Thorn Inthe Side
Thorn Inthe Side
Thorn Inthe Side
Author’s Note
Ever since I’ve seen the cover art, I was inspired for this adventure. Happy to finally write it down on
paper and get it out of my head.
Thanks to my patrons at for supporting me!
Special thanks to my wife, putting up with me while I finished this during vacation.
A Thorn in the Side 4. A wizened old herbalist has found the location of a
group of Leptographium. She wants some of their
bark-skin for its rare properties for spice making. She
Introduction: After her Calamitous Tree was offers 300 gp and a Potion of Healing for the efforts. She
destroyed by the druid Naekos, the Thorn Dryad Merizyl even offers the potion up front.
sought revenge. Coaxing and encouragement allowed
the stump of her fallen tree to become a Rootmaw, 5. A nearby village has been terrorized by a wyvern.
which helped sustain Merizyl. The roots of the Rootmaw They are organizing a monster hunt with a 500 gp
oozed foul ichor across the grove transforming Naekos’ reward.
grove into a place of twisted evil. All the while, Merizyl
continued sowing new calamitous trees, slowly Travel Through the Druid Grove: As the players
changing the groves’ remaining defenders into a make their way through the corrupted grove, they must
mockery of their once noble forms. contend with a number of environmental hazards. If
not on an already-extant trail, all movement is slowed
by ½. If off-trail, brambles and thorns seem to lash at
Summary: After the druid had slain her calamitous exposed limbs and faces, dealing each party member
tree, Merizyl created a Thorn Necklace for Naekos,
1d3 damage per turn while traveling off-trail. Narrow
eventually ensuring that it fell into the druid’s hands.
animal trails allow normal movement if discovered by
Mistaken for a gift from a friend, Naekos immediately
a tracking ranger or druid. Other party members may
donned the necklace, causing him to descend into a
discover the animal trail but quickly lose the trail through
deep madness and paranoia. With the grove’s
the underbrush. Further, the forest is withered and dark,
protector out of the way, Merizyl trapped the druid’s
with a thick, overarching canopy that blocks most of
friends (Area #3 and #11), slaying them (in the case of
the sunlight from reaching the misty and damp forest
the Banshee, Appendix B, Area #4) or cursing them (in
floor. Besides the crunching of leaves and twigs during
the case of The Wendigo, wanders or Area #13). Having
movement, the forest is deathly quiet.
taken control of the grove, Merizyl has been free to
seed the area with additional calamitous trees, ensuring
the whole natural grove shifts into darkness and
GM’s Notes: Please refer to Appendix F: New
corruption. The adventurers enter the grove depending Monsters, for descriptions of new monsters. Anytime at
on the Adventure Hook chosen. night, in Areas #7-10 and #12-15, there is a 40% chance
of experiencing the Rootmaw’s (Area #14) Dancing
Lights ability, as it tries to lure the unwary to its lair (and
Adventure Hooks mouth).
1. A nearby village is at wit’s end due to a difficult
crop-growing season. Due to past altercations, they Special Note: Larengos, the Wendigo knows the
reluctantly seek adventurers to find the reclusive druid territory and uses it to its advantage, attempting to
in his nearby grove to beg for his assistance, yet no one ambush, separate and generally harass the party
knows the exact location. In fact, they haven’t heard whenever they are occupied or camping. Larengos
from the druid in over 10 years, which has suited them stays to fight in 1 vs. 1 or 1 vs. 2 odds but attempts to
fine…. until now. flee if he reaches half hp. Its territory ranges from Areas
# 1-4, #7-10, and #13.
2. A charismatic merchant offers the party a reward
(500 gp each) to recover the Ice Sapphire of the Larengos the Wendigo: AC 4, Move 12, HD 6, hp 42,
Ancients. The gem’s last location was believed to be in THACO 15, Attack 2 or 3 (2 claws 1d8+1 and g o r e
a burial mound inside the druidic grove. The merchant 2d4+2), Size M to L,
is actually a thief in the local Thieves’ Guild, and will not Morale 12, XP 650+.
honor his side of the bargain. Special: 90% resist to
Sleep, Charm and
3. A centaur, Jakora, seeks help from the party. Hold spells.
Ancient centaur traditions require children, when they
come of age, to visit the burial mound to pay their Wandering
respects to their ancestors. After 10 years, it’s finally time Encounters:
to make the visit. However, Jakora has discovered that Roll every 2 hours. A
the grove has gone through a strange transformation result of 1 or
over the years and has deemed it unsafe. She offers 2 on a d10 means
300 gp for the party to come back with information on a wandering encounter:
what has happened to the centaur burial mounds and
the surrounding grove.
Artist: Dean Spencer
Roll Encounter
(5) Twisted Pixies : AC 5, Move 6 (fly 12, MC 2), HD ½, hp 4 ea., THACO 20, Attack (by weapon), MR 25%, Size
1 T, Morale 11, XP 650 ea. Special: Invisibility, spells, sleep arrows. They harass the party with their magic and try
to put the party to sleep.
(4) Giant Wasps: AC 4, Move 6, (fly 21, MC 2), HD 4, hp 23 ea, THACO 17, Attack 1 (bite 2d4 or sting
2 1d4+special), Size M, Morale 8-10, XP 420 ea. Special: Save vs poison or take additional 5d6 damage and be
paralyzed for 2d6 hours. These wasps are looking for food.
The Wendigo: AC 4, Move 12, HD 6, hp 42, THACO 15, Attack 2 or 3 (2 claws 1d8+1 and gore 2d4+2), Size M
3 to L, Morale 12, XP 650+. Special: 90% resist to Sleep, Charm and Hold spells. The Wendigo watches the party
from the trees and mist and is spotted, but it quickly disappears.
Cries of help are heard from the south. If they rush off, the party may get separated due to the mist. The
Wendigo attacks lone characters.
(6) Leaf Rustlers: AC 8, Move 12 (6 floating), HD 3, hp 17 ea, THACO 17, Attack 2 (Stem spike 1d6), Size M,
5 Morale 11-12, XP 175 ea. Special: +1 weapons to hit, ½ damage pierce, float, blind attack, climb, decay,
weakness to fire, wind, and water. They float down to surprise the party.
(1) Wyvern: AC 3, Move 6 (fly 24, MC 5), HD 7+7, hp 46, THACO 13, Attack 1 or 2 (bite 2d8, sting 1d6, 2 talons
6 1d6), Size G, Morale 14, XP 4,000. Special: Poison. Save or die. The wyvern is on the hunt for food. 50% chance
it doesn't see the party due to the thick canopy.
7 Cries of a wailing baby are heard through the mist. Eventually it fades.
The Wendigo: AC 4, Move 12, HD 6, hp 42, THACO 15, Attack 2 or 3 (2 claws 1d8+1 and gore 2d4+2), Size M
8 to L, Morale 12, XP 650+. Special: 90% resist to Sleep, Charm and Hold spells. The Wendigo follows the party
and attacks the last party member when they are engaged with something else.
(3) Leptographium: AC 3, Move 6, HD 5, hp 30 ea, THACO 15, Attack 1 (1d6+2), Size S, Morale 14, XP 975 ea.
