Ansi Isa 12.13.01 2003
Ansi Isa 12.13.01 2003
Ansi Isa 12.13.01 2003
(IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod)
Performance Requirements
for Combustible Gas
ISA–The Instrumentation,
Systems, and
Automation Society
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ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod)
Performance Requirements for Combustible Gas Detectors
ISBN: 1-55617-846-8
Copyright © 2003 by ISA The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights reserved.
Not for resale. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
67 Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
This preface is included for information purposes and is not part of ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1
through 5 Mod).
This document has been prepared as part of the service of ISA The Instrumentation, Systems, and
Automation Societytoward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real value, this
document should not be static but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this end, the Society
welcomes all comments and criticisms and asks that they be addressed to the Secretary, Standards and
Practices Board; ISA; 67 Alexander Drive; P. O. Box 12277; Research Triangle Park, NC 27709;
Telephone (919) 549-8411; Fax (919) 549-8288; E-mail: [email protected].
The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the metric
system of units in general, and the International System of Units (SI) in particular, in the preparation of
instrumentation standards. The Department is further aware of the benefits to USA users of ISA
standards of incorporating suitable references to the SI (and the metric system) in their business and
professional dealings with other countries. Toward this end, this Department will endeavor to introduce
SI-acceptable metric units in all new and revised standards, recommended practices, and technical
reports to the greatest extent possible. Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The
Modern Metric System, published by the American Society for Testing & Materials as IEEE/ASTM SI 10-
97, and future revisions, will be the reference guide for definitions, symbols, abbreviations, and
conversion factors.
It is the policy of ISA to encourage and welcome the participation of all concerned individuals and
interests in the development of ISA standards, recommended practices, and technical reports.
Participation in the ISA standards-making process by an individual in no way constitutes endorsement by
the employer of that individual, of ISA, or of any of the standards, recommended practices, and technical
reports that ISA develops.
W. Lawrence Factory Mutual Research
R. Masek ABB
A. Mobley 3M Company
A. Page MSHA Approval & Certification Center
J. Propst Equilon Enterprises
P. Schimmoeller CSA International
D. Wechsler Dow Chemical Company
C. Wellman DuPont Engineering
This document was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board on 11 October
Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 13
1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 17
2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Annex A (normative) — Flammability limits (i.e. LFL and UFL) of some flammable gases and vapours.. 45
Table A.1 — Flammability data (continued)................................................................................................ 51
Figure B.1 Schematic example of equipment for use with aspirated apparatus (also see B.1)............. 65
Figure B.2 Schematic example of equipment during application of clean air or test gas (also see B.2.2)
.................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure B.3 Schematic example of equipment showing change-over from clean air to test gas to begin
the time of response measurement (arrows indicate movement of applicators) (also see B.2.2)............. 66
Figure B.4 Schematic example of applicator and sensor inlet during application of test gas or clean air
(also see B.2.2) ........................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure B.5 An example of an automated test chamber (also see B.2.3.1) ............................................ 68
Figure B.6 Apparatus for step change and flooding tests ...................................................................... 69
Part 2 (IEC 61779-2 Mod) Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases —
Part 2: Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% lower
explosive limit.............................................................................................................................................. 75
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 75
2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 75
Part 3 (IEC 61779-3 Mod) Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases —
Part 3: Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% methane
in air............................................................................................................................................................. 83
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 83
Part 4 (IEC 61779-4 Mod) Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases —
Part 4: Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% lower
explosive limit.............................................................................................................................................. 91
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 91
2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 91
Part 5 (IEC 61779-5 Mod) Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases —
Part 5: Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% gas ... 99
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 99
2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 99
All text of IEC 61779-1 through IEC 61779-5 is included in this document. U.S. National Deviations are
shown by strikeout through deleted text and underline under added text. Tables or portions of tables that
are to be deleted are shown as shaded; figures to be deleted are marked with the overlay “Figure X
Deleted.” All added tables are numbered by a table number corresponding to the applicable subclause for
improved clarity and are NOT underlined. Notes appear in the table titles showing the tables as added
For Part 1, there are four annexes and an introduction. Annex A is normative and Annexes B, C, D and
the introduction are informative and are not considered part of this document. For Part 2 through 5,
Annex A for each part is informative and is not considered part of this document.
