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Cleaner Materials
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/clema
Keywords: Dredged sediments from ports and rivers are treated as waste material. The disposal of waste sediments has
Dredged sediments environmental concerns and requires financial resources. Dredged sediments reuse in building material such
Hemp shiv as adobe bricks can provide an alternate solution to valorize and handle this waste material. Adobe bricks
Palm oil fibers are eco‐friendly construction materials manufactured with clayey soil and fibers. Natural fibers addition
Adobe bricks
improves mechanical and thermal characteristics of adobe bricks.
Waste recycling
In this research, a pilot study was conducted to manufacture adobe bricks from harbor dredged sediments
and replicate the procedure to manufacture adobe bricks for river dredged sediments. Harbor sediments were
taken from Dunkirk port, France. The physical and chemical characteristics of these sediments were analyzed.
Sediments suitability for adobe bricks with grains size and Atterberg limit was discussed with different
approaches. Bricks were manufactured by mixing Dunkirk sediments and saturated hemp shiv at different
hemp shiv content. Sediments and fibers were mixed with a mortar mixer and molded into specimens of
4*4*16 cm3. Dynamic compaction was opted to compact the bricks. Drying of bricks was done in the oven
at 40 °C. Finally, sediments mixing, molding and compaction procedures were derived and problems encoun-
tered during were discussed.
The procedure derived from Dunkirk sediments was implemented on Usumacinta River sediments to make
adobe bricks with the addition of palm oil flower fibers (POFl). Characteristics of Usumacinta River sediments
and palm oil flower fibers were found to use in adobe bricks. Palm oil flowers fibers were cut with a knife mill
of grid‐2 cm and grid‐3 cm. Dunkirk sediments bricks manufacturing process was repeated to make bricks from
Usumacinta sediments.
Laboratory scale manufacturing and testing of bricks from Dunkirk port sediments and Usumacinta River
sediments allows to observe the valorization of dredged sediments in adobe bricks with mechanical perspec-
tives. In this study, properties of bricks manufactured by both harbor and river dredged sediments such as ten-
sile strength, toughness and fibers distribution inside the bricks were studied and compared.
Introduction Singh, 2017). Recycling polluted sediments is difficult and need prior
treatment for their reuse. Furthermore, dewatering of dredged sedi-
Sediments are dredged from seaports, rivers and water channels for ments is also necessary to use them (Boullosa Allariz et al., 2019).
navigation, water flow and offshore activities. Millions of tonnes of Harbour and river sediments have been used in various sectors such
sediments are dredged across the world. These sediments are treated as roads, backfill, retaining walls, cement clinker and bricks by differ-
as waste and dumped into the sea or stored on land sites. Sediment ent researchers (Siham et al., 2008; Anger et al., 2017; Manap et al.,
dumping in the sea causes environmental problems, especially for mar- 2015). Sediments reuse in the building sector seems promising as it
ine life. Similarly, land storage of sediments has leaching and cost reduces the burden on natural resources and carbon emissions. The
issues. Sediments recycling in different applications is increasing building sector in the world is increasing rapidly with concrete as
nowadays due to the cost and environmental concerns (Rakshith and the principal building material. Concrete is globally responsible for
⇑ Corresponding author at: UniLaSalle, Univ.Artois, EA7519 - Transformations & Agro-ressources, Normandie Université, 76130 Mont Saint Aignan, France.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Hussain).
Received 1 October 2021; Revised 9 December 2021; Accepted 10 January 2022
10% of worldwide carbon release (Ramakrishnan et al., 2021). There- Soil stabilization in crude bricks is achieved by compaction or by
fore, the use of dredged sediments in adobe bricks is important and the addition of stabilizers such as cement, gypsum and lime (Adam
provides eco‐friendly construction material. Adobe bricks are one of and Agib, 2001). Stabilized bricks samples after compaction are sun‐
the oldest construction materials and are widely used for construction dried or oven‐dried. Sun‐drying is the most economical and eco‐
activities in developing countries. Adobe bricks are environment‐ friendly method, and it is possible in hot arid conditions. By drying
friendly and sustainable building materials with minimum CO2 emis- the bricks, fibers inside the bricks also dry and their volume decreases
sions. Less energy consumption, cheap and abundant raw material due to shrinkage. Microcracks are developed around the fibers inside
and easier recycling make them attractive building materials. the bricks. Water repellent additives are helpful to minimize this effect
For sediments recycling in adobe bricks, physical and chemical (Ghavami et al., 1999).
