Job Stress and Burnout Among Lecturers: Personality and Social Support As Moderators

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Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

Job Stress and Burnout among Lecturers: Personality

and Social Support as Moderators
Dr. Samuel O. Salami
Department of Guidance and Counselling
Kampala International University, Kampala- Uganda
E-mail: [email protected]
Received: September 15, 2010

Accepted: November 6, 2010


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of job stress, personality and social support to
burnout among college of education lecturers. The second purpose was to examine the extent to which
personality and social support can buffer the negative effects of stress on burnout. Survey methodology was used
for this study. Job stress, personality and social support were used to predict emotional exhaustion,
depersonalization and personal accomplishment. Findings showed that job stress, personality dimensions and
social support jointly and separately predicted dimensions of burnout. Personality and social support interacted
with job stress to predict personal accomplishment. Results support the view that, environmental (job stress and
social support) and personal factors (personality traits) have influence on burnout. The papers findings imply that
interventions designed to improve lecturers classroom management skills, social network and assessment of
their personality traits may have positive impact in combating burnout.
Keywords: Job stress, Personality, Social networks, Burnout
1. Introduction
Burnout is defined as a chronic affective response pattern to stressful work conditions that feature high levels of
interpersonal contact, Maslach, Jackson and Leiter (1996) conceptualized burnout as consisting of emotional
exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion refers to the feeling
of being emotionally over-extended, tired and fatigued. Depersonalization refers to the tendency to develop
negative, cynical, callous or detached attitudes towards the people with whom one works. The Third component
is the loss of or reduced feeling of personal accomplishment derived from jobs and employees often evaluate
themselves negatively (Maslach, Schauefeli & Leiter, 2001).
Burnout as an individual negative experience occurring as a result of chronic work stress has become prominent
in teaching professional literature since the mid-1970s. There is a general view that teacher burnout may have a
negative impact on the teachers themselves leading , for instance, to emotional and physical ill-health , and on
the students as burned out teachers may be relatively impaired in the quality of teaching and commitment, may
give less information and less praise as well as interact less with students. Job stress and burnout serve as
impediments to the lecturers research functions in higher education. The main purpose of this study was to
investigate the relationship of job-related stress, personality and social support to burnout among a previously
unstudied element of the population, college of education lecturers. A secondary objective was to examine the
extent to which personality and social support can buffer the negative effects of stress on burnout in the lecturers.
Studying stress and burnout among the college of education lecturers has implications for improving
understanding of job-stress and burnout as well as for enhancing their working life. Understanding
environmental and personal influences on burnout may hold benefits for institutions and lecturers. Appreciating
the environmental and personal factors that influence burnout can help human resource specialists and career
counsellors forecast burnout as well as factors related to early manifestation of burnout. From such information,
appropriate intervention strategies that will combat burnout and enhance employee and organizational wellness
can be developed. Although considerable research has studied stress and burnout, further research is warranted to
identify new factors that might mediate job stress-burnout link.


