Burnout in Special Needs Teachers at Kindergarten An
Burnout in Special Needs Teachers at Kindergarten An
Burnout in Special Needs Teachers at Kindergarten An
54(5), 2017
C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pits DOI: 10.1002/pits.22013
University of Helsinki
The purpose of the current study was to examine, within an integrative predictive model, the relative
contributions of sociodemographic variables, personal resources, and work wellbeing to teacher
burnout. The research was conducted with special education teachers at Italian preschools—a con-
text in which few previous studies have been carried out—and primary schools. A cross-sectional
survey-based study with a sample of 194 kindergarten and primary school teachers was conducted.
The results indicated that teachers’ happiness at school and job satisfaction incrementally predicted
variance in personal, work-related, and student-related burnout, even after controlling for the effects
of sociodemographic factors and personal resources. Furthermore, the final integrative predictive
model was similar for both kindergarten and primary teachers. C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The literature indicates that burnout is extensively experienced among professionals providing
social and human services, including teachers at all levels of education (Benevene, & Fiorilli, 2015;
Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2010). The principal risk factors for teachers derive from being required
to cope with learning difficulties and aggressive behavior on the part of their students, conflict
among colleagues, problematic relationships with parents, time pressures, and large classes. Teachers
experiencing high levels of burnout, display less sympathy toward their students, are less tolerant of
disruption in the classroom, and are more likely to experience problems with their health, personal
well-being, and commitment to their work (Fernet, Guay, Senécal, & Austin, 2012; Hakanen, Bakker,
& Schaufeli, 2006; Swider & Zimmerman, 2010).
In relation to special needs teachers in particular, Küçüksüleymanoğlu (2011) analyzed whether
self-reported burnout in Turkish special education teachers working with students affected by men-
tal disability was influenced by gender, family status, years’ teaching experience, educational back-
ground, or school type. They found that these teachers experienced higher levels of burnout, reported
additional stress, and felt more exhausted and depersonalized than their counterparts working in
mainstream classrooms.
More broadly, a review of research conducted between 1979 and 2013 found that the most salient
factors in the burnout reported by special education teachers included teaching experience, student
disability, role conflict, role ambiguity, and lack of administrative support (Brunsting, Sreckovic,
& Lane, 2014). Indeed, the nature of special education teaching is that it requires full use of
specialized skills and resources to cater for different levels of ability and meet increasingly diverse
socioemotional and learning needs on the part of students (De Stasio, Fiorilli, & Di Chiacchio,
Correspondence to: Simona De Stasio, LUMSA University, P.zza delle Vaschette, 101, 00193 Rome, Italy. E-mail:
[email protected]
Burnout in Special Needs Teachers 473
In the Italian education system, children with disabilities are placed in mainstream classes,
and special education teachers co-teach in the classroom with mainstream colleagues. Programs
and strategies for including children with special needs are part of the overall school curriculum.
Integration of disabled children is achieved via projects involving teachers, experts, and practition-
ers. Nevertheless, there are few adequate and well-established trainings for teachers working with
children with special needs to cope with these requirements (De Stasio, Fiorilli, Chiarito, & Uusitalo-
Malmivaara, 2015). It should be noted that in Italy there is no real reward system for teachers. Career
prospects are limited, and all teachers, regardless of whether they teach in a kindergarten or in a high
school, have fixed salary increases, linked only to their seniority. Overall, the salary levels of Italian
teachers are lower than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
average (OECD, 2013). Recently, two new perspectives have been introduced into the debate on
the multiple sources of teacher burnout syndrome, both of which concern the role of positive and
protective factors in reducing teachers’ risk of burnout syndrome (e.g., Betoret, 2006). The first of
these posits a role for teachers’ personal resources, whereas the second examines the effects of work
well-being (e.g., Schwarzer & Hallum, 2008; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2010; Xanthopoulou, Bakker,
Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2007). Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have analyzed
the predictive role of personal resources and teacher well-being in relation to burnout, in a sample of
kindergarten teachers assigned to children with special needs. Although U.S. teachers in preschool
and Pre-K, after the implementation of the federal government’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Act are experiencing increased pressure to improve student academic performance (Brown, & Lan,
2015), Italian kindergarten teachers are required to nurse and mother their students on top of their
regular behavior management and instructional duties (Bullough, Hall-Kenyon, & MacKay, 2012;
Tsai, Fung, & Chow, 2006).
