the total approved intake (i.e., supernumerary).
• There is no Scholarship in the newly introduced postgraduate programme i.e., PG Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture, MBA (Interna onal Trade Management), M. Sc. (Ar ficial Intelligence
in Medicine), MBA (Healthcare & Hospital Management), MPT and Execu ve M. Pharm. (Drug Regulatory Science) and exis ng program of Masters in Public Health.
• £10 supernumerary will be filled by candidates of the top 126 teams of the Business Blaster program of Delhi Government with Science stream.
• €Out of 30 seats, 15 seats will be filled by aspirants of Health Care Management and the remaining 15 seats will be filled by aspirants of Hospital Management.
• $No scholarship will be admissible to candidates of EWS/supernumerary category (Annexure - IX)
• Ѱ The scholarship to the GPAT candidates is the subject ma er of AICTE, hence the candidates who are enrolled in MBA-PM may not get AICTE-GPAT scholarship.
Alloca on of Seats
Undergraduate Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Defence
Intake $ $
Bachelor of Physiotherapy 9 Semesters
(Including 50 20 6 3 11 4 6 1 1 1 2

Alloca on of Seats
Postgraduate Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Delhi$ Delhi
Intake Defence Non-
MPT (Sports medicine) 2 Years 5 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
MPT (Cardiovascular and Pulmonary) 2 Years 5 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
MPT (Pediatrics) 2 Years 5 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

Alloca on of Seats
Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Delhi
Intake Defence Delhi$ Non-
Quality Assurance of Biopharmaceu cals 6 Months 10 4 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1
Next Genera on Sequencing 3 Months 25 9 2 1 5 3 1 0 1 1 3
& it’s Applica on

World Class Skill Centre

Alloca on of Seats
Undergraduate Programmes Dura on Approved Delhi Non-Delhi Defence
Intake $ $


Medicine Management 1 Year 40 16 5 2 9 3 5 1 0 1 2
Beauty Wellness Consultant 1 Year 40 16 5 2 9 3 5 1 0 1 2
Sport Assessment & Yoga Applica on 1 Year 40 16 5 2 9 3 5 1 0 1 2
B. Sc. Nursing
B. Sc. Nursing 8 Semesters 40 16 5 2 9 3 5 1 0 1 2

• G-General Category, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, OBC-Other Backward Class. & EWS Economically Weaker Sec on
• Note: OBC category reserva on exists based on Govt. of NCT of Delhi; Reserva on for Kashmiri migrant, Ministry of Educa on as per guidelines of university.
• Approval for star ng the course from session 2022-23 is awaited. In B. Sc. nursing admission will be done subject to approval from Govt. and Nursing Council.
• Outside Delhi Region : Students passing from schools/Ins tutes located outside the Na onal Capital Territory of Delhi (15%). i.e. Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Faridabad, Noida etc. do

not fall under NCT of Delhi.


Intermediate examina on in science from Indian

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) / Diploma in Universi es or with English as one of the subjects and
Pharmacy (D. Pharm.) / Bachelor of Pharmacy Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs (P.C.M.) and/or
(Ayurved) - [B. Pharm. (Ayu.)] / Bachelor of Business Biology (P.C.B. / P.C.M.B.) as op onal subjects with 55
Administra on (BBA) in Health Care / Bachelor of % or above marks* in aggregate (theory and prac cal)
Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT) / Diploma in and individually in three science subjects (Physics,
Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) Chemistry and Biology or Mathema cs).
Eligibility Criteria : Candidates who have been awarded grades in the
A candidate seeking admission to First Semester of examina on which make them eligible for admission
above men oned courses must have passed: Senior should also submit conversion cer ficate of
School Cer ficate Examina on of the Central Board numerical marks from the concerned authority.
of Secondary Educa on, New Delhi (12 year Course) Provided that a student should have completed 17
or the Indian School Examina on with English as one years of age on the date of admission or should
of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st
(P.C.M) and/or Biology (P.C.B. / P.C.M.B.) as op onal December 2022.
subjects with 55% or above marks* in aggregate
* A 5% relaxa on will be given to SC/ST/ OBC/Persons
(theory and prac cal) and individually in three
with Disability (PwD) candidates seeking admission.
science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology or
Mathema cs) from Recognized Schools in the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) /B. Sc. Nursing
Na onal Capital Territory of Delhi. Eligibility Criteria :
OR A candidate seeking admission to First Semester of
above men oned courses must have passed:
10+2 examina on conducted by the respec ve state
/ central government authori es recognized as Senior School Cer ficate Examina on of the Central

equivalent to 10+2 examina on by the Associa on of Board of Secondary Educa on, New Delhi (12-year

Indian Universi es (AIU) with English as one of the Course) or the Indian School Examina on with English

subjects and Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry, and

(P.C.M.) and/or Biology (P.C.B. / P.C.M.B.) as op onal Biology (P.C.B.) as op onal subjects with 55 % or

subjects with 55 % or above marks* in aggregate above marks* in aggregate (theory and prac cal)

(theory and prac cal) and individually in three and individually in three science subjects (Physics,

science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Chemistry and Biology) from Recognized Schools in

Mathema cs). the Na onal Capital Territory of Delhi.


Any other equivalent qualifica on including Na onal 10+2 examina on conducted by the respec ve state /

ins tute of Open Schooling approved by the central government authori es recognized as

Pharmacy Council of India as equivalent to any of the equivalent to 10+2 examina on by the Associa on of

above examina ons. Indian Universi es (AIU) with English as one of the


subjects and Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (P.C.B.) Pharm. / D. Pharm. / Bachelor of Pharmacy (Ayurved)
as op onal subjects with 55% or above marks* in - B. Ph arm. (Ayu .) / Bach elo r o f Bu sin ess
aggregate (theory and prac cal) and individually in Administra on in Healthcare (BBA) / Bachelor of
three science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT) / Diploma in
Biology). Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) will be

OR prepared on the basis of aggregate of the three

subjects (theory and prac cal taken together)
Any other qualifica on approved by the Delhi Council
Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Mathema cs of 12th
for Physiotherapy and Occupa onal Therapy, as
equivalent to any of the above examina ons. Standard only. If candidate has taken both
mathema cs and biology, the best of two will be
considered for third subject a er Physics and
Intermediate examina on in science from Indian Chemistry. However, in BPT only Biology will be
Universi es or with English as one of the subjects and
considered as third Subject a er Physics and
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (P.C.B.) as op onal
subjects with 55% or above marks* in aggregate Chemistry.
(theory and prac cal) and individually in three B. Sc. (Biomedical Sciences)
science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology).
Eligibility Criteria :
Candidates who have been awarded grades in the
examina on which make them eligible for admission The candidate must have passed 10+2 with 55% or
should also submit conversion cer ficate of more marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry,
numerical marks from the concerned authority. Biology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry with 50% or

Provided that a student should have completed 17 more marks in compulsory language, i.e., English.
years of age on the date of admission or should Merit will be calculated based on aggregate
complete the age of 17 years on or before 31st percentage in Physics, Chemistry, Biology /
December 2022. Biotechnology / Biochemistry.
* A 5% relaxa on will be given to SC/ST/OBC/ Persons Applicants with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/
with Disability (PwD) candidates seeking admission.
Biotechnology / Biochemistry who scored 60% or
@ In B. Sc. Nursing admission will be done subject to more in Mathema cs in the qualifying examina on
approval from Govt. & Nursing Council. Only Female will be given an advantage of 3% over and above their
candidates can apply for B. Sc. Nursing course.
Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Biotechnology /
Note : Biochemistry aggregate.
a) The candidate having supplementary / B. Pharm. Lateral Entry
compartment in the qualifying examina on shall
Eligibility Criteria :
not be eligible for admission in the University
A candidate seeking admission to B. Pharm. Lateral
teaching department
Entry (to Second Year/Third semester) must have
b) Migra on of students will be governed by the
passed D. Pharm. course as per PCI norms. 85 % seats
Rules and Regula ons of DPSRU, New Delhi.
will be reserved for those who have passed D. Pharm.
Basis of Selec on from DPSRU. 15 % seats will be open to other
The merit list of candidates seeking admission to B. ins tutes from Delhi or outside from an ins tu on


approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under with Disability (PwD) candidates seeking admission.
sec on 12 of the Pharmacy Act as per regula on 4. B.
Basis of Selec on
of the Bachelor of Pharmacy course Regula ons,
The merit list of candidates for admission will be in
accordance with the following criteria:
Bachelor of Science in Sports Science (Hons.) (BSS )
For GPAT qualified candidates: The merit list will be
Eligibility Criteria :
prepared on the basis of GPAT Rank/ Score secured.
Aspiring students who have successfully passed 12th
For Non-GPAT candidates: The merit list will be
Standard/HSC/10+2 (or equivalent Level of
prepared on the basis of aggregate of marks obtained
Examina on) from any recognized Board. There is NO
in II, III and IV yrs (or III to VIII semesters of B. Pharm.).
Stream Barrier to apply for this course, i.e. students
from any stream be it Science/Commerce/ The calcula on of CGPA to percentage (%) will be as

Humani es are free to apply for this course. follows:

Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm.) CGPA = (Sum of SGPAs of 3rd to 8th Semesters) /
(Number of Semesters)
Eligibility Criteria :
Percentage (%) = (CGPA x 10)
A candidate seeking admission to First Semester
must have passed : For any other formula the candidate has to give the
documented proof of the formula prescribed by their
a) B. Pharm. Degree examina on of an Indian
university. The decision of the DPSRU authority will be
University established by law in India from an
final and binding.
ins tu on approved by Pharmacy Council of
India and has scored not less than 55 % of the Candidate seeking admission to the M. Pharm. course

maximum marks*(Aggregate of II, III and IV yrs / must have passed the Bachelor of Pharmacy

or III to VIII semesters of B. Pharm.) examina on with at least 55% in the aggregate of
theory and prac cal of II, III and IV year/ III to VIII
b) Every student, selected for admission to post
Semester from PCI approved Ins tute / University.
graduate pharmacy program in University (any
PCI approved ins tu on) should have obtained GPAT qualified candidates shall be considered for

registra on with the State Pharmacy Council or admission first.

should apply for the registra on of the same 15% of the total seats will be filled by Non-Delhi
within one month from the date of his/her candidates (including from NCR of Delhi) with valid
admission, failing which the admission of the GPAT score and have completed B. Pharm.
candidate shall be cancelled. examina on with 55% from PCI/AICTE recognized

It is mandatory to submit a migra on cer ficate University / Ins tute.

obtained from the respec ve university where the Remaining 85% of the total seats will be filled by
candidate had passed his/her qualifying degree. graduates passed out from Delhi Colleges/

It is also mandatory to submit mark sheet Universi es with valid GPAT score in order of

(provisional mark sheet from the University preference of disciplines.

permi ed) at the me of submission of applica on. Out of 85% seats of Delhi category, 70% seats will be
given to DIPSAR/DPSRU candidates and remaining
* A 5% relaxa on will be given to SC/ST/OBC/ Persons

15% will be reserved for Delhi Non-DPSRU candidates University.

from NCT of Delhi. The merit list for Non-GPAT candidates will be
In case of more than one candidate with the same prepared on the basis of total of theory and prac cal
score, preference will be given to the candidate who examina on of II, III, IV year (or III to VIII semesters).
is older in age. Age Requirement
Candidates seeking admission to M. Pharm. course
If 70% seats out of 85% seats of Delhi category have
must be more than 21 years of age as on 31st
not been filled up with GPAT candidates of Delhi and
December 2022.
seats are vacant, the non-DPSRU GPAT Delhi
Display of Merit List
candidates shall be considered for admission. If the
The final merit list for all categories of M. Pharm. will
seats of Delhi category, even a er considering non-
be displayed on the No ce Board / Website of the
DPSRU GPAT Delhi candidates remain vacant, they
University. Admission to various courses will be
shall be offered first to Delhi non-GPAT candidates of
offered to the candidates strictly according to the
DPSRU. Further, the seats will be offered as per the order of merit given in the merit list.
sequence is given here as under: Candidates will not be eligible for admission if
The Non-GPAT seats will be offered on the condi ons documents are not complete on the last date of
that they will not be given any scholarship from the applica on.

