Rubric BRA301
Rubric BRA301
Rubric BRA301
Target audience is
clearly identified with Target audience is strongly
Target audience clearly Target audience is not
adequate logic and identified with clear logic
identified and related to clearly identified or not
salient characteristics and salient characteristics
3 Target Audience 10 the campaign's clearly related to the
relating to the relating to the campaign's
objectives and media campaign's objectives
campaign's objectives objectives and media
choices and media choices
and media choices, but choices
with some limitations
Requires Satisfactory Good
TT Criterion Weight (%) Description
Improvement (<5) Standard (5<7) Standard (7<9)
Presenters felt
Unprepared, awkward,
shuffled papers, poor
Presentation was partly
eye contact, shuffled Fairly confident; good
read from the
feet, fidgeted. Poor gestures & posture,
notes/slides; several
posture & gestures. The acceptable audience
distracting mannerisms,
presenter did not look attention and eye contact.
inappropriate gestures,
appropriately. All presenters looked
minimal eye contact
Presentation was read appropriately.
with the audience.
from the notes/screen. Notes/scripts were not
9 Non-verbal Delivery 5 being other than verbal Presentation was partly
Poorly managing time used at all.
read from the
of presentation, causing Good time management.
negative impact to The time allocated to the
Appropriate time
overall presentation and presentation was used
management. The
Q&A. The presentation effectively and efficiently.
presentation was well
was either too long or Well-coodinate time
over the time limit. The
too short. Lack of between group members
time allocated to the
coordination between
presentation was not
used appropriately.
Standard (9<10)
for final
Student demonstrates an
exceptional ability to conduct
situation analysis and identify
key elements that have
informed their strategy and
plan framework
Comprehensive identification
of goals, SMART objectives,
and evaluation plan with
appropriate characteristics
and detailed explanations
Comprehensive cost
estimation of all proposed
elements of the campaign
including proposed corrective
Exceptional quality of
PowerPoint slides. Graphics
and text are well integrated
into the presentation. Text is
appropriate for the content
Standard (9<10)
for final
Confident manner of
presentation, appropriate
gestures & posture;
maintaining eye contact with
the audience. The presenter
looked appropriately.
Exceptional time
management, not over the
time limit. The time allocated
to the presentation was used
effectively and
time between group members