confirmed by several recent studies (e.g., Innstrand, Langballe, Falkum, & Aasland, 2011; Zabel
& Zabel, 2001). Marital status and grade taught have also been identified as factors implicated in
teacher burnout (e.g., Russell, Altmaier, & Van Velzen, 1987), with married persons reporting less
exhaustion and depersonalization than single persons, and secondary school teachers perceiving
themselves as more burned out than teachers from elementary schools. Inexperienced teachers,
especially those who have been teaching for 5 years or less, score more highly on the emotional
exhaustion dimension burnout than their more experienced counterparts. Furthermore, some studies
have found that younger teachers are more vulnerable to burnout syndrome and its risk factors (Lau,
Yuen, & Chan, 2005).
Recently, a large-scale survey of 1,494 Italian teachers (De Stasio, Di Chiacchio, Benevene,
Fiorilli, & Iezzi, 2015; Fiorilli et al., 2015) found significant associations between burnout syndrome,
as assessed by the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) (Kristensen et al., 2005), and teachers’
demographic variables. More specifically, teachers with higher levels of burnout syndrome were
older, held a degree, had a longer number of years’ teaching experience, and taught at secondary
schools. Given the mixed results some authors have proposed analyzing other factors such as personal
resources and work well-being (Evers, Tomic, & Brouwers, 2004).
the effect of demographic factors and personal resources. We also expected that teachers coming
from different school contexts (kindergarten vs. primary school) might express different level of
burnout. Indeed, the kindergarten environment is more informal than primary school settings, while
the role of kindergarten teachers extends beyond mere teaching as observed earlier. Kindergarten
teachers have additional stressors such as having to deal with parents who treat the school as a
child-minding service and having to perform more nonteaching tasks, such as mothering a sick child
or cleaning up after them. Furthermore, at the level of Italian public awareness, the professionalism
of kindergarten teachers has not been fully determined, and the social recognition of the status, for
example, is lower to that of primary teachers, an additional factor that might predispose kindergarten
teachers to respond differently to primary school teachers in relation to similar stressors (Tsai et al.,
Participants and Procedure
Our sample was composed of 194 full-time in-service special education teachers (96.4 female)
from Rome, Italy. Ages ranged from 26 to 52 (M = 40.4 years, SD = 5.29). In terms of marital status,
59.5% were married, 33.0% were single, 7.0 % were separated/divorced, and .5% were widowed.
Sixty-nine percent of participants had children. Length of teaching experience ranged from 1 to
30 years (M = 10.58, SD = 5.06). With regard to level of school, 58.2% of participants taught in
primary schools (for children aged 6–11 years), and 41.8% in kindergartens (for children aged 3–5
years). The study population was a convenience sample and may not be taken as representative of
the entire population of Italian teachers given that all participants were based in Central Italy. The
authors organized plenary assemblies in schools to inform the teachers about the aims of the research
and the procedures for completion of the questionnaires. Participants received written information
on Italian privacy regulations, signed informed consent, and subsequently took part in the study.
The research was conducted following the APA’s ethical principles and code of conduct (American
Psychological Association, 2002). The original versions of questionnaires were initially translated
from English into Italian and then back translated into English to check the alignment with the
original versions.
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. The CBI comprises 19 items evaluating three subdimensions
of burnout (Kristensen et al., 2005) (alpha coefficient: .85). We used the Italian adaptation of
the CBI by Fiorilli et al. (2015). The first subscale assesses personal burnout and comprises six
items concerning the physical and psychological fatigue, and overall exhaustion experienced by an
individual. The second subscale, entitled work-related burnout, is made up of seven items concerning
the physical and psychological fatigue experienced by respondents due to their teaching work.
