Astrological Prediction For Profession Doctor
Astrological Prediction For Profession Doctor
Astrological Prediction For Profession Doctor
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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 122 – No.15, July 2015
study investigates six classification techniques. Logistic schema. Decision table classifier is based conceptually on a
Regression, Simple Cart, Naïve Bayes Decision Stump, simple lookup table. If no matching instances are found than
Decision Table and DTNB. The selection was based on the decision table returns the majority class of the training set
difference in the techniques for learning and level of otherwise majority class of all matching instances is returned.
complexity. To build a Decision Table Majority (DTM), induction
algorithm must decide which features to include in the schema
3.1 Logistic Regression and which instances to store in the body [17].
Logistic Regression[13] is a probabilistic statistical
classification model. It is used to predict the class label based 3.5 Decision Stump Algorithm
on one or more predictor variables, these variables are not Decision Stump [18] is one-level decision tree. It is a decision
continuous. tree with one root node connected to leaf node. A decision
stump makes a prediction based on the value of just a single
The formula can be stated as the probability of occurrence of input feature hence are also called 1-rules.
an event Y =1
Based on input features, different types of trees are created.
For nominal features, a decision tree which contains a leaf for
each possible feature value is constructed or a decision tree
with two leafs is created. One leaf corresponds to some
Ln is natural logarithm and is line regression chosen category and the other leaf for all other categories. For
equation continuous features, usually, some threshold feature value is
selected, and the decision tree containing two leafs are created
Expected probability that Y = 1 for a given value of X. for values below and above the threshold.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 122 – No.15, July 2015
2 Taurus Nominal Value from 1 to 12 techniques such as Simple Cart, Logistic, Naïve Bayes,
Decision Stump, Decision Table and DTNB were used on the
Gemini Nominal Value from 1 to 12 dataset with 10, 12, and 14 fold cross validation. The results
of various techniques are shown through graph in Fig. 1 for
Cancer Nominal Value from 1 to 12 correctly and incorrectly classified data for identification of
4 profession doctor of a person.
5 Leo Nominal Value from 1 to 12 Better results were produced by Simple Logistic with 12 fold
cross validation with an accuracy of 54.902 %. Decision
6 Virgo Nominal Value from 1 to 12 Stump algorithm with 14 fold classification gave results with
an accuracy of 50%.
7 Libra Nominal Value from 1 to 12
Scorpio Nominal Value from 1 to 12 With limited number of sample cases and different training
8 methods the prediction that person will become a doctor was
made. The methods that gave better results are Simple
9 Sagittarius Nominal Value from 1 to 12
Logistic with 12 fold cross validation with an accuracy of
54.902%. Decision Stump algorithm with 14 fold
10 Capricorn Nominal Value from 1 to 12 classification gave results with an accuracy of 50%.
Aquarius Nominal Value from 1 to 12 Although, the results are not as per expectations but are not
discouraging also. Few methods are performing better than
Pisces Nominal Value from 1 to 12 others so if remaining methods are tried or hybrid methods are
12 created than accuracy of the system can be increased. Also
data set consisted of only 102 records so by increasing the
13 Sun Nominal Value from 1 to 12
number of cases the accuracy of the results are expected to
increase further. Results generated by working on different
14 Moon Nominal Value from 1 to 12 classifiers can be used to analyze and identify the weakness
and strength of different classification methods so that new
15 Mars Nominal Value from 1 to 12 classifiers can be developed which utilizes the strength of
various classifiers and thus in turn increases the accuracy in
16 Mercury Nominal Value from 1 to 12 prediction. For the accuracy purpose, other aspects of person
information like knowledge level, family background etc.
17 Venus Nominal Value from 1 to 12 must be included as attributes along with birth charts,
astrological charts, and planetary positions in different houses
Jupiter Nominal Value from 1 to 12 in horoscope. Few more attributes like strength of the planets,
aspect ratio of the planets and interrelationship among planets
Saturn Nominal Value from 1 to 12 can also be included for increasing the accuracy of results.
Predictions are performed to find that a person will become
20 Rahu Nominal Value from 1 to 12 doctor or not similarly predictions can be performed to
identify basic nature of the person, the attitude of the person,
21 Ketu Nominal Value from 1 to 12 money and other aspect of person’s life.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 122 – No.15, July 2015
Fig 1: Graph for Classification of Profession Doctor using various Supervised Classification Techniques
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