Delhi (85%)


(70%) GPAT (15%)
Seats vacant Seats vacant

Seats vacant Seats vacant
Seats vacant Seats vacant
Non-DPSRU Seats Non-Delhi Seats DPSRU
Non- GPAT vacant GPAT vacant Non- GPAT

Seats vacant



Execu ve Master of Pharmacy (Execu ve M. • 50% weightage for marks in theory and prac cal
Pharm.) in Drug Regulatory Science taken together in II, III and IV years (or III to VIII
Eligibility Criteria : semesters)
A candidate seeking admission to First Semester • 50% weightage for experience in Pharmaceu cal
Execu ve M. Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science must industry / government organiza ons like CDSCO /
have passed: State FDCA etc.

a) B. Pharm. Degree examina on of an Indian In case more than one candidate with the same score,
University established by law in India from an preference will be given to the candidate who is older
ins tu on approved by Pharmacy Council of in age.
India and has scored not less than 55 % of the No scholarship or con ngency shall be provided by the
maximum marks* (Aggregate of II, III and IV yrs / university for pursuing Execu ve M. Pharm. in Drug
or III to VIII semesters of B. Pharm.) Regulatory Science
b) The candidate must be in the service as Age Requirement
pharmacist, preferably in the regulatory division Candidates seeking admission to Execu ve M. Pharm.
for at least 3 years. in Drug Regulatory Science course must be more than
c) The candidate should be sponsored by their 21 years of age as on 31 December 2022.
employer (Pharmaceu cal industry / Post Graduate Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture
Government organiza ons).# Eligibility Criteria :
d) Applica ons of the persons already in A candidate seeking admission to First Semester PG
government service should be forwarded Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture must have passed:
through their employers. The forwarding
• B. Pharm./B. Sc.(Agriculture, Botany, Microbiology,
authori es should also cer fy that the entries in
the applica on have been verified from the
records and found correct, and that no Candidates seeking admission to Post Graduate
disciplinary/vigilance proceedings are either Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture course must be more
pending or contemplated against the officer as than 20 years of age as on 31st December 2022.
well as no major/minor penal es imposed on the M. Sc. in Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine (M. Sc.-
officer during the last ten years or the period of AIM)
service, whichever is less. Eligibility Criteria :
It is mandatory to submit a migra on cer ficate Any graduate in Science, Engineering, Pharmacy,
obtained from the respec ve university where the Medical Science, Veterinary Science or equivalents
candidate had passed his/her qualifying degree. It is with 55% aggregate marks from a recognized
also mandatory to submit marksheet at the me of university are eligible for admission to First Semester
submission of applica on. M.Sc. in Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine.
* A 5% relaxa on will be given to SC/ST/OBC/ Persons Candidates seeking admission to M.Sc. in Ar ficial
with Disability (PwD) candidates seeking admission. Intelligence in Medicine course must be more than
#Sponsored/ recommended candidates must 20 years of age as on 31st December 2022.
provide NOC from the employer. Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) in Sports Medicine /
Basis of Selec on Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) in Cardiovascular
The merit list of candidates for admission will be in and Pulmonary / Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) in
accordance with the following criteria. Pediatrics


Eligibility Criteria : NCI, AYUSH, Ayurved, Homeopath, Unani Councils,

Candidates seeking admission to MPT in any specialty DCI, PCI, DCPT &OT RCI, and has scored not less than
must have the degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy 55% of maximum marks.*
(BPT) from a recognized ins tute or university with a * A 5% relaxa on will be given to SC/ST/OBC/Persons
minimum of 55 % in aggregate.* with Disability (PwD) candidates seeking admission.
Admission to MPT (any specializa on) will be done Out of 30 seats, 15 seats will be filled by aspirants of
purely on the merit prepared a er entrance exam. Health Care Management and the remaining 15 seats
Age Requirement : Candidates seeking admission to will be filled by aspirants of Hospital Management.
Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) course must be more Selec on Procedure for MBA - Pharmaceu cal
than 21 years of age as on 31st December 2022. Management (MBA-PM) / MBA- Interna onal Trade
Approval for star ng the courses from session- Management (MBA-ITM) / MBA-Healthcare &
2022-23 is awaited. Hospital Management (MBA-HHM)
* A 5% relaxa on will be given to SC/ST/OBC/ Persons Merit list will be prepared on the basis of gradua on
with Disability (PwD) candidates seeking admission. marks.
Post Graduate Programs Under School of Basis of Selec on : Admission of the candidates are
based on the following criteria:
Allied Health Sciences and Management
MBA - Pharmaceu cal Management (MBA-PM)
Eligibility Criteria : Gradua on Marks 60%
Personal Interview 20%
Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy / Science /
Group Discussion 20%
Management with atleast 55% aggregate marks from
Total 100%
a recognized University. Preference will be given to B.
Pharm. and/ or GPAT qualified candidates.
The final selec on of the candidates will be based on
The scholarship to the GPAT candidates is the gradua on marks and subsequent Group Discussion
subject ma er of AICTE, hence the candidates who
(GD) and Personal Interview (PI) of the candidates.
are enrolled in MBA-PM may not get AICTE-GPAT
Masters in Public Health (MPH)
MBA – Interna onal Trade Management (MBA-ITM) Eligibility Criteria :
Eligibility Criteria : A candidate seeking admission to First Semester, must
Bachelor's Degree in Commerce / Economics / have passed:
Management/Science/Pharmacy with at least 55% a) MBBS/ B.Sc Nursing/BAMS /BHMS/BUMS /BDS/
aggregate marks from a recognized University. B. Pharm. / BPT / BBA- Healthcare/ BBA-
MBA-Healthcare & Hospital Management (MBA- Community Healthcare / BMLT /B. Optom /BASLP
HHM) Degree examina on of an Indian University
Eligibility Criteria : established by law in India from an ins tu on
M.B.B.S. / B. Sc. Nursing / BAMS / BHMS / BUMS / BDS approved by their respec ve councils of India
/ B. Pharm. / BPT / BBA (Healthcare) / BBA- (MCI, NCI, AYUSH, Ayurved, Homeopath, Unani
Community Healthcare / BMLT / B. Optom / BASLP Councils, DCI, PCI, DCPT &OT RCI) and has scored
Degree examina on of an Indian University not less than 55% of maximum marks.*
established by law in India from an ins tu on
b) Every student, selected for admission to post
approved by their respec ve councils of India (MCI,
graduate program in any council approved


ins tu on should have obtained registra on with Hospitals, New Delhi.

the State Council or should obtain the same Eligibility Criteria :
within one month from the date of his/her
admission, failing which the admission of the B.Sc. / M.Sc. (Life Sciences) / MBBS / BAMS / BHMS /
candidate shall be cancelled. BDS / BPT / B. Pharm. from a recognized University
with minimum 55% of marks
It is mandatory to submit a migra on cer ficate
obtained from the respec ve university where the Seats : 25 students in a batch
candidate had passed his/her qualifying degree. Course commencement: The informa on will be
* A 5% relaxa on will be given to SC / ST / OBC / updated on website.
Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates seeking Registra on Fee: Rs.500/- payable at the me of
admission. submission of the applica on form.
Age Requirement Course Fee:Total INR 1,47,500/- (Inclusive of 18%
Candidates seeking admission to Post Graduate GST)
Programs Under School of Allied Health Sciences and Referral Program: Students/Alumni or referees under
Management must be more than 20 years of age as this program may refer/direct poten al candidates
on 31st December 2022. for the 12 months PGDCR Course and each of the
Display of Merit List Students/Alumni or referees will earn the referral
amount of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only)
The final merit list for all categories of various PG payable a er 3 months of commencement of the
courses will be displayed on the No ce Board / course.
Website of the University. Admission to various
courses will be offered to the candidates strictly Course related queries can address to email:
according to the order of merit given in the merit list. [email protected]

Masters in Sports Science (MSS) For more details, please visit:

Eligibility Criteria : h ps:// or

B.Sc. (Hons.) Sports Science, B.Sc. (Physical DPSRU (WCSC) Cer ficate Courses
Educa on, Health Educa on & Sports), B.P.Ed., The Government of NCT, Delhi ini ated the
B.P.E., B.P.E.S., or sports related undergraduate development of “World Class Skill Centre” (WCSC) in
program and equivalent with 55% marks in aggregate Delhi to address the shortage of skilled manpower.
in all the semesters in examina ons by universi es The se ng-up of this World Class Skill Centre in Delhi
recognized by University Grants Commission or any Pharmaceu cal Sciences and Research University
statutory bodies of Govt. of India. (DPSRU), New Delhi in the sector “Health and
DPSRU-AHERF Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Wellness” fulfilling its objec ve and create the skilled
Research (PGDCR) people that is the valued assets and sustain the
economic growth and social development of the
Admission Procedure: country. DPSRU-WCSC centre provided be er levels
The admission process is done on the basis of merits of skills that might be adjusted more effec vely to the
of academic qualifica on and experience with challenges and opportuni es of globaliza on in terms
entrance test, Group Discussion and Personal of various types of cer ficates courses that are mul -
Interview conducted by AHERF disciplinary course in their respec ve field.
Course Dura on: 1. Medicine Management
12 months classroom based program (with 8 months 2. Beauty Wellness Consultant
of theory and 4 months of internship) at Apollo 3. Sports Assessment & Yoga Applica on


The courses offered by the DPSRU-WCSC centre Fees to be paid at the me of admission for WCSC
evolved as per the requirements of the industry and DPSRU-WCSC (SYA, MM & BWC)
fi ed with recent facili es and full-fill the market Account Cer ficate Course (Rs.)
demand. The adopted methodology was self-reliant University Generated Fund (UGF) Account
learning with a focus on peer learning. The course Tui on Fee 9500
was conducted in the English language. Assistance Deposits 1500
was provided to all trainees for placement in Total 11000
respec ve sector and start-ups for gainful University Non-Govt. Fund Account
employment. The infrastructures present in DPSRU- University Examina on Fee 500
WCSC centre is based on the pa ern of recent Grand Total 11500
concepts “A Global Leader for Innova ons in @ To be paid one me only and hence not to be paid second semester

Technical Educa on” that based on a holis c “Hands- Fees to be paid at the beginning of second semester
on, Minds-on, Hearts-on”. The centre equipped with
the latest projectors smart classroom, high-level Cer ficate Course (Rs.)
experimental labs with the latest Training and University Generated Fund (UGF) Account
research equipment and much more mandatory to Tui on Fee 9500
meet the environment and to achieve their best. Total 9500
Eligibility criteria: University Non-Govt. Fund Account
University Examina on Fee 500
a. Medicine Management: Pass in 12 or Total 500
equivalent from a recognized board in India Grand Total 10000
having Science Stream with a minimum of 40% in
aggregate. Cer ficate Course in Yoga

b. Beauty Wellness Consultant: Pass in 12th or University is currently running 6-month cer ficate
equivalent from a recognized board in India with course. Students can get admission for course star ng
any stream with a minimum of 40% in aggregate. from July 2022 or January 2023.

c. Sports Assessment & Yoga Applica on: Pass in Candidate has to submit applica on form with
12th or equivalent from a recognized board in requisite fee of Rs. 4000/- (including examina on
India with any stream with a minimum of 40% in fee). A maximum of 30 students can be enrolled at a
aggregate. me. Admissions will be given on the first-cum-first
• Nature : Regular and full me basis.
st nd
• Dura on : One Year (1 and 2 Semester) Next Genera on Sequencing and Its Applica ons
cer ficate course • Dura on : 3 months (only on weekends): 20-24
• Age : No bar days (4 hrs / day)
• Total Seats : 40 (Forty only) in each cer ficate • Intake : 25 for 1st batch
course and reserva on policy as per state • Proposed course fee : Rs. 15000/- to Rs. 20000/-
governments rules.
Who can be interested for this course
Course commencement : The informa on will be
This course is aimed at students'/research
updated on website.
scholars/industry people interested in learning about
For more details, please visit: h ps:// the NGS technology and its applica ons.
Eligibility : BMLT / B. Pharm. / B. Sc. (Life Sciences) / B.
Tech. (Biotech)