characteristics of sediments are important. These characteristics The strength and characteristics of bricks are crucial for their use in
include granulometry, Atterberg limits, chemical and mineralogical construction material. Minimum design compressive strength for unre-
composition. Percentage of silt, sand and clay are also important fac- inforced adobe bricks varies from 0.3 to 1.4 MPa in different interna-
tors for sediments suitability for bricks. Composition of silt, sand and tional standards used in Germany, Australia and India (Schroeder,
clay can be modified by the addition of other types of sediments 2012). French and Mexican standards recommend compressive
(AFNOR XP P13‐901, 2001; MOPT ‐ Ministerio de Obras Públicas y strength of 1 MPa (AFNOR XP, P13‐901, NORMA E.080). Tensile
Transportes, 1992; Vasic et al., 2020). strength is another important property of crude bricks. The tensile
Adobe bricks manufacturing consists of sediments mixing, molding, strength of bricks with short fibers is usually higher than the tensile
compaction and drying. Crushed sediments and natural fibers are strength of bricks with long fibers (Bledzki and Gassan 1999). Tensile
mixed with molding moisture content. strength of crude bricks increases with fibers addition up to optimum
Natural fibers are waste material and added in bricks due to the fiber content. Minimum tensile strength recommended is 0.25 MPa in
strength and durability limitation of crude bricks. Common natural NZS standard while the Mexican standard recommends tensile
fibers used in construction activities include coconut coir, straw, jute, strength of 0.012 MPa with three point bending test (NZS 4298,
palm fibers and sugar cane bagasse and others. Natural fibers use in NORMA E.080). Higher quantity of fibers reduces cohesion between
composite materials such as concrete, mortar and crude bricks pro- sediments. Some other important characteristics of bricks include
vide their eco‐friendly use in construction materials (Bui, 2021; water absorption, density, inundation and resistance against weather-
Parisi et al., 2015). Natural fibers act as reinforcement in composite ing. Density of crude bricks depends on sediments and fibers used, per-
materials. Natural fibers addition in composites increases the tensile centage of fibers and compaction energy applied.
strength of the composite material and transforms the brittle failure Tensile and compressive strength of adobe bricks are considerably
to ductile failure. The presence of natural fibers decreases the shrink- lower than concrete and fired bricks. Furthermore, crude bricks are
age and growth of big cracks in crude bricks during fast drying of vulnerable to weathering. Interaction with water reduces their
bricks (ASTM E2392/E2392M‐10, 2016). Natural fibers improve strength and in case of inundation, bricks may lead to failure. Crude
the thermal and hygroscopic characteristics of crude bricks by regu- bricks have durability issues and weak seismic performance. Additives
lating humidity absorption and evaporation (Subramanian et al., such as cement, gypsum and lime are sometimes used to increase the
2021). Fibers characteristics such as tensile strength and shelf life strength and durability of crude bricks (Mesbah et al., 2004). The
are important for the strength of bricks and these properties can be use of additives increases the cost of crude bricks and the
improved by treatment of fibers. Fibers are added in crude bricks environment‐friendly nature is affected.
usually by mass or by volume (Calatan et al., 2016). Length of fibers This study focuses on the valorization of harbor and river dredged
is a useful parameter that significantly affects the quality of crude sediments and waste fibers in crude bricks as only a few studies have
bricks. Recommended length of fibers for composite materials such been conducted on the reuse of dredged sediments in crude bricks.
as concrete in ASTM standard is around 25 mm (ASTM D7357 – Crude bricks were manufactured by waste sediments dredged from
07, 2012). The distribution and orientation of fibers inside the matrix Dunkirk port and Usumacinta River. Dunkirk sediments are mixed
is also critical for the strength of bricks but is difficult to control the with hemp shiv while Usumacinta River sediments are mixed with
orientation of fibers inside the bricks. Fibers parallel to the brick palm oil flower fibers to make crude bricks. Sediments and fibers char-
cross‐section contribute more towards the tensile strength of compos- acteristics were studied before their use in adobe bricks. Finally, bricks
ite materials (Bui, 2021). manufacturing was followed by the analysis of characteristics of adobe
Water content used to mix sediments and fibers can be derived bricks such as tensile strength, bending stiffness, toughness and fibers
through Atterberg limits and optimum moisture content distribution inside the bricks.