Finally, the third subscale termed client-related burnout is composed of six items evaluating the
physical and psychological fatigue experienced by people in relation to their work with clients, in
our case specifically with students. All items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale with: (1) = almost
never; (2) = rarely; (3) = sometimes; (4) = often; (5) = always.
Teacher Self-Efficacy. We devised a brief ad hoc scale for evaluating teachers’ self-efficacy
(alpha coefficient: .75). The instrument comprised five items constructed following the recommen-
dations of Bandura (1989). Specifically, we used verbs such as “can” or “be able to,” to make it
clear that the item was assessing mastery expectations based on self-perceived personal competence.
Each statement referred to one of the five core components of teacher’s self-efficacy: management
of difficult students; use of new technology; coping with educational challenges; collaboration with
colleagues; meeting teaching objectives and targets. Responses were given on a 5-point scale ranging
from not at all certain (1) to absolutely certain (5).
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). The RSES (Rosenberg, 1965) (alpha coefficient: .785)
comprises 10 statements and is commonly adopted as an empirical measure of global self-esteem.
The scale uses a 4-point Likert-like scale response format (from: absolutely disagree to absolutely
agree). Five items are positively worded and five negatively worded. Negatively worded items are
reverse scored.
Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). The JSS (Spector, 1985) (alpha coefficient: .852) measures
respondents’ perceived satisfaction with their job situation. It comprises 36 items divided into nine
subscales, namely: pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits, contingent rewards (satisfaction with
rewards given for good performance), operating procedures (satisfaction with rules and procedures),
co-workers, nature of work (satisfaction with one’s type of work), and communication (satisfaction
with communication within the organization). Items are rated on a 5-point Likert scale: (1) = almost
never; (2) = rarely; (3) = sometimes; (4) = often; (5) = always.
Teacher’s Happiness at School. Teacher’s Happiness at School (alpha coefficient: .75) is a
scale designed ad hoc to assess teachers’ happiness at school. It was adapted from the School
Children’s Happiness Inventory (Ivens, 2007) given that—to the best of our knowledge—there were
no existing Italian-language scales for measuring teachers’ happiness at school. The questionnaire
comprises 31 items and offers a simple response format with 18 positive items and 12 negative items
(e.g., “I felt relaxed,” or “I wanted to give up”).
Participants are asked to rate their thoughts and feelings over the past week at school. Each
response is scored from 1 to 4, with four indicating a high level of happiness. The negative items
are reverse scored to yield a total happiness score. The composite score is computed by averaging
all the items.
Data Analyses
Bivariate correlations between the study variables were assessed by calculating the Pearson
correlation coefficient, with a number of significant correlations identified. To gain further under-
standing of the relationships between the independent and dependent variables, multiple regressions
were used. Three separate multiple regression analyses were conducted by regressing each of the
dimensions of burnout in turn onto the correlated independent variables. These multiple regressions
were hierarchical, with sociodemographic variables (namely age, seniority, marital status, and chil-
dren) entered first, followed by personal resources (namely self-efficacy and self-esteem), and finally
by work well-being (namely teacher happiness, job satisfaction, and school). The increase in R2 was
computed to compare the relative contributions of each set of variables to the model. The assump-
tions of linearity, normality, independence of observations, multicollinearity, and homoscedasticity
were assessed for each of the regression models and deemed to have been satisfactorily met.