DPSRU-NIB Joint Cer ficate Course on Quality • MBA-Healthcare & Hospital Management
Assurance of Biopharmaceu cals 1. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
• Dura on of Course : 6 months (DMLT)
• Pa ern: 3 months (Theory + Prac cal) & 3 Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology or DMLT is
months short term project work a 2-year diploma programme which provide skill-
• Eligibility Criteria : Post gradua on in oriented training and develop skilled professionals
Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry / ready to work in hospitals, laboratories, public and
Pharmacy / biomedical Science / Molecular private health facili es and industrial laboratories.
Biology/ Genomics/ gene cs / M. Sc. Life Sciences The Program aims to fill the gap between the demand
/ M D (Pharmacology) for skilled manpower and the supply of industry-
• Student Intake: 10 ready candidates in the paramedical healthcare
• Course Fee : Rs. 40,000/-
Program Highlights:
• Examina on Fee : Rs. 2,500/-
• The Program demonstrate technical skills,
Brief Introduc on About Newly Introduced social behaviour, and professional awareness
Courses impera ve upon a laboratory technician.
DPSRU has introduced new courses in the University • Enable students to Perform rou ne clinical
as per the approval of Academic Council and Board of laboratory procedures within acceptable quality
Governors of the University. control parameters in haematology, biochemistry,
pathology and microbiology.
The following are the programmes started from the
• The course provides knowledge of diagnos c
academic session 2021-22 :
instruments and procedures and impart required
• Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology proficiency in handling those instruments to
(DMLT) enable these students to work in various
• Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology laboratory se ngs.
(BMLT) • Prepares the students for career op ons ranging
• Bachelor of Pharmacy (Ayurved) – [B. Pharm. from the entry level Junior Medical laboratory
(Ayu.)] Technologist to Chief Technical Officer.
• Bachelor of Business Administra on (BBA) Dura on of Course: 2 years (Including Compulsory
Healthcare internship in accredited laboratory/ hospital of 3
• Execu ve M. Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science months dura on).
• PG Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture Pa ern : Semester system (4 semesters)
• Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) in Sports Student Intake : 60
2. Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology
• M. Sc. (Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine)
• MBA – Interna onal Trade Management
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT) is
The following programs have been introduced from a 3-year undergraduate programme designed to
the academic session 2022-23 :
impart experien al learning to the students in order
• B. Sc. Biomedical Sciences to develop a desired workforce to combat ever
• B.Sc. Nursing * i n c re a s i n g d e m a n d o f m e d i c a l l a b o rato r y
• MPT in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary * technologists in the healthcare sector. The program
• MPT in Pediatrics * aims to provide the students with sufficient
knowledge and skills to carry out rou ne laboratory

diagnos c procedures and some sophis cated management.

laboratory diagnos c procedures. Program Highlights :
Program Highlights: • Program is rightly designed to produce entry level
• The programme is designed with specific inputs young professionals who can work for the
from industry experts, based on the latest preven on of the disease and promo on of
technologies available and in prac ce, for disease control strategies.
individuals interested in entering the field of • The program trains students for evalua ng,
clinical laboratory science. presen ng and researching data related to
• The programme will train the students to become healthcare management.
Medical Laboratory Technologists who assist • Develop skills in designing, analyzing and
physicians in labs and are responsible for evalua ng applied healthcare science research
performing laboratory inves ga ons rela ng to and management.
diagnosis, treatment of diseases by performing • The emphasis is on prac cal knowledge, field
various tests and recording results. visits, personalized learning and gives an
• The programme also deals with new opportunity for students to par cipate in basic,
advances in Management of Laboratories and transla onal, interdisciplinary, Healthcare-
instrumenta on. Regular clinical Laboratory oriented educa on and research.
pos ng included as a part of curriculum to • Gives ample career opportuni es as Health care
inculcate prac cal skills and prac ce managers, Clinical Research Manager, Healthcare
techniques on diagnos c inves ga ons, consultant, Nursing Home, Administrators, Health
laboratory responsibility and supervision. Informa on Managers, Hospital Marke ng,
• Prepares the students for career op ons ranging Healthcare analyst etc.
from the direct level Medical Laboratory Dura on of Course: 3 years (Including Compulsory
technologists to Chief Technical Officer. Summer Internships and field work)
Dura on of Course: 3 years (Including Compulsory Pa ern: Semester system (6 semesters)
internship in accredited laboratory/hospital of 6
Student Intake : 40
months dura on)
4. B. Sc. Biomedical Sciences
Pa ern : Semester system (6 semesters) Student
Intake: 60 B.Sc. Biomedical Science is a 3-year bachelor degree
program that offers students comprehensive skill and
Provision of Lateral Entry for Diploma holders (DMLT
knowledge-based learning, keeping in view their
employability prospects. This course offers a skill
3. BBA- Healthcare development syllabus having amalgama on of Life
BBA in healthcare is a 3-year bachelor degree Sciences, Biotechnology, Pharmacology, Medicinal
program that equip students for focused care to Chemistry and relevant subjects to create graduates
enhance healthcare services. The program is aimed with enriched knowledge and exposure in the fields
to produce healthcare graduates of highest of biomedical sciences.
academic, technical and prac cal skills. The Program Highlights :
curriculum designed in conjunc on with academia
• Unique program available at selec ve ins tutes
and health care industry experts provides the
opportuni es for the students to master new skills
and explore varied perspec ves in public health care • Program is specifically designed to produce
middle level young professionals who can work as

a link between basic laboratory research and managers equipped with requisite skills in
clinical applica ons planning, implementa on, opera onal
• The program trains students for understanding, Management, problem solving, consultancy and
analyzing, evalua ng, presen ng and entrepreneurship.
communica ng basics of biomedical sciences and • Through this rigorous program, graduates are
data related to healthcare applica ons. able to manage hospitals and healthcare
• Develop dexterous students equipped with organiza ons globally, both in the public and the
knowledge of biology, biochemistry, private sectors, thus mee ng the demand for
pharmacology, biotechnology upto advanced
quality healthcare managers.
clinical research.
• Prepares the students for leadership roles in the
• The emphasis will be laid on prac cal
hospital and health sector, through training in
experimenta on based knowledge, personalized
opera onal and project management, including
learning and opportuni es for par cipa on
in basic, transac onal, interdisciplinary, orienta on in the managerial aspects of clinical
biomedical-oriented educa on and research. and support services.

• Gives ample career opportuni es as Biomedical • The comprehensive program focuses on

Scien st, Healthcare informa on provider, strengthening the func onal skills and deepens
Biomedical technologist, health sector manager, the understanding of mul dimensional
etc. Healthcare Organiza ons with projects,
Dura on of Course : 3 years disserta on and field visits.
Pa ern : Semester system (6 semesters) • It would enhance the decision making and
Student Intake: 40 administra ve competence of the students to
5. MBA – Health Care and Hospital Management enable them to face challenges of the healthcare
(MBA-HHM) industry.
MBA in Healthcare and Hospital Management is a 2 • The degree would open the doors to lucra ve
year postgraduate program that emphasizes on careers in Hospitals, Healthcare ins tu ons,
developing knowledge component, skill and a tude Insurance companies, Consultancies, Medical
pertaining to Hospital and Health Managers. The Tourism, as well as Entrepreneurs and
broad objec ve of the program is to build knowledge Researchers.
and skills to facilitate high performance as effec ve Dura on of Course : 2 years
professionals in health and hospital systems. The
Pa ern : Semester system (4 semesters)
syllabus and course content are designed keeping in
mind the current requirements of the healthcare Student Intake : 30
industry. 6. MBA- Interna onal Trade Management
Program Highlights: MBA- Interna onal Trade Management is a 2 year
• The program will help the candidates in Post graduate Program designed to equip students
developing exper se in planning and managing with essen al management skills with a special focus
different types of hospitals or healthcare on interna onal business. The program is designed to
organiza ons. develop the resources and capability of managers to
• Aims to develop professional hospital and health work in the global business environment.


Program Highlights: on the similar lines as defined by Pharmacy Council of

• The program caters to the managerial needs of India. Theory classes will comprise lectures - both
Na onal as well as global Industry. classroom as well as online.
• The Program develops the knowledge, skill and Topic wise highlights :
competencies of young professionals to work in • Drug Regula ons governed by US Food & Drug
the dynamic business arena across the globe. Administra on, European Medicine Agency, and
• The curriculum trains young professionals for Na onal Competent Authori es of Europe, India,
decision making posi ons by providing a deep ASEAN region
understanding of outstanding management • Compila on of dossier for submission to Drug
capabili es in cri cal business area including Regulatory Agencies. Detailed understanding of
Na onal and Interna onal business various administra ve and technical documents
environment, regulatory frameworks, finance, pertaining to the same.
accoun ng, Interna onal economics and • Good Pharmaceu cal Prac ces
marke ng. • Regulatory Aspects of Food & Nutraceu cals
• Prepares the students to opt for careers across • Regulatory Aspects of Medical Devices
industries as Na onal and Interna onal Business
Dura on of course : 2 years or more (depending on
Managers, Interna onal business consultants,
the passing of modules by the candidate)
Data Analysts, Global Business Managers,
Business Economist and Por olio Managers. This Pa ern: Semester system
specializa on provides the great opportunity to Student Intake: 20
work in a global market and across the world. 8. PG Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture:
Dura on of Course: 2 years Plant Tissue Culture has become an important
Pa ern: Semester system (4 semesters) alterna ve where any plant species can be cloned and
Student Intake: 30 a large number of gene cally uniform disease-free
plants can be obtained within a short period of me.
7. Execu ve M. Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science:
The technique enables produc on of plants in a small
Objec ve : The prime aim of this course is to prepare laboratory space round the year, independent of the
the candidates for pharmaceu cal world globally by season. The technique has been widely applied for
strengthening regulatory skills along with the large scale produc on of quality plants including fruit
knowledge enhancement. It provides an opportunity plants, ornamentals, planta on crops, tree species,
to the candidates to learn about recent spices and condiments. The demand for ssue culture
developments in regulatory sciences and its derived plants has been growing exponen ally across
applica on in pharmaceu cal scenario. The the globe. A large number of ssues culture-based
programme is the best opportunity for those industries have been engaged in commercial
meritorious candidates who had not been able to produc on of selected plant species in India and
complete their masters because of any reason. This abroad. There is a huge demand for trained
would help the candidates to enhance their manpower in this sector. The course being offered will
knowledge by entering the school once again and train manpower suited to the needs of the industry so
therea er serving their organiza on in a be er way. that the trained personnel become employable. In
Course Curriculum addi on, the course will also provide advanced
The curriculum for Drug Regulatory Science shall be training to become an entrepreneur in the said area.


Dura on of course : 1 year metabolomics, pharmacogene cs in the biology of

Pa ern : Semester system diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease,
Student Intake : 15 infec ous diseases, stroke or diabetes. Comple ng
this course will open up a route into Ph.D. research.
9. M. Sc. in Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine
You may also pursue a career in academia or the
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Ar ficial Intelligence in pharmaceu cal or biotechnology industries, or as a
Medicine will provide training in the principles of AI clinical academic.
and precision and stra fied medicine and the clinical
Dura on of course: 2 years
impact of individual molecular and, lifestyle
variability research, educa on, employment, and Pa ern: Semester system
investment has increased significantly in the area of Student Intake: 15
Ar ficial Intelligence. It has been reported that global 10. Master of Physiotherapy
investment in AI start-ups grew from €1.2 billion in Master of Physiotherapy in Sports Medicine provides
2010 to €36.7 billion in 2018. During the COVID-19 training in complete athle c and sports performance
crisis, China and the United States have taken a lead and injury management program, from training to
in using AI for automated diagnosis, exploring injury preven on as well as recovery and back to
vaccines and treatments, and predic ng disease sport. In addi on to Sports Medicine, MPT in
development in society and individuals. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary and MPT in Pediatrics
This course aims to train individual in applying are also proposed. The Program is directed towards
concepts of Ar ficial intelligence in development of exposure to training in Specialty Clinical fields to
pharmaceu cals, diagnos cs and precision enhance professional competence in order to fulfill
medicine. requirement for Physiotherapy Educa on and
In view of improved understanding of the molecular Prac ce. On comple on of the course of study having
basis of disease, drug mechanisms and precision successfully passed the examina on, the candidate
medicine in recent past, there is a shortage of would be able to func on as a consultant in the
qualified persons who are able to translate this respec ve physiotherapy specialty through
knowledge into effec ve clinical u liza on. Hence, knowledge. The candidates may work as a
this programme has been designed with the aim is to Physiotherapist with various sports teams and sports
train the future scien sts able to fast-track biological clubs, Physiotherapists prac ce in many se ngs such
and scien fic insights into advanced therapies and as Government Hospitals, Defence medical
diagnos c tools. establishments, Private hospitals, ICU set ups, Private
The MSc course consists of four semesters with Prac ce, Outpa ent clinics, Health and Wellness
subjects varying from basic understanding of AI and clinics, in the rehabilita on Department., centers for
Machine learning to understanding gene cs and the differently abled, schools for the mentally
genomic, pharmacology of drug ac on, precision retarded and physically disabled children, Health
diagnosis and precision medicine, bioinforma cs, ins tu ons, in Mul na onal companies, Academics,
drug discovery taught during four semesters. In Research Analyst in Research Centers, Schools and
addi on to specialized courses, students have to Private homes. They can also prac ce in non-pa ent
undertake a research project in the last semester. care roles like health, policy, health insurance, and
Health care administra on and as health care
A er comple ng the course, a candidate can choose
execu ves. Physiotherapists are also involved in
from a range of projects covering areas such as the
medical legal field serving as expert and performing
use of gene expression profiling, proteomics,
peer reviews.


