Chasm of The Strange - 5e Booklet

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Adventure Overview the chasm formed. Nevertheless, the founding

warlord liked the fortified position afforded by
SVTCPIGHO is an adventure opti- the chasm, acting as a natural barrier. A large
mized for a party of four 4th-level characters drawbridge was built, spanning the diameter
that can be played as a stand-alone adventure, of the chasm, making Karstead nigh-impossible
or incorporated into a campaign. Unlike tra- to be sieged.
ditional adventures, CO H VG STCPI Many years have passed since then, and
incorporates the sci-fi genre into the fantasy many things have changed. Karstead is now
landscape! a flourishing city. The Chasm, however, has
The adventure begins in the fortified city remained - deep and obscured beyond all per-
of Karstead, built near its iconic landmark: ception. When, on rare occasion, an explorer
the Great Chasm - an ancient, massive fissure. chose to brave its depths, they were never
The party is drawn to explore the mysterious seen again. But that was not sufficient cause
depths of the chasm, and soon encounters tru- to worry Karstead’s residents… until recently.
ly-alien creatures and technology that imperil No longer are folks as keen to cross the
the entire realm above! lowered drawbridge - not since strange, other-
worldly sounds have echoed from down below.
Adventure Background Not since strange gas and vapor have coalesced
over the entrance. Not since eerie lights have
CF›VGKT OVC GT danced in the stars, forming strange symbols
Over three-hundred years ago, during a time over the Great Chasm.
when war ravaged the realm, the city of Kar- The town now fears that something stirs
stead was built near a massive fissure called down below, and that no one is brave enough
“the Great Chasm.” The chasm is a roughly to find out what it is!
150-ft. wide hole, than descends approximate-
ly 1,000 ft.-deep. No one knows how or why


For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

Writer: Chad Skiles. Editor: D a vid Crennen. Lead D e signer: D a vid Cren -
nen. Cover art by Bogdan Antonci.

Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-

ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

Eons ago, an alien race made a miscalculation. Reading the Entries
This error led to their hi-tech spaceship splin- This adventure references the three
tering through space and time, and crash-land- primary 5e sourcebooks–monster entries
ing in the Greenwold (or the setting for your are found in the MM, spells and rules for
gaming session). players are in the BHP and game rules &
The ship’s sheer velocity caused it to rip into treasure are found in the GMD .
earth, plummeting deeply down below. This • Monsters are listed in bold.
event was the ancient origin of the Great Chasm. • sl epS are listed in italics.
These beings hail from Xiordia - a distant
• srabediS like this, provide optional rules
realm separated by vast reaches of astral space.
and supplemental adventure information.
They live to be hundreds, and sometimes
thousands, of years-old. Their culture centers
around the precepts of constant evolution and
perseverance. To that end, their mission is to
seek out and conquer new worlds, and to over-
Extraterrestrial Efforts come anything that would halt their progress
During their time stranded under- without lament or excuse. The wayward strang-
ground, the Strangers have completed ers have spent centuries in the Chasm’s depths
a number of projects, aided by their plotting a slow, but methodical resurgence.
enhanced intellect. At last, that time is nigh. They have rebuilt
Xiordia Atmosphere Recreation. their ship, and are planning a catastrophic
The aliens cannot comfortably breathe attack on the surface!
the realm’s atmosphere for prolonged
periods, so they first developed the VHMPN
technology to emit a gas through a Use the following plot hooks to compel
series of tubes and canisters installed the player characters to participate in the
in the chasm. The heavy coalescence of adventure. Each player may have their own
gas has finally started to seep up from hook, or share the same one.
the deep chasm. Other-world beings - Missing. A friend, loved one, or mentor
including the party - exposed to it could named Zendra Sain - who serves as Captain of
experience genetic mutations (see the Guard in Karstead - has gone missing. You
apor V erusopxE , pg. 5). travel to the city to investigate her disappear-
Starship Cxizl-Beta. The Strangers ance.
have been building a new vessel from In Need of a Favor. You need a favor from
the wreckage of their mothership - Boran Malkdor, the ruler of Karstead. The favor
using a combination of their native could be: a royal pardon, a map leading to the
tech, and harvested precious metals location of a magic artifact or weapon, or some-
found underground as replacements. thing else created by the GM.
Creature Experiments. The Strang- Treasure Unlike Any Other. A trusted
ers’ mothership crashed, but its lab source showed you the strangest piece of sal-
section survived the impact (see pg. vage - a metal alloy unlike any material you’ve
6). While they have been rebuilding a seen. It was as strong and light as mithril, but
new ship, the Strangers have also been inscribed with strange alien text that even ex-
studying and experimenting upon the pert linguists found indecipherable. The source
foreign creatures they’ve encountered - said it was found near the Great Chasm. This
ranging from subterranean creatures to must be just a taste of what unique treasure
wayward explorers that were captured. can be found below!