ISSN 1911-2017

E-ISSN 1911-2025

Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

The work of a typical university, polytechnic or college of education lecturer could be divided into four groups
namely, teaching, conducting research, civil obligation and administration (Makinde & Alao, 1987). The
intensity and frequency of influence of involvement in any of the broad groups of job activities depend on the
rank of the lecturer. With increasing number of roles that students, parents and employers demand from lecturers,
it is no wonder that lecturers stress and burnout are on steady increase. This has invariably affected the research
functions of the lecturers in tertiary institutions.
Colangelo (2004) defined teacher stress as an unpleasant feeling that teachers experience as a result of their work.
Stress has effects on a persons physical, emotional and psychological well-being. Past research on job stress
among postsecondary lecturers has identified numerous sources and variables affecting stress levels as well as
burnout (Brewer & McMahan, 2004). For example, researchers have consistently reported time pressure (Barnes,
Agago & Combs, 1998), high self expectations (Smith, Anderson & Lovrich, 1995), research and publication
demands (Blix, Cruise, Mitchell & Blix, 1994) as significant sources of job stress. Salami (2006) also identified
heavy workload, working under pressure, large classes, students disruption of lectures and delayed and
inadequate salaries as sources of stress among college of education lecturers in Nigeria.
Empirical evidence have shown that, teachers experiencing more stress were burned out (Ganster& Schaubroeck,
1991, Kokkinos, 2007; Moore, 2007). The manifestation of burnout is a function of stressors engendered at both
the environmental organization and personal levels. Kokkinos (2007) found that managing student misbehaviour,
teachers appraisal by students, workload, and time constraints were predictors of burnout. Byrne & Hall, (1989)
found out that role conflict, work overload, classroom climate and decision making are all organizational factors
that contributed to teachers stress and eventual burnout. In a recent study, Lue, Chen, Wang, Cheng and Chen
(2010) found that job stress and work hours predicted burnout among first postgraduate year residents.
Furthermore, researchers have found that job stress particulary role stress and other role-related problems were
moderately to highly correlated with burnout (Bakker, Demerouti & Verbeke, 2004; Demerouti Bakker,
Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001; Maslach et al. 2001; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004).; Thomas & Jankau,2009).
Therefore, it was expected that job stress will predict burnout.
Personality stands for a persons values, preferences, needs, stable dispositions or emotional characteristics. The
use of five- factor model of personality developed by Costa and McCrae (1992) to study the process of burnout
has been applied to various populations. The five-factor model of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1992) described
adult personality in terms of neuroticism (susceptibility to psychological distress), extraversion (the disposition
towards positive emotions, sociability and high activity), openness (the proclivity toward variety, intellectual
curiosity), agreeableness (the inclination towards interpersonal trust and consideration for others), and
conscientiousness (the tendency towards persistence, industriousness and organization).
Research on personality correlates of teacher burnout indicated that neuroticism was associated with burnout
(Maslach, Jackson & Leiter, 1996). Kokkinos (2007) found that teachers personality traits were significant
predictors of three burnout dimensions. According to him, high levels of neuroticism and low levels of
agreeableness were predictive of emotional exhaustion, for depersonalization, neuroticism was the most
important predictor whereas personal accomplishment was predicted by low levels of neuroticism and high
levels of extraversion and conscientiousness. Similarly, Lue et al., (2010) reported that introversion,
conscientiousness and having negative affectivity predicted burnout. However, Kokkinos (2007) found that
neuroticism was a predictor of personal accomplishment in a different direction. These results were not
consistent because different personality instruments were used to measure personality traits. For example, some
authors used the five- factor personality model by Costa and McCrae (1992) while others used Eysencks model
of personality measures, thus making interpretation of the results difficult. Therefore, it was expected that the
lecturers personality will predict dimensions of burnout with the use of the five-factor personality measure by
Costa and McCrae (1992).
Social support is the physical and emotional comfort given to an individual by his/her family, co-workers and
others times of need. It has been found that social support can buffer the negative effects of stress ( e.g. Bonfiglio,
2005; Cheuk, Wong & Rose, 1994; Wong & Cheuk, 2005), although such positive effects of social support have
not been identified in some other studies (e.g. Kahn & Byosiere, 1992). Consequently, results from these studies
were not conclusive. For this has made the investigation into the effects of social support in buffering the
relationship between job stress and burnout warranted. Therefore, it was expected that social support will predict
burnout and interact with job stress to predict burnout.
In studying burnout among postsecondary lecturers, researchers have identified some demographic
characteristics. For example, Byrne and Hall (1989) found that demographic variables had a stronger impact on

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Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

