Marketing Management Terminal Paper Requirement: 1. Executive Summary

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Marketing Management

Terminal paper requirement

Nature of the Requirement:
The student is expected to prepare a marketing plan for specific company.

The contents
Exemplary acceptable developing
96-100 91-95 85-90
1. Executive Summary The executive summary The executive The executive
summarizes the main goals and clearly communicates summary includes summary is either too
recommended strategies. Allows the critical elements of most, but not all of short (less than one
reader to grasp the plan’s major the marketing plan so the critical elements page) or too long
thrust. that it reads as a stand- of the marketing (more than two
alone document. The plan. Some of the pages). The summary
length of the executive information provided contains mostly
summary is sufficient to in the summary is unnecessary or trivial
cover the critical unnecessary or information, therefore,
information, but no more trivial to it is inadequate as a
than two pages long. understanding the stand-alone document
plan. The summary
is no more than two
pages long
2. Situational analysis Information about the Information about Company or
Describes the relevant company or organization company or organization
background on company, sales, is thoroughly and clearly organization is, for information is
market, competitors, marketing mix reported, including such the most part, provided, but there is
and external environment. Allows things as the type of thoroughly and a great deal of
the reader to visualize the current product or service, clearly reported. But potentially important
state of the company, its external employees, company some information information missing.
environment and marketing mix. history, previous and that may be critical
current marketing to the marketing
efforts, current plan is missing.
knowledge about
customers and
competitors, etc
3. Opportunity and Issue a thorough SWOT SWOT analysis is SWOT analysis is
Analysis analysis is provided, provided, but there provided, but there are at
A thorough SWOT analysis based on the preceding are some missing more than missing points
is presented to identify issues that analyses. Reasoning for points from from preceding analyses.
are likely to affect the attainment of each item in the SWOT preceding analyses. There is no reasoning
set objectives. is provided and logical. Reasoning for each provided for the items.
Strengths and item is not always More than two
weaknesses are clearly thoroughly provided strengths/weaknesses or
internal factors, and and/or logical. One opportunities/threats are
opportunities and threats or two inappropriate.
are clearly external strengths/weakness
factors. es are external, or
are internal
4. Objectives The marketing Linkage of Marketing goals and
Specific, quantitative and objectives and goals are marketing objectives are missing
realistic goals are set for the clearly related to the objectives and or those that are
marketing plan for the next 12 company/organization goals to identified are not
months. mission. Objectives and company/organiza quantified or are
goals are clearly stated tion mission is not inappropriate.
and appropriately clearly stated.
quantified. Some of the
objectives and
goals are unclear
and/or not
5. Target Market Based on the marketing Based on the Target market and
Describes specifically the strategy and SWOT marketing strategy positioning is missing,
target market using the bases of analysis, the target and SWOT or, if identified, does
market segmentation. market(s) is analysis, the not seem appropriate
appropriately identified target market(s) is given the marketing
and described. A identified but not strategy and SWOT
positioning statement for described in analysis. Positioning
each target market is enough detail. statement(s) is
identified and explained, Positioning missing.
and reasonable. statement(s) is
provided but not
6. Marketing strategy The marketing direction Marketing strategy is The marketing
Formulates broad marketing that will frame marketing identified but is strategy is missing or
mix game plan to achieve the stated tactics of the marketing unclear or unspecific is illogical given the
objective. plan is clearly and in some aspects. marketing objectives
specifically stated in 3-5 The marketing and goals.
sentences. The strategy is logically
marketing strategy is linked to the
logically linked to the marketing objectives
marketing objectives and and goals
7. Action Program Tactics for are Most of the tactics More than one
Identifies what is to be thoroughly and clearly are thoroughly and obvious tactic is
done, when to do it, who will do it identified and reasoned. clearly identified, but missing. Very little
and how much will cost to make the sufficient detail about one obvious tactic is detail on specific
marketing strategy actionable. tactics is provided, missing. Some detail tactics is provided.
. making it easier to on tactics is missing, Tactics are unclear
understand the scope of hindering and hard to
the tactic. understanding. The understand.
A thorough and specific company/organizatio An implementation
implementation plan is n will be able to use plan is identified, but
clearly identified for the plan to more than two tactics
every tactic; the plan implement the are not addressed,
identifies who is marketing plan, but and the plan generally
responsible for may be confused lacks specificity.
implementing the tactic, about some aspects Because of missing
when it should be because of missing information, the plan
implemented, the cost, information will not help the
implement the
marketing plan.
8. Financial performance Income statement is . Income statement Income statement is
Presents a revenue and cost complete and is not complete and
statement to show projected all complete and calculations are
profit. Revenue side shows calculations are accurate most inaccurate and
sales forecast while the and accurately calculations are inaccurately
expense side includes cost of categorized. accurate categorized.
production, distribution and and accurately
marketing categorized.
9. Implementation and control overall control overall control Overall control
Recommends the controls measures for the measures are measures and
for monitoring implementation of the marketing plan, and included and contingency plans are
plan. contingency actions, contingency actions not identified.
are identified. are identified, but
they lack
10. Writing style and format The plan has been There are a few There are frequent
Follows prescribed format; thoroughly spell- spelling and/or misspelled words,
free from grammatical and checked and grammatical errors. serious grammatical
typographical error proofread. There are There are one to errors, and formatting
no to almost none three formatting errors, indicating that
grammatical or errors time was not taken to
spelling errors. There
are no formatting spell-check and
errors. proofread.

Prescribed format:

1. Paper size- short bond (8.5 by 11)

2. Margin- 1.5 inches left, 1 inch on all sides, justified
3. Font size 12
4. Font style – arial
5. Section heading –bold, center
6. Spacing -2 (except for the financial statement)
7. Provide a table of contents after the executive summary.
8. Provide a cover page that states your name.. Only the cover sheet will have the header
…the rest of the paper no more header.
9. Illustration/pictures may be may be included in the text or may be part of the appendix.
10. Use short red folder, with transparent front cover.
11. Include a grading sheet

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