Enigma v102
Enigma v102
Enigma v102
Ned Smotherman
Special Thanks to: Andy Chambers and all others involved for creating such a wonderful game.
Legalities *These rules are not official and are not intended to challenge Games Workshop or any of their registered trademarks. Ned Smotherman and Port Maw, 2003-2007 Visit www.portmaw.com/forum to discuss these Enigma Fleet Rules
The Enigma
History --- The Enigma are a xenophobic race.
They prefer not to interact with the other races of the galaxy, believing it will corrupt their essence. However, they are also a race of scholars. They spend much time watching and studying the actions of the other races of the galaxy, believing by developing a scholarly understanding of the actions of these races they will be able to discern what the future holds, and potentially foresee their own fate. To do this, they will have solitary vessels or small squadrons enter deep into the space of other races, and observe them at a distance with passive sensors for a while, before retreating to avoid detection. They would prefer to, if at all possible, avoid direct interactions with other races. That does not mean they are blind to the necessity of direct conflict however. If retreating is not an option, or another race's movements pose a great enough threat to the Enigma, they will move to eliminate the threat before it can do any further harm. The Enigma never interfere in the affairs of the another race unless it somehow involves or effects them. They never seek to expand their realm into that of other races, preferring to inhabit systems isolated systems far from the territories of other races, or planets too harsh for the other races to inhabit. They will defend against intrusions or, if necessary, they will abandon a planet and system, bombarding the planets surface into smoldering ashes before they leave so none of their secrets will fall to invading hands, relocating those from the abandoned planet to another suitably isolated/secluded place. Recently however, they have been forced more and more onto the galactic
stage with the other races and now fight much more openly with them. The tides of fate are shifting, and despite their wishes to remain mere observers, they must now move openly to save their way of life.
What's in a Design?
The first thing to understand about the Enigma in BFG is that their ships are very different from those of all other races. Where the ships of other races are all display bi-symmetry that is, if you look at them from the top down, they are effectively two identical halves (port and starboard, if you will) stuck together along the spine. Enigma ships are radial in symmetry. That is when looked at from above, they essentially look like three or more equal sections all spaced out in a radial fashion from the center, not unlike a Starfish, Blackstone Fortress, or Ramilies StarFort when viewed from above. Which such a distinctly different design philosophy, it is not surprising that their rules differ to a fair extent from average.
suggest you mark their bases with a navigation compass, with an arrow in one of the fire arcs to indicated direction of travel. So if you choose to move in a different direction, turn the model on its base so the arrow is pointing in the new direction of travel. This will save you from any debates about target facing for the purposes of targeting. If the ship is moving towards you, its closing, if its moving away, its moving away, if its neither moving away nor moving towards, then the likelihood is that its abeam to you.
All Ahead Full: The Enigma do not use thrusters like other races when going AAF, instead, they use their Gravity drives to create folds in spacetime and travel through them. This allows them to travel instantaneously between two points on the board. When going to AAF, the ship travels full speed + upto an additional 40cm in any direction and with any facing, ignoring any terrain between. (Think successfully navigating a Warp Rift.) A gravity fold is a precise operation, so one may choose exactly how far they wish to travel, upto the max of what is allowed. Also, while able to travel vast distances in the blink of an eye, performing the fine calculations necessary for a fold during battle is not the easiest thing to do. Therefore, if a fold adds between 0 and 14cm, roll
as normal, 15 to 28cm, subtract 1 from the ships/squadrons Ld for the roll, and if it adds 29 to 40cm, subtract 2 from the ships/squadrons Ld for the roll. Force New Heading: The Enigma have no need for conventional CTNH special orders with their gravity drives. However, when desirable they can use their gravity drives to force nearby enemy vessels to turn by focusing the gravity fields near the vessel in order to force a new heading. To use this special order, an enemy vessel must be within 15cm of the Enigma ship and will cause it to turn 45 degrees (no more, no less, exactly 45 degrees) either towards or (more likely) away from the Enigma ship forcing the new heading. An Enigma ship cannot turn a ship larger than itself. Cruisers cannot turn battleships, Battleships cannot turn space hulks, etc. When using this special order, A vessel may not change its direction of travel, it may only move at half of max speed, and its weapons are halved. Force New Heading and Escorts -- A squadron of at least four escorts can turn cruisers, but the every ship in the squadron must be within 15cm of the ship to be turned. A squad of four escorts is sufficient to turn a cruiser, but escort squadrons cannot exert enough force to turn a battleship. Escort squads can also force other escort squads to turn, but they must be of equal or greater numbers than the targeted squads, and all ships of the targeted escort squad must be within 15cm of a corresponding Enigma escort. Burn Retros: With their use of gravity drive tech, the Enigmas ships have no need for burn retros special order. They could remain perfectly still if they wanted (but they would count as defenses for the purposes of shooting for the next turn).