quiet, save for the occasional squeak of wood
OCNGT under your feet. A palpable feeling of eeriness
washes over you. A strange scent lingers in the
The players begin in Karstead. They meet air. Nervous onlookers crowd the stone walls,
with the quiet but forceful ruling lord, Boran watching this rare event unfold - some of them
Malkdor (lawful neutral human noble) at his muttering prayers as you proceed.
estate. He is willing to strike a deal for any
player In Need of a Favor, and can summarize
the strange, recent occurrences happening The Great Chasm
near the Great Chasm of late (see Adventur
Background , pg. 2). Light. The chasm is dimly-lit for the
Lord Malkdor does not know anything first 500 ft. down. The remaining depth
about what lurks in the chasm, nor does is completely dark.
anyone. He explains that the chasm’s fear-in- Sound. The further the party de-
ducing reputation has dissuaded any local scends, the more they hear the echoing
adventurers from looking into the matter. sounds of the ship repair coming from
However, he suspects that his Captain of the the makeshift hangar (see map, pg. 10).
Guard, Zendra Sain, was an exception. She’s Walls. The walls are made of natu-
been missing for a few days now. Before her ral, hardened earth.
disappearance, Lord Malkdor remembers her
speaking of the chasm, and caught her looking
up at the skies above it in a gaze. Given that There is a climber's kit (PHB, pg. 151) for
her weapons and adventuring gear are gone each player character. They may use rope and
too, he believes she explored the cavern, but pitons to rappel down the chasm, using the
cannot - for the life of him - understand why following series of ability checks.
she would do that. It requires s i x successful checks to de-
He is desperate, and knows that this mis- scend the Great Chasm. Each check attempt
sion is a dangerous one. In addition to any other represents rappelling approximately 150 ft.
deals made, he can offer each character 600 gp In initiative order, each player can attempt
of minted coin, and a prized family heirloom: to make progress, starting with Strength
a figurine of wondrous power (golden lions), (Athletics) checks, then using a skill of their
(DMG, pg. 169). The party will need to be the choosing, so long as the GM agrees that it would
first individuals to ever return from exploring be helpful in this effort. For example, they may
the Great Chasm in order to receive their use Wisdom (Perception) to spot a maneuver-
rewards. He provides climbing gear for them able pathway down, or Intelligence (Nature)
to rappel down the massive crater. to identify which deposits of rock are the most
The World Below
msahC taerG ht gnid ecs D
• DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check
The following encounters take place as the • DC 10 check - skill of the player’s choice
party explores the Great Chasm. Use the Skinny
• DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check
Minis and battlemaps included in your box to
stage the encounters. Each section begins with • DC 10 check - skill of the player’s choice
read-aloud text. • DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check
• DC 10 check - skill of the player’s choice
You walk along the drawbridge, which is laid After two rounds have passed, two skcirg
down over the length of the Great Chasm. It’s emerge from the walls and attack whoever

Vapor Exposure
With prolonged exposure to the Stranger’s atmosphere-altering radiation, the party risks
being altered by genetic mutations. Immediately after resolving the Descntdiro W
ness encounter, each character must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a success,
nothing happens. On a failure, they must roll on the Mutation Table below, and gain that trait
for the next 4 hours. A player may only have a maximum of three mutations. If they already
have three active mutation effects, they no longer roll on the table.
Before each subsequent encounter, followings endrieW otni tnecs D , each player char-
acter must repeat this roll.