postsecondary educators than they had on educators at other levels. (i.e. primary, intermediate and secondary).
Jackson (1993) and Kim-Wan (1991) found significant differences in levels of burnout among teachers relative
to demographic factors such as gender, age, marital status, tenure status, academic rank and workload. However,
Dillon and Tanner (1995) did not report such findings.
2. Theoretical Framework
This study was based on person- environment (PE) Fit theory and the transactional model of stress and burnout.
These are the most widely accepted frameworks for conducting research on job-stress and burnout (Brewer&
McMahan, 2004; Edwards, Caplan & Harrison, 1998; Edwards& Cooper, 1990; Kokkinos, 2007; Spielberger&
Vagg, 1999). Person-environment fit is the degree to which individual characteristics harmonise with those of his
or her environment (Meyer & Dale, 2010). PE Fit theory and transactional model of burnout assert that the
interaction between an individual and his or her environment determines whether or not a situation is stressful
for that person. It assumes that human behaviour is a function of the person and the environment, and that a
persons vocational satisfaction, stability and achievement depend on the congruence or fit between the persons
personality and the environment in which the person works (Herr,Cramer,& Niles, 2004;Kokkinos,2007;
Salami,2006). In work situations, higher degrees of fit predict positive work outcomes (Hoffman &
2006; Vogel & Feldman, 2009. According to Clark- Murphy, (2010), the person-environment approaches
suggest that for optimal productivity, individuals should be compatible with their environments. Early
researchers Streufert & Swezey(1986). Concluded that decision-making performance reaches an optimal level
when an individuals cognitive capability matches the complexity of their environment, Jacques (1989) argued
that for optimal productivity organisations should be designed on the person-environment fit based on individual
cognitive capacity at every level of the organisation. According to the Person-environment fit researchers
(Jacques, 1989; Meijer, Muitjens & Vander Vleuten, 1999), individual, decision-making. Performance reaches
an optimal level when the decision-makers cognitive complexity matches the complexity of the decision
In the context of the workplace, the individuals attributes are interests, transferrable skills, career motives and
values, personality preferences, career orientations, self-concept and sense of self-efficacy. The work
environment include individuals expectations and perceptions regarding workload, control over ones work,
tangible and intrinsic rewards of work, the relationship and sense of community among co-workers ,perceptions
of fairness in the workplace and the role of personal and organizational values (Herr et al, 2004). If the fit
between an individual and his environment is incompatible, the result is stress. Similarly, lack of fit between the
demands placed on individuals and their abilities to meet those demands can result in stress. Though, there are
evidences that burnout occurs as a result of complex interaction between individual characteristics and issues in
the work environment, research has not systematically considered the role of person variables in this direction
especially studying the manifestation of burnout among college of education lecturers.
3. Statement of the Problem
Research evidence have shown that there is high stress and burnout among lecturers in higher educational
institutions. Given that there is paucity of studies that investigated the relationship between job stress and
burnout among college of education lecturers and the moderating roles of personality and social support in the
relationship, there is need to investigate how job stress is related to burnout among the lecturers. That, there are
inconsistencies in the findings obtained by previous researchers on the relationship between job stress and
burnout among higher education lecturers indicates that research into the effects of job stress on lecturers
burnout is not conclusive. Furthermore, the negative consequences of job stress and burnout on the work of the
lecturers calls for further research on the job stress-burnout linkage in order to increase our understanding on
how to stem the tide of increasing stress and burnout among lecturers.The main purpose of this study was to
investigate the relationship of job-related stress, personality and social support to burnout among a previously
unstudied element of the population, college of education lecturers. A secondary objective was to examine the
extent to which personality and social support can buffer the negative effects of stress on burnout in the lecturers.
4. Hypotheses
Based on the review of related literature the following hypotheses were tested:
H1: Job-related stress, personality and social support will jointly predict dimensions of burnout.
H2: Job-related stress will significantly predict dimensions of burnout.
H3: Personality characteristics will significantly predict dimensions of burnout.
H4: Personality characteristics will interact with job stress to predict dimensions of burnout.


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E-ISSN 1911-2025

Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

H5: Social support will predict dimensions of burnout.