Dura on of the course: 2 years (6 Semester) centre, to maximize quality.

Student Intake: 5 Placement assistance provided to our students and so
11. DPSRU-AHERF Postgraduate Diploma in far Apollo Research and Innova ons has facilitated
Clinical Research (PGDCR) placements of over 450 students in the industry at
Apollo Hospitals Educa onal and Research leading companies such as Pfizer, Novar s, Johnson &
Founda on (AHERF) spearheads Research, Johnson, Biocon, Apollo Hospitals, TCS, Cognizant,
Innova ons, and related educa onal ac vi es for the Wipro, Accenture, Parexel, Quin les, Zymogen etc.
Apollo Hospitals Group. AHERF is ac vely involved in Course Objec ves
clinical, basic, epidemiological, and transla onal • To train research professionals and equip them
research. It is also India's largest integrated Site with cri cal skills needed for the clinical research.
Solu ons Organiza on (SSO) which has experience of • To promote ethics and values in research in
conduc ng nearly 700 clinical trials across 14 hospitals through Good Clinical and Laboratory
loca ons pan-India. Currently, ARI is engaged in Prac ces (GLP & GCP).
exploring and evalua ng new therapies, • To collaborate with the pharma industry and
technologies, business models, and evolving similar provide hands on experience to the students and
ini a ves to prepare Apollo Hospitals for the next researchers and thereby to provide job ready
genera on. With more than a decade of experience, clinical researchers.
clinical research is one of our key strengths. At AHERF,
we recognize the shortage of industry-ready clinical
Skill development has been considered one of the
research professionals in India and therefore we have
cri cal aspects of job crea on in India. The
developed a set of carefully evaluated programs.
Despite a challenging industry scenario, AHERF has Government of NCT, Delhi has taken ini a ve for Skill
witnessed close to 100% placement for its students. development. DPSRU has started various skill based
Our Clinical Research is offered at five centres across cer ficate course under “Health and Wellness Sector”
India namely: Ahmedabad, Chennai, Hyderabad, that might be able to train the people for future job
Kolkata, and New Delhi. We at AHERF firmly believe opportuni es in their respec ve sector.
that through our applied learning and experience on Medicine Management
ac ve clinical trials, our courses provide an The Cer ficate course in Medicine Management for
unmatched capability to our students which enables DPSRU-WCSC centre under “Health and Wellness
them to be more prepared for successful clinical
Sector” is the very unique type of course. This
research professionals.
program is mul disciplinary and aimed at training
Our Strengths:
candidates for the job of “Medicine Management” it
• Clinical Research Educa on in Hospital is the link between all healthcare workers as pa ent,
doctor, and medicine experts. This course provides
• Highest faculty: student ra o the knowledge and an understanding of what
• Educa on loan assistance through leading banks, medicines are, what governs their use, legal
• Every year 100% placement record responsibili es when dealing with medicines for
• Unique strength has been the internship par cular disease, Guidance for Medicine's
program in the hospital. Management and Handling, Safe Administra on of
Batch capacity is restricted to 25 students per Medicines and their Safeguarding.


Beauty Wellness Consultant 13. DPSRU-NIB Joint Cer ficate Course on Quality
The programme is aimed to train the candidates for Assurance of Biopharmaceu cals
the job of Beauty Wellness Consultant and develop In today's globally compe ve job market,
the building key competencies for excellence in the developing a workforce pipeline for the
ever growing field of Beauty Wellness. This course biopharmaceu cal industry requires academic
provides full knowledge about all aspects of Beauty programs that equip students with knowledge,
and aesthe cs to discover new avenue with the skills and theory surrounding the equipment,
career and professional growth under a crea ve & methodologies, processes, and regulatory
modern learning with Interna onal standards. requirements specific to it. It has also been reported
Beauty wellness sector Industry is highly dynamic by the Na onal Skill Development Corpora on
and equipped with a versa le approach. This 1 year (NDSC), a not-for- profit nodal agency for skills
intense course training program empowers development and entrepreneur-ship (Skill India
scien fically in Beauty, Make up, Nail Art, Cosme c Ini a ve) under the Ministry of Finance, that there is
Making and Selling Techniques, Management and a significant skills deficit in human resources in the
communica on skills. This course delivers Beauty Indian biopharmaceu cal industry.
industry knowledge with creden als and recognised Considering the above aspects, a Six months
for excellent professionals with the highest Cer ficate programme is being jointly organized by
standards. It sets you apart from the rest, aiding you NIB and DPSRU. The focus herein is to sensi ze the
to excel in your dream career. students regarding the best prac ces in the area of
Sports Assessment & Yoga Applica on Biopharmaceu cal development, quality control
The course is designed to provide high-quality and regula ons. Such programme would ensure
educa on and prepare sports experts to sa sfy the availability of qualified manpower with industry
needs and expecta ons of the sports industry relevance and thus contribute to support & augment
through various technological tools. The cer ficate in the indigenous biopharmaceu cal produc on.
Sports Assessment and Yoga Applica on is designed The curriculum is designed in conjunc on with
to make students adopt knowledge and prac ces to academia and experts in the specified fields and
lead a healthy life and promote to maintain healthy provides opportuni es for the students to
prac ces. They will also be acquainted with the
understand various requirements in the field of
knowledge of basic nutri on and nutri on in sports &
Biopharmaceu cal Quality Assurance.
exercise with other related aspects important to
sportspersons. They will be able to apply this Program Highlights:
knowledge of nutri on in day to day life and in sports • This course is designed to speedily enhance the
and training. knowledge on Biopharmaceu cals, quality
The students will also acquire knowledge and control strategies and related regulatory
understanding of YOGA, which will make them compliance skills for assuring quality of
proficient in the knowledge, skill and prac ce of yoga biopharmaceu cals.
along with the tac cal efficiency, rules of the game • Introducing students to industry-relevant
and training related to yoga, officia ng and coaching. equipment and also to provide ample hands-on
This knowledge of yoga combined with the sports will experience specifically for Cell based assays
give them a new and prac cal approach to apply yoga • Upda ng the students with regulatory
in sports. requirements so that they can channelize their


work- plans in compliance to these, which can Employability outcome:

cut the wasteful expenditure for any non- • The students with this cer fica on along with
compliant process degree wil be best fit for diagnos c,
• Enhance Understanding in the specialized field biotechnology and pharmaceu cal industry. In
addi on to it, this skill will be helpful to get highly
of laboratory compliance
paid jobs in diagnos c labs.
• Have an understanding the what, how and why of • The usage of NGS technology is rising a er Covid
lab equipment qualifica on and method pandemic, but skilled people are not available in
valida on market. So more supply of skilled persons is
• Mo va ng them to ini ate start-ups for required to fulfil the demand.
augmen ng indigenous manufacture of these
biologicals especially patent Non-infringing 15. B. Sc. Nursing
Bachelor of Science Nursing (B. Sc Nursing) is a four
14. Next Genera on Sequencing and Its Applica ons
year full me undergraduate program designed to
The proposed course on Next Genera on Sequencing
will provide students with a basic understanding of provide opportuni es to students to learn a whole
this technology and its varied applica ons. Students range of knowledge and skills related to prac ce of
will be introduced to the development of this nursing and midwifery. The course is designed to
novel technique as well as learn about the provide knowledge in core prac ce areas related to
details of a typical workflow, the different methods wellness, health promo on, illness, and disease
and applica ons of NGS with their associated management. The students are helped to develop
advantages. In addi on, students will explore the competencies through learning in skill/simula on
evolu on and advancements in the tools of this labs and clinical environment under expert
technology in order to get a grasp of the changing supervision. It prepares graduates qualified to
landscape of NGS and what that means for the future prac ce nursing and midwifery in a variety of se ngs.
of genomics. Program Highlights:
Learning outcome: • Provides opportuni es to develop and use cri cal
• Review of the gene c concepts required to thinking to synthesise knowledge derived from
understand NGS and explore the development of physical, biological, behavioural sciences and
the first genera ons of DNA sequencing methods humani es
• Explore and understand the mo va on and • Prepares them to prac ce professional nursing
fundamental basis of NGS, the current
and midwifery competently and safely in a variety
sequencing technologies alongside their
of se ngs in hospital and community
• Regular clinical pos ngs in hospital and
• Understand the typical workflow of NGS from
sample prepara on, to making high-quality community field are included to develop
libraries, to post-sequencing quality control and competencies
data management • Highlights effec ve communica on and use of
• Gain familiarity with the major applica on of NGS latest technology
which include, among others, transcriptomic • Helps to develops good leadership, managerial
analysis by RNA-Seq, genomic varia on discovery and teaching abili es
by Whole Genome Sequencing, and epigenomics • Helps them to develop professionalism
analysis. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
• Insight into the future of NGS with changing The thrust areas of research at DPSRU include clinical
landscape of NGS and the rapid evolu on of research and pharmacological inves ga ons,
advanced tools
development of novel nano-formula ons, drug


discovery through synthe c chemistry, computer work.

aided drug designing, herbal drug research, The enrolled candidates will have to undergo a pre-
analy cal method development for pharmaceu cal Ph.D. course work of one semester dura on. At the
and herbal drugs, quality assurance, regulatory end of pre-Ph.D. course, a pre-PhD examina on will
studies for new drugs, biotechnology, physiotherapy, be conducted. The final registra on as a Ph. D.
public health and physical educa on. candidate will be subject to passing the pre-Ph.D.
DPSRU offers Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Pharmaceu cs, course exam, submission of the consent le er from
Industrial Pharmacy, Drug Regulatory Affairs, the research guide and submission of a write up and
Clinical Research, Pharmaceu cal Chemistry, presenta on of the proposed research work.
Pharmaceu cal Analysis, Pharmacognosy and During the Ph.D., every candidate is required to show
Phytochemistry, Pharmaceu cal Biotechnology, con nuous progress of work to the supervisor and
Quality Assurance, Pharm. Management, Public submit half yearly report to the DSRC with the
Health, Physiotherapy, Cosmeceu cs, Sports Science approval of supervisor. Further, the progress of Ph.D.
& Physical Educa on and other allied subjects in the research work is monitored by University Research
regular mode. Advisory Commi ees (URAC). The Ph.D. degree will
Regula ons for Admission and Comple on of Ph.D. be awarded to the candidates who regularly present
in DPSRU their work to the Doctoral Student and Research
The candidates who desire to enroll for the Ph.D. Commi ee (DSRC), have research and review
programme in the University must have Master's publica ons in referred journal (as per UGC-CARE
degree with at least 60% marks in Pharmaceu cal list), submit their thesis and successfully defend it in
Sciences or Business Studies or Hospital front of the Ph.D. viva commi ee. A er the
Administra on or Physiotherapy or any other allied comple on of research work, the supervisor
subject. Applica ons for admission in Ph.D. are organizes pre-thesis seminar, to appraise about
invited in the month of October-November. research work in front of DSRC. If DSRC sa sfies with
The Ph. D. candidates are enrolled a er successfully pre-thesis seminar, the report on the pre-thesis
passing (minimum qualifying marks are 50%) the seminar is placed in front of URAC for approval. A
pre-Ph.D. entrance examina on followed by minimum of 4 DSRC mee ngs are conducted during
personal interview. The candidates who have valid Ph.D. The research scholar can submit the thesis
JRF/ SRF or have qualified NET / GATE / GPAT / SLET / within a maximum period of 6 months from the date
from the UGC / CSIR / DBT / DST / ASRB or ICGEB / of submission of pre-thesis synopsis a er approval.
SERB/ DRDO / INMAS or any other statutory body of The university checks to detect any plagiarism or any
the Government or who have passed M. Phil. from a other forms of academic misconduct in the
UGC recognized university are exempted from submi ed thesis. A er the submission of thesis, viva-
entrance examina on. The successful candidates voce examina on is conducted and all the reports of
from the entrance examina on or qualified examiners are placed before URAC to award the
otherwise, shall be enrolled as Pre-Ph.D. candidates degree with the approval of Academic Council. The
for the course, a er personal interview. During the university has a provision to submit so copy of Ph.D.
personal interview, the candidates are required to thesis to UGC within a period of 30 days, for hos ng
discuss their research interest/area through a the same on INFLIBNET, accessible to all Ins tu ons
presenta on before a duly cons tuted expert /Universi es. The candidate has to submit the thesis
commi ee. The enrolled candidates will have to seek within a period of five years, but not before two years
consent le er from the Ph.D. guides at DPSRU. The from the date of his/her registra on.
number of seats for Ph.D. depends on the availability A separate informa on and no fica on will be
of the vacancies under supervisor. The registered published for the admission in PhD.
Ph.D. candidates will then undertake their research


