Hsstnmentz: Deveti o

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YERR 4th
Deveti ote between hfopal atin md
method fo genecmg cetral ponts elpines

o manuitwde by uhi
Hns Hppmocimationm)is the deo
a.ccept the decim ol repse sert aticn oa vale oa fention
to deler rom tsee valve

TaKe ecample he torcrin

i th
must wat b kno -he valve ol y wd x = 450
mteger approcimation=450-RL
wik two decimak ligets approximationy-t50=1,2
wi six ecimal cligets appracimation y=4o -21,13203
Ttepakatticm is the process by whihgiven ome values
he dependerit vouable »0se ind emelicte valbes tor it
Lim econ rkerpolation ,cwe aume that, 7n he goven pe
the uneticn cn be approcimateel by a strraigh Line

ineay grteopolkéywe
YYa Ay
-Xo Ax

- Tovdyabue

A x Ax
thethe above example (y=N) we could take la)= 44
which 9ives -22
(a) l x (b) -484 uhichgves
Vheoo Irterpolation , e d that y
450)- 2t 450- 14)
le2 -21) J (44-411).J-21+ 9'1la3 -240, 21=212/ wth
n0 more ha 0,01

2- w rite shost ndles on 3

(1) Cenbol poinds In compte - ascded zeondbsc edezg a

Contnol pont s a membe o a et ef pots usedto Jetevvine
he hape o a 9pllhe curve o , move gereally a Butace o

htohes limen3ional obfect

(2)Flris Lndependence ientists lite to ay het he Treep-

derd V%able pes om he x-axi (the kottom oniemfal


ne) ad he deperdert"vaminbles goes n Hhe -rio Ke f

ide, yesti cok one). Thi does not mean hat -he Xvaoiahle 2
out paottycng whle he y viable is uhnaing aboot e vaiakle
mever en oromel hat- codependene , which s a campletiy
dalpentKetle oflich
(3) ocal cetval col ulobol cortrale- (rlobol contaal avel
Jocal cortal of maue cSetectian o be erprss by the (allauny
exarnpse, The ort cove hous the oboovel velative hirlarly 8/w
K,i)(y-ais) Betucey a module K ad he ith chos est nooke vesus he
prouth histozy
Ac o gohal contral stoppimq Tole ,moule grouth 2rtops
when he black cuzves atls
(alb below Tglobal
Tglobal= o 7

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Srze OF MoDUE Ca)

Alc to he local cotal stoping Srole ,

modulegaouh 2ps whe

modue cuve oltle,belou the rel cuave

TLoc al =0J999


SrzE Or MoLE( )

(4) Veosaii Tis hop3 poapanmer| qperosdess, eqyuippel wih

he mast vesotile (PDJCANM 2slhume they could choose, moved on

he took path ancd cot moe Combinations oo

amazingy aivease pots a a company Conjdert oits

o Hs. costo m e moleleng mahnog
abilety meet
0T mav/achedng mecds
(5) Oode rfiniy
CUoVeS ane corrtmous

c ost dewatives ane contmous

C2 Fost amd becond, cderivatves
ane conibnous

C ist hrough * £-o E-o

re Corthnos
derivabves S

03 Explain Bezies cowes uhat îHs

moporties ? bnanorae
aBezier cmve
uSmghe pllowng cortral omds (R),
(43) (5a) (53) aU2)?
fhs he berier foum o cubic polynsmiak cuave 9egmert namec
okter piore Bezier, a prmch engeneor u m he desim o
Renaut ostornóbile kocltes This ha a unber o Propeties hat
atkoacls engéneexs r its use anek ako convlenicevtto
design a urk
a cor&

The Ppohes o Beiee cue oe a folloust-

The hope othe Beier curve s delromined by pesition vectors
o-he contsel poirts
The cune des athin he conve>e othegenevodine polyg e
4emain withim onvec hull and mdependerk ol coosdnste spim

The CUve cw» be madle 7b po2 hrougk amaher pirt uihm

the pogom called thegerexathig Padygon
GShope 0od hence degee ofhe polyramial con be chgelyaddeny
deeotg lata porda 7bi> poey is ve mueh suilable in
CAD oPplir han
04Wte hat noks a on

d) Congteuechue olilgnctoya (orstouche sahd

gomatsy is
echmiave Ued in 3elid modellir9 , constouch ve 20lidgeomey
allows a modeler to cseode acamplex unface o r object by
uSITg oolcar oPerters to combme aenploc obtecd,paterstiatly
generating visvally comflec abjects by combimerg ew priun
Cn eratin a

01) Gauncloey epoesendktiony n mlid meeleng amck comp der
aided lesigm, kam dary 9nepresertatian ofen abbre viatc
a B-zepax BRFP. A 2alid hepsernserated a
ns colecha)

COTmectel Sace elemends, which delne-he kooncey

betwcen ioor and ecteor porrts.

i)endng umethion9 Looknq just al he he (mctions o

hat e Comb imel wih he condool points, we ca get a
Spene o h e imence eacK control poinka ove each
CUsve pomt

)weep nepresertatim- coe used o Constavct hree oimnsi-

On al objects pom two lemcnavnol hopes Theve core huo

wayto achfeve Sweep.raslatiomal weep d nottiona

(V)BlBy obyectsy Bya blobby objecds we men
suigsd object hd is mg2 Jte cloh 7vbbe, L qpik,
woler cbioplots etc These obTets Hend to exhi6r4
elegpce o uilaty.
s Dlevenhcte betoaen aiscprame modeling arfare mod elaing
anc aled modelirg
fns Wire me nd a l l modelo give visuak renderenps
3 D object o compute aided clesign md manelactwaenin
pooaneThe man deevence etween wseome an
alick models Concon 4he am ovnt o2uaace cletaol

6Wride doun the povametic eq ph B-2plene eunve

An s Bzier cvve co»t be modek ied locally md the
movam ent elhe covtrol poincds will olgt the uhale curve
hen ce the neseamchers toy to 2olve-he pocklens. Fnally
- 9 pime mehool ha> Leen gen evalised rom Bezies metkod
to overcorme he poblems, aced and it cbe up to C
As dis tussed ih a clh-chegyee -spfhe cuave ca be cleloe
P) PINi cl(v) 02u<Umove (t)
oncd the karit Un chion
vewrsively clofhedo

N cdv) V-u N i d i (v)+

N d)
Vi+ diAdu N +,cl-L(),©2)
Uitd-Vi +
Ni) 1, iLUVitt (9 3)
wkere P, me he cortral pafTtsnem erample (Po, n)
N o e he ch- leynee B->pltine koov tunchin.
O7 Detrmive thRe Sancling mction o mie ave ?whet
e he limitabon o esmit cuave ? How hoy cme bemol
As Heomete cote
-eomte 9plere s w» itexpaloting Piecewi se cubic
Palmoni al with Jargent >pecificd al eaok en d of eertoral poin
Hesmele 9plines c» be adjustek localty be cuse eachcuv
ia S ondy olepencdent on its end points conestsair To
1 Homltebaric matbix MH which nelales he Hrmite
e ometsy vector bH to poln omial coeicients we cone
I,o Lenqth o
\Curve is
i n CeaSIT



imid ation oHemte cunve Enumerating points am te cuve

S hand
rtda Onstralrtts mecded.
i c u t to opvess d e s t agetks

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