This section provides an informative historical perspective on the development of combustible gas
detection performance standards.
From the early 1920’s to the mid 1970’s, gas detection requirements were mostly limited to the detection
of combustible gases to warn of explosion hazards. This need created an industry aimed at providing
portable and fixed apparatus that intermittently or continuously sample potentially hazardous areas and
provide alarms and indications.
The Mine Safety and Health Administration (formerly known as the U.S. Bureau of Mines) has been
certifying apparatus for use in mines since the late 1930’s.
Since the mid 1970’s, detectors submitted to some of the independent nationally recognized test
laboratories (or NRTL’s) for general hazardous area certifications also had to be tested to the lab’s own
performance standard.
Several standards organizations have provided standards and recommended practices to help users in
the selection and application of these apparatus.
Parts 22 and 27 of Title 30 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations provided some of the earliest
requirements for apparatus that detect methane in mines. Part 22 - issued in 1935, applied to Portable
Methane Detectors and part 27 - issued in 1966, applied to Methane Monitoring Systems. These two
documents do still exist, but are fairly general in nature. They are each about 4 to 6 pages long and
provide brief instructions on construction and performance requirements, but also include instructions on
submitting apparatus for evaluation and notification of design changes after approval. No new work on
these documents is in process at this time.
The Canadian standard - C22.2 No 152 - Combustible Gas Detection Instruments - was first issued in
1976 and last revised in 1988. The revision added an exclusion of open path detectors, revised the step
change response test so that the acceptance criteria will now be to reach 90% of applied concentration
(100% LFL gas), and Temperature Variation test was changed to include portables.
Factory Mutual issued its Combustible Gas Detectors Approval Standard 6310/6320 in 1982 and updated
it in 1989 and 2001.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) adopted the ISA’s S12.13, part 1 - titled Performance
Requirements, Combustible Gas Detectors which was issued in 1986 and part 2 - Installation, Operation,
and Maintenance of Combustible Gas Detection Instruments - issued in 1987.
The ANSI/ISA S12.13 part I performance standard - originally issued in 1975 - was based on the CSA
document. It was revised slightly and released in October 1995 while work continued on issues that were
balloted and released in 2000.
The document is cited in two sections of the U.S. federal regulations pertaining to offshore and loading
platforms and preliminary discussions have proposed that it be adopted in other areas such as Parts 22
and 27 of Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations for mines and the parts of the National Electrical
Code pertaining to equipment in hazardous locations.
The British Standards Institute issued EN50054 - Electrical Apparatus for the Detection and Measurement
of Combustible Gases general requirements and test methods - in 1991 which supersedes the withdrawn
BS 6020 which was issued in 1981. The associated documents EN50055 and EN50056 cover
performance requirements for mines products indicating up to 5% by volume and 100% by volume
methane. EN50057 and EN50058 document performance requirements for group II (non-mines)
apparatus indicating up to 100% LEL and 100% by volume respectively.
The Australian Standard 2275 is titled Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres - Combustible
Gas Detection Instruments. Part 1 is General Requirements for Explosion Protection of Electrical
Apparatus and Systems. Part 2 is Performance Requirements. UL 1484 and BS 7348 are residential
combustible gas detector standards and BS 6959 is a recommended practice for non-mines combustible
gas detector applications. These documents are slightly outside the main focus of the SP12.13
In the United States, a subcommittee of the ISA (the Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society -
formerly known as the Instrument Society of America) is working to support users and manufacturers of
combustible gas detectors. The SP12.13 (Performance Requirements for Combustible Gas Detectors)
subcommittee is a subcommittee of ISA’s SP12 (Electrical Equipment for Hazardous Locations)
committee. In turn, the ISA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a
standard writing body and provides technical advisory groups to ANSI. Also, ANSI established the
United States National Committee of the IEC, which serves as the ANSI sponsored, U.S. electrotechnical
industry supported and staffed, interface with its international parent organization the International
Electrotechnical Commission - IEC. The USNC also serves as the U.S. electrotechnical industry interface
with the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization - CENELEC, the Pacific Area
Standards Congress – PASC, the Pan American Standards Commission - COPANT, and the Council for
Harmonization of Electrotechnical Standardization of North America - CANENA. For those not familiar
with the IEC, it could be considered the sister organization to ISO. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the
IEC handles all topics pertaining to electrotechnical devices and ISO handles everything else. In short,
the SP12.13 subcommittee serves as the technical advisory group (TAG) to the U.S. National Committee
of the IEC. Other organizations throughout the world include subcommittees similar to SP12.13 (for
example CENELEC TC 31-9 in Europe and subcommittees in Australia, South Africa and others).