Enigma are one of the most secretive races in the galaxy. Virtually nothing is known about them, and thats the way they like it. The Enigma do not use standard shielding like other races, instead they rely on their advanced Stealth systems to hide themselves from the prying eyes and weapons fire of their enemies All Direct Fire weapons, such as weapons batteries, lances, bombardment cannons, etc. and ordinary unmanned torpedoes require a 6+ to hit ship. Area Effect Weapons (Such as Nova Cannons, the Armageddon Gun, and Star Pulse Generators) and manned Ordnance work as normal. If the ship goes onto any special orders other than Lock-On and Reload Ordnance the change of power flow compromises the Stealth. The Stealth has no effect until beginning of players next turn. If you go onto BFI in your opponents shooting or ordnance phase, the stealth will be down through the remainder of this turn, your upcoming turn and through your opponents next turn. If during their end phase, your opponent wishes to perform a Teleport attack on a ship whose stealth has not yet been compromised by special orders, they must roll a D6. On a 6 the Teleport attack succeeds, on any other roll the Teleport attack fails (They missed the ship and have teleported their poor troops into empty space).
deep into the territory of other races, uncloak to observe their actions, and then re-cloak and retreat back to their own territory to report their findings to the Counsel of Scholars. When activated the cloaked ship becomes completely invisible to the naked eye and sensor equipment. However, cloaked ships can not shoot any weapons and the energy distortion caused by the field makes navigation extremely difficult. This means that pre-programmed flight paths are required for ship navigation while cloaked. They are also extremely expensive to manufacture, and are at present somewhat rare. The Enigma currently only have a few select ships capable of carrying the devices. The Enigma cloaking device diverts all energy moving towards or from within it, this in effect shields it from anything but stops it being able to release any energy (i.e. weapons), the debris/heat/energy from an explosion simply flows around the cloaking field. Cloaking Device (30 pts) When a ship declares it is cloaking remove the ship from the table and replace it with a Cloak Activation Marker (a marker that shows last position and known direction of travel) The ships controller then writes down the intended flight plan for the cloaked ship. For example: 1st Turn = "Cloak Activated" Move 20cm forward 2nd Turn = Move 10cm forward, turn 45 degrees port, move 10cm forward 3rd Turn = Move 10cm forward , turn 45 degrees port. "Un-Cloak"
Cloaking Devices
(Cloaking device by Dan Hussey and Ned Smotherman) --- The Stealth technology of the Enigma is not the only covert technology they have devised. They have also developed the most advanced Cloaking technology of any race in the Galaxy. This in relation with their emission-less gravity drives, and Stealth technology, allows them to penetrate
This is not shown to the opponent, but put aside until the players turn with the "Uncloak" action. (It is a good idea to leave the piece of paper with the intended flight path face-down, but within site of your opponent(s) so no arguments arise about the path being altered as the turns progress.) When uncloaking, follow the Flight Plan's instructions from the Cloak Activation Marker to discover the location of the ship and place the model. If it has any movement remaining it may do so; it may also fire as normal. OTHER CLOAKING DEVICE RULES Only ships noted as being able to carry cloaking devices may do so, and they must pay the points listed for the cloaking device.