9 Special: Sap, spore form, double damage from fire. They are moving towards one of their entrances. They
attack immediately.
10 Roots slither for a full round, oozing a black ichor, creating a rustling noise.
A disfigured (2 heads, 2 tails, 5 legs, 2 mouths, 3 eyes, etc.) animal (deer, elk, chipmunk, etc) watches the
party (harmless). Flees if attacked.
A spectacular butterfly, vibrant with color, is the only movement in the forest. It spreads its wings wide before
falling into the mist....dead.
The Grove: 2. Cursed Trail: The narrow animal trail branches off in
several directions. Sounds of a sobbing woman emerge,
1. Stick Around: The forest opens partially along the but are hard to pinpoint through the dark, misty forest.
animal trail into a small, grassy clearing. The sound of a
crying woman breaks the silence followed by eerie, ● This intersection is cursed and roots seek to trip
saddened wails of an infant. A strange, decapitated anyone walking through. Every round spent in this
buck’s head hangs upside down from a vine, 7 feet off area, 1d3 characters must save vs. spells or trip, as
the ground. The head spins slowly, revealing three eyes the Trip spell. Roots have AC 7, hp 10 ea and are
and fangs. Stiffened legs protrude out of the mist 18 of them. Tripped characters lose a round of
marking the carcass. action.
● 7 constrictor snakes slither within the mist to attack.
● Four vines from trees slowly move into position to Slain snakes revert back to sticks (see Sticks to
snare the unwary. These vines act exactly like the Snakes spell).
Snare spell. ● Important Note: Roots and snakes are confined to
● The crying sounds come from Area #3. The crying a 20’ radius centered on the center of the
baby comes from the Wendigo mimicry ability, as intersection.
Larengos attempts to trick the party into this area
to take advantage of the vines. The vines do not Monster: (18) Evil Roots: AC 8, hp 10 ea. Act as a Trip
attack Larengos. spell until destroyed and affects 1d3 characters per
● Once a character is snared, the Wendigo crashes round.
out of the brush and attacks the last person in the
party. It attacks for one round before rushing off (7) Constrictor Snakes: AC 6, Move 9, HD 3+2, hp 16 ea,
into the woods. If followed by the rest of the party, THACO 17, Attack 2 (bite 1, constrict 1d3), Size S, Morale
it attempts to double back and decapitate any N/A, XP 120 ea.
snared foes.
Monster: Wendigo
3. Weeping Woman: A cracked, lichen- Monster: (8) Twisted Pixies: AC 5, Move 6 (fly 12, MC 2),
covered statue of a cowled HD ½, hp 5 ea., THACO 20, Attack (by weapon), MR
woman in a dress stands in 25%, Size T, Morale 11, XP 650 ea. Special: Invisibility,
the center of a trail spells, sleep arrows.
intersection. Her hand is
upraised with a broken dagger 5. Leaf Rustler Lair: The claustrophobic canopy finally
blade protruding from it. Tears lifts, revealing several different layers at varying heights
stream from its eyes and sounds within the canopy itself. A few huge trees dominate the
of sobbing can be heard coming forest, with branches as thick as a wagon expanding in
from the statue, though the face different directions, forming a sort of aerial highway. A
remains motionless. Mud and moss covered, rope-and-wood ladder creaks and
shallow water puddles surround the dangles near a huge tree to the south.
statue. Artist: Dean Spencer
● Approaching the rope bridge causes 7 Leaf Rustlers
● The statue is 5’8” tall, with to float down from above to attempt a surprise
impeccable craftsmanship. attack.
Roots are entwined about the ● Despite its appearance, the rope bridge is sturdy
feet, seemingly holding up the and ascends 50 feet to the Leaf Rustler Lair, see
statue as it has no other base. Appendix B: The Leaf Rustler Lair.
● Whoever touches the statue first is enveloped in a
golden glow and receives the effect of a Bless spell Monster: (7) Leaf Rustlers: AC 8, Move 12 (6 Floating),
for 6 turns. The statue changes expression to a look HD 3, hp 24, 22, 18x4, 16, THACO 17, Attack 2 (Stem spike
of determination and the crying stops. The 1d6), Size M, Morale 11-12, XP 175 ea. Special: +1
‘toucher’ hears “Avenge me!” telepathically. The weapons to hit, ½ damage pierce, float, blind attack,
statue does not say anything else. climb, decay, weakness to fire, wind, and water.
● A successful strength check can pull the blade
from the hand which envelopes all those in a 20’ 6. Root vs. Leaves: A strange, chaotic battle occurs in
radius in a golden glow and provides the effects of this gloomy meadow as bark-like creatures face off
a Bless spell for one full day. The statue turns to flesh against bizarre creatures composed of leaves. There
and the woman smiles and says “Thank you”, are losses on both sides. The bark creatures seem to be
before rapidly deteriorating to bones and finally defending a narrow crevice set in a moss covered
collapsing into a pile of dry dust. stump.
● A broken dagger hilt lies in the muck at the foot of
the statue. The hilt is engraved with a long-faced ● The combatants fight for 1d4 rounds before
medusa (handle) with her snake hair forming the noticing the party.
hilt. Despite the strange occurrences with the ● Once noticed both groups of combatants attempt
statue, the dagger has no magical abilities to flee with the Leptographium entering the
(anymore). crevice and the Leaf Rustlers climbing a
● The statue is of Yasha, see Appendix B, Area #7. humongous tree nearby. Leptographium
withdrawing from attacks arrive in Room #2 of the
4. Leptographium Entrance: A giant, rotten fallen tree Root Lair.
lies across the trail and clearing. Dappled sunlight ● The crevice leads to the Leptographium Lair, see
reveals an enormous stump with jagged wood reaching Appendix A: The Root Lair.
for the sky. A dark opening, 4’ long and 3’ wide, is set
within the gnarled wood with roots forming crude stairs Monster: (5) Leptographium: AC 3, Move 6, HD 5, hp 37,
leading down. Five strange leaf piles, 2’ diameter, lay 28, 23, 15, 7, THACO 15, Attack 1 (fist 1d6+2 or weapon
scattered about the entrance. +2), Size S, Morale 14, XP 975 ea. Special: Sap, spore
form, weakness to fire.
● There is a 50% chance that a squad of 8 Twisted
Pixies enters the clearing from Area #8. They are (12) Leaf Rustlers: AC 8, Move 12 (6 floating), HD 3, hp
delighted to maliciously trick, harm, and even kill 22, 18x7, 11, 10, 7, 2, THACO 17, Attack 2 (Stem spike
party members. 1d6), Size M, Morale 11-12, XP 175 ea. Special: +1
● The piles of leaves are slain Leaf Rustlers. weapons to hit, ½ damage pierce, float, blind attack,
● The stump leads into the Leptographium climb, decay, weakness to fire, wind, and water.
lair. See Appendix A: The Root Lair.