The purpose of the SP12.13 subcommittee is “to actively monitor applications, be a source for technical
information, and prepare documents as needed to improve minimum performance of combustible gas
detection instruments.” The scope of the subcommittee includes:
Preparing standards and recommended practices for performance, installation, operation, and
maintenance of combustion gas detection instruments.
Promoting current technology for proper use and maintenance to enhance safety of hazardous areas.
The types of instruments and applications that the subcommittee is involved with are those involving
industrial safety and do not include residential monitors or process analysis equipment.
The subcommittee maintains a balance between users, manufacturers, and others (government
agencies, third party test labs, etc.) in accordance with ISA and ANSI requirements, although this is not
necessary at the subcommittee level. The group meets formally twice a year in conjunction with SP12
The ISA SP92 subcommittee is involved with detectors of oxygen and toxic gases.
The ANSI/ISA S12.13 part I performance standard as mentioned earlier in this text.
The document is cited in two sections of the U.S. federal regulations pertaining to offshore and loading
platforms and preliminary discussions have been started to propose that it be adopted in other areas such
as Parts 22 and 27 of Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations for mines and the parts of the National
Electrical code pertaining to equipment in hazardous locations.
The RP 12.13 part II recommended practice was last issued in 1987 and should have been reaffirmed in
1997, but recommended practices are not as firm as standards on review rules. The first section had
been placed into electronic media in preparation for editing, but we decided that we would adopt the IEC
guide when it issues. The remainder of the document (Bureau of Mines 627) and Bureau of Mines 680
were released as technical reports as they contain very useful information pertaining to flame and
explosion hazards.
Edition 1 of the IEC 31L performance standard (61779-1 through 5) was approved and published in 1998.
Work to generate the U.S. version has been completed with National Deviations in ANSI/ISA-12.13.01-
Some of the technical issues related to existing and new technologies continue to be debated by SP12.13
for clarifications or adjustment of testing procedures, but several more significant issues are worth
By subjecting some gas detectors to radio or electromagnetic interference or electrostatic discharge, one
could cause the apparatus to go into alarm or stop functioning all together. Many older standards either
do not include requirements, or the requirements are considered to be inadequate. The present version of
ANSI/ISA-12.13.01-2002 requires only that the apparatus indication not vary by more than 10% when a 5-
watt radio is transmitting 1 meter away at two frequencies. Most committee members agree that the
requirements should include a sweep of frequencies and that the field strength should be specified rather
than the power rating of a radio because the resulting field depends on the efficiency of the last stage and
antenna of the radio. Also, with the introduction of more communications products, wider frequencies
need to be considered. Because more stringent requirements are likely to add cost to the products, care
is being taken to propose only minimum EMI requirements that will satisfy most applications.
The subcommittee had developed a matrix of available EMI standards that could be cited, but this leaves
the task of identifying the adequate test conditions and acceptance criteria. Another reference being
considered is EN50270-1999. Manufacturers of communications equipment are being polled for
information on expected field characteristics in the typical user’s environment.
IR technology response
The introduction of infrared gas detectors brought with it improved long-term stability, but also slightly
longer step recovery times on some models. This is because the sensor does not promote diffusion of
the gas to the sensor surface as in catalytic sensors and because the sensor signal is non-linear. Some
manufacturers propose that recovery time requirements should be relaxed in order to allow users to take
advantage of lower maintenance costs and sensor poison resistance of IR sensors. Another important
detail is that IR sensors do not detect hydrogen, but this is not a concern in most applications.
Open path
Open path monitors measure hydrocarbon concentrations over a fixed distance. The application of this
technology for safety monitoring is debated because there could be a high concentration at one point on
the path and none along the rest of the path, resulting in a low indication when in fact, a hazard exists.
