Keys of Wonder Lore - Dread Harvest
Keys of Wonder Lore - Dread Harvest
Keys of Wonder Lore - Dread Harvest
Dread Harvest
Keys of Wonder Lore Guide
D T HT V is a haunted adventure
in which the characters must stop an
evil naturalist named Mandi Sweetvine as
Alternate Plot Hook/
he terrorizes a town’s Festival of the Holy
Harvest. He has turned some of the villagers
into abominations of body parts and bestial
entities. As the party stops the abominations
W hile the party is exploring The Grange, a
rich expanse of farming villages North-
east of Slew, they come across some delightful,
and uncovers more horrors of the twisted woodland critters delivering a message. Read
man, they must battle the final monstrosity the following aloud:
of Sweetvine’s disgusting mind - an Abomi- Autumn has settled across the Greenwold.
nable Hulk! If you’re playing along with the As you walk through lush farmlands, golden
Keys of Wonder campaign setting, this lore wheat, ripe gourds, and tall cornrows surround
guide provides a new plot hook to place the you. The rare, shade-casting oak has leaves of
adventure in Greenwold, flavor to round out vibrant reds and oranges. The air is cool and
the parties exploration of the Festival of the the sense of harvest is in the air. As you amble,
Holy Harvest, an in depth look at the downfall you see nearby bushes rustle. A large black crow
of Mandi Sweetvine, and the opportunity to sweeps by just overhead, bearing something in
recover a lost Key of Wonder! its talons. It lands just ahead of you, perching on
the shoulder of a scarecrow standing alone on
For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:
Wr itten by Tavis Doucette. Edited by David Cr ennen.
Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-
ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.
the edge of a rustling cornfield. It tucks the scroll lain. At the center of the disk was a small hole.
it’s carrying into the overalls of the scarecrow, Mandi put the hole up to his ear and heard
and looks in your direction before cawing loudly sounds like he had never heard before. He
and flying off. could hear the plants, the earth, the critters.
You can just make out the scarlet wax seal of Not words, but life! Almost as if Tilthar was
Maestro Hewert on the rolled up scroll. speaking to him through every living thing's
essence. Amazed by this find, Mandi began to
The contents of the scroll read: experiment with the disk. But nefarious hands
Brave adventurers! I have caught wind guide innocent minds.
that you are enjoying the harvest season in The
Granges! I wonder if you can make your way to K DHVT
Vencia, a delightful village. I met a nature holy Mandi stumbled upon the Disc of Voices (See
man named Mandi Sweetvine some years back. Sidebar, pg 4), a wondrous magic item with
He was very talented at cultivating new life. He powers to preserve and grow life. This item
had mentioned a magical relic he found. At the could grant the bearer the ability to hear all
time it didn’t register to me as connected to the living things, even those with no voices of their
Calliope of Wonder, but I have been receiving own. At first Mandi listened to all the beautiful
strange magical energies from that area. noise of nature he knew so well - the bird song,
Please find Mandi and see if he may have some the growing of flowers and crops.
knowledge of this. Vencia throws a fantastic However, the more he listened the more he
celebration around this time of year called the heard. Songs and voices he had never heard
Festival of the Holy Harvest, and Mandi is one before began to fascinate him - the sound of
of the organizers! Perhaps you can let loose and the worms and fungus writing in the soil, the
enjoy yourselves for once! You deserve it! Sing song of insects and vermin coming from under
music, fair adventurers, and the calliope shall every stone, the chorus of a billion bacterial
sing with you! voices that decompose the world from within.
Mandi had never realized the rot of nature
Mandi Sweetvine, could be so beautiful. Captivated by it, he soon
began to seek out mold and decay, seeking the
Agriculturalist turned Killer strange beauty of this overlooked song. Before
long he found himself wandering into those
He began to have his own visions - dreams achieve his dreams - the scythe of preservation
of creating a new race of creatures. Creatures (see sidebar below). His preparations com-
that could be stronger than other races, more in plete, he began his plans for this year's Festival
touch with all of nature’s aspects… rot and all. of the Holy Harvest.
Dreams of the artistry of creating abominations If the party recovers the disc and taps their
of flesh. Fueled by these visions, Mandi made an tuning fork to the artifact, it records the eerie,
amulet out of the disc, inscribing it with dark haunting timbre. The Lost Key can then be
runes, and began to craft a tool to help him returned to the Calliope of Wonder
The Festival of the
Holy Harvest
Games and Entertainment increasing DC’s (8,10,12,14,17). A character
may only attempt one saving throw per round,
The following festivities are available around
and must succeed on a saving throw before
the festival: they are able to attempt the next one. The
• Hammer Slam, 3 cp - the classic carnival game. A first contestant to complete all five saving
character has to slam the base, shooting the ball up throws wins the contest. The winner receives a
to the bell at the top (DC 15 Strength check). If they wooden carving of a pumpkin and a payout of
win, they get to choose any gaming set or musical 10 gp. Hebey Wimple (bandit) is the five-year
instrument less than 10 gp (PHB, pg. 154). reigning champion of the contest. If he loses, he
• Straw Doll Making, 2 cp - a small craft table has will demand fisticuffs with his usurper.
been set up for the kids to make cute, straw • Largest Hog - The largest hog contest is the
dolls. Should a party member wish to partake, spectacle of the festival. Farmer’s far and wide put
they must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight their hogs on display. It has gotten so popular, a
of Hand or Performance) check. If they succeed small betting ring has been established. Should
by five or more, the kids around the table see a character wish to bet on the hogs, it is a 2-1
the masterpiece and all start crying. payout. The character can make a DC 13 Wisdom
• Cake Eating Contest, 5 cp - This pie eating (Perception) or Intelligence (Nature) check to
contest is a race to see who can eat five discern that two hogs, Bessie and Gertrude, are
pumpkin cakes the fastest. A character must the front runners. If they succeed by five or more,
succeed on five Constitution saving throws with they can tell that Gertrude is all fluff and hair, and
Bessie is the heaviest.