COB20241 Guideline

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COB2024 - Group report

The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for a chosen brand
in the industry you are assigned to in the group presentation assignment, deeply rooted in the
principles of consumer behavior. The plan should leverage the insights gained from the
customer persona and be directly informed by the consumer behavior theories covered in this

Each group will select a specific brand within the industry they have previously analyzed. The
marketing plan should be built around the customer persona developed earlier, using
consumer behavior theories to inform decisions related to the 4Ps of marketing (Product,
Price, Place, Promotion).
The plan should demonstrate:
 A strong understanding of consumer behavior theories.
 Application of these theories in developing strategies that are closely aligned with the
target customer’s behaviors, needs, and preferences.
 Integration of consumer behavior concepts, such as perception, motivation, decision-
making, attitudes, and the Consumer Value Framework (CVF), into each aspect of the
marketing strategy.
1. Executive Summary
 Provide a brief overview of the brand, the customer segment (persona), and the main
objectives of the marketing plan.
 Highlight the focus on consumer behavior in shaping the marketing strategies.

2. Brand Overview
 Introduction to the chosen brand belong to the industry you are assigned to for the
group presentation assignment, including its market position, unique selling
proposition (USP), and current marketing strategies.
 Discuss the brand’s challenges and opportunities, particularly in the context of
changing consumer behaviors.

3. Target Customer Segment (Persona)

 Recap the key characteristics of the customer persona, emphasizing how consumer
behavior theories (e.g., demographics, psychographics, behavioral traits) have
informed the persona development.
4. Application of the Customer Value Framework (CVF):
 Use and present the Customer Value Framework (CVF) (figure below) to identify and
understand the value that target customers seek in products and services.
 Differentiate between utilitarian value (functional, practical benefits) and hedonic
value (emotional, experiential benefits), analyzing how these factors influence
consumer decisions.
 Examine how internal influences (like consumer psychology and personality) and
external influences (such as cultural and social factors) shape the perception of value.

Source: Babin, B. J., & Harris, E. G. (2016). CB: Consumer behavior. Cengage Learning.
5. Strategic recommendations:
Based on the understanding of consumer behavior through the CVF, students will develop
strategic recommendations for how a brand should respond to these behaviors.
 Product: How should the product be designed or modified to meet the identified
consumer needs and values?
 Pricing: What pricing strategies align with the perceived value and willingness to pay
of the target segment?
 Distribution (Place): Which channels and methods will best reach and serve the target
segment, considering their behavior and preferences?
 Promotion: How should the brand communicate with the target audience to resonate
with their values and decision-making processes?

6. Conclusion:
Summarize the key insights from the consumer behavior analysis and recommendation
Submission guideline
- Maximum 4000 words, excluding cover page, table of contents, references
- Name the submission file as "Group No._Tutorial No._Group name".
- Late submissions (beyond one hour) will incur a penalty of 10% of the total marks per
day (or part of a day) late.


Excellent Good Satisfactory improvement Unsatisfactor
(10 to >= 9 (under 9 to (8 under to (under 6 to
Criteria pts) >= 8 pts) >= 6 pts) >= 5 pts) (Under 5 pts)

Provides a
clear, concise,
overview of
the brand, Provides a Provides little
customer good Offers a basic Overview is to no relevant
Summary (5
segment, and overview of overview but incomplete or information
objectives. the brand and lacks clarity unclear, about the
Clearly objectives, or detail in missing key brand,
highlights the with minor explaining the information objectives, or
focus on omissions in focus on about the focus on
consumer clarity or consumer brand or consumer
behavior. detail. behavior. objectives. behavior.

Brand Thoroughly Adequately Provides a Brand Fails to

Overview (10 introduces the covers the basic overview is provide a clear
points) brand, its brand’s introduction superficial or or accurate
market market of the brand unclear, with overview of
position, USP, position, USP, but lacks significant the brand and
and strategies, and strategies, depth in gaps in key its market
with clear but with some discussing areas like context.
discussion of gaps in the market USP or
Excellent Good Satisfactory improvement Unsatisfactor
(10 to >= 9 (under 9 to (8 under to (under 6 to
Criteria pts) >= 8 pts) >= 6 pts) >= 5 pts) (Under 5 pts)

discussion of position, USP,

challenges challenges or challenges
and and and
opportunities. opportunities. opportunities. challenges.

Persona is
detailed, well-
Target informed by Persona is
Customer consumer well- Persona Persona is
Segment behavior developed and provides basic underdevelop Persona is
(Persona) (10 theories, informed by characteristics ed, with poorly
points) including consumer but lacks minimal use developed or
demographics, behavior depth or clear of consumer lacks
psychographic theories but connection to behavior relevance to
s, and may lack consumer theories to the target
behavioral depth in one behavior inform its customer
traits. or two areas. theories. creation. segment.

applies the
CVF to
customer Applies the
Application of value, clearly Effectively CVF with
the Customer differentiating applies the basic
Value between CVF, with understanding Fails to apply
Framework utilitarian and clear , but may lack Application the CVF
(CVF) (40 hedonic value, differentiation clarity or of the CVF is effectively,
points) and between thoroughness superficial, with little to
effectively utilitarian and in with limited no meaningful
examining hedonic value, differentiating differentiation analysis of
internal and though some values or of values and customer
external analysis may analyzing weak analysis value or
influences. lack depth. influences. of influences. influences.

Strategic Provides clear, Provides good Offers basic Strategic Recommendat

Recommendat actionable, strategic strategic recommendat ions are weak,
ions (20 and well- recommendati recommendati ions are unclear, or
points) justified ons with clear ons, but they vague, poorly disconnected
strategic links to may lack clear justified, or from
Excellent Good Satisfactory improvement Unsatisfactor
(10 to >= 9 (under 9 to (8 under to (under 6 to
Criteria pts) >= 8 pts) >= 6 pts) >= 5 pts) (Under 5 pts)

ons for
Price, Place,
Promotion, consumer
thoroughly behavior, justification or lack
linked to though some strong links to connection to
consumer areas may consumer consumer consumer
behavior lack depth or behavior behavior behavior
insights. specificity. insights. insights. analysis.

Concisely Summarizes
summarizes key insights
key insights and Provides a Summary is
and strategic recommendati basic incomplete,
recommendati ons, with summary of unclear, or
Conclusion (5 ons, some insights and lacks
points) reinforcing alignment to recommendati connection to Fails to
the alignment consumer ons, but may the analysis provide a
with behavior, but be lacking in and coherent or
consumer may lack depth or clear recommendat relevant
behavior depth or alignment ions summary of
analysis. clarity. with analysis. presented. the report.

All sources Some errors in Numerous

are cited Most sources citation; citation errors
correctly in are cited language is or Poor citation
APA format; correctly; generally unprofessiona practices and
and Language
language is language is clear, but with l language frequent
Use (10
precise, clear and noticeable use; language
professional, professional, issues in significant errors that
and free of with minor grammar or grammar or hinder
errors. errors. style. style issues. understanding.

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