Others note that part of the open path question is similar to that of how many point detectors are needed
to insure safety.
The question being debated here is if it is wise to allow for approval of components of gas detection
systems that could be matched with other components selected by the user. Detector heads might only
contain the sensor, or could include additional electronics, which might require more testing. When the
user matches these components with control units or data acquisition systems, the complete system is
not guaranteed to perform within stated requirements.
With the increasing use of microprocessors and software in apparatus, subcommittee members have
voiced concern that the gas detector standards should include requirements that will assure software
quality. Also, should the standard prohibit connection of safety devices on same bus with non-safety
components? Existing documents being considered include UL1998, prEN50271, ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996,
and IEC 61508.
In many cases, harmonization and use of mutual recognition agreements between third party test labs will
likely increase the amount of testing and cost associated with certifying a detector with one lab. However,
because the one certificate would be accepted throughout the world, overall cost will be lower for those
companies that address the world market. The users benefit because they can buy detectors from
manufacturers anywhere in the world and be assured of product quality by citing the IEC standards.
Guidance for the selection, installation, use and maintenance of gas detecting apparatus are set out in
IEC Publication 61779-6 ANSI/ISA-RP12.13.02 (IEC 61779-6 Mod).
1 General
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod) specifies general
requirements for construction and testing and describes the test methods that apply to portable,
transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour
concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres (see 2.1.8 2.1.3) and in mines susceptible to firedamp. This document is supplemented by
the following parts, concerning the specific requirements for performance of the various types of
Part 2: Performance requirements for group I (mines) apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction of 5 %
methane in air
Part 3: Performance requirements for group I (mines) apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction of 100
% methane in air
Part 4: Performance requirements for group II (non-mining) apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction
of 100% lower explosive limit
Part 5: Performance requirements for group II (non-mining) apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction
of 100% gas
NOTE 1 IEC 61779-1 Part 1 of ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod), in association with the parts referred to above, is
intended to provide for the supply of apparatus giving a level of safety and performance suitable for general-purpose applications.
However, for specific applications a prospective purchaser (or an appropriate authority) may additionally require apparatus to be
submitted to particular tests or approval. For example, group I apparatus (i.e. apparatus to be used in mines susceptible to
firedamp) may not be permitted to be used without the additional and prior approval of the relevant authority in mines under its
jurisdiction. Such particular tests/approval are to be regarded as additional to and separate from the provisions of the standards
referred to above and do not preclude certification to or compliance with these standards.
NOTE 2 Group I and Group II apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction of 100% methane and group II apparatus indicating up
to a volume fraction of 100% gas are suitable for use only with the specific gases for which they have been calibrated.
NOTE 3 For the purpose of this document, the terms "lower flammable limit (LFL)" and "lower explosive limit (LEL)" are deemed to
be synonymous, and likewise the terms "upper flammable limit (UFL)" and "upper explosive limit (UEL)" are deemed to be
synonymous. For ease of reference, the two abbreviations LFL and UFL may be used hereinafter to denote these two sets of terms.
It should be recognized that particular authorities having jurisdiction may have overriding requirements that dictate the use of one of
these sets of terms and not the other.
NOTE 4 For the purpose of this document, the terms “explosive gas atmosphere” and “flammable gas atmosphere” are deemed to
be synonymous.
1.1.2 This document is applicable when an apparatus manufacturer makes any claims regarding any
special features of construction or superior performance that exceed these minimum requirements. All
such claims shall be verified and the test procedures shall be extended or supplemented where
necessary to verify the claimed performance. The additional tests shall be agreed between the
manufacturer and test laboratory.
1.1.3 This document is applicable to flammable gas detection apparatus intended to provide an
indication, alarm or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of potential explosion
hazard and in some cases to initiate automatic or manual protective action(s).
1.1.4 This document is applicable to apparatus, including the integral sampling systems of aspirated
apparatus, intended to be used for commercial and industrial (non-residential) safety applications.
1.1.5 This document does not apply to external sampling systems, or to apparatus of laboratory or
scientific type, or to apparatus used only for process control purposes. It also does not apply to open
path (line of sight) area monitors (refer to CENELEC prEN 50241-1 and prEN 50241-2, February 1996).