(Ramakrishnan et al., 2021; Li Piani et al., 2020). Higher molding
moisture content reduces the strength of bricks while with lower mois-
ture content, molding of the mixture becomes difficult. Sediments and Materials and methods
fibers are usually mixed with a laboratory scale machine to make the
homogenous mixture for experiments (Salih et al., 2018). The sedi- Sediments
ments mixture is molded into bricks of different sizes. Steel and woo-
den molds are commonly used for this purpose. Porcelain mold of size Harbour dredged sediments from Dunkirk port (France) and river
4*4*16 cm3 is generally used for laboratory‐scale manufacturing of dredged sediments from the Usumacinta River (Mexico) were used
composite materials (Seifi et al., 2018; Bui, 2021). Molded sediments in this study. Physical and chemical characteristics of both sediments
mixture is compacted to achieve good strength, improve the resistance were found to use them in crude bricks.
of bricks against weathering and water absorption. Granulometry of sediments is an important parameter as it decides
Compaction of bricks is usually done by static compaction, dynamic the sediment’s suitability for crude bricks. Granulometry of Dunkirk
compaction, tamping and by vibrations. Rearrangement of soil parti- (DK) and Usumacinta River sediments (USU) was found with laser
cles takes place with the compaction of bricks, and voids are removed granulometry according to French recommendations (AFNOR NF
which increases the strength and density of soil. Crude bricks exhibit X31‐107, 2003). The silt, sand, clay content and medium diameter
higher tensile and compressive strength with dynamic compaction of both sediments are shown in Table 1.
(Binici et al., 2005). In the case of dynamic and static compaction, Sediments suitability with respect to granulometry for crude bricks
compaction energy is another useful parameter that influences the with AFNOR standard (AFNOR XP P13‐901, 2001) and recommended
strength and density of crude bricks. zones by Houben and Guillaud (1994) is shown in Fig. 1.
M. Hussain et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100046
Table 1
Silt, sand and clay content of Usumacinta and Dunkirk sediments.
Fig. 1. Sediments suitability for crude bricks. Note: CEB = compressed earth blocks.
Fig. 2. Sediments suitability with respect to PI. Note: Ram = Rammed earth.
We can observe from Fig. 1 that Usumacinta River sediments and P13‐901, 2001) and recommended areas by Houben and Guillaud
Dunkirk sediments are inside in the zones recommended for crude (1994).
bricks. Sediments granulometry shows that these sediments can be We can observe from Fig. 2 that Usumacinta River sediments (USU)
used for manufacturing crude bricks. Atterberg limits of sediments are within the proposed zone while Dunkirk (DK) sediments are out-
were found as sediments molding characteristics are based on liquidity side the zone suitable for manufacturing crude bricks due to low plas-
limit (LL) and plasticity limit (PL). Sediments suitability for bricks with ticity index and liquidity limit as these sediments have high sand
Atterberg limits is shown in Fig. 2 with AFNOR standard (AFNOR XP content and low clay content.
M. Hussain et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100046
Raw material along with mixing tools used for manufacturing crude Tensile strength testing of palm oil flower fiber shows that these
bricks is shown in Fig. 3a and b. Fig. 3a shows the Dunkirk sediments fibers have elastoplastic behavior which is common in natural fibers.
and hemp shiv while Fig. 3b shows the Usumacinta River sediments Water absorption of fibers was found by immersing the fibers in water
and palm oil flower fibers used in this study. for 48 h. Water absorption, tensile strength and skeletal density of both
Physical and chemical characteristics of Usumacinta River sedi- POFl fibers and hemp shiv are shown in Table 4.
ments and Dunkirk sediments useful for their use in bricks such as car-
bonate, optimum water content, organic matter, pH, Atterberg limits, Manufacturing of bricks
solid particles density and specific surface area (SSA) were deter-
mined. Sediments characteristics are summarised in Table 2. Crude bricks were manufactured with Dunkirk sediments and
The specific surface area of Usumacinta River sediments was found Usumacinta River sediments. Bricks manufacturing steps such as sedi-
with BET method. Specific surface area and solid particles density of ments mixing, molding, compaction and drying were performed.
Dunkirk sediments used in this study was calculated by Boullosa These steps are illustrated in Fig. 6.
Allariz et al. (2019). and given by Wang et al. (2010), respectively. Crude bricks were made with 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% plant bio-
mass (hemp shiv and POFl fibers) while control specimens were man-
ufactured with 0% plant biomass. The fiber content of 0% to 5% is
Fibers commonly found in the literature for crude bricks (Salih et al.,
2018). POFl fibers and hemp shiv were saturated for 24 h before their
Hemp shiv and palm oil flower fibers were used with Dunkirk and use as dry fibers water absorption is not instantaneous. Mixing of sed-
Usumacinta River sediments respectively to make crude bricks. Char- iments, fibers and water was done with a laboratory mortar mixer for
acteristics of hemp shiv and palm oil fibers were studied before their 10 min to make a homogenous mixture. Usumacinta River sediments
use. were mixed with 0 to 5% POFl fibers by mass. Similarly, Dunkirk sed-
Hemp shiv (Hs) is a waste material obtained from the hemp plant. iments were mixed with 0 to 5% hemp shiv by mass. For a specimen of
The hemp shiv used in this study is taken from France. Hemp shiv is size 4*4*16 cm3, 450 g sediments are generally required (Afnor en
manufactured in Europe on industrial scale for different applications. 196–1, 2016). The following formula was used to calculate mass plant
In France, every year 51,000 tons of hemp shiv is produced. aggregates.