H6: Social support will interact with job stress to predict dimensions of burnout
5. Method
5.1 Research Design
This study adopted a survey research design that utilised questionnaires to obtain data from the respondents.
5.2 Participants
The participants were 340 lecturers (Male-240 (70.58%), Female -100 (29.41%) randomly selected from the
three colleges of education in Kwara state, Nigeria. The mean age of the sample was 36.70years (S.D. = 4.50),
range=21-59 years).Highest level of education of the lecturers include B.A. Ed. /B.SC. Ed.B.Ed. B.A. /BSC.
PGDE. M.Ed, and Ph.D. The teaching experience of the lecturers ranged from 2 to 28 years. Academic ranks
were Assistant Lecturer 30(8.82%), Lecturer 111 64(18.82), Lecturer 11 75(22.05%), lecturer 1 70(20.58%),
Senior lecturer 63(18.52%), Principal Lecturer 20 (5.88%), Chief Lecturer or Senior Principal Lecturer
18(5.29%); Marital status-married=129(37. 94%), single = 200(58.82%) Divorce= 3(0.88%), Widow/Widower=
5.3 Measures
Personality. The NEO-FFI (Form S, Costa & McCrae, 1992) was used to assess the five personality dimensions.
It consists of five 12- item scales developed through factor analyses as a short form of the NEO- PI-R to assess
Neuroticism (N), Extraversion (E), Openness (O), Agreeableness (A), and Conscientiousness (C). The item
response adopted a 5-point Likert Scale ranging from strongly disagree (I) to strongly agree (5). For the
reliability of NEO- FFI, Costa and McCrae (1992) reported Cronbachs alpha Coefficients of 0.86, 0.77, 0.73,
0.68, and 0.81 respectively for the N, E, O, A, and C scales. Costa and McCrae (1991) have reported the
construct validity of NEO-FFI. For the present study, the Cronbachs alpha coefficients ranged from 0.70 to 0.87
for the N, E, O, A and C scales.
Job stress. Job stress was measured by means of occupational stress scale (OSS, Salami, 2003). OSS is a 50-item
questionnaire that measures occupational stress factors viz: workload, interpersonal problems, time pressure,
working conditions, leadership problems, inadequate facilities and personal problems. Items are responded to on
a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). Range of score is 50-250. The
coefficient of international consistency (Cronbachs alpha) of the scale was r = 0.85. The OSS has impressive
norms and correlated highly (r=0.75) with the stress scale by Cooper, Cooper and Eaker (1988).
Teachers Burnout. Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services. Survey (MBI- HSS; Maslach, Jackson &
Schwab, 1996) was used to assess the three aspects of teachers burnout. The scale consists of 22 items that fall
on the three subscales: emotions exhaustion (9 items), depersonalization (5items), and lack of a sense of personal
accomplishment (8 items). Some amendments were made to the items for suitability for lecturers at the
postsecondary level. Respondents indicate the frequency that they experience feeling related to each of the
subscale items on a 7-point scale ranging from Never (o) to every day (6). The internal consistency ranges
from .76 to .90 (Iwaniki & Schwab, 1981). For the current study, Cronbachs alphas were .86, for emotional
exhaustion, .70 for depersonalization and .72 for personal accomplishment.
Social Support. The type of Social support received by the teachers was assessed by the social provisions scale
(SPS) developed by Cutrona and Russell (1987). It measures the six relational provisions as obtained from the
teachers current social relationships. The respondents are to indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement
if they feel the statements are true of their current relationships with friends, family members, colleagues, college
organization, and community members. The six provisions are (1) attachment, (2) social integration, (3)
reassurance of worth, (4) reliable alliance, (5) guidance, advice (6) opportunity for nurturance, The cronbachss
alpha coefficient for this study for the six sub-scales were .75, .60, .75, .72, .68 respectively
Demographics: Data on demographic characteristics of respondents were collected via a demographic
questionnaire developed by the researcher. Characteristics addressed by the questionnaire were (a) age, (b)
gender, (C) academic qualifications, (d) teaching experience, (e) academic ranks, and marital status. There
characteristics were chosen based upon a review of related literature.
5.4 Procedure
The survey forms containing all the four scales( Personality Inventory ( NEO-FFI), Occupational Stress Scale,
Social Support Scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey(MBI-HSS),and the Demographic
Questions were administered to the randomly selected lecturers in the institutions that participated in the study.
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Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