DPSRU Innova on and Incuba on Founda on (DIIF) Rs 52.5 lakhs, office space, a research facility, and
DPSRU Innova on & Incuba on Founda on (DIIF) networking opportuni es with mentors and
was established in 2017 as the Entrepreneurship and investors. Through a series of events like hackathons
Incuba on wing of Delhi Pharmaceu cal Sciences and innova on challenges, DIIF has a racted
and Research University, New Delhi. It operates as a extremely bright and commi ed entrepreneurs from
not-for-profit, sec on 8 company. DIIF strives to DPSRU as well as other eminent ins tutes. With such
provide a great opportunity and pla orm to ini a ves, DIIF offers a second-to-none opportunity
innova ve minds and give the right direc ons to for pharmacy and life sciences students, research
channel their efforts to succeed further with their scholars, and professionals to take the
business idea. The lags in the Indian start-up entrepreneurial route in their careers. As of now, five
ecosystem belie the great objec ves of Startup India, of the supported start-ups have marked their
these include India's low ranking in 'ease of doing presence in the market while the three are at the pre-
business', Lack of seed funding opportuni es for commercializa on stage.
novel ideas and innova ons, lack of infrastructure for DIIF, through its extensive network of mentors and
new business ventures, IPR issues, lack of mentorship advisors from academia, industry and government
and industrial exposure of the young minds. Keeping sectors, provides an unmatched ecosystem for
this in view the DIIF has been designed to address aspiring entrepreneurs and early-stage startups
various issues to promote Start-ups in healthcare and working in healthcare, biotechnology and allied
allied domains. domains, to grow. Following are the key highlights of
DIIF is a BIRAC-BioNEST incubator, funded by DIIF:
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council Thrust Areas of Innova on:
(BIRAC), Govt of India for a period of three years w.e.f. • Drug formula ons
2019-20. Under the BioNEST scheme, BIRAC • Herbal medica ons
supports bio-incubators in developing research • Preven ve measures for communicable diseases
infrastructure (establishment of lab, purchase of • Innova ons in supply chain for high value
research equipment and chemicals), conduc ng medicinal products
entrepreneurship development workshops and • Nutri on and nutraceu cals
seminars and maintaining the administra ve
• Data analy cs in healthcare
• Diagnos c and monitoring devices and so ware
Within 3.5 years of its existence, DIIF has supported
• Wounds and trauma
20 start-ups by providing a total seed fund amount of
• Disease management


HOW TO APPLY Registra on Cer ficate within one month of

admission in respec ve course as per the Annexure-
No offline applica on form would be available.
There shall be only Online Applica on with Single IV.
window admission system. Admission will be made strictly according to the
Candidates shall visit h p:// and apply merit, i.e. aggregate marks (theory and prac cal)
online to the University for admission and pay the fee obtained in the qualifying subject prescribed for
of Rupees 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) admission to the course subject to the reserva ons.
through Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card as The consolidated merit list on the basis of the
required in the online process. No printout of the aggregate in the qualifying subjects / course
form will be required to be sent to the University. including general and reserved candidates shall be
The acknowledgement slip generated online as a displayed on the no ce board / website on the date
proof of payment while submi ng the online indicated.
applica on form, MUST be retained/saved by the
candidate for future reference. GUIDANCE FOR THE CANDIDATES
Last Date for applying for UG courses will be as
men oned in "Schedule of admission". There will be Admission Procedure
a common form for all the UG courses i.e. D. Pharm., Candidate should be present at the recep on
B. Pharm., B.P.T., B. Pharm. (Ayu.), DMLT, BMLT, B.Sc. counter within auditorium on the admission date
(Biomedical Sciences), BBA and BSS. specified, by 9.00 A.M. as per the no ce put up at the
admission center
There is a common form for all PG Courses i.e., M.
Pharm., MBA-PM, MBA-HHM, MPH, MPT, MBA- 1. List of original tes monials required at the me
ITM, PG Diploma, Execu ve M. Pharm. in Drug of seeking admission (B. Pharm. / B.P.T. / D.
Regulatory Sciences, M. Sc. in Ar ficial Intelligence Pharm. / Bachelor of Pharmacy (Ayurved) - [B.
in Medicine, MSS. Pharm. (Ayu.)] / BBA in Healthcare / BMLT /
DMLT /B.Sc.(Biomedical Sciences) / BSS / WCSC
Applica on forms for D. Pharm., B. Pharm. B.P.T., B.
Cer ficate courses are as under :
Pharm. (Ayu.), DMLT, BMLT, BBA, B.Sc. (Biomedical
Sciences), M. Pharm., MBA-PM, MBA-ITM, MBA- a. 10th Marksheet / Date of birth cer ficate
HHM and MPH, MPT, PG Diploma, Execu ve M. b. Marks statement of 10+2 / intermediate /
Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science and M. Sc., in 12th class
Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine courses will be
c. Migration certificate
submi ed online with scanned copies of Mark
Sheets, Date of Birth, Category Cer ficate and GPAT d. Provisional Certificate from the school last
Score Card (wherever applicable), if any and NOC attended
from Employer as per Annexure VIII (in case of e. Proof of gap period, if any, after passing the
Execu ve M. Pharm. only). 12th class
Incomplete applica on forms without scanned copies f. Character Certificate from the school last
will not be accepted. At the me of admission, all the attended
original cer ficates and undertakings should be g. Medical Certificate from a medical
brought failing which admission will NOT be given and practitioner holding a degree not below
NO request / relaxa on will be entertained in this MBBS (Annexure I)
regard, along with Annexures given in the prospectus
h. Two passport size photographs (unattested,
(Annexure I to IX). In respect of M. Pharm and lateral
entry students of B. Pharm., there is a mandatory
requirement to submit an undertaking for Pharmacist i. Acknowledgment slip
j. Caste Certificate


k. Non-creamy Layer Certificate for OBC p. Any other Certificate in respect of the claim
candidate, issued after 1st January 2022 from made by the candidate.
competent authority from Delhi only (in case 3. List of original testimonials required at the time of
of Delhi candidates) (Annexure-VI) seeking admission (MBA - HHM / Masters in
l. Any other Certificate in respect of the claim Public Health / MPT / PG diploma in plant tissue
made by the candidate. culture / M. Sc. in Artificial intelligence in
m. A copy of Aadhar Card Medicine / MSS) are as under

2. List of original testimonials required at the time a. 10th Marksheet / Date of birth certificate
of seeking admission (M. Pharm., / M.B.A. b. Marks statement of concerned graduation
(Pharmaceutical Management) / MBA – course i.e., B. Pharm. /MBBS / BDS / BHMS/
International Trade Management / Executive M. BUMS / BAMS / BPT / B. Sc. / B. E. / B. Tech. / B.
Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science) are as V. Sc. / B. Sc. / B. Sc. Nursing and any other
under: equivalent science graduation course
a. 10th Marksheet / Date of birth certificate c. GPAT score card indicating cut off for that year,
b. Marks statement of B. Pharm. / Minimum if applicable and qualified
eligibility course. d. Migration certificate
c. GPAT score card indicating cut off for that year, e. Provisional Certificate from the college /
if applicable institute / University last attended
d. Migration certificate f. Proof of gap period, if any
e. Provisional Certificate from the College / g. Character Certificate from the college /
Institute / University last attended institute last attended
f. Proof of gap period, if any h. Medical Certificate from a medical
g. Character Certificate from the college / practitioner holding a degree not below
institute / University last attended MBBS (Annexure I)

h. Medical Certificate from a medical i. Two passport size photographs (unattested,

practitioner holding a degree not below MBBS colored).
(Annexure I) j. Acknowledgment slip
i. Two passport size photographs (unattested, k. Caste certificate
colored). l. Non-creamy Layer Certificate for OBC
j. Acknowledgment slip candidate, issued after 1st Jan 2022 from
k. Registration with state pharmacy or proof of competent authority from Delhi only (in case
the application sent, if applicable of Delhi candidates)

l. NOC from the employer (Annexure - VIII) for m. A Copy of Aadhar Card.
the candidate seeking admission in Executive n. Any other Certificate in respect of the claim
M. Pharm. (Drug Regulatory Science) made by the candidate.
m. Caste certificate 4. The candidates will be called one by one as per
n. Non creamy layer certificate for OBC the merit list for admission for the courses.
candidate, issued after 1st January 2022 from 5. In cases of candidates having equal marks, the
competent authority from Delhi only (in case candidate who is older in age will be given
of Delhi candidates) (Annexure - VI) preference.
o. A copy of Aadhar Card 6. If the seat offered is acceptable, the documents


will be checked with originals and all relevant I. Attested photocopy of photo ID proof (Aadhaar
submissions. card / driving licence / PAN card / voter card /
7. The Fee has to be paid then and there only. ration card)
Provisional admission is complete only when the ii. Original fee paid receipt
fee is paid and the roll number is allotted. iii. Original Admission Slip (OAS)
8. No separate intimation regarding the admission iv. Bank pass book front sheet and Cheque leaf
selections will be given and all the candidates (cancelled) of the bank to which transfer of
are advised to see the notice board and website money is to be done
for display of merit list on the dates mentioned
in the prospectus elsewhere. The seats are filled RESERVATIONS
strictly in order of merit. Provision for Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe /
9. In case of any candidate/student seeking Other Backward Class Candidates
registration / admission on wrong information 22.5% of the total number of seats (15% for
regarding age, subject and percentage of marks Scheduled Castes and 7.5% for Scheduled Tribes) of
etc. his / her registration / admission will be the course are reserved for Scheduled Caste and
cancelled at any time when it comes to the Scheduled Tribe candidates. 27% of seats within
notice of the institute / University. Delhi category are reserved for OBC students. In case
10. All admissions will be made strictly in order of of non-availability of ST candidates, the seats
merit on provisional basis. The admission will be available are to be converted to SC category. In case
confirmed by the Admission Committee of the non-availability of OBC the seats to be converted to
University. general category.