(Lenormand and Leblanc, 2020). The other plant biomass material msed %plantaggregates
used is palm oil flower fibers (POFl). POFl fibers are waste materials mplantaggregates ¼ ð1Þ
of palm oil empty fruit bunches after extraction of oil. POFl fibers
are taken from the Tabasco state of Mexico. POFl fibers are not man- In this equation msed is the mass of dry Usumacinta and Dunkirk
ufactured on industrial scale in Mexico and these fibers are treated sediments (g), mplant aggregates is the mass of POFl fibers and hemp shiv
as waste. (g) and %plant aggregates is 0 to 5% POFl fibers and hemp shiv. Molding
POFl fibers were cut with a knife mill with a grid of 2 cm and a grid moisture content was found with the standard Proctor test. Molding
of 3 cm length. Length distribution of hemp shiv and POFl fibers was moisture content varies for Dunkirk and Usumacinta River sediments.
studied with ImageJ software. As fibers obtained from knife mill are For rammed earth blocks which is a type of crude brick, molding mois-
often grinded therefore length distribution and variation of POFl fibers ture content should not be less than 3% below optimum moisture con-
were observed along with hemp shiv. Length of 100 random sizes POFl tent or 5% above optimum moisture content (NZS 4298, 1998). The
fibers and hemp shiv aggregates was measured with ImageJ software following formula was used to determine the quantity of water neces-
through binarization. Test was repeated three times to obtain precise sary for the mixture.
values. Length distribution of hemp shiv and POFl fibers is shown in msed %ofwater
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 respectively. mwater ¼ þ mplantaggregates ð2Þ
The average, maximum and minimum lengths observed for both
types of plant aggregates are summarized in Table 3.
Fig. 3. Dunkirk sediments and hemp shiv (a), Usumacinta River sediments and palm oil flower fibers (b).
M. Hussain et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100046
Table 2
Usumacinta River and Dunkirk sediments characteristics.
USU 7.84 19.3 4.48 2.73 7.50 37.74 7.83 2.63 28.20
DK 13.34 20.5 5.29 0.60 8.39 18.92 8.20 2.53–2.58 14.33
Fig. 5. Length distribution of palm oil flower fibers for grid 2 cm and grid 3 cm long fibers.
Note * Jiang et al., 2018; ** Thygesen et al., 2008. The flexural strength of crude bricks is an important parameter to
observe the quality of bricks. Three‐point bending test was used to find
the indirect tensile strength of bricks according to ASTM standard
In this equation msed is the mass of dry sediments (g), mplant aggre- (ASTM C1557‐03, 2004). Shimadzu AGS‐X model with a sensor of
, is the mass of POFl fibers and hemp shiv (g). As abovementioned,
gates 50 kN at a displacement rate of 0.5 mm/min was used for the flexural
sediments and plant biomass mixture were molded into prismatic spec- strength test. We can see the testing and rupture surface of a crude
imens of 4*4*16 cm3 which are commonly used for mortar and con- brick sample in Fig. 8a in which load was applied perpendicular to
crete applications at laboratory scale (Afnor en 196–1, 2016). Bricks the layers interface. Testing and flexural load–deflection behavior of
specimens were compacted in two layers. Dynamic compaction of a brick made with Usumacinta River sediments along with POFl fibers
crude bricks is an effective method and has been applied by different is shown in Fig. 8a and 8b respectively.
M. Hussain et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100046
Fig. 7. Usumacinta River sediments crude bricks samples. Fig. 9. Toughness index diagram after ASTM standard (ASTM C 1018 – 97,
Fig. 8. Tensile strength testing and behavior of crude bricks (USU sediments and POFl fibers).
M. Hussain et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100046
Table 5
Tensile strength of Usumacinta River and Dunkirk sediments bricks.