Six research assistants who were three undergraduates and three postgraduate students, who had been provided
with instructions regarding the administration protocol, administered the survey forms. The lecturers completed
the survey forms anonymously and the purpose of the study, which was research, was explained to them. The
participants were assured that their responses were confidential.
5.5 Data Analysis
Data collected were analysed using hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
Personality traits, job stress, social support and interactions between job stress and personality traits and social
support served as independent variables while three components of teacher burnout served as the dependent
6. Results
Correlational analyses
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for the variables under study as well as the bivariate correlations
between job stress, teachers personality, social support and burnout dimensions.
The bivariate correlations on Table 1 (see appendix1) showed that job stress significantly correlated with all the
three dimensions of burnout emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment
(correlations ranged from r=.19 to .20, p< .05).Social support had significant negative correlations with
emotional exhaustion (r= -.20, p<.05) and depersonalization (r= -.19, p<.05) except with personal
Of the personality variables, neuroticism was positively correlated with emotional exhaustion (r=.35, p< .05) and
depersonalization (r=.24, p<.05) and negatively correlated with personal accomplishment (r=-.23, p< .05).
Extraversion was negatively correlated with emotional exhaustion (r=-.20, p<.05) whereas it was positively
correlated with personal accomplishment (r=.30, p<.05).Openness was negatively significantly correlated with
depersonalization (r=-.19, p<.05) and personal accomplishment (r=-.20, p<.05) but not with emotional
exhaustion. Agreeableness had no significant correlation with all the dimensions of burnout. Conscientiousness
had negative significant correlation with depersonalization (r=-.30, p<.05) and positive correlation with personal
accomplishment (r=.32, p<.05). None of the demographic characteristics (age, gender, experience, rank and
marital status) had significant correlations with any of the dimensions of burnout.
6.1 Regression analyses
A series of regression analyses were performed to find out the joint and relative/ separate contributions of
various factors in predicting burnout dimensions among college education lecturers. Three separate hierarchical
multiple regressions were conducted regressing each burnout dimension on lecturers demographics, personality
characteristics, job stress and social support. Results are shown on Tables 2 to 4 (see appendices 2-4) in a
manner consistent with the hypotheses.
On the joint contribution of all the independent variables (stress, personality and social support) to the prediction
of dimensions, of burnout, as hypothesized, results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses on Tables 2 to 4
showed that all the independent variables jointly predicted emotional exhaustion (R=.44, F(1,328)=10.32,
p<0.05) (see Table 2); depersonalization (R=.27, F(1,328)=8.97, p<0.05) (see Table 3) and personal
accomplishment (R=.23, F(1,328= 5.73,p<0.05) ( see Table 4).
It was hypothesized that job stress will predict all the three dimensions of burnout. As expected, job stress
significantly predicted emotional exhaustion (Beta=.24, t=14.20, p<0.03) (see Table 2). Job stress was also a
significant predictor of depersonalization (Beta=.21, t=7.60, p<.05) (see Table 3[appendix3]) and personal
accomplishment (Beta=.19, t=4.43, p<.05) (see Table 4).
It was hypothesized that personality characteristics would also predict emotional exhaustion, depersonalization
and personal accomplishment dimensions of burnout. Emotional exhaustion was predicted by neuroticism,
extraversion, openness and conscientiousness (See Table2 [appendix 2]). Regarding depersonalization,
neuroticism, openness and conscientiousness were the strong predictors of this dimension of burnout.
Extraversion and agreeableness did not make any significant contribution to the prediction of depersonalization
(see Table 3 [appendix 3). Personal accomplishment was predicted by neuroticism, extraversion, and
conscientiousness but not by openness and agreeableness (see Table 4 [appendix 4]).