7. The Field: The canopy and mist disappear revealing 9. Fountain: Sounds of
open sky above a wide open, grass dominated field. bubbling liquid can
Colorless and drab flowers are scattered about the be heard through the
field, mixed with shrubs, and withered single trees. A brush. A root, forming
sizable rock outcropping protrudes towards the sky near a figure eight, stands 4
the middle of the meadow. Surrounding the rock feet tall out of the mist.
outcropping is a noticeable, 20’ diameter circle of A jagged cut has
grayish grass and droopy, dead flowers. severed the root and a
foul dark viscous
● Traveling through the field releases flower pollen. ichor pours out
Save vs. Poison each turn while in the field or have of the root like
an allergic reaction that puts the victim into a a fountain. A
sneezing and coughing fit for 1d6+2 rounds. backpack lies
next to it with
7A. Centaur Burial Grounds: The rock outcrop is covered two metal
in petroglyphs, and huge slabs of granite thrust up plated stars.
towards the sky with clumps of grass clinging to patches Artist: Dean Spencer
of earth. A few spears are thrust into the ground, topped ● Anyone touching the ichor receives an annoying
with impaled goblin skulls and colorful feathers that rash on the exposed area; if someone drinks the
vibrantly pop out from the surrounding ashen and drab fluid, they must save vs. poison or take 10 damage.
landscape. Several stacked rocks are placed randomly ● Inside the backpack is a lantern, a jug of wine (45
along the rock outcrop. Two huge granite slabs gp), rotten foodstuffs, a gold armband of a cat
crisscross each other forming a dark cave entrance, clasping its own tail (150 gp), a sack with 54 gp,
covering a set of rough-hewn stairs descending down. and four diamonds (75 gp ea). There is also a letter
scroll addressed to Tilfur, requesting a sword
● The petroglyphs consist of centaurs, satyrs, nymphs, practice and to visit his elven brethren soon.
elves, and pixies all fighting different threats— ● In 1d4 rounds, two gorgeous ladies and one
dragons, orcs, goblins, and other evil humanoids. muscular handsome man appear within the forest
The spears are mundane. next to trees. They begin to beckon and flirtatiously
● See Appendix C: Centaur Burial Grounds. call out to the party while giggling and laughing
and retort promises of food and rest. They don’t
8. Twisted Lair: On the edge of the field, a series of leave their position as they beckon towards the
enormous dead firs desperately cling to their dry entrance of their home--an oval archway into the
needles. Two dead giant wasps lie in a crumpled heap tree. These images disappear once someone
along the field’s edge with the forest’s mist licking at enters or attacks.
the corpses. ● The imitators are a result of the seeping evil ichor
from the fountain that is twisting the forest into evil.
● The dead firs are hollow and contain a small These imitators attempt to devour anyone who
Twisted Pixie encampment. One pixie can cast enters their mouths willingly.
Irresistable Dance although all the pixies use their
powers to full effect in defense of their fort. Monster: (3) Imitators: AC 5, Move 0, HD 3, hp 22, 20, 17,
● Captured characters are dragged THACO 17, Attack 1 or 2 (bite 3d8, 2 branches 1d8),
to the front of Area #7A, stripped of Size L, Morale NA, XP 270 ea. Special:
their gear. Mimic abilities, on a natural roll of 18 or higher,
t h e branch draws the target to the mouth
Monster: (12) Twisted Pixies: AC 5, Move the following round for a bite attack.
6 (fly 12, MC 2), HD ½, hp 5 ea., THACO 20, The branches have a 20’ reach.
Attack (by weapon), MR 25%, Size T,
Morale 11, XP 650 ea. Special: Invisibility, Treasure: Inside the middle tree is the
spells, sleep arrows. skeletal corpse of Tilfur, an elven
swordsman. He carries a Elven
Treasure: Inside the tree is an ornate carved
Longsword +1, and Elven Chain Mail +1.
wooden box (25 gp). Inside the box is 225
NPC elves seeing either of these items
gp, 74 pp and 3 rubies (50 gp ea). Scattered
want the items returned to the elven
inside the tree are 5 Potions: Delusion,
people, by any means necessary,
Extra-Healing, Heroism, Polymorph Self, and
unless worn/used by a elf PC.
Rainbow Hues. There is also a Scroll of
Protection from Werewolves, and a Clerical scroll
of Remove Disease. Artist: Dean Spencer
11. Protected Pool: An opaque, ivory
dome blocks vision in its 70’ diameter. It
is 30’ high at its apex. Branches, trees,
and even bits of vegetation poke out
of the half bubble.
Monster: (7) Giant Wasps: AC 4, Move 6, (fly 21, MC 2), Monster: Varalia, the Nymph: AC 9, Move 12, HD 3, hp
HD 4, hp 23 ea, THACO 17, Attack 1 (bite 2d4 or sting 24, THACO 17, Attack 1 (by weapon), MR 50%, Size M,
1d4+special), Size M, Morale 8-10, XP 420 ea. Special: Morale 7, XP 1,400.
Save vs poison or take additional 3d6 damage and be
paralyzed for 1d4 turns.
12. Centaur Statues: The trail opens into a narrow ● Inside the stump is an open pit covered with vines
secluded glade. On either side of the glade are two and roots climbing into the Thorn Dryad’s Lair (refer
rearing, armor-clad centaur statues holding lances and to Appendix D).
Monster: (3) Young Calamitous Trees (Fir): AC 4 (tree) 8
● Perceptive characters notice trampled grass (branches), Move 0 (20’ reach), HD 3, hp 20 ea, THACO
between the statues through the mist. 17, Attack 2 (Branches 1d6+1 damage or pinecone
● Anyone entering the glade causes the statues to attack 1d4), Size L, Morale 18, XP 175 ea.
move at a full gallop towards each other. Roll
surprise. If not surprised, the party can get out of 15. The Mud Pit: A crumbled bridge leads into a pit of
the path and to safety. If suprised, roll randomly for muck and bubbling mud. The bridge once spanned
2 characters in the glade. Each gets attacked by the gap to an island with a huge weeping willow tree
HD 10, THACO 11 statue by 50% the lance (2d8+2 and a massive gnarled stump, but now has a 10’ chunk
damage) or 50% trampled (1d6+2 damage). The of the bridge missing.
centaur statues violently crash into each other,
exploding into stone debris and a cloud of dust. ● The once pristine lake is now mud that varies 5-15’
● After one turn, the centaur statues reappear and deep. Characters falling in the mud have 1d6
reset. rounds before sinking completely, much like
quicksand. The Constitution score of the character
13. Deer Glade: The woodlands open to a muddy field determines the rounds before suffocation and
of grass and creeping vines. Through the mist, several death.
mutated deer eat grass quietly, their mutations evident ● 50% chance that the wyvern from Area #16
as they eat grass while scanning the field. Some have observes the party from its perch and attacks as
two heads, or extra eyes and mouths, or thicker racks they attempt to cross to the island.
of antlers with bizarre patterns. Along the western side
of the forest hangs a set of humanoid skeletons, their 16. Snag Nest: A huge dead tree reaches to the sky with
bones clattering like wind chimes in the mild breeze. its dead branches while supporting a perch or nest.
Several various bones and skulls litter the rocky crag
● 25% chance that 3 Giant Wasps from Area #10 island, mixed with sparkling coins.
begin attacking a deer.
● The deer are harmless and act like regular deer ● This is the temporary home of a wyvern while it
(freezing in place or fleeing). searches for a cave.
● Near the hanging skeletons is a hollowed stump.