1 Antennae. You grow a pair of antennae from your head. You gain tremorsense within
20 ft. You are vulnerable to psychic and thunder damage. If you take psychic or thunder
damage you are blinded and deafened until the end of your next turn.
2 Ogre-Arm: One of your arms grows to Huge-sized. Unarmed strikes deal an additional
2d6 bludgeoning damage. However, the extra weight subtracts 10 ft. from your base
walking speed.
3 Stretchy Body. Your body becomes soft and malleable. As a bonus action, you are able
to stretch your limbs up to 20 ft. They can make attacks and interact with objects
normally. Your AC is reduced by 1.
4 Acidic Eyes. Your eyes swell nearly-shut and grow pouches of green-yellow bags
around them. As an action, you may shoot a stream of acid from them, by making a
ranged attack in a 10-ft. line. All creatures in range must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw or take 3d6 acid damage, or half as much on a successful save. You have
disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that rely
on sight.
5 Phase Stealth. Your body flickers like static. Photo-receptors in your skin can mimic
your surroundings, granting you camouflage. As a bonus action, you may activate the
effect, which mimics the effect of an invisibility spell, and lasts until the end of your
next turn. You subtract the maximum value of your highest hit die from your maximum
hit points (i.e. 8 for 1d8).
6 Furnace. Your skin becomes very hot to the touch, and glows an amber color. When a
creature starts its turn within 5 ft. of you, they take 2d4 fire damage. You are vulnera-
ble to overheating. When you take fire or radiant damage, you are paralyzed until the
end of your next turn.
7 Hardened Exoskeleton. Your bones harden like steel. You gain 10 temporary hit points
and +2 to your AC from natural armor. You have disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks
and saving throws.
8 Bestial Hooves. Your legs enlarge and grow fur and hooves. You double the distance
of long and high jumping, and do not need a running start to do so. You also have
advantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks using your legs.
Anytime you attempt to stop your movement, roll 1d6. On a result of 3-6, nothing
happens. On a result of 1-2, you cannot stop yourself and move an additional 10 ft. in
the same direction - even if you moved your maximum walking speed this turn. Walls
stop this movement, but hazards do not.