ISSN 1911-2017

E-ISSN 1911-2025

Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

It was hypothesized that social support will predict all dimensions of burnout. As anticipated, social support was
a strong predictor of emotional exhaustion (Beta=.22. t=8.9, p<0.05) (see Table 2), depersonalization (Beta=.27,
t=9.45, p<.05) (see Table3) and personal accomplishment (Beta=.19, t=4.20,p<.05) (see Table 4 [appendix 4]).
6.2 Interaction of stress with personality and social support
Results of the analyses indicated that, there were no significant interaction effects of stress with personality
dimension and social support in predicting emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimensions of burnout
(see Table 2and 3).However, stress interacted with extraversion (R change=.17, Beta=.23, t=9.06, p<. 05) and
conscientiousness (R change= .17, Beta= .25, t=11.09, p< .05) to predict personal accomplishment. Stress did
not interact with neuroticism; openness and agreeableness to predict personal accomplishment (see Table 4
[appendix 4]). Finally, all the demographic characteristics did not predict any dimension of burnout (see Table
2,3and 4 [appendices 2, 3 & 4]).
7. Discussion
The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between job stress, personality characteristics,
social support and dimensions of burnout in a sample of college of education lecturers. Results from this study
showed that stress, personality and social support were correlated with burnout dimensions, thus providing
support for the PE-fit theory and transactional model of burnout in which in order to understand its process.
There is need to consider both the environmental and person variables. These findings are in agreement with
those of Schaefeli, Enzmann and Girault (1993), and Kokkinos (2007). Emotional exhaustion and
depersonalization were more related to environmental stressors and social support while personal
accomplishment was related to personality variable.
As expected, job stress played a central role in predicting dimensions of burnout among the lecturers. This
finding is consistent with those of previous researchers who reported similar results (Ganster & Schanbroek,
1991; Kim-Wan, 1991; Kokkinos, 2007; Moore, 2001). An explanation for this finding is that there are certain
issues in the lecturers job that cause them more concern, stress and eventually burnout. Examples of issues in
the lecturers job that served as sources of stress included workload, time pressure, working conditions,
inadequate facilities and students misbehaviour. Stress arises when a lecturer appraises the environment as one
that taxes or exceeds his/ her resources and therefore is perceived as threatening. Lecturers who have high
expectations and want to achieve may be prone to stress and burnout (Kokkinos, 2007).
The results also showed that, as hypothesized, personality characteristics were associated with burnout
dimensions. The results were in line with the findings of previous researchers who reported that emotional
exhaustion and depersonalization were predicted by neuroticism and conscientiousness (Kokkinos, 2007; Lue et
al., 2010). Similarly Kokkinos (2007) found that personal accomplishment was predicted by high scores in
conscientiousness and extraversion and low scores in neuroticism. Kim-Wan (1991) reported that Type A
personality predict burnout especially personal accomplishment .These results could be attributed to the fact that
lecturers with high scores in conscientiousness and extraversion or Type A personality more often work harder,
put greater efforts and commitment to their jobs and accomplish more in their work even at the cost of their
As hypothesized in this study, the results revealed that social support had significant correlations with
dimensions of burnout. These results corroborated the findings of previous researchers who reported that
teachers who possessed higher levels of social support were less burned out (Bonfiglio, 2005; Kim -Wan, 1991).
Results from this study also corroborated the work of Thomas and Lankau (2009) who found that workplace
social support in the form of high lead-member exchange (LMX) and mentoring served as resources that
minimize emotional exhaustion through increased socialization and deceased role stress. Possible explanation for
these findings could be that when lecturers face specific job- related difficulty or stress, social support from their
supervisors, friends, families, co-workers and others would help minimize emotional distress and boost their
self-esteem both of which, in turn, enhance their abilities in coping effectively with job-related problems they are
confronted with.
The results in relation to the buffering effects of personality and social support in the hypotheses indicated that
personality and social support were effective in reducing adverse effects of job stress on reduced personal
accomplishment but not on emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimensions of burnout. These results,
are in line with the work of Kim-Wan (1991) who reported that Type A personality and social support buffered
the relation between job stress and reduced accomplishment of their teacher sample. Possible explanation for
these findings could be that, in the case of personality, lecturers who had high scores on extraversion and