Half-eaten deer carcasses in congealed blood Monster: (1) Wyvern: AC 3, Move 6 (fly 24, MC 5), HD
puddles surround the stump and crude tools litter 7+7, hp 46, THACO 13, Attack 1 or 2 (bite 2d8, sting 1d6,
the floor inside. A pile of leaves serves as a bed. This 2 talons 1d6), Size G, Morale 14, XP 4,000. Special:
is the lair of Larengos the Wendigo and has a 50% Poison. Save or die.
chance of being here if not slain earlier.
Treasure: In the nest area and mixed with the bones
Monster: Wendigo below are 2,544 cp, 1,800 gp, 200 pp, a matching
malachite tiara and necklace with inset diamonds (500
Treasure: Inside the stump is a rotten backpack bulging gp), 2 jaspers (35 gp), a wizard scroll (9th level) of Ice
with 834 cp, 423 sp, 323 gp and 17 pp. A Cloak of Storm, Confusion, and Levitate. Tucked into a elk skull
Elvinkind is buried within the leaf bed. A crude necklace is the Obelisk of the Third Circle and under several
of deer teeth hangs on the wall. bones is the Totem of the Blue Shaman.
14. Merizyl’s Lair: Mist continues to weave through the Obelisk of the Third Circle
vegetation with its tendrils, quietly billowing from a slight
This item is an obelisk made of 4” amethyst with a tiny
wind. A magnificent fallen tree forms a 10’ high wooden
latch and silver chain. It’s designed to hang from a staff
wall with its trunk on the far side of the glade. Its jagged
or belt and allows a spellcaster to harness extra power.
top stump stands 12’ tall, covers a 10’ diameter, and
Once per day, the owner may focus on the obelisk for
through the gnarly wood, offers several niches that
1 full turn. After that turn, they gain the ability to cast
serve as entrances to its hollow center. Giant bulbous
one extra spell for the day. The spell level is rolled
roots sprawl from the stump, seeping blackish sap.
randomly 1d3 (1 = 1st level, 2 = 2nd, etc.). The extra spell
Three fir trees squat around the perimeter of the stump.
must be one that the spellcaster knows and can be of
● The fir trees are all Calamitous Trees and the mage’s choice, however, it must be determined
immediately attack anyone attempting to enter immediately after focusing on the obelisk. If a higher
the stump. level is rolled than a mage knows, then it reverts to the
highest level spell available to that mage.
Totem of the Blue Shaman Appendix A: The Root Lair
The Blue Shaman of the Frog Clan is known by many
GM’s Notes: The Root Lair is Leptographium territory.
for his good deeds and his claim of destroying the
They have been trying to expand their area to feed off
cursed and haunted Tower of Yeliote. However, he
the enormous trees of the grove and have befriended
disappeared over 50 years ago.
a group of giant badgers. They have a long-standing
hatred for the Leaf Rustlers and attack them above all
The totem is about 1’ long carving of a bullfrog, made
other foes.
of petrified wood. As the bullfrog rarely sleeps, the
owner of this Totem is 90% resistant to sleep spells or
The tunnels are composed of 70% roots, 20% earth, and
abilities. The Totem may also be used to wake magical
10% stone. Roots vary in size and thickness and several
or normal sleeping companions in a 20’ radius once a
roots dangle from the ceiling, obstructing vision to 10’
day. The owner of the Totem of the Blue Shaman also
ahead. The passage floors are covered in uneven,
receives a +2 vs. paralyzation saving throws and hold
slippery roots; characters move at 2/3 of their
spells (i.e. Hold Person, etc.).
movement rate while in the Root Lair. Running or
lacking precaution may cause characters to trip, lose
17. The Mad Druid: The sizable island boasts several their footing, or get tangled in dangling ceiling roots at
unhealthy trees and a grand weeping willow. A the GM’s discretion.
massive gnarled stump dominates the island with a
weather-beaten door is set on the south side. An
1. Entrances: Entrances to the Root Lair are dark and
overgrown flagstone area lays before the door. down steep, uneven steps made from roots.
● The door is locked.
● Perceptive characters notice tracks of 4-toed
● Please refer to Appendix E: The Mad Druid.
4. Silver Curtain: Loose, moist earth raises the floor a foot Monster: (5) Leptographium: AC 3, Move 6, HD 5, hp 36,
and a muddy passage dead-ends at a shimmering 34, 33, 28, 25, THACO 15, Attack 1 (1d6+2), Size S, Morale
ivory curtain to the northeast. 14, XP 975 ea. Special: Sap, spore form, double damage
from fire.
● The ceiling is 3’ high and the tunnel newly dug.
● The shimmering curtain is harmless and is part of the Treasure: Coins consist of 4,300 sp, 1,174 gp, a silver
barrier to Grove Area #11. Beyond is a regular dirt mirror inset with jade(200 gp), 2 beryls (45 gp ea), 3
wall, although the soil is more vibrant, nutrient-rich, topaz (75 gp ea), and a opal (100 gp). Buried in the
and full of earthworms. coins is a Tome of Clear Thought.
5. Salty Pool: The moist chamber’s ceiling rises to 10’ tall. 8. The Tuskfinger: Jet black ichor oozes
A tiny stream forms a mucky puddle that spans from the ceiling and walls, forming a
the chamber. Strange, silvery white lichen cling dark pool that swallows all light from
to the ground, some half-submerged in the the chamber. A darker root figure
shallow puddle. holds a staff and uses a stiff root-
tendril brush and paints the black
● The water comes from the Weeping Statue ichor onto a bigger form, half-
(Grove Area #3). submerged in the muck.
● Drinking the water causes an overwhelming
sense of sorrow for 1 full turn. ● Created to assist in
● Eating the lichen causes the imbiber’s blood V-Shane digging and labor, the
to turn silver with blue flecks. This effect is Tuskfinger rises from the
harmless, though may be disconcerting. muck, unleashing an
agonizing howl, and
6. Mad Badgers: Hanging roots are nibbled attacks intruders in 1d3
down to nubs. Some of the root walls are rounds.
shredded exposing soft fibrous strands with
chunks missing. Four piles of unmoving worms
are scattered about the root cavern. The Monster: (1) Leptographium Leader:
stench of wet fur is overwhelming. AC 3, Move 6, HD 6, hp 44, THACO 15,
Attack 1 (Staff of the Withered Root,
● Three giant badgers inhabit this room 1d6+3), Size S, Morale 14, XP 975
and 2 Leptographium supply them with ea. Special: Sap, spore form,
worms (food). double damage from fire.
Treasure: One Leptographium has a golden nose ring The Tuskfinger: AC 2, Move 6, HD 7, hp 46, THACO 13,
(35 gp); another has a garnet amulet, set with semi- Attack 1 or 2 (bite 1d6+2, 2 tusk fingers 1d8 +2), Size L,
precious stones (200 gp). Skinned badger pelts net 30 Morale 16, XP 650. The Tuskfinger is unique and follows
gp each. the commands of its creator, the Leptographium
7. The Lair: The massive chamber has a 8’ high ceiling
and some of the sinuous root walls are splattered with Staff of the Withered Root
a strange black substance. Coins litter the southern
corner of the chamber. This staff acts as a Quarterstaff +1 and is similar to a Staff
of Withering. Once per day, the wielder may expend a
● 5 Leptographium feed on the roots in their spore charge on a successful hit that ages the target 10 years
form. They surprise opponent on a 1-4 on a d6. and inflicts an additional 1d4 damage of negative
● Any battle in here has a 75% chance of drawing energy. It has 22 charges.
the inhabitants of Room #8 in 1d4+2 rounds.