has made it farthest! The gricks will pursue Once the party moves within 30 ft. of the
the party to the bottom of the chasm. On their cadaver crawler, it smells their presence and
turn, a party member must decide whether to immediately attacks!
spend their action combating the gricks, or
attempting a check to descend the chasm. VKPILCDGT yIHMediumDal
If a player fails an Athletics check made to As you venture further, you see that the cavern
climb, they do not descend any further, and walls have been reinforced with some sleek, shiny
they suffer a complication, such as: metal. There is a barely-audible beeping and
• Their rope starts to splinter, and will break buzzing in the distance. Flickering green-yellow
in 1d3 rounds. If a character falls as a result, light illuminates the silhouettes of creatures, and
they land 2d6 x 5 ft. down and take 1d6 a few metal pods.
bludgeoning damage for every 10 ft. they fell.
• They slip, and take 2d6 bludgeoning damage Any checks made on the metal walls prove
skidding against the chasm’s walls. unable to identify the material. This is because
• They are flipped upside-down while hanging it is a metal alloy created by the strangers. It is
from the rope. All attack rolls and saving clear to anyone who examines them that this
throws suffer disadvantage while in this state is a technology more advanced than anything
until the upside-down character succeeds on a else observed in the Material plane.
DC 15 Dexterity ability check, or another player
Ahead, threes r e g n a r t s (see pg. 11) advance
spends their action to move you upright.
their experiments on various creatures they
• They draw the attention of one of the gricks. have captured - some native to the subterra-
If a player fails the ability check of their nean depths, and others that have wandered
choosing, they suffer disadvantage on their into their domain. Each captive is held inside
next ability check made to descend the chasm. of an experimentation pod, as marked on the
The players may have abilities or spells that map (see pg. 10).
allow them to descend the Chasm without use The pods are made of the same impenetra-
of the climbing gear. The GM can allow them to ble metal alloy as the reinforced walls. They
automatically succeed on checks as befitting
their method. For example, a levitate spell
would allow a character to avoid making all of Mutant A kcolmirg that has had a wyvern’s
the Strength (Athletics) checks. Grimlock tail surgically attached to it. It can
(G ) use the wyvern’s (MM, pg. 303)
stinger attack as an action, with the
V CSGPEHD HMediumI 5-6 Recharge quality.
You reach the bottom of the Great Chasm. The
world above is distant, as darkness blankets you. Mutant A epa tn ig with metal gauntlets
Ape around its arms and fists, with
An electricity-like feeling raises the hair on your
(A) the following changes. Its size is
arms. A rotting stench wafts your way from the Medium; its Fist attack is +6 to hit,
uneven pathway leading deeper down into tunnels. deals 2d10+6 damage; and does not
have the Rock action. Instead, it can
Arelwarc evad c (MM, pg. 37) feasts on 1/encounter, add 3d6 force damage
old remains 50 ft. ahead of the party. Due to to a successful fist attack.
exposure to the radiation, it has the following Mutant Elf A tuocs that has had metal-encased,
changes to its stats: its CR is 3 (700 XP), and (E) giant spider legs surgically attached
it has a new trait - Static Field. All creatures to her back. She has all of the tnaig
who begin their turns within 5 ft. of the cadaver redips ’s (MM, pg. 328) traits and
Web action - but not its Bite attack -
crawler take 1d6 lightning damage. Its bite at-
added to her stats.
tack deals an additional 1d6 lightning damage.
Zendra She uses the stats of a yps . Once
Sain (Z) freed, she can wield a laser pistol.

have the following statistics: AC 17; HP: 50;
immunity to psychic and poison damage; and Rescued!
resistance to all other damage except from If the party succeeds in freeing Zendra, she
damage caused by alien tch weapons . The can share the following information:
panels can also be opened by succeeding on • Ever since she was young, she’s received
a DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or visions - sometimes in dreams, sometimes
simply by pressing a strangers’ three-pronged in waves while she’s awake. She meditates
hand to the scanner. on these visions to make sense of them and
figure out what she should do in response.
Once combat begins, the strangers will try
She’s kept this a closely guarded secret…
to free each creature from their chamber except until now.
for Zendra, which they can do automatically as
• She saw a vision of these strange beings
an action on their turn if they are within 5 ft. of
attacking Karstead in their “flying metal
a pod. A freed creature fights against the party, disc.” Upon meditating further, she realized
except for Zendra, who will aid the party. that the attack was nigh approaching.
On the lab table, there are dismembered
• She saw that they were building the vessel
remains of both a wyvern and giant spider. underground, and that it could be destroyed
There are also three liquids in syringes - one to prevent the attack.
blue, one red, and one green-colored.
• She has never shared her clairvoyance
• The blue vial is a mutagen. When consumed, a ability with anyone before. She worried no
creature must roll on the Vapor Exposure table one would believe her. And besides, no one
(pg. 5). would dare enter the Great Chasm.
• The red vial is an anti-mutagen, and removes a • She was exhausted when she made it to the
single mutation from the Vapor Exposure table bottom of the chasm. She lost consciousness,
when consumed, decided randomly if needed. and the next thing she remembers is being
• The green-colored serum that mimics the awoken inside one of the pods.
effects of a potion of superior healing (DMG, pg. • She will fight alongside the party. They have
188). to destroy the Strangers’ ship before they
launch an attack on the surface!
A character can identify these properties
with a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation or Na- niaS rdneZ
ture) check, but rolls with disadvantage due to Ideals. Not everyone has the will to fight,
the foreign nature of the substances. but I do. I’ll fight on behalf of those who are
Also on the table are fivecits ugnil oruen unable to do so.
sredocne . These are small metal earpieces that,
Bonds. I always follow my visions. Even
when attached, allow any creature to fluently
when they have steered me toward danger,
understand the Strangers’ native language
it is for good reason.
when spoken aloud.
Inside of a nearby crate (C, see map, pg Flaws. If someone stands in the way of my
10), there are the following items, which are actions, they are an obstacle. They must be
alien tch wpos : three laser pistols, and overcome by whatever means necessary.
one laser rifle (DMG, pg. 268). The weapons
are made of a hybrid of ultra-durable metal and
organic material, and etched with an indeci- er’s fingers are pressed into the metal circles - a
pherable alien language. perfect fit - it hums softly and opens the door.
The large metal doors leading into the
hangar are impenetrable. A DC 11 Intelligence HETGVSCPI yDeadl I
(Investigation) check reveals that three circles The lab’s doors open into a large clearing. Up
etched into the metal match the three-pronged ahead, you see a massive collection of wreckage
elongated fingers of the Strangers. If a Strang- buried into the ground. Atop it, a ship unlike

