Rubric BRA301

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Requires Satisfactory Good

TT Criterion Weight (%) Description
Improvement (<5) Standard (5<7) Standard (7<9)


Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a

Student demonstrates a
an evidently limited fair ability to conduct
strong ability to conduct
ability to conduct situation analysis and
Informed by PEST and situation analysis and
situation analysis and identify key elements
1 Situation Analysis 10 SWOT models, as well identify key elements that
identify key elements that have informed their
as the Brand Audit have informed their
that have informed their strategy and plan
strategy and plan
strategy and plan framework, but with
framework some limitations

Strategic intent and Some identification of

Adequate identification
SMART objectives goals, SMART Adequate identification of
of goals, SMART
Goals and SMART which are accompanied objectives, and goals, SMART objectives,
objectives, and
2 Objectives 15 by an effective and evaluation plan is and evaluation plan which
Evaluation Plan evaluation plan with
realistic plan to measure incomplete or has seem very attainable and
consistent and
the campaign's conflicting or specific
appropriate criteria
effectiveness inconsistent criteria.

Target audience is
clearly identified with Target audience is strongly
Target audience clearly Target audience is not
adequate logic and identified with clear logic
identified and related to clearly identified or not
salient characteristics and salient characteristics
3 Target Audience 10 the campaign's clearly related to the
relating to the relating to the campaign's
objectives and media campaign's objectives
campaign's objectives objectives and media
choices and media choices
and media choices, but choices
with some limitations
Requires Satisfactory Good
TT Criterion Weight (%) Description
Improvement (<5) Standard (5<7) Standard (7<9)

Big idea, key message

Big idea, key message
and strategy are defined
and strategy are Big idea, key message and
Big idea, key message in an appropriate
unfocused and lacks strategy are well defined,
Big Idea, Key Message and and strategy identified, manner with some gaps
15 original and creative original and creative, and
and likely decisions and may lack originality
elements, and they are appropriate for the target
inferred or explained and may be appropriate
loosely linked to the audience
for the target audience
target audience
with some limitations

Tactics are original and

Tactics are appropriate, creative yet practical and
Tactics are mostly
but may not be realistic to achieve goals
impractical and
thoroughly creative, and objectives and
unrealistic, and lack
Tactics and detailed practical and/or implement strategy.
execution timeline in realistic. Timeline is very clear,
5 Tactics and Timeline 10 Timeline is either
line with objectives and Timeline is clear with well presented and
under-developed or
proposed strategy some gaps and may not appropriate, including
missing some tactics,
include all tactics, tools, most tactics, tools, and
tools, and evaluation
and evaluation evaluation strategies to be
strategies executed in a logical

Inadequate, inaccurate, Plausible cost Appropriate cost

Estimation of likely
or perfunctory cost estimation of most estimation of most
6 Budget 10 campaign costs for each
estimation, missing proposed elements of proposed elements of the
steps conducted
elements of the plan the campaign campaign


Standard presentation Presented content with Good quality of

Moderate quality of
and slides. poorly designed slides. PowerPoint slides.
PowerPoint slides.
Quality of Presentation Note: students need to Text is too dense – too Graphics and text are
7 10 Some inconsistencies
Slides refer in their text to much info on slides. integrated into the
are present. No single
material written or Differing styles with presentation. Text is
style is used.
produced by others differing speakers. appropriate for the content
Requires Satisfactory Good
TT Criterion Weight (%) Description
Improvement (<5) Standard (5<7) Standard (7<9)

Voice is clear. Little use of

Group members
Voice is low. Some filler words. No use of
mumble or are difficult
group members find it slang or offensive
to understand.
of, relating to, or difficult to understand language. Most audience
Excessive use of filler
8 Verbal Delivery 5 consisting of words, because of rushed members can hear the
words (e.g. um, er, ah,
including voice speech. Lack of presentation. Good pace of
like). Speaks too
coordination with the speech. Good coordination
quietly for the audience
content and each other. with the content and each
to hear.

Presenters felt
Unprepared, awkward,
shuffled papers, poor
Presentation was partly
eye contact, shuffled Fairly confident; good
read from the
feet, fidgeted. Poor gestures & posture,
notes/slides; several
posture & gestures. The acceptable audience
distracting mannerisms,
presenter did not look attention and eye contact.
inappropriate gestures,
appropriately. All presenters looked
minimal eye contact
Presentation was read appropriately.
with the audience.
from the notes/screen. Notes/scripts were not
9 Non-verbal Delivery 5 being other than verbal Presentation was partly
Poorly managing time used at all.
read from the
of presentation, causing Good time management.
negative impact to The time allocated to the
Appropriate time
overall presentation and presentation was used
management. The
Q&A. The presentation effectively and efficiently.
presentation was well
was either too long or Well-coodinate time
over the time limit. The
too short. Lack of between group members
time allocated to the
coordination between
presentation was not
used appropriately.

Attempts were made to

Questions were not Most of the questions were
answer the questions,
The answer is logic and clearly answered or answered correctly and
10 Q&A 10 however, only partly
relevant to the question incorrect answers were confidently, with good
correct with very
given. understanding of the topic.
limited understanding.
Requires Satisfactory Good
TT Criterion Weight (%) Description
Improvement (<5) Standard (5<7) Standard (7<9)

Standard (9<10)
for final

Student demonstrates an
exceptional ability to conduct
situation analysis and identify
key elements that have
informed their strategy and
plan framework

Comprehensive identification
of goals, SMART objectives,
and evaluation plan with
appropriate characteristics
and detailed explanations

Target audience (geographic,

demographic, behavioural,
psychological) is insightfully
and succinctly identified with
clear logic and salient
characteristics relating to the
campaign's objectives and
media choices
Standard (9<10)
for final

Big idea, key message and

strategy are exceptionally
well defined, highly original
and creative, and highly
appropriate for the target

Tactics are exceptionally

original and creative yet
practical and realistic to
achieve goals and objectives
and implement strategy.
Timeline is exceptionally
clear, well presented and
appropriate, including all
tactics, tools, and evaluation
strategies to be executed in a
highly logical manner

Comprehensive cost
estimation of all proposed
elements of the campaign
including proposed corrective

Exceptional quality of
PowerPoint slides. Graphics
and text are well integrated
into the presentation. Text is
appropriate for the content
Standard (9<10)
for final

Group members use a clear

voice; audience members can
hear the presentation. The
pace of speech shows the
good understanding of the
materials. Exceptional
coordination with the content
and each other.

Confident manner of
presentation, appropriate
gestures & posture;
maintaining eye contact with
the audience. The presenter
looked appropriately.
Exceptional time
management, not over the
time limit. The time allocated
to the presentation was used
effectively and
time between group members

All the questions were

answered correctly and
confidently, with in-depth
understanding of the topic
and full explanation.
Standard (9<10)
for final

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