Appendix B: Leaf Rustler Lair 2. Larengos’s Room: A collapsed cot lies against the
south wall. Branches have pushed
inside the room through window
openings and have dropped
leaves and detritus to the
floor. A dry-rotted desk
squats along the eastern
wall, with two books
atop it.
● Attacking Shayral brings 3+1d4 Leaf Rustlers in 2d4 Mirror of the Doppleganger
Table 1. Race Table 2. Weight
Monster: (1) Shayral the Banshee: AC 0, Move 12, HD 7, Roll Race Roll Weight
hp 47, THACO 13 Attack 1 (touch 1d8), Size M, MR 50%, 1 Human 1 - 50 lbs.
2 Halfling 2 +15 lbs
Morale 14, XP 3,000. Special: +1 weapon or better to hit,
3 Gnome 3 -25 lbs
4 Dwarf 4 +100 lbs
5 Elf +10 lbs of pure muscle
(3+1d4) Leaf Rustlers: AC 8, Move 12 (6 floating), HD 3, 5 (add +1 to strength
hp 20 ea, THACO 17, Attack 2 (Stem spike 1d6), Size M, 6 Opposite sex score while in this form)
Morale 11-12, XP 175 ea. Special: +1 weapons to hit, ½ 6 -15 lbs.
damage pierce, float, blind attack, climb, decay,
weakness to fire, wind, and water. Table 3. Hair Color
Roll Hair Color
Treasure: Shayral wears a bedazzled silver choker with 1 Blonde
dangling chains of amethysts (600 gp) and silver raven 2 Brown
earrings (100 gp). Inside a clay jar next to the throne is 3 Black
Mud of Gwaroom. 4 Red
5 White
6 Green
Mud of Gwaroom
7 Violet
8 Blue
When applied to a living being, this greyish mud seeps
inside the skin and disappears. The mud has healing
properties and is able to cure insanity, madness, Artist: Dean Spencer
disease, blindness, and deafness. The mud takes 1 full
turn to take effect; Shayral’s jar only contains one use
of the mud. Table 4. Miscellaneous
Roll Miscellaneous
5. Shayral’s Quarters: A four-posted bed with a silky Face scar (-1 to Charisma while in this
white canopy dominates the room. A 6’ tall mirror leans form)
against the north wall with a draped green sheet over Gorgeous (+1 to Charisma while in this
it, and a pile of moldy woman’s clothes lie in a few
Tattoo of a fiery phoenix on neck to left
heaps about the room. Near the mirror is an elegant 3
table with a box atop it and a chest lies against the west 4 Mohawk hair
wall. 5 Long braided hair
6 Fingernails become 1” long
● Trap: The mirror is the Mirror of the Doppleganger 7 Big ‘bull’ nose earring
and if gazed upon by any living creature, they must 8 Skin color turns silver
make a saving throw vs. Spells. Success and 9 Malfunction: Viewer gains a third eye
nothing happens. Failure, the character must roll a Malfunction: Viewer has a happy face
on one side of head, and sad face on
successful resurrection % or die. Survival means the 10 back of head, but can see in either
character rolls on each table for the mirror’s direction
random changes. These changes take 1d4 rounds 11 Viewer sprouts small horns
to complete and last for an entire day before the Viewer gains tusks and skin turns a red
viewer must roll another resurrection survival % and color
reverts back to normal. The mirror’s power works Viewer sprouts bat wings. Can fly
once a day per viewer and weights 40 lbs. 13 awkwardly at full movement for short
distances only (300 yards).
● The box on the table contains 3 electrum rings (50
14 Viewer keeps same characteristics
ep ea), 3 silver armbands (25 gp ea), and 1 pair of Malfunction: Viewer gains a mouth on
pearl earrings (200 gp). 15
the palm of their hand
● Trap: The chest is locked (the key is under a pillow 16 Face tattoo
in the bed) and trapped by a poison needle. Malfunction: Viewer gains a tail of a
Anyone triggering the trap must save vs. Poison or lizardman
take 10 damage and be paralyzed for 1 full day. Viewer’s face is covered in a thick
layer of make-up
Inside the chest is 200 cp, 22 sp, 437 gp, 34 pp, 2
Malfunction: tongue becomes like a
emeralds (75 gp ea) a silver hair comb (50 gp) and 19 frog. Can shoot out up to 5’ long.
a Potion of Levitation. Viewer has a tendency to aim for flies.
Malfunction: Viewer gains gills. Can
breathe water as well as air.
6. Ambush: Two bridges attach to trees, eventually Appendix C: Centaur Burial Grounds
connecting to a different platform.
GM’s Notes: There are no wandering encounters
● Midway crossing the bridge, the party is attacked while in the Burial Grounds. The whole burial mound is
by Leaf Rustlers floating down upon them. Roll d6 unpleasantly cold.
with 1-4 the party surprised.
1. Muraled Hall: Broad stairs lead down to a wide
(7) Leaf Rustlers: AC 8, Move 12 (6 floating), HD 3, hp 17 hallway that extends into darkness. Along the walls are
ea, THACO 17, Attack 2 (Stem spike 1d6), Size M, Morale murals of centaurs in victory over their enemies. Skulls
11-12, XP 175 ea. Special: +1 weapons to hit, ½ damage of various humanoids and great beasts are mounted
pierce, float, blind attack, climb, decay, weakness to to the walls. The air is very cold and a thin layer of frost
fire, wind, and water. touches the floor.
7. Yasha’s Room: A typical bedroom with furnishings ● Bards or those with Ancient History may discern that
covered by branches growing through the windows, this passage leads to the burial area of Droghan
creating a vegetated mess. An intricately carved the Skyhorse, a legendary centaur chieftain.
walking stick sporting an eagle’s head on the top leans Legends say he was an incredible warrior that led
against the wall. A duo of birds chirp angrily as they his people to peace after the Dark Wars.
guard their nest.
1. Guardsmen: Successful Open Doors check required
● Squawking birds have a 25% chance to attract 4 to enter. This room has two great platforms, each
Leaf Rustlers to investigate. bearing the skeletal remains of a centaur. Each centaur
● Typical items--woman’s rotting clothing, shiny grips a spear and a bronze circular shield rests near their
stones, bone hairbrush, and a silver barrette (15 head.
● The walking stick has a strange power of bird ● These Guardsmen rise as undead and help
attraction. Birds are friendly and some follow the Droghan if engaged in Area #4. They reach Area
wielder chirping and singing, while braver ones #4 in 3 rounds.
may even land on the wielder’s shoulders.
Monster: (4) Skeletal Centaurs: AC 4, Move 18, HD 4 hp
28 ea, THACO 17, Attack 3 (2 hooves 1d6, spear 1d6),
Size L, Morale NA, XP 120 ea. Turned as 4 HD undead.