Map Features. Starship Cxizl-Alpha
Walls. The metal beams and structures This starship uses the stats of an air-
are built into the Great Chasm’s stone walls ship (DMG, pg. 219) with the following
- which extend hundreds of feet upward. changes: it is made of ultra-strong steel
Light. There entire cavern is well-light from the strangers’ world. Its Damage
from lights installed into the metal walls. Threshold is 20, and is vulnerable to
Wreckage. The “floor” primarily con- damage caused by alien tech weaponry.
sists of the Strangers’ mothership wreck- Laser Cannons. Inside are two
age. A character may spend their action to laser cannons which can be rotated
search through the wreckage. If they suc- 360 degrees and aimed freely in any
ceed on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) direction. A character must succeed on
or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, they an Intelligence check (seetuO gnirugiF
roll 1d6. Only one of each item can be found. Alien Technol gy , DMG pg. 268) in
• 1-2. A +1 laser rifle order to operate a cannon. On a failure,
• 3-4. A metal utility belt that can be activated their action is consumed without being
as a free action to mimic the effects of a jump
spell 1/day. able to operate it. On a success, their
• 5. A fragmentation grenade (DMG, pg. 268). action can be spent to fire a cannon. A
• 6. A smoke grenade (DMG, pg. 268). character using one has half-cover and
adds their Dexterity ability modifier to
the attack roll. On a hit, a target takes
any you’ve ever seen. It’s made of metal, and 4d10+10 radiant damage.
flickers with lights. Steam hisses out from large Escape Pods. There are a number
thruster-like engines. The same otherworldly of escape pods equal to the number of
beings wander the area. Some are using tools players + 1. They line the inner walls
to tighten bolts on the ship, as others load a few of the ship. A character can spend their
crates into it. One of them oversees the efforts, action to enter one and seal themselves
speaking in a strange series of clicks and groans. inside. One turn later, they are ejected.
The pods can only be activated if the
In the area are four s t r a ng er s , and the ship is airborne.
strange lead r (see pg. 11). If a character
has a neuro-linguistic encoder installed, they
understand that the stranger is saying: “Very activate a remote. It begins to beep in unison
good. We are only moments away from comple- with a louder beeping and echoing voice from
tion. Starship Cxizl-Beta will rise - and mark the within the ship’s intercom. Anyone who can
start of our takeover of this feeble world!” understand the strangers’ language discerns
The crates near the entrance provide suit- that a robotic voice repeats: “Protocol initiated.
able cover for hiding. Any character attempting Thirty seconds until self-destruction."
to sneak into the makeshift hangar must suc-
ceed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check, or NKIVHCFP dHar I
be discovered. Furthermore, the Strangers are Zendra yells out to the party. “This thing’s about
slowly loading crates onto the ship, and will to blow! If it explodes down here, it could level
eventually approach a crate that a character is Karstead! We need to fly this thing out of here
using to hide behind. and use the escape pods. Hurry!”
If the party is discovered, the Strangers
immediately attack! They prioritize any targets The ship will self-destruct in sdnuoervif .
nearest the ship. This is not nearly enough time for the party
Once the redagnlts is reduced to 0 to climb out of the Chasm. When the ship
hit points or fewer, it uses its dying effort to explodes, it deals 50d10 fire damage to ev-