11. If there is any discrepancy in the name in any of A Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidate while
the certificate, the same should be clarified by applying for registration for any of the course will be
an affidavit brought at the time of admission. required to submit a verified certificate to the effect
No concession for time in this regard will be that he/ she belongs to Scheduled caste / Scheduled
entertained. Tribe, from the competent authority with the
application form. Delhi category students have to
12. The category once filled up by the candidate in
produce caste certificate (SC/ST/OBC) from
the application form cannot be changed later
appropriate authority of Govt. of NCT Delhi as given
on. If the candidate fails to produce original
supporting category certificates issued from
competent authority at the time of admission, I. District Magistrate / Additional District
he / she will forfeit his claim to the seat. No Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner / Collector /
representation will be entertained in this Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy
respect. Collector / 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate /
Extra Assistant Commissioner
13. If the candidate cancels his / her admission
within a month after the fee paid by the II. Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief
candidate, the fee will be refunded after Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate
deduction of Rs. 2000/-, after one month no fee III. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
will be refunded. Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Extra Assistant
Refund Procedure Commissioner

The student may apply by submitting an application The Non-Delhi SC / ST candidates have to produce
for cancellation and may request for refund of the the caste certificate from the competent authority of
fee. The following documents must be enclosed with their respective state. Administrator / Secretary to
the application to initiate the process of refund. Administrator / Development Officer (in case of


candidate from Lakshadweep and Minicoy Island). f. Shaurya Chakra

These certificates will be duly verified by the g. Sena, Nau Sena, Vayu Sena Medal
Admission Officers. h. Mention-in-dispatches
*Reservation is subject to circular communicated by VI. Wards of Ex-Servicemen
Delhi Government and may change at the time of
VII. Wives of :
Admission if any alterations are made in the policy
before the opening of the admission forms filling. a. defence personnel disabled in action and
boarded out from service.
Defence Category
b. defence personnel disabled in service and
Provision for Children / Widows of the Officers and
boarded out with disability attributable to
men of the Armed forces including paramilitary
military service.
personnel killed or disabled during hostilities and
also who died on duty. c. ex-servicemen and serving personnel who
are in receipt of Gallantry Awards
I. The Children / Widows of the officers and men of
the Armed Forces including paramilitary VIII. Wards of Serving Personnel.
personnel killed or disabled during hostilities and IX. Wives of Serving personnel.
also who died in duty will be given concession of (If no such candidates available the seats to be filled by
5% marks in the minimum eligibility conditions as candidates of general category)
per the rules of university. In order to become eligible for the above concession the
II. Children / Widows of Officers and men of the widows / children of officers and men of Armed Forces
Armed Forces including para-military personnel including paramilitary personnel will be required to
produce an entitlement certificate from any one of the
who died while on duty will be considered for
following authorities (as per annexure VII).
admission against 5% seats for all the Armed
forces including paramilitary personnel, killed or a) Kendriya Sainik Board,Delhi
disabled in action in wars 1947-48 onwards. b) Rajya / Zila Sainik Board

In the above 2 categories seats will be offered in the c) 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate
following order of preference / priority as follows: d) Head of the battalion or unit
I. Widows/Wards of Defence Personnel killed in Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) Category
action. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution
II. Wards of disabled in action and boarded out from (One Hundred and Third Amendment ) Act 2019,
service. and with reference to (as per letter no. F.DHE.
III. Widows/Wards of Defence personnel who died 1(119)/Estt./2018- 19/2549-76 dated 17.06.2020 in
while in service with death attributable to terms of OM No. F No. 12-4/2020-U1 dated
military service. 17.01.2020) OM No. 20013/01/2018-BC-II dated
17th January, 2019 of Ministry of Social Justice and
IV. Wards of disabled in service and boarded out
E m p owe r m e nt , e n a b l i n g t h e p rov i s i o n o f
with disability attributable to military service.
reservation for the economically weaker Sections
V. Wards of Ex-Servicemen and serving personnel (EWSs) who are not covered under the existing
who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards : scheme of reservation for the Scheduled Castes, the
a. Param Vir Chakra Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and Educationally
Backward Classes in Admission. Reservation shall be
b. Ashok Chakra
extended to EWSs category candidates in all
c. MahaVir Chakra programmes of study. Guidelines issued by
d. Kirti Chakra Government of India from time to time regarding
e. Vir Chakra criteria for Income & Assets, issuing


authority/verification of certificate shall be followed will be implemented in accordance with the

by the University for implementing EWSs reservation policy of the Delhi Government. In
reservation. accordance with the above, the following procedure
Quantum of Reservation for admission of the OBC candidates to all the courses
will be followed. It is reiterated that the OBC
The persons belonging to EWS who are not covered
candidates under Delhi Category who belong to the
under the scheme of reservation for SC’s, ST’s and
'Non- Creamy Layer' and whose castes appear in the
OBCs shall get 10% reservation of approved intake in
Delhi List of the OBCs only shall be eligible to be
admission to various programmes of study.
considered for admission under the Delhi-OBC
Criteria of Income & Assets: Category on producing certificate from appropriate
Persons who are not covered under the existing authority only. The unfilled OBC seats available are to
scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the be converted to general category.
Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and Educationally 1. In accordance with the Cabinet decision No.1869
Backward Classes and whose family has gross annual dated 27/2/12, the percentage of reservation for
income below Rs. 8.00 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) OBC students will be 27% in the academic year
are to be identified as EWSs for the benefit of 2022- 2023.
reservation. Family for this purpose will include the 2. The OBC candidates shall be given a relaxation in
person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her the minimum eligibility in the qualifying
parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also examination to the extent of 5% of the minimum
his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 eligibility marks prescribed for the General
years. The income shall include income from all Category Candidates.
sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession
3. All those OBC candidates who meet the minimum
etc. and it will be income for the financial year prior to
eligibility marks in the qualifying examination
the year of application, also persons whose family
shall be eligible for admission in the order of their
owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be
merit, keeping in view the availability of seats
excluded from being identified as EWSs, irrespective
reserved for them.
of the family income :
4. If the seats reserved for the OBC remain vacant,
i. 5 acres of Agricultural Land and above;
the said seats shall be filled with the OBC
ii. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above; students. Only if OBC candidates possessing the
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in minimum eligibility marks are not available in the
notified municipalities; OBC category then the vacant OBC seats shall be
iv. Residential plot of 210 sq. yards and above in converted into General Category seats in
areas other than the notified municipalities. accordance with the admission schedule notified
by the University.
Income and Asset Certificate issuing Authority
5. The candidates to this category has to provide
The income and assets of the families as mention in
certificate issued after 01/01/2022 on Non-
Criteria of Income & Assets would be required to be
Creamy layer certificate. It needs to be verified at
certified by an officer not below the rank of Tehsildar
the University office.
in the States/UTs in the prescribed format as given in
Annexure-V. Candidates belonging to State where there is no
Diploma Course in Pharmacy
Admissions of students to various courses in
Candidate from state where there is no government
academic session 2022-23 in view of the OBC
Diploma Course in Pharmacy will be admitted against
one seat reserved for such States.
The reservation of seats for OBC candidates, if any,
Such candidates must have passed the Qualifying


Examination from the State to which they belong and If the number of applications received are from more
must be nominated by the State Government than one foreign national country, then admission
concerned DTTE. will be given to at least one candidate from each
Last Date for receipts of such application will be as country on the basis of merit, provided total number
mentioned in “Schedule of Admission”. of admissions should not exceed 5% of the total
Candidates Belonging to the States Where there is
No Degree Institute in Pharmacy Kashmiri Migrants and Kashmiri Pandit / Kashmiri
Hindu Families (Non-Migrant)
One seat for candidates from other States, where
The concession for the wards of Kashmiri Migrants
there is no government Degree college in Pharmacy
and Kashmiri Pandit / Kashmiri Hindu Families
will be reserved provided, they fulfill the minimum
(Non-Migrants) living in Kashmir valley for
eligibility conditions laid down in this behalf.
admission in Higher Education Institutions:
The candidates from the states where there is no
The Ministry's letter No. 3-1/2012-NER dated
government Degree College in Pharmacy must have
12.03.2015 and 22.07.2016, it has been decided to
passed the qualifying examination from the state to allow the following concessions to the wards of
which they belong. Kashmiri Migrants as well as Kashmiri Pandits /
Foreign Nationals Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non-Migrants) who are
living in the Kashmir Valley, in the matter of their
The Foreign Nationals must fulfil the eligibility
admission in the educational institutions from the
conditions for the admission to the course applied.
academic year 2020-21 and onwards till further
Eligibility is same as for general candidates as
mentioned for the respective course.
i. Relaxation in cut-off percentage upto 10%
Foreign Nationals shall have to be sponsored by the
subject to minimum eligibility requirement.
concerned Embassy / agencies. The application must
be processed through their Embassy as per the rules ii. Increase in intake capacity upto 5% coursewise.
of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. iii. Reservation of at least one seat in merit quota in
of India and they must cater fees existing for Foreign technical/professional institutions
Nationals. iv. Waiving off domicile requirements for Kashmiri
The Foreign Nationals must apply online through Migrants only. Kashmiri Pandits / Kashmiri Hindu
admission portal available on university website. It is Families (Non-Migrants) living in the Kashmiri
mandatory to submit a migration certificate obtained Valley need domicile certificate.
from the respective university where the candidate Person with Disability
had passed his/her qualifying degree. The physically handicapped students are advised to
Foreign Nationals also have to submit the hard copy apply online with disability certificate issued by the
of the application form with all the required competent authority of certified government
documents at DPSRU for processing. Applications hospitals in additions to the certificate of suitability
must reach the Registrar, Delhi Pharmaceutical as to whether the applicant is fit for undergoing the
Sciences & Research University (DPSRU), Pushp course applied for, has to be furnished from the
Vihar, New Delhi – 110017 on or before last date Vocational Rehabilitation, Centre for Handicapped,
mentioned in the schedule of admission. 9-11, Vikas Marg, Karkardooma, Delhi–110092. The
certificate will be verified by Admission Committee in
No further extension shall be given and applications
order to consider their cases for admission to Under-
received after the last date of submission shall not be Graduate courses. The Chairpersons of the
entertained. Admission Committee will have right to decide the
These seats are supernumerary and not exceeding eligibility for the admission. These seats are
5% of total intake. supernumerary and maximum up to 5 %.


Glimpses of Some University Ac vi es

Community service programme organized by DSW Republic Day Celebra on

office in collabora on with NSS. (January - 2022)

Hon’ble Deputy CM Sh. Manish Sisodia addressing Pariksha pe charcha (April - 2022)
faculty and students at the 4 Annual Convoca on

Covid 19 Vaccina on Programme at Inaugura on of Pediatric

DPSRU September - 2021 Physiotherapy Unit July - 2021

Fees to be paid at the time of admission and at the beginning of every odd (3rd, 5th, 7th) semester i.e., 31st July of each semester
Account D. Pharm.,* DMLT B. Pharm., BPT, M. Pharm., MBA, Execu ve M. Pharm in Drug Regulatory Science
(Rs.) (Rs.) B. Pharm, (Ayu.), MPH, MPT, { Candidates Serving in Pharmaceu cal
BMLT, BBA, PG Diploma, Government Industry sponsored
B. Sc. (Biomedical M. Sc., MSS (All PG Organiza ons such as candidates (Rs.)
Sciences), BSS (All Courses) (Rs.) CDSCO/IPC/STATE FDCA/
UG Courses) (Rs.) FSSI/NADA (Rs.)}

Fees to be paid at the beginning of even(2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th) semester i.e., 31st January of each semester

Account DMLT B. Pharm., BPT, M. Pharm., MBA, Execu ve M. Pharm in Drug Regulatory Science
(Rs.) B. Pharm, (Ayu.), MPH, MPT, { Candidates Serving in Pharmaceu cal
BMLT, BBA, PG Diploma, Government Industry sponsored
B. Sc. (Biomedical M. Sc., MSS (All PG Organiza ons such as candidates (Rs.)
Sciences), BSS (All Courses) ( Rs.) CDSCO/IPC/STATE FDCA/
UG Courses) (Rs.) FSSI/NADA (Rs.)}