Special: Cold immunity, Half damage from slashing and
piercing weapons.
Ice Sapphire of the Ancients Nettle is a twisted Dagger +2 shaped like a root. Dark
green ‘veins’ are interwoven with the root shape,
This amulet is crafted from silver. In its center is a circle glowing a hellish green. On a successful strike, the victim
of centaurs holding a fiercely glowing sapphire in its must save vs. Poison or take an additional 1d4 damage
center. A silver chain and clasp complete the amulet. from a stinging rash. The wielder may also Pass Without
The sapphire’s hue, tone, and saturation can be Trace, per the spell, 2x per day.
classified by a jeweler to be very rare and reports of
them being found underwater only in the half-frozen, 2. Merizyl’s Chamber: An elegant four poster bed made
cold seas of Vhargrim to the far north. When worn, the from twisted roots lies against the south wall, covered
amulet imbues the wearer with a +1 to their wisdom in furs and a colorful red blanket. A chest lies next to the
score. The sapphire is worth 2,000 gp. The Ice Sapphire bed, and a stout, flat-surfaced root serves as a table
of the Ancients is an important part of the local centaur nearby.
tribe’s culture and history and they attempt to return it
to their tribe by any means necessary.
�� Trap: Chest is locked. Opening the chest without Appendix E: The Mad Druid
the key causes envenomed thorns to shoot from
the root wall. A successful save vs. Poison dodges GM’s Notes: This stump dwelling is home to Naekos,
the thorns; otherwise the victim falls asleep for 2 full the Mad Druid. Naekos has suffered from the effects of
days. Waking the victim earlier than 2 days gives a Thorn Necklace and has Agoraphobia (fear of going
them a hungover feeling and inflicts a -2 to Attack outside).
Rolls for two days.
● Inside the chest is 200 gp, a platinum dragon- 1. Common Room: This comfortable chamber has chairs
shaped hair brush (its back spines being the tines) around a campfire, a pile of furs next to a chest, and
worth 250 gp, and a Medusa Dagger wrapped in typical furnishings of a livable hut. The wall has been
an oil cloth. peeled for shavings and a half-burnt bed frame lies in
● The red blanket is an elven blanket embroidered the low burning fire. Dried herbs hang from cords below
with a city scene (240 gp). the soot- stained ceiling.
● The table has thorns, leather thongs, and tools for
making necklaces and jewelry. There are two ● Naekos hurriedly enters the room from Area #2,
complete Thorn Necklaces. screeching at the top of his lungs “Close the door!”
● Naekos is crazy, drifting from moment to moment
Medusa Dagger between friendship and screeching hysteria.
● If cured (bonus 500 XP), Naekos regains his spells
The legendary Medusa Daggers are sought after and comes to his senses after a day of rest.
weapons by assassins and those seeking revenge. It’s However, his health is horrid and ideally needs rest
rumored these weapons came to existence by for a week. If taken with the party, his move is
Gahdra, a woman kicked out of her town for some reduced to 3; however, he gladly heals wounds
forgotten reason. Their scorn for her fueled her hatred and aids the party as best he is able.
and she crafted seven of these daggers to take her ● Naekos explains his friendship with Shayral, Yasha,
revenge. Seven are known to exist. Larengos, Tilfur, and an elf named Morendis (who
has since been cannibalized by Larengos) and how
These broad blade daggers have runes engraved on the Thorn Dryad twisted his friendship and his grove.
the blade, with a long-faced medusa for the handle He of course wants restore balance in his grove.
and her snake hair forming the hilt. A successful hit
causes the victim to save vs. Petrification or be turned Screeching hysterics with mud stained hands, broken
to stone. The power of the dagger can only be used nails, and rat’s nest for hair, Naekos acts like a complete
once before the hilt and handle crumble and the madman when first encountered but has moments of
blade disintegrates to a puddle of metallic acid. clarity. Naekos fights an inner turmoil of crazy versus
sanity and only his eyes give a clue to his struggle.
Thorn Necklaces
Monster: Naekos, the Mad Druid: S 12 I 14 W 16 D15 C
See Appendix F: New Monsters under the Thorn Dryad. 10 Ch 9, AC 9, Move 3 (12), Level 7 Druid, hp 38, THACO
16, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, XP 650. Special: Druid
3. Pool: The pool is 6’ deep full of fresh, refreshing water. abilities, spells (determined by GM).
2. Digging: Cupboards line the walls and a stout chest Appendix F: New Monsters
lies against the south wall half buried by fresh dirt. A
gaping hole leads down 8’ deep with jagged and Calamitous Tree
uneven edges near the center of the chamber.
Climate/Terrain: Forests, bogs, meres, swamps, jungles
● Cupboards hold dishware or are empty. Frequency: Very rare
● The chest reeks. Inside is full of human waste. Number Appearing: 1d6
● The hole is empty and have been dug by hand. Organization: Solitary
Naeko’s attempt to move elsewhere besides going Activity Cycle: Any
outside. Intelligence: nil
Treasure: special
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Conclusion: Cleansing the grove of Merizyl and the
Armor Class: 4 (tree) 8 (branches)
Rootmaw gains the party an ally in Naekos, who
Movement: 0 (20’ reach)
welcomes them to his grove anytime.
Hit Dice: 4
Retrieving the Ice Sapphire of the Ancients for the
‘merchant’ may lead the encounter to an ambush set Attack: Varies
by the merchant so he doesn’t have to keep to his word Saving Throws: As fighter
about the reward. Special Traits: 1/4 damage from piercing weapons,
Reporting back to Jakora makes the party an ally who Magic Resistance: none
is willing to help the party clear the rest of the grove if Size: L
needed, or may become an interesting NPC for the Morale: 18
party to travel with. Experience: 270
Weeping Willow
On a natural attack roll of 18 or higher by the branches
entangle their target and pull it towards their mouth
in 1d2+1 rounds. After a target is dragged to the
mouth, the mouth automatically hits each round
for 2d6 damage. On a natural roll of 20 by the
Artist: Jayaraj Paul mouth, the target is swallowed by the tree and
suffocates in the number of rounds determined by
1/3 their constitution score. Each Weeping Willow
has between 2d6 branches that can be animated
to attack, although they can only use two
branches per round against one target. If there
are multiple attackers, they can use all their
branches, with each attacker receiving two
attacks if there are enough branches.
Branches can be lopped off after sustaining
8 hp of damage.