erything within a 1000-ft. radius. In addition, If the party attains five failures - or five
this explosion causes a landslide collapses the rounds pass - before the ship is airborne, they
chasm - damaging much of the town above. are caught in the explosion and perish.
To pilot the vessel, the party must succeed
on an Intelligence check (see Figur ng Out
Alien T ch ol gy , DMG pg. 268) to operate
the cockpit. If Zendra is present, she can grant Wondrous Add-On
advantage to a creature making the roll, oper- If you purchased the XL Cadaver Crawler
ating as a co-pilot and offering fragments of add-on for your box, incorporate it into
information as seen in her prior visions. the encounter as an additional threat - and
Once that check is successful, the party must reward - as follows.
succeed on the following egnel ahc l iks . In this This creature grew unusually large
challenge, each player character can attempt due to continued exposure to the atmo-
one of the actions described below. These are sphere-altering gas created by the strang-
examples; the GM and the players may also ers. Igniting their starship created a shock-
come up with their own ideas for how to utilize wave that disturbed the beast, probing it
their skills. If a character succeeds on a check, to attack!
they must select a new skill to attempt on their After the self-destruct ship protocol
next turn. The party must succeed on a number is initiated, the massive crawler burrows
of checks equal to: the number of players x 2 into the room from the southwest corner.
(i.e. eight successes for four players) before a It uses the stats of a purle worm with
number failures occur equal to the number of the following changes: Its AC is 16; it has
players. If they attain the number of successes 147 hit points; it is vulnerable to alien
needed, proceed to the htamretfA section. tech weaponry; and its Tail Stinger attack
is replaced with the cad ver crawle ’s
pihS e t oliP egn l ahC l ikS Tentacles attack (MM, pg. 37), which deal
• DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to pilot 2d12+9 poison damage, and can be used
the vessel (or co-pilot). to “paralyze” the ship from taking off if it
• DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check to look out damages it.
for obstacles or help navigate. The party will need to make haste into
• DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to unjam a the protection of the ship, or else risk being
stuck lever, or bash a console to rev it on, etc. easily killed by the crawler. The vessel’s
laser cannons provide an effective means
• DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation or Nature)
check to activate a vital piece of the ship’s for combating it.
equipment - such as the thrusters or the escape Should the party succeed in the end
pods. of the adventure, the carrion crawler dies
• DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation)
as it lunges out from the great chasm and
check to inspire courage in their allies, ease the collapses onto the surface. Half of its mas-
tension, or issue stern orders. sive form juts out from the pit. The party
• Make a successful attack against the XL crawler
can salvage loot from its corpse, including:
(if using the dOnousAr W ). fragments of the Xiordian metal, which can
be fashioned into +2 adamantine armor
If the party fails while the ship is airborne, with resistance to acid and poison damage,
Zendra demands that the party make their and 1d4+1 mutagen sacs which hold liquid
way to the escape pods. “There’s no time! Just that can be put into potion vials. When a
do it. This is my destiny,” she demands. She will creature consumes it, they roll on the
sacrifice herself, allowing the party to escape, elbaT noita uM (see pg. 5).
as she steers it far enough away from Karstead.