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Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

conscientiousness worked harder and put in more efforts and commitment. In the case of social support, lecturers
who had more social support from their supervisors, friends, coworkers, and family members reported less
burnout and therefore had more personal achievement.
8. Implications of the Findings
Results reported in this study have implications for career counselling practice and assessment. The findings
suggest that dimensions of burnout have different predictors when personality and environmental factors (job
stress and social support) are considered simultaneously. The preponderance of environmental factors in the
prediction of burnout dimension of emotional exhaustion is heart-warming because it is easier to control or
change job-related conditions causing stress than personal characteristics. Therefore, employers should provide
more conducive working environments devoid of stress for the lecturers. This will remove some of the
impediments to the lecturers research functions in higher education.
Appropriate intervention strategies that will emphasise improvement of the lecturers skills in classroom
management should be developed by career counsellors and adopted for the professional development of the
lecturers. These strategies could be adopted during preparation for higher teaching and after training. This can be
a sure way of combating burnout. Since stress could also emanate from work overload and students disruption
of classroom lectures, lecturers should be taught principles of handling group behaviour and time management.
This will assist the lecturers in having a more balanced distribution of time for their work.
Also lecturers need to know their personality characteristics so that they will be aware of their own personal
dispositions that may reduce or aggravate stress. In this regard, personality assessment should be conducted by
career counsellors for all lecturers and appropriate coping responses they use in dealing with work-related stress
noted for improvement or retention as appropriate. Career counsellors should work with college management to
conduct stress audits that assess the levels of stress in different parts of the institution, the particular stressor of
concern and ways to enhance employee and institutional wellness within the college. In this respect, career
counsellors need to teach the lecturers appropriate coping strategies in order to reduce the use of maladaptive
coping strategies. Self efficacy training, cognitive behavioural and rational emotive behavioural therapies and
problem solving techniques are intervention strategies that could be used to reduce burnout among lecturers.
Also the lecturers should improve their social networks so that they will have access to appropriate social
support when they have job-related problems.
This study is a cross-sectional research and it used self-report measures. These are obvious limitations. Future
researchers could embark on longitudinal studies in order to establish causal relationship. In addition to self
report measures, interview techniques and focus group discussions could be used to complement the data
collection instruments. Despite these limitations, the present study has contributed to the body of literature on
stress and burnout in lecturers.
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E-ISSN 1911-2025

Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

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Table 1. Means, standard deviations and correlation matrix of Job stress, personality, social support,
demographic factors and burnout dimensions







Social support
























































ISSN 1911-2017

E-ISSN 1911-2025


Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011














Gender a










































Marital statusb









































Note: N=340, S.D. = Standard Deviation, a=nominal data, so no mean score, (male=0, female=1), b= nominal
data, so no mean score,
(Married=1, single, divorced, widow/widower=0), EEX= Emotional exhaustion, Dep= Depersonalization, Pac=
personal accomplishment, * p< 0.05 (2- tailed test).

Table 2. Summary of hierarchical regression analyses for variables predicting emotional exhaustion



























Marital status






























Stress X Neu




Stress x Exit




Stress x Op




Stress x Agr




Stress xCon.




Stress xSS




Step 2 Stress







Step 3 personality














Step 5 Interaction








NOTE: N= 340, Neu=Neuroticism, OP= openness, Exit= Extraversion, Agr= Agreeableness, Con =
conscientiousness, SS= social support, * P<0.05.

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

Table 3. Summary of Hierarchical Regression analyses for variables predicting depersonalization

Step 1:




F change




















Marital status






























Stress x Neu




Stress x Ext




Stress x Op




Stress x Agr




Stress x Con




Stress x SS




Step 2 Stress







Step 3 Personality







Step 4 Social







Step 5 Interaction







Note: N=340, Neu=Neuroticism, OP=Openess, Ext=Extraversion, Agr=Agreeableness, Con=Conscientiousness

SS=Social Support, Social Support, * P<0.05.


ISSN 1911-2017

E-ISSN 1911-2025

Asian Social Science

Vol. 7, No. 5; May 2011

Table 4. Summary of Hierarchical Regression analysis for variables predicting personal accomplishment

Step 1: Demographics


























Marital status






























Stress x Neu




Stress x Ext




Stress x Op




Stress x Agr




Stress x Con




Stress x SS




Step 2, Stress







Step 3 Personality







Step 4 Social Support







Step 5 Interaction terms







Note: N=340, Neu=Neuroticism, OP=Openess, Ext=Extraversion, Agr=Agreeableness, Con=Conscientiousness

SS=Social Support, Social Support, * P<0.05.

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


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