Bivariate Analyses
Bivariate correlations among the studied variables are presented in Tables 1 and 2. In the kinder-
garten teachers subsample (Table 1), personal burnout was significantly correlated with teacher’s
happiness at school (r = –.63), with self-esteem (r = –.44) and job satisfaction (r = –.41). Work-
related burnout was significantly correlated with teachers’ happiness at school (r = –.56) and job
satisfaction (r = –.52). The third dimension of burnout, or student-related burnout, was significantly
Table 1
Bivariate Correlations between Variables in the Kindergarten Teachers Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Age – .22** –.01 .22 .32** .05 –.06 –.07 –.02 –.1 .13
2. Seniority – –.12 .06 .02 .09 –.08 .12 .11 .1 –.01
3. Marital status – .36* –.17 .04 .03 .1 –.02 –.04 0
4. Children – –.07 .08 –.14 .01 –.05 –.09 .12
5. Self-efficacy – .28** .06 –.21 –.12 –.15 .14
6. Self-esteem – .38* –.44** –.38* –.41** .21
7. Teacher happiness – –.63** –.56** –.48** –.45**
8. Personal burnout – .64** .76** –.41**
9. Work-related B. – .54** –.52*
10. Burnout with St. – –.35**
11. Job satisfaction –
Table 2
Bivariate Correlations between Variables in Primary Teachers Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Age – .39** .22** .33** –.01 –.07 –.07 .02 .19 .15 –.05
2. Seniority – .19** .22** .12 .12 .12 –.05 .08 .07 –.22**
3. Marital status – .41** .13 .2** .21 –.17 –.03 –.23** .23**
4. Children – .07 .21** .27 –.3** –.08 –.20** .09
5. Self-efficacy – .32** .28 –.19* –.15 –.28** –.08
6. Self-esteem – .47** –.47** –.4** –.46** .11
7. Teacher happiness – –.62** –.62** –.56** –.4**
8. Personal burnout – .65** .71** –.34**
9. Work-related B. – .65** –.4**
10. Burnout with St. – –.46**
11. Job satisfaction –
correlated with a large number of variables, most notably teacher happiness at school (r = –.48) and
self-esteem (r = –.41). In the primary school teachers’ subsample (Table 2), personal burnout was
significantly correlated with several variables, especially teacher’s happiness at school (r = –.62)
and self-esteem (r = –.47).
Working burnout was significantly correlated with personal resources and teachers’ work
well-being, most notably teachers’ happiness at school (r = –.59), self-esteem (r = –.46), and
job satisfaction (r = –.40). The third dimension of burnout, or student-related burnout, was also
significantly correlated with a large number of variables, most notably teacher happiness at school
(r = –.56), self-esteem (r = –.46), and job satisfaction (r = –.40).
Table 3
Regression Coefficients of Predictors of Personal Burnout
Variables B SE β p B SE β p B SE β p
Age .03 .06 .04 .56 .03 .05 .04 .55 .05 .04 .07 .25
Seniority –.01 .06 –.01 .87 .01 .05 .02 .76 –.03 .04 –.04 .47
Children 1.42 .72 .16 .05 .86 .64 .1 .18 .66 .57 .07 .25
Marital status –.55 .56 –.08 .33 –.56 .49 –.08 .25 –.25 .43 –.03 .56
Self-efficacy –.16 .09 –.12 .07 –.11 .08 –.08 .16
Self-esteem –.36 .05 –.45 0 –.2 .05 –.25 0
Teacher happiness –.09 .01 –.39 0
Job satisfaction –.03 .01 –.16 .01
School –.16 .48 –.02 .74
R .19 .53 .69
R2 .03 .28 .47
R2 .25 .19
Table 4
Regression Coefficients of Predictors of Work-Related Burnout
Variables B SE β p B SE β p B SE β p
Age .08 .05 .12 .13 .08 .05 .11 .12 .1 .04 .14 .02
Seniority .04 .05 .06 .4 .06 .05 .09 .2 0 .04 0 .89
Children 1.23 .67 .15 .07 .78 .63 .09 .22 .35 .54 –.04 .51
Marital status .03 .52 0 .94 0 .48 0 .98 .32 .41 .05 .43
Self-efficacy –.1 .09 –.08 .26 –.07 .08 –.06 .34
Self-esteem –.28 .05 –.37 0 –.11 .05 –.15 .02
Teacher happiness –.09 .01 –.41 0
Job satisfaction –.04 .01 –.25 0
School .44 .46 .06 .33
R .18 .44 .67
R2 .03 .19 .45
R2 .16 .26
Multivariate Analyses
Three separate multiple regression analyses were conducted to further investigate the contri-
butions of the relevant, correlated independent variables to variance in the dimensions of burnout
syndrome. Hierarchical multiple regression was performed to separately assess the contributions of
each variable. In line with the literature reviewed in the Introduction, sociodemographic variables
were block-entered at the first step, followed by personal resource variables at the second step,
and work well-being variables at the third. The results of the regression analyses are presented in
Tables 3–5.