EXAMINATION FEE Financial Assistance

There are certain schemes/scholarships are available
Regular exam fee: Rs. 4000/- (Semester or annual
as applicable) to needy students. The detailed rules and regulations
on the subject may be obtained from the office of the
Back log paper examination: Rs. 500/- per paper (To
University. The financial assistance, available to
be paid for end-semester examinations as and when
students of full-time courses, in accordance with
relevant rules, are as follows:
The fees and other charges mentioned in the
Fee Concessions
prospectus may be revised by the University at any
Scholarship Holders: Students holding specific
time without notice. In the event of such revision, all
scholarships shall be exempted from payment of
the enrolled students shall pay at the revised rates.
Tuition Fee, on application.
Examination Fee for the Ph.D. will be notified
Sister / brother Concession: In case two or more
brothers/ sisters are admitted in the university, the
Hostel Fee brother / sister studying in the lower class shall pay
Admission to any course in the University does not half the prescribed Tuition fee.
guarantee for admission to the hostel. Non-Delhi No Tuition fee shall be charged from son or daughter
candidates must make own arrangements till hostel of employees of Training and Technical Education,
admission, if available and is given. Government of Delhi.
For D. Pharm. / B. Pharm. / BPT (all UG courses) SC / ST students: Students belonging to the Scheduled
Security: Rs. 5000/- Castes / Tribes shall be exempted from payment of
tuition fee.
Regular Fee: Rs. 10000/- year
Scholarships available at DPSRU
For M. Pharm. / MPH / MBA / PhD (all PG courses)
DPSRU is a State University of Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Security: Rs. 5000/-
(GNCTD) and DIPSAR is a constituent Institute of
Regular Fee: Rs. 11000/- year
DPSRU. DPSRU students are provided with
Mess Charges : Mess shall be compulsory and the scholarships from GNCTD through e-district portal,
charges will be Rs. 15,000/- per Semester. Central Govt. through National Scholarship Portal
Refund of Fees after joining the course (NSP) and from AICTE and other Govt. funding
No fee (except caution money) shall be refunded after
NFST etc. Few scholarships are offered by IPA.
the candidate has joined the course or within one
month of taking the admission or whichever is later. Procedure: Eligible students have to apply through
The refund of fees paid at the time of admission or online as per the procedure and timeline mentioned
in the advertisement from the agency. Students
during the course is governed by AICTE norms. Any
should submit the request letter to the Scholarship
claim for refund of Caution fee should be made within
In-charge DPSRU/DIPSAR with the copy of the
three years of completion of course along with
application and other necessary documents along
original receipt; else the fee will be forfeited and
with bank details copy. Application will be verified
returned to Government Account.
from DPSRU/DIPSAR through funding agency e-
Payment of Dues portal, if any discrepancy is there, students will be
All dues shall be cleared by the dates mentioned in informed to rectify it and re upload the necessary
the prospectus or as notified by the DPSRU authority documents. Funding Agency will disburse the
from time to time. scholarship to the students through Direct Benefit
Transfer (DBT).


GNCTD scholarships available to DPSRU students Central Govt. Scholarships through National
1. Merit Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Scholarship Portal
Students, GNCTD 1. Post-Matric Scholarship Schemes CS Scholarship
GNCTD provides maintenance allowance and other will be awarded to the students who have secured not
benefits to complete their higher studies to the less than 60% marks or equivalent grade in the
students who belong to the underprivileged class. previous final examination and the annual income of
Eligibility: The applicants must be the domiciles of whose parents/guardians from all sources does not
Delhi and belong to SC/ST/OBC/Minority category; exceed Rs.3.00 lakh to Minorities [Muslims, Sikhs,
must be pursuing UG/PG courses and have scored at Christians, Buddhists, Jain and Zoroastrians (Parsis)]
least 60% marks in the previous academic exam; students.
annual family income must not exceed INR 3 Lakh (in 2. Merit-cum-means Scholarship for professional
case of OBC/Minority). and technical courses CS Scholarship will be awarded
2. Post Matric Scholarship scheme for SC to the students who have taken admission in
technical/ professional courses at UG/PG level; must
Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Min.
have secured not less than 50% marks or equivalent
provides scholarship to the student belonging to SC
grade in the previous final examination and the
category whose parents/ guardians income from all
annual income of whose parents/guardians from all
sources does not exceed Rs. 2.5 Lakh per annum. The
sources does not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh.
scholarship includes maintenance allowance,
reimbursement of non-refundable fee, etc. 3. “Financial Support to the Students of N.E.R for
Higher Professional Courses”
For further details visit official website i.e. (NEC Merit Scholarship)
3. Post Matric Scholarship for OBC The North East Region students undergoing studies in
different disciplines at different levels in Institutions
Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Min.
recognized by the government are eligible to apply
provides scholarship to the student belonging to OBC
through NSP.
category whose parents/ guardians income from all
sources does not exceed Rs. 1.5 Lakh per annum. The AICTE scholarships available to DPSRU students
scholarship includes maintenance allowance, 1. PG-GPAT Scholarship
reimbursement of non-refundable fee, etc. Scholarship is awarded to full time GPAT qualified
For further details visit official website i.e. students admitted to M.Pharmacy and MBA courses in AICTE approved courses of DIPSAR & SPS of DPSRU
4. Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance @Rs. 12,400/- PM/ student for 24 Months.
Scheme, GNCTD 2. Pragati Scholarship
GNCTD provides financial assistance to students Scholarship/Contingency is awarded to meritorious
irrespective of their caste, creed, economic girls taking admission in Degree/ Diploma courses of
background, or gender to enhance access to high DIPSAR & SPS of DPSRU.
quality higher education for meritorious 3. Saksham Scholarship
economically disadvantaged sections of the society. Scholarship/Contingency is awarded to Differently
GNCTD will fully or partially reimburse the tuition fee abled students taking admission in Degree/ Diploma
paid by the students depending up on the student's courses of DIPSAR & SPS of DPSRU
family income.


4. Prime Minister's Special Scholarship Scheme – of the name from the rolls of the university.
PMSSS The students shall clear all dues to the university
AICTE offer B.Pharmacy seats to J&K and Ladakh before they are permitted to appear in the
students at DIPSAR under DPSRU and offers Rs. annual/end-semester examination. If the dues are
100000/- as Maintenance Charges and academic fee not cleared, there admit card/ provisional certificates
will be paid by AICTE will be withheld.
5. AICTE Doctoral Fellowship (ADF) Striking off Rolls
AICTE allots full time meritorious research scholars to The name of the student may be struck off the rolls on
DIPSAR under DPSRU and offers research fellowship- account of:
JRF for two years followed by SRF for three years i. His own written request, endorsed by his parent /
IPA – Ramanbhai Patel Scholarship: guardian;
Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) has ii. Irregular attendance and poor progress in studies;
instituted the scholarship in the name of Late Sri iii. If ordered to be EXPELLED or RUSTICATED on
Ramanbhai Patel for meritorious, deserving and account of indiscipline by the competent
financially needy B. Pharm. students who enrolled in authority of the University;
B. Pharm. course at the University. Selected students iv. Non-payment of tuition fee and other dues for 30
receive Rs. 25,000/- in the first year and continue to days after the last date of payment. The
receive Rs. 25,000/- each year till the completion of concerned university authorities, However,
B.Pharm as per guidelines of scholarship. university may grant not more than 30 days of
Late Fee Fine grace period to deserving cases on application by
If the dues (other than those payable at the time of the parent / guardian.
admission) are not paid by the due date, late Eligibility for Appearing in the Semester / Annual
payment fine of rupees one hundred for each day Examination
after the due date (including holidays) shall be Only students Securing 80% attendance or above in
realized, subject to a maximum of Rs. 3000/- only. both theory and practical classes taken separately are
If the fee is not paid within thirty days after the due allowed to appear in the semester / annual
date (including holidays) for any reason whatsoever, examination.
the name of the defaulter student shall be struck off DISCIPLINE
the rolls of the university without any notice.
All the students admitted to the Institute will be under
Payments of Fines and Dues the complete disciplinary control of the Registrar of
Students shall pay on demand any fine imposed on the University/Director of the Institute or any other
them or the cost of any damage to or loss of library officer(s) appointed by him for the purpose and must
books, equipment or other property of the university. conduct themselves in accordance with the
On failure to do so the same will be recovered from disciplinary rules of the University as framed and
the caution money which shall be reimbursed by the notified.
student within the time specified by the University. If ANTI-RAGGING POLICY
the cost of any damage to be recovered or loss A. In accordance with the order of the Hon'ble
exceeds the amount of caution money the balances Supreme Court dated 10.12.2007, in the Special
shall be deposited by the student on demand by the Leave to Appeal (Civil)NOS 24295 and 24296-99
University. Failure to do so, may result in the removal


of 2004, “if any incident of ragging comes to the i. involve physical assault or threat or use of
notice of the authority, the concerned student ANTI-ALCOHOL POLICY physical force;
shall be given liberty to explain and if his ii. violate the status, dignity and honor of
explanation is not found satisfactory, the women students;
authority would expel him from the institution.” iii. violate the status, dignity and honor of
There is Zero Tolerance towards any unethical students belonging to the scheduled castes and
activity. tribes;
B. The candidates seeking admission have to give an iv. expose students to ridicule and contempt and
undertaking that they will abide by the rules and affect their self-esteem;
regulations prescribed and abide by an action v. entrain verbal and aggression, indecent gestures
taken in this regard against students by the Vice- and obscene behaviour.
Chancellor. Anti-smoking Policy
C. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within In accordance with the order of the Hon'ble High Court of
the premises of university as well as on public Delhi and in continuation of the University letter No. HC-
transport. 4170/2010-LC / 256 / 4689 dated 29th April, 2011; the
University is a Smoke Free Zone.
D. Ragging, for the purpose of the Ordinance,
means any act, conduct or practice by which Anti-alcohol Policy

dominant power or status of senior students, is University has a strict Anti-Alcohol Policy. Violators face
suspension and strict action as recommended by the
brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or
constituted committee. There are awareness posters and
students who are in any way considered junior or
strict vigilance in hostels and the entire institute including
inferior by other students and includes individual
guest house.
or collective acts or practices which:


Committee for Prevention of Ragging / Sexual Harassment

An Ragging Commi ee :
Sr. No. Name of Officer Posi on in commi ee
1. Prof. S. R. Wakode Chairperson
2. Prof. Rajiv K. Tonk Member
3. Prof. Geeta Aggarwal Member
4. Ms. Manju Vyas, Associate Professor Member
5. SHO, South Area Member
6. Mr. Aditya Kaushik, Sec on Officer Member
7. Ms. Pritha Sarkar, PRO Member
8. Class Representa ve of First Year B. Pharm. Member
9. Class Representa ve of First YearBPT Member
10. Class Representa ve of First Semester M. Pharm. Member
11. Class Representa ve of First Semester MBA Member
Commi ee against Sexual Harassment :
Sr. No. Name of Officer Posi on in commi ee
1. Prof. Deep Pandita Chairperson
2. Dr. Saurabh Dahiya, Associate Professor Member
3. Dr. Minakshi Garg, Associate Professor Member
4. Ms. Nisha, Assistant Registrar Member
5. Ms. Rajrani Aggarwal, Saket ward president Member
Ananya Founda on, Rani Laxmi Bai Briagade, NGO
PLACEMENT REPORT 2021-22 This year, we also observed offers coming in from non-
Placements for our students of 2021-2022 were secured technical organizations and we warmly welcomed them.
from 20+ companies visiting campus while few others The companies offered a package ranging from 6 to 12
invited students to apply directly for open positions. lakhs per annum for Masters courses, which has
Students were offered lucrative offers and roles in the significantly increased from last academic year. Moreover,
areas of research, pharmacovigilance, analytics, the number of internship and training opportunities with
consulting, Ed-tech, marketing, business consulting, and organizations of repute surged as well which raised the
HRM in addition to the core pharmacist profiles. Be it the
number of students getting placed to over 45 so far.
R&D giant Dr. Reddy's or consulting firms like ZS
This time, a comparatively higher number of students
Associates, IQVIA, WNS, PharmaACE, each and every
showed their interest in appearing in campus placements
company that visited the college has been astounded by
the talent we offer. and landed into their dream profiles.

Organiza on Designa on Student’s Name Organiza on Designa on Student’s Name
• Ajay Kumar
• Disha Cha erjee • Meghna Tripathi
Dr Reddy's Research Trainee • Deepak Singh WNS Trainee Analyst • Jagri Sharma
• Agam Sharma • Bilal Ahmed
• Vishnupriya Sadhu
• Sandeep
• Aakaash
• Shifa Mansuri
• Saurabh Raghuvansh
• Mohammed Safdar
• Mohi
PharmaAce Trainee Analyst • Aman Chitkara WNS Research Associate
• Milan Gond
• Himanshu Yadav
• Vinisha
• Himanshu Arora
• Harsh Pratap Singh
• Saloni
Fresenius Kabi Trainee Analy cal • Lj Sonali Clarivate Intern • Muskan Goyal

• Amena Sherwani
• Hafsah Asif • Shru Dhalla
• Gargi Arora • Priya Rathore
ZS Associates KMA IQVIA Analyst
• Ruchita Santra • Jaishree Sah
• Vidya Raina • Kiran Girdhar
• Saurav Tomar

• Purvanshe

Prescient Healthcare Trainee • Pree

• Anwesha Rout Adamet Next Buisness Analyst • Pooja Rathod
• Jasmeet Singh Minocha
• Anu Kumari

• Ladi Vishal
• Sonam Malik • Nancy Gola
Course 5i Management Trainee EBM Health Internship
• Bubhusha Kathait • Mamta Siroula
• Faiza Javed

Mankind Research Associate • Khusboo Sharma

GPAT Qualified Students

of University - 2022


(To be signed by Registered Medical Practitioner holding a medical degree not below M.B.B.S)

(To be submitted at Time of Admission)

I certify that I have carefully examined Shri / Smt. / Kumari .........................................................................................Son /

Daughter / Wife of Shri ........................................................................................................................................................