For apparatus used for sensing the presence of multiple gases, this document applies only to the portion
sensing the presence of flammable gas or vapor.
The following normative documents contain provisions, which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod). At the time of
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and
parties to agreements based on this part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod)
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative
documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International
Standards. ANSI maintains registers of currently valid U.S. National Standards.
IEC 60050(351): 1975, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) — Chapter 351: Automatic control
ANSI/ISA-12.00.01-2002 (IEC 60079-0 Mod): 1983, Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zones 0 & 1
Hazardous (Classified) Locations: explosive gas atmospheres Part 0: General requirements.
ANSI/ISA-12.22.01-2002 (IEC 60079-1 Mod): 1990, Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1
Hazardous (Classified) Locations: explosive gas atmospheres Part 1: Construction and verification test
of flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus Type of Protection – Flameproof “d”.
IEC 60079-2: 1983, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 2: Electrical apparatus
type of protection “p” NFPA 496-1998 Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical
ANSI/ISA-12.25.01-1998 (IEC 60079-5 Mod): 1967, Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1
Hazardous (Classified) Locations: explosive gas atmospheres Part 5: Sand filled apparatus Type of
Protection – Powder Filling “q”.
ANSI/ISA-12.26.01-1998 (IEC 60079-6 Mod): 1995, Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1
Hazardous (Classified) Locations: explosive gas atmospheres Part 6: Type of Protection – Oil
immersion "o".
ANSI/ISA-12.16.01-2002 (IEC 60079-7 Mod): 1990, Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1
Hazardous (Classified) Locations: explosive gas atmospheres Part 7: Type of Protection – Increased
safety "e".
ANSI/ISA-TR12.24.01-1998 (IEC 60079-10 Mod): 1995, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas
atmospheres Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas Recommended Practice for Classification of
Locations for Electrical Installations Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2.
ANSI/ISA-12.02.01-2002 (IEC 60079-11 Mod): 1991, Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zones 0, 1,
and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: explosive gas atmospheres Part 11: Type of Protection –
Intrinsic safety "i".
IEC 60079-13: 1982, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 13: Construction and
use of rooms or buildings protected by pressurization.
IEC 60079-14: 1984, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 14: Electrical
installations in explosive gas atmospheres (other than mines).
ANSI/ISA-12.12.01-2000, Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and
Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations. IEC 60079-15: 1987, Electrical apparatus
for explosive gas atmospheres Part 15: Electrical apparatus, with Type of Protection "n"
ANSI/ISA-12.23.01-2002 (IEC 60079-18 Mod): 1992, Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1
Hazardous (Classified) Locations: explosive gas atmospheres Part 18: Type of Protection –
Encapsulation "m".
IEC 60079-19: 1993, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 19: Repair and overhaul
for apparatus used in explosive atmospheres (other than mines or explosives).
IEC 60079-20: 1996, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 20: Data for flammable
gases and vapours, relating to the use of electrical apparatus. NFPA 497-1997, Recommended Practice
for the Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, Vapors and of Hazardous (Classified) Locations for
Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas.
IEC 801-1: 1984 61000-4-1: 1992, Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Part 1: General introduction
IEC 801-3: 1984 61000-4-3: 1995, Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Part 3: Radiated electromagnetic field requirements
IEC 801-4: 1988 61000-4-4: 1995, Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement and
ISO 2738: 1987, Permeable sintered metal materials Determination of density, oil content, and open
ISO 4003: 1977, Permeable sintered metal materials Determination of bubble-test-pore size
ISO 4022: 1987, Permeable sintered metal materials Determination of fluid permeability
ISO 6142: 1981, Gas analysis Preparation of calibration gas mixtures Weighing methods
ISO 6145-1: 1986, Gas analysis Preparation of calibration gas mixtures Dynamic volumetric
methods Part 1: Methods of calibration
ISO 6145-3: 1986, Gas analysis Preparation of calibration gas mixtures Dynamic volumetric
methods Part 3: Periodic injections into a flowing gas stream
ISO 6145-4: 1986, Gas analysis Preparation of calibration gas mixtures Dynamic volumetric
methods Part 4: Continuous injection method
ISO 6145-6: 1986, Gas analysis Preparation of calibration gas mixtures Dynamic volumetric
methods Part 6: Sonic orifices
ISO 6147: 1979, Gas analysis Preparation of calibration gas mixtures Saturation method
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod), and of the
standards listed in 1.1.1, the following definitions apply:
NOTE 1 This definition specifically excludes dusts and fibers in suspension in air. Mists are not covered by this document.