Table 5
Regression Coefficients of Predictors of Burnout with Students
Variables B SE β p B SE β p B SE β p
Age .13 .06 .18 .02 .14 .05 .19 0 .15 .04 .2 0
Seniority .03 .05 .04 .6 .05 .05 .07 .26 0 .04 0 .93
Children 1.69 .7 .2 .01 1.28 .63 .15 .04 –.84 .58 .1 .15
Marital status –.57 .55 –.08 .3 –.54 .48 –.08 .26 –.36 .43 –.05 .41
Self-efficacy –.24 .09 –.18 0 –.23 .08 –.17 0
Self-esteem –.31 .05 –.39 0 –.19 .05 –.24 0
Teacher happiness –.05 .01 –.22 0
Job satisfaction –.05 .01 –.27 0
School .44 .49 .05 .37
R .27 .54 .66
R2 .07 .3 .44
R2 .23 .14
Personal Burnout
Hierarchical multiple regression revealed that the sociodemographic variables entered at Step
1 explained 3%, F(4,166) = 1.4; p > .05 of the variance in personal burnout and were not significant.
When personal resources variables were included at Step 2, the total variance in personal burnout
explained by the model was 28%, F(7, 159) = 11.23, p < .001 (F-change = 28.36; p < .001). Finally,
when the work-related well-being variables were added at Step 3, the model as a whole accounted
for 47% of the variance in personal burnout, F(10, 156) = 15.28, p < .001 (F-change = 18.82; p <
.001). In the final model, the best predictors were: teacher well-being at school (β = − .40, p <
.001; sr2 = .10) and self-esteem (β = –.24, p < .001; sr2 = .05).
Work-Related Burnout
As far as work-related burnout is concerned, the sociodemographic variables entered at Step 1,
explained .3% of the variance, and the model was not statistically significant. The personal resources
variables included at Step 2 explained an additional 16% of the variance (F(7,159) = 6.76; p < .001;
F-change = 16.80; p < .001). Finally, at Step 3 work well-being variables were included, with the
final model explaining 45% of the variance in work-related burnout (F(10, 156) = 13.66, p < .001;
F-change = 25.02; p < .001). In the final model, teacher happiness at school, job satisfaction, and
self-esteem all negatively predicted work-related burnout (β = − .41, p < .001; sr2 = .10), (β = −
.25, p < .001; sr2 = .05), (β = − .16, p < .001; sr2 = .02). Finally, age was a significant positive
predictor (β = .14, p < .001; sr2 = .02) of work-related burnout.
Student-Related Burnout
A final hierarchical multiple regression was used to assess the independent variables’ contri-
bution to variance in student-related burnout. The sociodemographic variables entered at Step 1
accounted for 7% of variance (F(4,166) = 3.19; p < .05). When the personal resource variables were
entered at Step 2, the model explained 30% of the variance (F(7,159) = 11.53; p < .001; F-change =
26.28; p < .001). The final model including both personal resources and work well-being variables
(Step 3) explained 44% of the variance in student-related burnout (F(10, 156) = 12.5, p < .001; F-
change = 14.29; p < .001). More specifically, four variables were found to be significant predictors
of student-related burnout. These were teacher’s job satisfaction (β = − .26, p < .001; sr2 = .06),
teacher happiness at school (β = − .22, p < .001; sr2 = .03), self-esteem (β = − .24, p < .001;
sr2 = .04), and self-efficacy (β = −.17, p < .001; sr2 = .03), all of which negatively predicted
student-related burnout. Finally, age (β = .20, p < .001; sr2 = .04) was a significant and positive
predictor of student-associated burnout.