Whose signature is given below He/She is fit for admission to a course in Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and research
University. I have to further report that

1) His/Her eyes a appear to be

2) His/Her heart & Lungs are clear

3) His/Her chest measurement is (a) Normal (b) Expansion

4) His/Her weight is Kg

5) His/Her height in Cm

6) He/She wears glasses/does not wear glasses /Vision…….

7) He/She has no disease, mental and bodily infirmity which makes him/her unfit in the near future for an active
life and studies.

Marks of Identification (I) ..............................................................................................................................................

(II) ............................................................................................................................................

Signature of Candidate Sign of the Medical Officer

Date : (With Seal)

Place :



The following certificate is issued in respect of Shri / Kumari / Smt. .....................................................................................

................................................................................Son / daughter / wife of Shri Certified that his / her caste / tribe is
which is declared as scheduled caste / tribe.

Seal of Office Signature

Dy. Commissioner /

Competent Board, New Delhi.


(To be submitted at the time of admission)

I Shri / Smt. / Kumari ...................................................................................................... Son / Daughter / Wife of

Shri .................................................................................................................................................... resident of
........................................................................... undertake that; I accept the admission at DIPSAR/DPSRU. I will
not claim any change unless offered by the University. Further, I will attend every lecture and practical classes.
However, I agree that to account for late joining or other such contingencies the requirements for appearing in
annual examination shall be minimum of 80% of the classes (theory and practical separately) actually held.

Signature of the Candidate Signature of Parent / Guardian


Undertaking For Pharmacist Registration Certificate

“I.............................................................. do hereby declare that I have not / will not use my Pharmacist
registration certification No. ........................... dated .......................... issued by the ..................................valid
up to........................... elsewhere during the course of study in............................................

In case of failure to comply with this declaration, I will render myself liable to action for cancellation of my
pharmacist registration u/s 36(1) (ii) of Pharmacy act, 1948 and debarred from “course of study” in pharmacy
institution on account of infamous conduct.

Place : Name & Signature of Student: ................................

Date : Name of Course: .....................................................


Government of : ........................................................
(Name and Address of the authority issuing the certificate)


Certificate No. :.............................................

Date :...........................................................

Valid for the Year .........................................

1. This is to certify that Shri/Smt/ Kumari ............................................................................................... Son/

Wife/Daughter of..............................permanent resident of .................................., village/street

.................................................................. Post Office ..................... District..............................................
in the state/union territory .............................. Pin Code ..................................... whose photograph is
attested below belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the gross annual income of his/her
family is below Rs. 8 lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh Only) for the financial year ........................................

His/her family does not own or possess any of the following assets:

• Residential flat of 1000 square feet and above;

• 5 acres of agricultural land and above;

• Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;

• Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.

2. Shri/Smt./Kumari ................................................................................................................ belongs to

the......................................................................................................................caste which is not
recognized as a Scheduled caste, Scheduled tribe and Other Backward Classes.

Signature with seal of Office : .......................................... Recent

Name : ............................................................................ size attested
photograph of
Designation : ................................................................... the applicant

Note 1 : Income covered all sources i.e., salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.

Note 2 : The term “Family” for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/ her
parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18

Note 3: The property held by a “Family” in different locations or different places/cities have beenclubbed
while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.


Revenue Department, Govt of NCT of Delhi
Office of the District Magistrate
Xxxxx : Xxxx District


size attested
photograph of
the applicant

This is to certify that ..................................... D/o, S/o xxxxxxx R/o xxxxxxx DELHI – xxxxxxx INDIA belongs to the
xxxxxxx community which is recognized as other Backward Class under the Government of NCT of Delhi
notified vide Notification No. xxxxxxx dated xxxxxxx published in theGazette of Delhi Extraordinary Part -IV.

xxxxxx and her/his family ordinarily resides at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , DELHI xxxxxxx INDIA.

This certificate is issued on the basis of OBC certificate issued to xxxxxxx SELF of xxxxxxx R/o

xxxxxxx DELHI belongs to xxxxxxx community of DELHI State vide Certificate No. xxxxxxxdatedxxxxxxx issued by

This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the person/sections (Creamy layer) mentioned in column 3
of the Schedule to the Govt. of India. Department of Personnel & Training 0.M. No.36012/22193- Estt(SCT).
36033/3/2004- Estt (Res), 36033/112013-Estt (Res) dated 8/9119939/03/2004 & 14/10/2018 and 27/05/2013

1. This Certificate is valid as per information Technology Act 2000 as amended from time to time.

2. This Authenticity of this document should be verified at Any

discrepancy in the details on this document when compared to those available on the website renders it

3. The onus of checking the Legitimacy is on the users of this document.

4. In case of any discrepancy please inform the authority issuing this certificate.

5. The non-creamy layer status of the applicant has been certified based on the self-declaration by the
applicant to this effect.


Certificate in Respect of Defence Category (CW)

This is to certify that Master/ Miss ........................................................................................ son/daughter

of.........................................................................................resident of the above named officer/JCO/OR
pertains to the category marked below:- (Select one from below)
a. Killed in Action on.......................................................During..............................................................
b. Disabled in Action on......................................................................................... and boarded out
from service..........................................................on ................................................during
c. Died in peace time on ............................................... with death attributable to military service.
d. Disabled in peace time and boarded out from service with disability attributable to military service.
e. Gallantry Award Winner (................................................................................................).
f. Ex-Serviceman.
g. Wife of ................................................................................................................................
h. Serving Personnel's
i. Wife of Serving Personnel
Mr./Miss .................................................................. son/daughter of the above-named officer/JCO/OR is
eligible forAdmission in DPSRU against the Defence quota under prioirity.
His/Her Ex-Serviceman Widow ldentification No. is DLH-01
NO .............................................................../...............................................
(Round stamp of office) (Zila/Rajya Sainik Board)

(For Executive M. Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science Course)

This is to certify that ...................................................son / daughter of

employed in this organization has ............................................. since.................................................. and the

employer.......................................... has no objection if this employee gets himself admitted in the regular

course of Executive Master of Pharmacy in Drug Regulatory Science for the session ................................... He

will be allowed to attend this course and carry out the related assignments.

Signature & Seal of Authorized Person

(Name of the Employer)


Declaration and Undertaking
(For EWS Category Candidate)

I, Mr./Miss …………………Son/Daughter…………………………... of Sh./Smt……………………………………seeking

admission in the course ………… ………………at…………………………………...(Department/School/College), during the

session 20…………. ., do hereby solemnly declare that I will strictly adhere to the rules and regulation for grant of

scholarship and undertake that:

1. The choice of the subject is solely at my discretion.

2. I am taking admission under EWS/Supernumerary seats with a clear understanding that these seats are

over and above the total approved seats.

3. I will not be getting any scholarship/stipend/ financial assistance, etc. from AICTE or any other sources

and I will not claim for the same.

Signature of Student

Signature of Guardian

Signature in full:…………………………........…………………….

Name (in Block letter):……………………………......………….

Please affix a recent

Roll No.:…………………………………………………...........………

Name of the Department…………………………..........…….


Faculty development program on “Interna onaliza on Prof. S. K. Gupta Ora on in Clinical Research
of DPSRU” conducted on May 26, 2022 (March 25, 2022)

Inaugra on of Kiosk Digital Printer at Student Na onal Shoo ng champion Vishal Shokeen
sec on by the esteemed members of newly being felicitated (March - 2022)
cons tuted members of Academic Council

Faculty members and Students a ending 1st Research Promo on Award (April - 2022)
Interna onal Conference on Pharma & Medical
Device at Dr. Ambedkar Interna onal Center


D. Pharm. B. Pharm. / BPT / B. Pharm. M. Pharm. / MBA / MPH /
1st Year / DMLT B. Pharm. (Ayu.) / 3rd MPT / Executive M. Pharm.
1st Semester / BMLT / BBA, B. Sc. Semester, in Drug Regulatory Science
DPSRU-WCSC Biomedical Sciences/ Lateral / M. Sc. (Artificial Intelligence
Certificate BSS (All UG Courses) Entry (LE) in Medicine) / PG Diploma
Courses 1st Semester in Plant Tissue Culture/MSS
1st Semester
Admission Process 11/07/2022 11/07/2022 11/07/2022 01/08/2022
Last date of receipt of
01/08/2022 01/08/2022 01/08/2022 22/08/2022
Display of merit list 16/08/2022 16/08/2022 16/08/2022 05/09/2022
Onwards Onwards Onwards Onwards
Date of admission 29/08/2022 29/08/2022 29/08/2022 12/09/2022
Onwards Onwards Onwards Onwards

• This brochure is for purpose of information & guidance of candidates seeking admission. Information contained
herein including the schedule of admission is subject to change at any time by administrative decision.
• Any seat falls vacant after withdrawal of any admitted student will be filled up in the same order of merit from the
respective category.
• Caution: Forged marksheets / false age proof / documents / caste certificate will result into legal action along with
cancellation of admission.
• This is not a legal document. Admission is provisional subject to final approval by the competent authority and
statutory body as applicable with the Act, Statutes and ordinances.


Diploma Courses Cer ficate Courses Bachelor Courses
Masters Courses PhD

• Diploma in Beauty and B.Pharm. Pharmaceu cs • Pharmacology

Pharmacy Wellness Pharmacology • Pharmaceu cs
B.P.T. Pharmaceu cal Chemistry • Pharmaceu cal
consultant Chemistry
Clinical Research
• Diploma in • Clinical Pharmacy
BSc. In Sports Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Laboratory Sports Digitaliza on • Pharmacognosy
Science with Cosmeceu cs
Technology and Fitness • Pharmaceu cal
Pharmacy Drug Regulatory Affairs
(DMLT) Assessment Quality Assurance
Pharmaceu cal Analysis • Pharmaceu cal
BBA-Healthcare Industrial Pharmacy Analysis
Sports Management Pharmaceu cal Biotechnology • Industrial Pharmacy
& Yoga Applica on Bachelor of Pharmaceu cal Quality Assurance • Pharmaceu cal
Medical Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Biotechnology
Masters in Public Health • Physiotherapy
Next Genera on Laboratory
PG Diploma in Plant Tissue Culture • Pharmaceu cal
Sequencing and Its Technology (BMLT) Management
M. Sc. (Ar ficial Intelligence in Medicine)
Applica ons • Public Health
B.Pharm. (Ayu.) MBA (Interna onal Trade Management)
• Sports Science
MBA (Pharmaceu cal Management)
Quality Assurance MBA (Healthcare & Hospital Management)
of Biopharmaceu cals B.Sc. (Biomedical Execu ve M.Pharm. in Drug Regulatory Science
MPT (Sports Medicine)
MPT (Pediatrics)*
MPT (Cardiovascular and Pulmonary)*

Propectus Prepar on Commi ee
Patron Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal
Chairperson Dr. O. P. Shukla
Co-chairperson Prof. Prabhat K. Sahoo
Coordinator/Member Secretary Dr. Mahaveer Dhobi
Members: Prof. Rajiv Kumar Tonk
Prof. Meenakshi K. Chauhan
Dr. Prabodh Chander
Dr. Ajit K. Thakur
Academic Units of DPSRU


Industry - Institute Promotion Ecosystem





Centres of Excellence

Advanced Pharmac-
Clinical Drug
Ocular Nano- Herbal ovigilance
Research Drug Discovery & Outcome
Pharmacology Technogy Centre
(BA/BE Centre) Formulation Research


(Approved by UGC under section 2f of UGC Act)
Opp. Sainik Farm Gate No.-1, Mehrauli Badarpur Road, New Delhi-110017
Website :
For Admission Related Queries: Ph. 011-29552039

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