NOTE 2 Although a mixture that has a concentration above the upper flammable limit (see 2.1.9) is not an explosive atmosphere,
in certain cases for area classification purposes, it is advisable to consider it as an explosive gas atmosphere.
NOTE 3 Normal atmospheric conditions include variations above and below the reference levels of 101,3 kPa and 20 °C provided
the variations have a negligible effect on the explosive properties of the flammable materials.
2.1.4 firedamp:
flammable gas, consisting mainly of methane, found naturally in mines.
NOTE For the purpose of this document the term "flammable gas" includes flammable vapours.
2.2.5 fixed apparatus:
apparatus that which is intended to have all parts permanently installed at a given location.
a) a hand-held apparatus, typically less than 1 kg, suitable for one-handed single-handed operation;
without accessories (such as sampling probes, sample lines), fitted,
b) personal monitors, similar in size and mass to the hand-held apparatus, that are continuously
operating (but not necessarily continuously sensing) while they are attached to the user; and
c) another larger apparatus that can be operated by the user while it is carried either suspended by
hand, or by means of a shoulder strap or by a carrying harness; it and which may or may not have a
hand directed probe
2.3 Sensors
2.3.2 sensor:
assembly in which the sensing element is housed and which that may also contain associated circuit
2.4.1 sample line:
pipeline by a means by of which the gas being sampled is conveyed to the sensor.
2.6 Times
2.6.1 drift:
variation in the apparatus indication with time, at any fixed gas concentration level (including clean air).
2.6.5 stabilization:
state when three successive readings of an apparatus, taken at two minute intervals, indicates no
changes greater than ±1 % of the measuring range.
2.7 Miscellaneous
3 General requirements
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Apparatus shall comply with both the requirements of this document and the appropriate part(s)
listed in 1.1.1.
Where an apparatus manufacturer makes any claims regarding any special features of construction or
superior performance that exceed these minimum requirements, all such claims shall be verified and the
test procedures shall be extended or supplemented where necessary to verify the claimed performance.
3.1.2 Electrical assemblies and components shall comply with the construction and test requirements
of 3.2, 3.5, and Clause 4, where applicable. In addition, parts of the flammable gas detection apparatus
intended for use in hazardous areas shall employ materials and comply to the construction and explosion
protection as specified in the appropriate parts listed in 1.1.1 and in the appropriate standards of IEC
60079. The appropriate standards are as follows:
NOTE The requirements for pressurization can be found within ANSI/NFPA 496, “Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical
Equipment” along with additional guidance in ISA-RP12.4, “Pressurized Enclosures”.
IEC 60079-13
3.1.3 For group I apparatus any electrical circuits to be installed in the same area as the sensor,
including those within the sensor, shall be intrinsically safe ("ia"); the sensing elements shall be
intrinsically safe, or their enclosures shall comply with the safety requirements specified in 1.1.1.
3.1.4 In the design of software-controlled apparatus, special account shall be taken of the risks arising
from faults in the program.
NOTE No specific test requirements have been developed, but they are under consideration. When sufficient information is
available, a new IEC work item proposal will be initiated.
3.2 Construction
3.2.1 General
Gas detection apparatus or parts thereof (e.g. remote sensors) specifically intended for use in the
presence of corrosive vapours or gases, or which may produce corrosive byproducts as a result of the
detection process (e.g., catalytic oxidation or other chemical process) shall be constructed of materials
known to be resistant to corrosion by such substances.
All materials and components used in the construction of the apparatus shall be used within the
manufacturer's ratings or limitations, unless otherwise specified by appropriate safety standards. For alarm-only apparatus or apparatus where the resolution of the readout device is inadequate
to demonstrate compliance with this document, the manufacturer shall identify suitable points for
connecting indicating or recording devices for the purpose of testing the compliance of the apparatus with
this document. The indication on the readout device shall not contradict the results obtained by additional
indicating or recording devices. Where a readout device is inadequate in this way, it shall be of sufficient quality as not to
contradict the results obtained by additional indicating or recording devices.