Aftermath the pods skid across the earth. High in the sky,
the ship detonates into a massive fireball!
After the party has succeeded in piloting The strangers are defeated, and their plans
the vessel high into the sky and sealed to conquer the realm are vanquished! Lord
themselves into the escape pods, read the Malkdor rewards the party as promised. He,
following aloud: Zendra, and all of Karstead express their en-
The escape pod shields seal into place as the during gratitude - and beg the party to recount
ship rockets steadily upward. Straps pull tightly stories of what they witnessed in the "chasm
locking you in place, followed by a sudden jolt. of the strange." Any alien technology weapons
The pods release. Through the clear glass you the party recovered run out of ammo and are
see open sky, and the image of the ship growing no longer functional. They may serve as a
smaller as you rapidly descend. An anti-gravity keepsake of this epic adventure. Alternatively,
effect softens your landing into a mild thud as a wealthy collector would offer up to 4,000 gp
for an assortment of such rare relics!

Chasm & Lab Map



G Mutant Grimlock A Mutant Ape

E Mutant Elf Z Zendra Sain
C Crate

Higher or Lower Level?

If this adventure is being played by a party of player characters of higher or lower
experience level, refer to the difficulty adjustment guide available at our website.

Medium humanoid (stranger), typically neutral evil

rmoClasªA 14 (Natural Armor) AEVK P

ointsªHP 97 (15d8 + 30)
Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Spedª 30 ft. reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4)
bludgeoning damage.
RT S DEX NO C Antimatter Rifle (Recharge 5-6).
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
120/360, one target or two targets that
INT WIS CHA are adjacent to one another. Hit: 27
30 (+10) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) (6d8) necrotic damage.
Advanced Tech. The Stranger Leader has
nditoImuesªC Blinded a number of advanced technical devices
abiltyªuner DmgV Cold on its person, which can be activated
to mimic the following spells. They are
Sensª Truesight 60 ft. (from
not considered spells, but a piece of
innate scanners), Passive
technology that replicates its effect. The
Perception 15
leader uses its Intelligence to operate
anguesªL Xiordian these, gaining +10 to attack rolls, and
halengªC 4 (1,100 XP) using save DC 20.
• Level 1 (4/day) absorb elements, chromatic
Foreign World Durability. The stranger orb, dissonant whispers, healing word, shield
has advantage on saving throws against • Level 2 (2/day) hold person, misty step,
spells and other magical effects. shatter

Medium humanoid (stranger), typically neutral evil

ArmoClasª 13 (Natural Armor) Languesª Xiordian

ointsªHP 49 (9d8 + 9) ªChaleng 1 (200 XP)
Spedª 30 ft. Foreign World Durability. The Stranger
has advantage on saving throws against
RT S DEX NO C spells and other magical effects.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
Multiattack. The stranger makes two
30 (+10) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
attacks, which can be any combination
of a Punch and Laser Pistol attacks.
onditC Imunitesª Blinded Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
abiltyªuner DmgV Cold reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4)
Sensª Truesight 60 ft. (from bludgeoning damage.
innate scanners), Passive Laser Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6
Perception 15 to hit, range 40/120, one target. Hit: 11
(3d6) radiant damage.

Chasm of the Prepare to take your table
Strange into this wondrous one-shot!

aitwonders What

• Your party ventures into the underbelly of a mysterious ravine

where strange encounters with even-stranger beings awaits them.
• To save the realm, the party must embark upon a perilous journey
that will require they descend unfathomable depths and soar
through the skies!
• This Wondrous One-shot is intended to be played as a stand-alone
adventure, compatible with 5e.
• Use the adventure maps for the chasm and mothership graveyard
to run the encounters presented in this one-shot!

Visit our site for more information!


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