beginning of their movement phase use it to automatically disengage from battle; no leadership roll is required. Note that even though youre using a cloak to disengage, you cannot bring your ship back into the battle once it has disengaged.
ship, there is a chance that they will leap from the targeted enemy vessel to another, and then another in a chain reaction effect. Though the bolt weakens from one vessel to the next, its ability to strike multiple vessels at once makes it a very dangerous weapon. Enigma lances hit on a 4+ and work as normal with the following exceptions. If the lances hit, it may attempt to "jump from the targeted ship to a second enemy ship within 15cm. This second ship will be hit on a 5+ instead of the normal 4+. If this second ship is hit, it may attempt to jump to a third and final enemy ship within 15cm. (It cannot jump back to the first ship for the third strike!) This third ship will be hit on a 6+. The range listed in the Range/speed column of the ship stats table represent the range of the first bolt.
Gas/Dust Clouds, Asteroids and Warprifts --- If when working out the ships flight path (when it uncloaks) you find it moved through a Gas/Dust cloud, asteroid field or warp rift, calculate the effects as normal at that time
A ship can only cloak before it moves. A ship may uncloak before movement or directly after (before shooting) Ships may not cloak and un-cloak, or uncloak and cloak in the same turn. Ships may not cloak if crippled. Cloaked ships can not fire any weapons or be put on any special orders. Cloaked ships are unaffected by explosions or any other damaging effect whilst cloaked (exception, see asteroids and warp rifts below). Any ship equipped with a cloaking device and not crippled may at the
6 7 8 9 10
- 0 - Lance range reduced by 15cm. - 0 - WB range reduced by 15cm. - 0 - Lance strength 50%. - 0 - WB firepower 50%. - +1 - Gravity Drive damaged. Until repaired, if wishing to change direction beyond 45 degrees, you must roll against armour value or take 1 point of damage due to the fact that the gravity field cannot be properly balanced and focused. The sudden change in direction threatens to tear the ship apart. (IE part of the ship keeps trying to go in one direction while the other part goes in another)
Catastrophic Damage
2-6 - Drifting Hulk As normal 7-8 - Burning Hulk As normal 9-11 - Energy Core Overload As Plasma Drive Overload (Normal) 12 - Gravity Drive Implosion The ships Gravity Drive Implodes on itself, forming a small Black Hole! Roll a number of D6 equal to the starting damage of the ship. This is the distance the gravity well expands out from the implosion. ALL ships and ordnance within the gravity well are dragged D6cm towards the imploding ship.
Ships who come into base-to-base contact with the imploding ship suffer D6 automatic hits as the gravity begins crushing the hull. Ships that are dragged within 5cm of the base suffer D6 hits versus armour - the gravity is still very powerful, but not as strong as nearer to the implosion. Holofields and stealth offer no protection against this damage. Shields also offer no protection against this damage as the strong gravity distorts such energy fields beyond use. Necrons may use their saves as normal. Note that for Necrons, roll against their true armour value of 4+, not the 6+ value for Stealth when rolling for damage. BFI may be used as normal. Ordnance brought to within 5cm of the base is automatically destroyed as it is crushed and ripped apart. In addition to this, check and see if any Gas/Dust clouds or asteroid fields are within the gravity well. Those within the gravity well are sucked into the Black Hole! Remove them from the table. After youre done with all this, remove the dead ship. No BM are placed.
Weapons Battery 30cm 6 All Around Notes: Has exceptional sensors even by the standards of the Enigma. Its weapons get a left column shift on the gunnery table and ignore blast markers. This ship may carry a Cloaking Device, at a cost of 30 points.
Lance Battery 45cm 3 All Around Note: This ship may carry a Cloaking Device for a cost of 30 points. If you choose to equip the ship with a cloaking device, lower its lance value by 1 to strength 2.