Usumacinta USU σt (MPa)- grid 2 cm 1.79 1.56 2.37 2.37 2.93 2.38
Usumacinta USU σt (MPa)- grid 3 cm 1.79 1.79 2.56 3.19 2.02 2.59
Dunkirk DK σt (MPa)- grid 2 cm 0.35 0.48 0.41 0.39 0.35 0.34
Note: Tensile strength values are overestimated as equation (3) is valid only for elastic behavior.
the case of dry hemp shiv and POFl fibers, water absorption by hemp From 0% to 5% POFl fibers addition, it is observed that bricks have
shiv and POFl fibers is not instantaneous and the mixture remains too maximum tensile strength for USU sediments bricks at 4 % fiber con-
wet for molding. During the mixing of sediments and plant biomass, tent of grid 2 cm long fibers and 3% for grid 3 cm long fibers. The ten-
fibers clusters were observed and were manually broken and remixed sile strength of bricks with grid‐3 cm long POFl fibers is higher than
in the case of POFl fibers. DK and USU sediments mixtures were com- the bricks of grid‐2 cm long POFl fibers. Tensile strength of Usumac-
pacted with dynamic compaction. Dynamic compaction of bricks inta River sediments bricks with grid 2 cm and grid 3 cm POFl fibers
prompts the upward movement of fibers which affects the homoge- at optimum fibers content increase 64 % and 79% from control sam-
nous nature of the mixture. ples with 0% fiber content respectively. Tensile strength of DK sedi-
ments bricks is maximum with 1% hemp shiv addition which
Tensile strength increases 39% from the control sample. Dormohamadi and Rahimnia
(2020) observed a 75% tensile strength increase for crude bricks com-
Tensile strength of adobe bricks was calculated with the following pacted dynamically.
formula. The tensile strength of bricks indicates that bricks with Usumacinta
River sediments with POFl have higher strength than the bricks made
1:5 F l with Dunkirk sediments and hemp shiv. Mineralogical composition,
Indirecttensilestrength ¼ σ ¼ ð3Þ
bd2 Atterberg limits, clay content of sediments, morphology and size of
Where F = flexural force, b = width of brick, d = height of brick, natural fibers used are a few reasons behind the low strength of Dun-
l = length of the supported span. kirk sediments bricks (Bahar et al., 2004).
The average tensile strength of crude bricks with Dunkirk sedi- It can be observed from Table 5 that crude bricks with Usumacinta
ments and hemp shiv along with Usumacinta River sediments and sediments and Dunkirk sediments have the tensile strength of more
POFl fibers of grid 2 cm and gride 3 cm is summarized in Table 5. than 0.25 MPa which is recommended tensile strength by New Zeal-
With increasing fiber content, the brittle behavior of bricks trans- and standard, NZS 4298 (1998). The minimum tensile resistance rec-
forms into ductile behavior with increasing load‐bearing capacity of ommended for adobe in Mexico with Brazilian tensile test is
bricks. It can be seen in Fig. 8b that bricks have brittle failure at 0% 0.08 MPa while with indirect tensile strength test minimum recom-
POFL fiber addition which changes into ductile with fibers addition. mended value for adobe bricks is 0.012 MPa. Compressive strength
recommended for adobe bricks in Mexican and French standards is
1 MPa (AFNOR XP P13‐901, 2001; NORMA E.080, 2017).
Table 6 Fibers addition increases the tensile strength of bricks however, it
Flexion stiffness of bricks. has a negative impact on the compressive strength of adobe and com-
Fiber USU grid-2 cm USU grid-3 cm DK grid-2 cm
posite material. During drying of bricks, fibers shrink and micro‐cracks
content (%) (N/mm) (N/mm) (N/mm) are developed around fibers. Bridging of these microcracks may lead to
the formation of macro cracks which reduce the mechanical perfor-
0 3080 3080 109
1 1913 2400 416
mance of bricks. As the size of these cracks is small, the development
2 2287 2541 198 of macrocracks is not very common (Li Piani et al., 2020).
3 1335 1526.5 262 The USU and DK sediments bricks show satisfactory tensile
4 1185 965 182 strength. However, plant aggregates in bricks are sensitive to water
5 1151 1051.5 269
M. Hussain et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100046
Table 7
Toughness I5 index of crude bricks.
Fibers (%) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 11. Hemp shiv and palm oil flower fibers distributed in a cross-section of the sample.
and humidity. Treatment of fibers increases the shelf life of fibers and Table 8
reduces their hydrophilic nature. The use of binders such as cement The average number of fibers and area occupied by fibers in a crude brick cross-
and lime have a positive impact on the durability of bricks. As a recom- section.
mendation in future studies, it is necessary to carry out medium‐ and Cross section USU USU DK
long‐term durability tests (wetting and drying, erosion test etc.). (POFl grid-2 cm) (POFl grid-3 cm) (Hs grid 2 cm)
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