--``,,```,,,`,`,`,```````,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- If apparatus has more than one measuring range, the range selected shall be clearly identified. If individual coloured indicating lights are provided, they shall be coloured as follows:
a) alarms indicating the presence of a gas concentration above an alarm set point shall be coloured
RED; In addition to the colour requirements, the indicator lights shall be adequately labeled to show
their functions.
--``,,```,,,`,`,`,```````,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Continuous-duty apparatus
If alarm devices, output contacts, or alarm signal outputs are provided as part of fixed or continuous duty
portable apparatus and are intended to operate when a potentially hazardous gas concentration is
detected, they shall be of a latching type requiring a deliberate manual action to reset. Where the outputs
are connected to an integrated or auxiliary system the means of latching and resetting may be
incorporated into these systems. If two or more set or alarm positions are provided, the lower may be
nonlatching - based on user preference.
Alarm devices provided as part of gas detection apparatus shall not be set to operate above 60% LFL.
NOTE 1 For other group II apparatus, it is recommended that alarm devices should be set to operate at a gas volume ratio not
higher than 60% LFL.
NOTE 2 In addition, it is also permissible to fit group II apparatus with an alarm designed to indicate when full scale has been
exceeded and which therefore is set to operate at 100% LFL.
Fixed and transportable apparatus shall provide a fault signal in the event of failure of power to the
apparatus, loss of continuity in one or more of the wires to any sensor, or loss of electrical continuity of
any gas-sensing system. A short circuit or open circuit in connections to any sensor shall be indicated by
a fault signal.
a) fixed and transportable apparatus an integral flow-indicating device that produces a fault signal in
the event of flow failure;
3.2.5 Adjustments
The adjustments of the zero and signal amplification shall be so designed that adjustment of one will not
affect the other.
Apparatus powered with integral batteries shall be provided with an indication of low battery condition,
and the nature and purpose of this indication shall be explained in the manual (see 3.4 j). All
battery-powered apparatus shall be so constructed that, when tested according to 4.4.19, it shall comply
with the requirements of the appropriate parts of this document listed in 1.1.1.
3.2.7 Stand-alone gas detection apparatus for use with separate control units General
3.2.7 includes apparatus that provide a conditioned electronic signal or output indication intended to be
used with stand-alone control units, separate signal processing, data acquisition, central monitoring or
other similar systems which typically process information from various locations and sources including,
but not limited to, gas detection instrumentation.
A specification shall be supplied with the apparatus that describes the relationship the gas concentration
(detected by the apparatus) has with the corresponding output signal or indication (transfer function).
Such specification shall be detailed to the extent that the accuracy of this transfer function can be verified.
As a minimum, the manufacturer shall provide data showing the relationship between the output signal
and the gas concentrations corresponding to 0, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of full-scale output
indication. Full-scale output shall also be as specified by the manufacturer.
Where necessary, equipment shall be provided by the manufacturer to interpret the output signal or
indication, which will enable the accuracy of the transfer function to be verified. Tests
Stand alone gas detection apparatus shall be tested to the requirements of 4.4.2 through 4.4.13, 4.4.15,
4.4.16, 4.4.18, 4.4.20, 4.4.21, 4.4.22 and 4.4.25 using the parameters of the transfer function.
3.2.8 Separate control units for use with stand-alone gas detection apparatus General
3.2.8 includes those apparatus to be used with stand-alone gas detection apparatus (as defined in 3.2.7)
to complete a "performance evaluated" combustible gas detection system.
--``,,```,,,`,`,`,```````,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Tests
The control units shall be tested to the requirements of 4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.4.6, 4.4.7, 4.4.13, 4.4.20, 4.4.21
and 4.4.25 using the parameters of the transfer function pertinent to the specific type of gas detector.
The apparatus shall comply with the marking requirements contained in the relevant standards covering
electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres referred to in 3.1.2, as applicable.
The apparatus shall be marked with the number of the IEC 60079 “ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 Part x”, where x
represents the applicable part(s) standard (i.e. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, or part 5) with which the
performance is claimed to comply. The marking shall be adjacent to that required by the standards
referred to in 3.1.2. Where the apparatus incorporates flame arresting devices complying with 3.5 of this
standard, the marking shall include the symbol “s” in accordance with 25.6 of IEC 60079-0.