Fir Phellinus/Leptographium (Inspired by Nathan
Attebery’s Fusaka creature)
The Fir species of the Calamitous Tree has only two
branches that can attack its enemies. On a natural Climate/Terrain: Rotting stumps and trees usually on
attack roll of 18 or higher, the branches sweep their steep slopes, underground
target’s legs from under them. This causes the character Frequency: Rare
to lose a round of action to regain their footing. Each Number Appearing: 1d12
branch does 1d6+1 damage. In addition, the Fir species Organization: Clan
can shake itself and propel 2d6 pine cones down Activity Cycle: Any
towards attackers inflicting 1d4 points of damage to Intelligence: average to high
anyone under its canopy of branches. A Fir does not Treasure: W (lair + individual) D (lair, Leptographium
have a mouth. only)
Alignment: Neutral (Neutral Evil-Leptographium)
Maple Armor Class: 3
Movement: 6
A maple species of the Calamitous Tree has 1d4 Hit Dice: 5
branches that can attack its enemies. On a natural THACO: 15
attack roll of 18 or higher, the branches sweep their Attack: 1d6+2 or by weapon +2
target’s legs from under them. This causes the character Saving Throws: As 5th level Fighter
to lose a round of action to regain their footing. Each Special Traits: Sap, spore form, double damage from
branch does 1d6+1 damage. A special defense of the fire.
maple tree is its abundance of sap.Each time the tree Magic Resistance: none
is struck, the attacker save vs Breath Weapon to avoid Size: S
having their weapon stuck to the tree. On a natural Morale: 14
attack roll of 18 or higher, the branches have pushed Experience: 975
the character towards the tree, causing them to
become stuck to the trunk. The tree focuses at least one The Phellinus and Leptographium both are a short, 3’
of its branches on any stuck attackers and humanoids that are a type of root fungus. It has a
automatically hits for 1d6+1 points of damage. A maple wooden or root-like body that has tiny roots emerging
does not have a mouth. from anywhere on their body, but usually the head. Their
head is resembles a skull with deep eye sockets and slits
Pine for nostrils. They wear earth colored robes or tunics and
sometimes wield daggers or staves. Phellinus are shy
The dangerous pine species of the Calamitous Tree and shun outsiders unless the tree they feed upon is
does not use its branches to attack, nor does it have a attacked. Leptographium, however, are very
mouth. Instead, the pine tree will unleash its needles at aggressive and attack on sight. Both have an affinity
anyone within 50 feet. Each barrage of needles consists for gems and other sparkling treasure. They speak their
of one attack roll for 1d12+1 points of damage. A pine own language through telepathy, although
species can attack twice every round. communication is possible through the use of Speak
with Plant or other similar spells.
Phellinus and Leptographiums feed on trees and are
The oak species of the Calamitous Tree is identical to responsible for their death and decay over time. Feeder
the Fir species, except it uses acorns instead of pine trees are marked by great white conks or polypores on
cones. the outside trunk and a mass of white fibers in the
heartwood and sapwood. Phellinus feed off trees for
It should be noted that there may be other tree species over 50-100 years before the tree dies. The darker cousin
of Calamitous Trees that have not been reported. Their of the Phellinus, the Leptographium or ‘Black rot” tend
special abilities may be similar or different depending towards evil, devouring and twisting trees after only 15
on the GM. years, then moving on to their next meal. Instead of
white conks or fibers, their signature markings are black
Treasure is usually items that have been left behind by in color.
their victims.
Both Phellinus and Leptographium have infravision of
30’. Both are hunted for their bark-like hide, which can
be grounded into a fine dust used for spices. Rumors
suggest that the created spice has psychedelic
properties and can sell for a high price to the right
Combat: Phellinus and Leptographium have the same Leaf Rustler
abilities and employ the same tactics, although Climate/Terrain: Forests, Oak Woodlands, haunted or
Leptographium are more aggressive. Phellinus are evil areas
incredibly strong, delivering 1d6+2 with their fists. They Frequency: Very Rare
sometimes wield weapons consisting of daggers or Number Appearing: 2d6
staves (+2 damage). When struck, Phellinus excrete a Organization: Tribe
powerful sap that makes weapons stick to their wound. Activity Cycle: Day
A character must save vs breath weapon to free their Intelligence: 5-7
weapon, otherwise their weapon sticks to the Phellinus, Treasure: D (lair only)
rendering it useless. Phellinus have a strange, cone- Alignment: Neutral Evil
shaped breath weapon (5’ long x 90 degree horizontal Armor Class: 8
arc from their mouth) that they can perform 3x per day. Movement: 12 (6 Floating)
Those affected take 2d8 damage of acidic damage Hit Dice: 3
and after one month lose 1 point of Charisma per THACO: 17
month from a rotting disease. A successful save vs. Attack: 2, Stem spike (1d6 damage)
breath weapon takes half damage with no infection. Saving Throw: By Fighter 3
The disease can only be removed by a Remove Curse Special Traits: +1 weapons to hit, half damage from
or Cure Disease spell. Finally, Phellinus have an innate piercing, float, blind attack, climb, decay, weakness to
ability to transform into a spore cloud 3x per day, much fire, wind, and water.
like Gaseous Form, and can ‘enter’ any type of wooden Magic Resistance: None
surface, leaving a white mark (or black for Size: M (5’ tall)
Leptographium). This is how they feed and spread their Morale: 11-12
disease throughout trees. However, Phellinus cannot Experience: 175 ea.
move through wood in this form and may be damaged
if the wood surface is chipped or burnt. Employing this Leaf Rustlers are strange humanoids composed
tactic to ambush enemies gives them surprise on a 1-4 entirely of leaves. They have no facial features except
on a d6. Both Phellinus and Leptographium take double a dull glow from the eye area. Leaf Rustlers are usually
damage from fire attacks. formed from fallen leaves, so are colored brown, red,
orange, and yellowish instead of green. No one knows
Phellinus and Leptographium hate each other. They how they were created or came to be, but it’s agreed
attack each other on sight. There has been reports of that when Leaf Rustlers are encountered, it usually
them hating Leaf Rustlers, as they both seem to signifies that a forest is unhealthy.
compete for the same characteristics in trees.
Leaf Rustlers have been known to follow evil
inhabitants of the forest, working in tandem with
Needlemen, Shambling Mounds, and other plant
based creatures, but also have been reported to fight
alongside undead. However, Leaf Rustlers hate and
despise Leptographium and Phellinus, attacking them
on sight.
Leaf Rustlers usually float down silently upon their becomes Neutral Evil, etc. There is also a 25% chance
targets and can surprise on a 1-4 on a d6. They have a that a random insanity that will befall the wearer as
80% chance to climb trees. Finally, Leaf Rustlers take determined by the GM. Those who fall victim to a Thorn
double damage from fire attacks. Spells such as Gust Necklace usually live out their days creating a
of Wind or Wind Wall disperses the Leaf Rustler and it corrupted area deep in a forest.
takes 2d4 rounds to reform its shape. Water type
attacks cause Leaf Rustlers to move at half their Discovered random Thorn Necklaces haunts the wearer
movement rate. with dreams of a woman in a forest crying for help or
beckoning to them. The thorn begins to sprout roots and
Leaf Rustlers never carry treasure although they often attach itself to the wearer after being worn for a week,
hoard it in their lair. harmlessly, and the wearer soon feels a ‘pull’ towards
the creator of the necklace. The wearer receives a -4
Thorn Dryad to their saving throws vs. charm ability of the thorn
dryad. Ripping the necklace off once attached delivers
Climate/Terrain: Tempera 1d4 damage.
te Forests
Frequency: Very Rare Combat: Thorn Dryads use their Charm ability in the
Number Appearing: 1 very beginning of combat to charm as many
Organization: Solitary opponents as possible. They prefer to fight near her tree
Activity Cycle: Any as the tree can help with its own attacks. Thorn Dryads
Intelligence: 14-16 use a variety of different weapons forged in nature
Treasure: Mx100, Qx10 (spears with rock tips, arrows with rock tips, etc.). Some
Alignment: Chaotic or are even rumored to be able to cast spells as a wizard.
