ID5200 Assignment-3 (CE21B017)
ID5200 Assignment-3 (CE21B017)
ID5200 Assignment-3 (CE21B017)
a) Blackbucks and Spotted Deers: At IIT Madras, blackbucks and spotted
deers graze, moderating plant growth and promoting variety. They might
spread seeds, enhancing the diversity of the environment. Even in the
absence of predators, they were the potential prey when dogs existed,
keeping the ecosystem in balance. Their elegant presence adds value to
the campus and imparts knowledge. They even participate by organically
enriching the soil with their animal waste, which furthers the purpose of
grassland preservation.
d) Banyan Trees: IIT Madras' banyan trees enhance the campus' beauty by
fostering biodiversity, enhancing air quality, halting soil erosion, and
controlling temperature. In addition to providing aesthetic value, spots for
recreation, and animal habitat, they are essential from a historical,
cultural, and educational standpoint as they support a healthy and
dynamic campus ecology.
a) Gajendra Circle: The Gajendra Circle efficiently manages traffic at
intersections by promoting a continuous and low-speed flow of vehicles.
It reduces traffic congestion, enhances safety with fewer fatal collisions,
and improves overall efficiency. The circular design reduces the urge for
stops, providing a much smoother and sustainable traffic control solution.
d) Mess Facilities: In IIT Madras, the Mess Facilities are provided outside
the Hostels in Different Buildings (Himalaya, Nilgiri, Vindhyas). This
allows for keeping the mess area monkey-proof, which can’t be kept
inside the Hostel. Separate Buildings provide different Caterers and a
variety of menu options to the students based on their likings and
preferences and this also creates sufficient competition amongst these
caterers to maintain certain standards in the services provided. All of this,
provided with the feedback given to the Mess Committee, leads to the
provision of good quality food at IIT Madras for the Hostel Students.