BattleshipGalaxies v1
BattleshipGalaxies v1
BattleshipGalaxies v1
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Hasbro (2011)
Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.
Setup 1. Energy Phase 3. Action Phase
Choose a mission and follow the setup instructions. At the start of your energy phase, gain 10 energy, then You may activate as many ship cards you can afford to
draw 1 tactic card and add it to your hand. Your energy pay for in energy, one at a time. You cannot activate the
For 2 player missions, each player chooses a fleet and can never go below 0 or exceed 40. same ship card more than once per turn.
sits facing his opponent. Take your faction’s screen, and
an energy board and faction marker. 1. Choose a Ship Card and Pay the Activation Cost
2. Deploy Phase
For a team game, teammates sit together facing their Choose a ship card to activate and pay its activation cost.
opponents. Teammates play the game separately but can Pay the launch cost in energy to launch any number of
discuss strategy and show each other their tactic cards. ship cards that haven’t yet been launched, as long as 2. Move the Ship(s) on Your Chosen Ship Card
They may pass any number of tactic cards to each other you have enough energy and enough available spaces. Move any or all of the ships on your chosen ship card.
during their energy phases. If a ship card is behind your screen, pay the launch cost A ship may move in any direction up to its move number.
to place the card in front of you and place its ship(s) Squadron ships are moved in any order, one at a time.
Ships, Ship Cards and Tactic Cards
onto any spaces in your starting zone.
There are 2 methods of gathering ships, ship cards Choose to lead with the front or back end of a medium
and tactic cards. Some missions may combine these You must position a ship’s base to cover at least 1 full ship, then move it so the trailing end follows the spaces
methods. starting zone space. When launching a squadron, you he leading end just left.
must place them adjacent to at least 1 other ship in that
Mission Selected: The mission tells you exactly which squadron, as well as each base covering at least 1 full Any movement onto 3 new spaces in any direction
ships and cards to use. starting zone space. counts as 1 space for a large ship.
Player Selected: The mission gives you a fleet cost; A ship may be able to transport other ships. If a ship A ship can pass through spaces occupied by other ships,
the combined launch cost of all the ships in your fleet launched on a previous turn is transporting ships, you but if the space is occupied by an opponent, it may take
cannot exceed this. You may have only 1 copy of any can pay the transported ship(s) launch cost to launch damage when it initially moves adjacent. A ship cannot
ship card in your fleet; and you can never have multiple them adjacent to the ship that was transporting them. end its movement on any space occupied by another
ships with the same name (even different versions). A squadron’s ships must also be placed adjacent to at ship.
If you have multiple copies of the game, you and your least 1 other ship in that squadron. A ship cannot be placed onto a half hex, or be moved
opponent may have the same named ship.
When you launch a ship, place a number of blue shield through or into one.
You may have a number of tactic cards equal to half the pegs on its base equal to its Shield number. Each ship
fleet cost (rounded down). You may have up to 3 copies Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) Damage
in a squadron gains that many shield pegs.
of the same card in your deck. If your ship moves onto or through a space that would
If there are not enough spaces to place a ship, or all put it adjacent to an enemy ship, it may take damage as
Starting the Game ships in a squadron, you cannot launch the ship(s). it passes. Your opponent may roll the number die: on a
Each player places his energy marker on spot 15 of his 5+, the move ship takes direct damage as follows:
Transporting Ships and Capacity
energy board, then draws 5 tactic cards from his deck. – if it moved adjacent to a small ship,
A ship may never transport more spaces worth of ships
Look at your cards but keep them secret from your it takes 1 direct ECM damage.
than its capacity number. A ship or squadron takes up
space equal to the number of spaces the ship(s) cover – if it moved adjacent to a medium ship,
Roll the number die (re-roll ties). The high roller chooses when they are placed on the board. it takes 2 direct ECM damage.
who goes first; play passes clockwise from the starting
A ship can only transport ships smaller than itself. – if it moved adjacent to a large ship,
If you are transporting a squadron, you must be able it takes 3 direct ECM damage.
The first player gains only 5 energy on his first energy
to transport the entire squadron. A ship that is being Ships launched adjacent to an opponent’s ship, or those
phase instead of the normal 10).
transported cannot itself transport ships. ‘placed’ onto an adjacent space due to some effect, do
When launching a ship into your starting zone that is not take ECM damage.
Game Round
transporting other ships, secretly place their ship cards A ship can take multiple ECM damage as it moves,
Your turn consists of 3 phases. under the launching ship’s ship card. They remain but only as it moves adjacent to each ship. The spaces
hidden until they are launched or destroyed. You do not it moves in without leaving adjacency do not cause
Once your turn is complete the player to your left has
pay their launch cost until they are launched out of the additional damage.
his turn.
transporting ship.
At any point during your turn, you can discard any 3. Attack with the Ship(s) on Your Chosen Ship Card
If a ship transporting other ships is taken over or
number of tactic cards from your hand.
destroyed, all of the ships it is transporting are Attack with the primary weapon, and secondary/
You gain 1 energy for each card discarded this way. immediately destroyed. additional weapons if appropriate.
Attacking tactic Cards Asteroids: When a small or medium ship next to an
asteroid field is hit by an attack, roll the number die. On
Charging You have a tactic card hand limit of 10 cards. If drawing a 6+, the attack misses. Ships cannot move through or
To attack with a weapon, you must charge it. Pay the a card would put you over this limit, discard a card before be placed onto an asteroid field space, however you can
charge cost (normally 0) in energy in order to attack a drawing (you still gain 1 energy for the discarded card). target an enemy through such a space.
number of times up to its attacks number. If you draw the last card in your tactic deck, immediately
shuffle the discards and create a new facedown deck. Discovery Tiles
You must finish attacking with one weapon before
Do not create a new deck if you go through it a second Discovery tiles are placed power-side up or black-side
charging the next. You may attack different targets with
time—you can no longer draw tactic cards for the rest up, depending on the mission.
each attack, unless otherwise noted.
of the game. If you are the last player to go through your When a ship ends its movement on a black-side up tile,
You can charge a weapon only once per ship’s activation, deck a second time, the game immediately ends. the tile is turned power-side up and its powers take
unless otherwise noted.
