Class 12 Prelims Exam
Class 12 Prelims Exam
Class 12 Prelims Exam
Student Name
Class: XII
Time: 3 hours
Note: This section consists of 17 questions and all are to be answered. Each question
carries one mark.
ii. Urea was first synthesized by Wohler from an inorganic material named as:
iv. Which is of the following hydrocarbon is the chief constituent of natural gas?
xii. SN1 reaction occurs most easily if the substrate molecule is:
Note: Attempt total nine (09) parts questions from this section. At least four
(04) questions from organic chemistry and four (04) questions from inorganic
chemistry. Each question carries 04 marks. and 1 part questions from any one.
II. Write down the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions.
a. Reaction of conc.sulphuric acid with copper
b. Reaction of iron with chlorine
c. Reaction of conc.nitric acid with copper
III. Boiling point of alkali metals decreases regularly and the boiling point of
halogens increases regularly from top to bottom in groups .How can you
explain this behaviour?
IV. What are outer and inner transition elements and how many series of each of
them are present in the periodic table?
VI. Write down three properties of beryllium that shows its unique behavior in
group Ⅱ
Organic Chemistry
1. Nitration 2.Chlorination.
XII. Comparing with other nutrients,why lipids are better source of energy.
Note: Answer any two questions. One from Inorganic chemistry and
one from Organic
Q.3(a)Explain with the help of a diagram of castner kellner cell, how caustic soda
is obtained by the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride
Q.4(a) Explain why transition elements and their compounds serve as catalysts
in many chemical reactions.Describe any two of the following properties of
d block elements
Q.6(a )Explain the role of glucose ,fructose,sucrose and lactose in the health of
human being.Classify the carbohydrates based on structure.
(b) What are Proteins?Classify various types of proteins on the basis of their
function.How can you explain primary ,secondary and tertiary structure of