The main aim of the current study was to explore within an integrative model the contributions
of three sets of teacher characteristics, which we may label as sociodemographic, personal resource,
and work well-being variables, respectively, in predicting each of the three dimensions of burnout
measured by the CBI. As we expected, the results confirmed what previous research evidenced:
teachers’ personal resources, happiness at school, and job satisfaction were inversely correlated to
all dimensions of burnout in both school contexts. Furthermore, the results of our study showed
that both teachers’ happiness at school and their job satisfaction incrementally predicted variance
in the dimensions of burnout, even when controlling for the effect of sociodemographic factors
and personal resources. Contrary to our hypothesis teachers coming from different school contexts
(kindergarten vs. primary school) did not express different level of burnout.
Interestingly, this unexpected result that is in contrast with previous studies (e.g., Tsai et al.,
2006), leads future research with special education teachers to differently consider the kindergarten
environment supposed to be more demanding in terms of emotional labor compared with primary
teachers experience. Furthermore, in line with previous research (Toker, 2011; Zhao, & Bi, 2003),
teachers’ sociodemographic variables were found to slightly predict each of the CBI burnout sub-
scales. Consequently to several findings (e.g., Anderson & Iwanicki, 1984; Borg & Riding, 1991;
Innstrand et al., 2011; Toker, 2011; Zabel, & Zabel, 2001) our study confirms the contradictory
role played by teachers’ background dimensions (e.g., age, marital status) on their burnout levels.
Accordingly with some scholars’ arguments (e.g., Cherniss, 1995; Hakanen et al., 2006) teachers’
burnout levels should be read in light of their personal traits and organizational variables able to
deeply explain differences among employees in dealing with job stressors. Indeed our results sug-
gest that the factors accounting for most variance in teachers’ levels of burnout were their personal
resources and work-related variables.
Overall, teachers’ happiness and job satisfaction proved to be the variables with the strongest
potential to prevent burnout syndrome, while controlling for sociodemographic characteristics and
personal resources. Below we discuss our findings and their implications for the dimensions of the
(2012) that experiencing positive emotions enables individuals to develop additional resources in
four main spheres: intellectual (developing problem-solving skills), physical (developing physical
strength and cardiovascular health), social (facilitating quality and quantity in friendships and other
relationships and connections), and psychological (developing resilience and optimism). From our
data, job satisfaction also emerged as a key factor in reducing teachers’ personal burnout. It is well
known in the literature that teachers with high levels of job satisfaction display a strong sense of
commitment both in life and in their work, a strong belief in control and a greater openness to
change and challenges in life (e.g., Wangari, & Orodho, 2014). Overall, self-esteem, happiness, and
job satisfaction at school appear to improve teachers’ resilience (Buragohain & Hazarika, 2015),
better equipping them to manage the kind of critical events and stressful situations to which special
needs teachers are often exposed.
Our study presents limitations that will need to be addressed in future research. First, given that
all our participants came from Central Italy, they cannot be considered representative of the Italian
teacher population, and future research should have the aim of replicating the present findings with
a nationally representative, and larger, sample. Further research should also involve teachers from
countries other than Italy, to assess whether and to what extent the present findings also pertain to
other educational systems, especially those in which children with special needs are not included in
mainstream classes.
A second limitation concerns the Teachers Happiness at School scale. Given that it was adapted
from the School Children Happiness Inventory (Ivens, 2007) for the purposes of this study, it is
not yet a validated instrument. Finally, although the instruments worked well from a psychometric
point of view, an in-depth qualitative analysis of teacher reports concerning self-perceived personal
resources, subjective well-being and subjective perception of the risk of burnout might shed light
on why teachers think in a particular way and what kind of dynamics might be shaped by this
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