4YB - PTM - Course Handbook 2023-2024 (15-02-2024)
4YB - PTM - Course Handbook 2023-2024 (15-02-2024)
4YB - PTM - Course Handbook 2023-2024 (15-02-2024)
Management (PTM)
1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
2 Project description .................................................................................... 3
2.1 Problem statement ................................................................................. 3
2.2 Project assignment ................................................................................. 3
2.3 Talent management implementation plan .............................................. 3
3 Organization and planning ....................................................................... 5
3.1 Roles and responsibilities....................................................................... 5
3.2 Scheduled sessions................................................................................ 5
3.2.1 Introduction to SCRUM and Trello .................................................. 5
3.2.2 Project sessions .............................................................................. 5
3.2.3 Intercultural competence consultation session ............................... 6
3.2.4 Case-based individual assessment ................................................ 6
3.3 Weekly planning ..................................................................................... 7
3.4 Course materials .................................................................................... 9
4 Assessment .............................................................................................. 10
4.1 Talent management implementation plan (80%) ................................. 10
4.2 Case-based individual assessment (20%) ........................................... 10
4.3 Final individual grade (100%) ............................................................... 11
4.4 Repair opportunities ............................................................................. 11
A. Assessment matrix .................................................................................. 12
B. Assessment rubric for talent management implementation plan ...... 13
C. Assessment rubric for case-based individual assessment................ 15
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
1 Introduction
Project Talent Management, or PTM for short, is a project in which students put theory
into practice and produce a talent management implementation plan in the context
of cross-border expansion. Students demonstrate skills and knowledge in the area of
Human Resource Management while considering responsible and cultural aspects of
employment and management to ensure decent work for all (in line with Sustainable
Development Goal 8: decent work and economic growth).
At the end of the project, students are expected to (see Appendix A for the
assessment matrix):
• devise an appropriate HRM strategy;
• apply practices, tools and instruments for Talent Management (including job
analysis, recruiting, selection, onboarding, appraisal and retention);
• analyze the impact of organizational change on HR management and apply this
knowledge in a case study;
• demonstrate the ability to manage the impact of culture on HR-related
• explain the critical success factors of intercultural management;
• analyze and explain the impact of intercultural management on team
performance and business results;
• demonstrate the ability to write a code of conduct for an organization.
Note that this course handbook may be subject to change by the course contact at
any moment. The version most recently published on the PTM Blackboard page is
always leading in terms of information provided.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
2 Project description
For the largest part of PTM, students will write a talent management implementation
plan (see organization and planning and assessment for more details) about a fictional
case study for an outdoor clothing manufacturing company.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
More specifically, throughout this report you will apply stages of the talent
management process to staff a new production site. This includes formulating a vision,
mission, and business strategy for the company, developing a suitable HR strategy,
determining appropriate organizational cultures and values, conducting job analyses,
and developing recruitment and selection plans, a cultural strategy, a performance
management system, a retention plan, and a code of conduct. The implementation plan
should end with a feasible, logical, and responsible action plan that headquarters can
use to open the new production site close to Hamburg.
The report will be written and revised in sprints (see Introduction to SCRUM and
Trello for more details) with separate deliverables every week (see weekly planning).
Although the weekly deliverables are separated into different sprints, the final talent
management implementation plan needs to be consistent and coherent. Teams are
therefore strongly encouraged to revise their weekly deliverables to ensure that all parts
of the talent management implementation plan are aligned.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
All sessions will make use of SCRUM and Trello to help the team work well
together and manage the project. In line with the SCRUM methodology and using the
Trello application, teams are expected to work in so-called weekly sprints. For each of
these weekly sprints, teams formulate goals that they want to achieve for that week.
The exact goals and associated deliverables are pre-defined and can be found in the
weekly planning. At the end of the sprint, teams present their progress and deliverable
with their project coach through a so-called sprint review. These sprint reviews are the
only opportunity for teams to receive formative feedback from their project coach on
their weekly deliverables and resulting talent management implementation plan. It is
therefore important that teams manage these sprints and sprint reviews properly.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
Workforce planning:
- Conduct job analyses to develop job descriptions and specifications for all four positions (logistics coordinator, production
employee, administrative employee, and production supervisor).
3.3 Two project sessions. Recruiting employees and selecting new employees:
- Develop a plan detailing for each of the four positions how the company will find and recruit suitable candidates and which
tools and procedures will used to select the ideal candidates.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
3.6 Two project sessions. Ethics, diversity and inclusion, and socially responsible sustainability:
- Develop a code of conduct that details which norms, rules, and responsibilities are expected from employees.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
4 Assessment
Students will receive a final individual grade for PTM based on (1) a talent
management implementation plan (80%) and (2) a case-based individual
assessment (20%).
“Students are required to apply APA referencing for all sources. For guidance
regarding (academic) report writing, students should refer to their BUC course
materials, which also include information regarding plagiarism and how to avoid it.
Using AI-generated text as your own constitutes plagiarism, the so-called AI-assisted
plagiarism. Just like any other source of information, texts generated by AI language
models should be cited and referenced properly. Please check the recently
published guidelines by APA.org how to cite ChatGPT:
It is strongly advisable to request from ChatGPT the original sources used to provide
answers to questions, then check and cite the original sources. It is not advisable to
rely on ChatGPT for content without checking the original sources because it may
not have precise and up to date information. If you are using AI language models to
improve the grammar and language of your own text, you do not have to cite
ChatGPT because then you are using it as a tool for editing purposes.” (IBS
Graduation Project Handbook 2023/2024: pp. 13-14).
The talent management implementation plan is due in Week 8. One student from
each team needs to hand in the team assignment on the PTM Blackboard page (under
the Assignments & Hand-in folder). Reports received after the deadline will be graded
as a ‘missed opportunity’ and will not be assessed. The report will be graded within
fifteen workings after the deadline.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
A.Assessment matrix
Case-based Total Weight
Level management
individual per Learning
(Please check the respective boxes) implementation
assessment Outcome
Learning plan
Knowledge Creation/
Understand- Application Analysis Evaluation
Reproduction Design
Devise an appropriate HRM strategy X 8% 8%
Apply practices, tools and instruments for Talent
Management (including job analysis, recruiting, selection, X 48% 48%
onboarding, appraisal and retention)
Analyze the impact of organizational change on HR
X 10% 10%
management and apply this knowledge in a case study
Demonstrate the ability to manage the impact of culture
X 10% 10%
on HR-related decisions
Explain the critical success factors of intercultural
X 8% 8%
Analyze and explain the impact of intercultural
X 8% 8%
management on team performance and business results
Demonstrate the ability to write a code of conduct for an
X 8% 8%
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
assessed by HR justification. Retention plan addresses and covers all possible issues that affect
coach) some of the issues that affect turnover. turnover.
14. Ethics, diversity Code of conduct is missing or lacking Code of conduct adequately covers Code of conduct covers ethical aspects
and inclusion, and details or lacking alignment with the ethical aspects and is sufficiently aligned and is very well aligned with the
socially responsible company’s vision and/or mission. with the company’s vision and mission. company’s vision and mission using a
sustainability (10%; high level of detail.
assessed by HR
15. Action plan (10%; Action plan is missing or lacking details. Action plan addresses some of the Action plan is detailed and covers all
assessed by HR issues, timeline is given. issue, timeline is SMART.
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]
Project Talent Management (PTM) course handbook (2023–2024) [Version 15-02-2024]