You can always replace an additional weapon, hero, or effect immediately. When a ship ends its movement on a
All ships in a squadron attack separately with all ship upgrade card on a ship card. You must pay the power-side tile, its powers take effect immediately.
weapons on or attached to their ship card. All the ships full energy cost to attach the new card, then choose an Ships can move over and attack through discovery tiles.
must pay their charge costs separately. existing attached card of the same type and discard it.
Alien Artifact: While a ship is on an alien artifact, add 7
Targeting When you take control of an opponent’s ship due to to its primary weapon range.
a card or power, you take control of the ship card, all
A targeted ship must be within the attacking ship’s Energy Source: If one or more ships you control are on
attached cards, and all ships that card represents. Any
weapon range in spaces. You can attack through any energy sources at the start of your energy phase, gain 2
ships it is transporting are immediately destroyed. If the
ships (count the occupied spaces). additional energy.
ship has a hero attached that is already in your fleet, you
must choose one to discard. Observation Station: If one or more ships you control are
Check weapon’s attacks number: This is the maximum Events: Normally a one time effect then discarded. on an observation station, all ships you control add 2 to
number of times the ship can attack with that weapon the range of their primary weapon.
Hero: May be attached to a solo ship card you control.
during that charge. You cannot have 2 heroes with the same name attached Orbital Market: If one or more ships you control are on
Announce your target: Declare which of your ships is to ships in your fleet at the same time. an orbital market at the start of your energy phase, you
the attacker, and which ship it is targeting. You may may draw 1 additional tactic card.
Solo/Squadron Ship Upgrade: May be attached to a solo
target different ships with the same weapon if you have or squadron ship you control, depending on whether it Shield Regenerator: If a ship you control is on a shield
multiple attacks, or a ship becomes un-targetable. has a solo or squadron icon on it. regenerator at the start of your energy phase, you may
Check weapon’s strength: The amount of damage the add 1 shield peg to that ship (you cannot raise its
Solo/Squadron Additional Weapon: May be attached shields above their starting value).
weapon inflicts when it hits. to a solo or squadron ship you control, depending on
Roll coordinate dice: Roll both dice then call out your whether it has a solo or squadron icon on it. Any time Warp Gate: When a small or medium ship you control
roll. Your opponent checks the coordinate on the target’s you activate that ship card, you may charge this weapon begins its activation on a warp gate, instead of moving
ship card, and announces whether it’s a hit (gray box) or along with any of the card’s other weapons, in any order. that ship during its activation, you may choose an empty
a miss (white box). If a ship is hit, deal damage. space that is within 14 spaces of that gate, and place
Solo/Squadron Sabotage: May be attached to a solo or the base of the activated ship on that space. A medium
If the ship is hit on a critical damage box (red star) while squadron ship your opponent controls, depending on ship must be placed so that both sides of the base are
its shields are down, it is immediately destroyed (if the whether it has a solo or squadron icon on it. There is no on empty spaces.
damage caused when you hit critical damage brings the limit to the number of sabotage cards a ship may have
shields down, the ship is not destroyed). on it. It is permanently attached unless it is removed by
Winning the Game
another card or power or the ship is destroyed.
Damage Victory Conditions
Mission Prepped Cards
If your attack hits, remove shield pegs equal to the Each mission has specific victory conditions.
When a mission lists a card as prepped, it is placed
weapon’s strength number from the target ship. Once
aside at the start of the game, and is not part of your If the conditions state destroy all your opponent’s ships,
shield pegs are gone, add hull damage pegs instead.
tactic deck total. They do however subtract from the after the second round of play, victory is achieved when
A ship’s shields are up if it has blue pegs on its base, total number of that card you can have in your deck. your opponent has no ships left on the battlefield.
and down if it has none.
Victory cannot be achieved before the third round of play.
Direct Damage Obstacles and Discoveries
Direct damage dealt by some tactic cards and powers Running Out of Tactic Cards
Unless otherwise stated, obstacles and discoveries are If all player’s tactic card decks run out twice, the game
are not considered attacks. stationery. If they can move, treat them as double space immediately ends when the last player draws his final
Direct Damage: Applied like normal damage; remove ships. card.
shield pegs and add hull damage pegs as normal.
Obstacles All players total the launch costs of ships still in play
Direct Shield Damage: Applied only to shields. If a ship’s (excluding transported ships and those that have not yet
Obstacles are placed faceup on the battlefield at the
shields are done, no damage is applied. Do not add been launched).
start of the game.
hull damage pegs if the damage goes over the available
Score full costs for squadron cards if all of their ships
number of shield pegs. Debris Field: If a ship moves onto a debris field, roll the
are on the battlefield, and divide the cost for partial
number die. On a 1-6, it takes 1 direct debris damage;
Direct Hull Damage: Applied as hull damage pegs, even squadrons.
on a 7 or higher, no damage. A ship takes damage
if the ship’s shields are up. A ship may be destroyed in
from a debris field only when it moves onto it, not if The player with the highest total launch cost wins. On
this manner even while its shields are up.
it is launched or placed onto it. A ship does not take a tie, the player with the most ships on the battlefield
Specific Types: Unless otherwise noted, treat specific additional damage if it stays on the field or moves onto wins, then the player whose deck ran out for the second
types of damage as generic shield, hull, or direct damage. the second space of the field. time first.