Neutral Evil
Armor Class: 8 Rootmaw
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 5 Climate/Terrain: Mostly forests, swamps, and/or places
THACO: 15 of evil
Attack: by Weapon Frequency: Very Rare
Saving Throw: By Fighter 5 Number Appearing: 1
or by Class Level Organization: Solitary
Special Traits: Charm, tree Activity Cycle: Any
bound, thorn necklace Intelligence: 0
Magic Resistance: 50% Artist: Patrick E. Pullen Treasure: C
Size: M Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Morale: 10 Armor Class: 6 (mouth) 4 (root tendrils)
Experience: 975 Movement: 0
Hit Dice: 8+2
A Thorn Dryad is very similar in all aspects to a regular THACO: 13
dryad except for a few notable differences, such as Attack: 5 or 6. Root tendrils 1d6+1, or bite 3d6
vines, thorns, and/or fungus growing on them and Saving Throw: Fighter 8
glowing red or green eyes. Thorn Dryads are inherently Special Traits: Swallow whole, entangle. Half damage
evil and live in a corrupt tree, such as a Calamitous Tree, from fire attacks. Dancing Lights 3x a day. Up to 30 feet
in a symbiotic relationship. A key difference between length roots. Root tendril regeneration.
regular dryads and Thorn Dryads is that the latter may Magic Resistance: None
leave their tree for up to a week’s time with no ill effects. Size: Large
If kept from its tree for longer than a week, the Thorn Morale: 18
Dryad dies within 6d6 hours. Thorn Dryads retain the Experience: 2,000
usual Charm ability as well as Dimension Door to their
bound tree, but also have the ability to Bestow Curse Rootmaws dwell in places where evil magic has seeped
twice a day, which lasts last 24 hours. into the stump of a slain Calamitous Tree or other evil
tree. Sometimes the evil seeps to the deepest roots,
Thorn Dryads may also create a crude necklace made where over time, it evolves and grows into a Rootmaw.
from weaved tree bark and silver-inscribed thorns. The Rootmaws are essentially the tap root of a stump that
Thorn Necklace is usually attuned or crafted for a has evolved into a great maw with sharp roots for teeth.
specific person (usually a charmed victim) and given Only their wicked mouth is exposed, making it look like
as a ‘gift’. Over time, the necklace slowly (over 1d3 part of a cavern wall, and their root tendrils that
months) warps their alignment to a more evil bent. surround their mouth are usually strewn about to
Lawful Good becomes Lawful Evil, Neutral Good capture prey.
Rootmaws can’t move, though their root tendrils have Wendigo
been known to grow up to 30 feet in length. Rootmaws
thrive in damp areas, granting them resistance to fire Climate/Terrain: Mostly forests and cold wastes
attacks. Frequency: Very Rare
Number Appearing: 1
Rootmaws have the innate ability to cast Dancing Lights Organization: Solitary
three times a day with the noted difference that it can Activity Cycle: Any
move the lights at 18’ rather than 6’ and with an Intelligence: 11-12
extended range of a mile. It uses Dancing Lights to Treasure: W
attract prey to enter its stump where it can attack and Alignment: Neutral Evil
swallow their victim whole. Armor Class: 4
Movement: 12
Dryads loathe Rootmaws and will attempt to destroy Hit Dice: 6
them whenever encountered. THACO: 15
Attack: 2 or 3 (2 claws 1d8+1 and gore 2d4+2)
Combat: Rootmaw’s favorite tactic is to use its Dancing Saving Throw: Fighter 6
Lights ability to lure its prey closer to its mouth. Once the Special Traits: Mimicry, Absorption
mouth can be used for attacks, it focuses its roots to Magic Resistance: 90% resist to Sleep, Charm, and Hold
either (50%) strike like a whip for 1d6+1 damage or (50%) spells.
attempt to entangle more opponents, intending to Size: M to L
drag the target to the mouth. Once a successful Morale: 12
entangle hit is scored, victims must make a successful Experience: 650+
Bend Bars/Lift Gates to escape the entanglement or be
dragged to the mouth in 1d4 rounds. Severing the root Gaunt and emaciated, the Wendigo has desiccated
tendril (hp 12) frees a victim, however, severing one root skin pulled tightly over its bones and features on the top
tendril allows the Rootmaw to grow two new tendrils in half of its body. Its lower half has hooves and resembles
1d4 rounds to take its place. Once at the mouth, a roll a satyr. The Wendigo’s head is elk-like, often looking like
to hit for the mouth attack is always successful. A a bleached elk skull with antlers. The Wendigo smells of
successful 18 or higher attack roll for the mouth means decay, death and corruption.
the opponent is swallowed, dying in 1d10+1 rounds from The Wendigo is created from the insane or those so
suffocation and internal acids. hopelessly lost and maddened by hunger, that they
resort to cannibalism to survive. The elation of survival
contorts into the enjoyment of eating flesh and
cannibalism of its own kind or similar humanoids. The
Wendigo slowly transforms into a hideous creature,
preying on its own past race to satiate its hunger and
to grow in strength.
Artist: Maciej Zagorski, The Forge
LEGAL If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
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Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent
above), the game mechanics of this game product are Open Game Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The
Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is 8. Identification
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which
Reserved. portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
1. Definitions: 9. Updating the License
(a) ”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this
have contributed Open Game Content; License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy,
(b) ”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under
works and translations (including into other computer languages), any version of this License.
potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, 10. Copy of this License
improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open
work may be recast, transformed or adapted; Game Content You Distribute.
(c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, 11. Use of Contributor Credits
publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name
(d) ”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the
methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content Contributor to do so.
does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the 12. Inability to Comply
prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any
specifically excludes Product Identity. Open Game Material so affected.
(e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and 13. Termination
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or License.
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, 14. Reformation
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of
modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles
Content. Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
(h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte
2. The License Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell,
This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in Labyrinth Lord TM © 2007-2009 Goblinoid Games; Author Daniel Proctor
terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Labyrinth Lord TM Advanced Edition Companion © 2009-2010 Goblinoid
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this Games; Author Daniel Proctor
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or OSRICTM Chapter I Copyright 2006-08 by Stuart Marshall. Additional
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using authors: Trent Foster, James Boney, Vincent Fruge, Chris Hopkins,
this License. Robert Ross, Jeremy Goehring, Mike Davison, Daniel Proctor, B. Scot
3. Offer and Acceptance Hoover, Chris Cain, Bill Silvey, Floyd Canaday, Mathew James Stanham.
By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the For Gold & Glory, Copyright 2014, Justen Brown
terms of this License. A Thorn in the Side, Copyright 2018, Author MalrexModules
4. Grant and Consideration END OF LICENSE
In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant Copyright 2018, ‘Malrex’-Aaron Fairbrook
You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the
exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute
“A Thorn in the Side”is an adventure for use with the For Gold & Glory ruleset, a retroclone of
2nd edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game. For Gold & Glory are trademarks of
Justen Brown. This work is not affiliated with Justen Brown. This product is easy to convert for
any of the old school rulesets of the OGL v1.0a.