All equipment and protective systems shall be marked legibly and indelibly with the following minimum
b) certification marking;
g) for portables apparatus indicating 0-100% LFL, the specific marking "CAUTION — OFF-SCALE
Fixed Group II apparatus with remote sensors shall carry a label on each sensor, indicating the calibration
Each apparatus shall be provided with an instruction manual that includes the following information:
a) complete instructions, drawings and diagrams for safe and proper operation, installation and servicing
of the apparatus;
c) recommendations for initial checking and calibration of the apparatus on a routine basis, including
instructions for the use of the field calibration kit, if provided (see also Clause 5);
NOTE Users are referred to IEC 61779-6 ANSI/ISA-RP12.13.02 (IEC 61779-6 Mod).
1) Gases for which the apparatus is suitable and the relative sensitivities of the instrument to these
2) Information that describes the sensitivities to other gases to which the apparatus is responsive
3) Temperature limits
4) Humidity ranges
7) Battery data
8) Pressure limits
e) details of storage life and limitations for apparatus, replacement parts, and accessories, including,
where applicable, the following:
1) Temperature
2) Humidity
3) Time
4) Pressure
f) the bases used for converting test and calibration gas concentrations from % LFL to % volume
g) information on the adverse effects of poisons and interfering gases or substances and
oxygen-enriched or deficient atmospheres on the proper performance (and, in the case of
oxygen-enriched atmospheres, on electrical safety) of the apparatus;
h) for aspirated apparatus, indication of the minimum and maximum flow rates and pressure; also,
tubing type, maximum length and size for proper operation;
i) for aspirated apparatus, instructions for ensuring that the sample lines are intact and that proper flow
is established (see 3.2.4);
j) statements of the nature and significance of all alarms and fault signals, the duration of such alarms
and signals (if time-limited or non-latching) and any provisions that may be made for silencing or
resetting such alarms and signals, as applicable;
k) details of any method for determination of the possible sources of a malfunction and any corrective
procedures (i.e. trouble-shooting procedures);
l) a statement that alarm devices, outputs, or contacts are of the non-latching types, where applicable
m) for battery-operated apparatus, installation, and maintenance instructions for the batteries;
o) where optional accessories (e.g. collecting cones, weather-protecting devices) are supplied, the
manufacturer shall list them and state their effects on the instrument characteristics (e.g. including
response time and sensitivity) and provide means for identification of these (e.g. part numbers
included in manual);
q) the storage life and recommended storage conditions for replacement parts and accessories, where
r) where the special nature of the apparatus (such as non-linear responses) requires additional
instructions or special information that are alternative to, or in addition to, the requirements of 3.3 and
3.4 a) to q), the instructions or information shall be provided.
4 Test methods
4.1 Introduction
The test methods and procedures described in 4.2 to 4.4 are intended as a basis for establishing whether
the apparatus conforms with the supplementary requirements for performance given in the appropriate
part of this document listed in 1.1.1. For the purpose of type testing, the tests shall be carried out on one apparatus. Another
apparatus may be used for tests according to The apparatus shall be subjected to all of the tests applicable to that type of apparatus as
described in 4.4. The test sequence detailed below shall be followed. However, test items 4) and 5) may
be carried out to a schedule agreed upon between the manufacturer and the test laboratory.
One apparatus shall successfully complete all the tests, 1) to 7) inclusive. Another apparatus may be
used for tests 8) and 9).
4) Mechanical
Vibration (4.4.13)
Drop test (4.4.14)
6) Orientation (4.4.12)
7) Climatic
Temperature (4.4.7)
Pressure (4.4.8)
Humidity (4.4.9)
Air velocity (4.4.10)
8) Stability
Long-term tests for continuous-duty apparatus ( through
9) Environmental
High gas concentration (4.4.18)
Dust (4.4.23)
Poisons (4.4.24) Tests shall also be carried out, where applicable, to ensure that apparatus satisfies the
construction requirements of 3.2. The requirements for these tests are generally self-evident, except that
for short-circuit requirements in 3.2.4, ballast resistors shall be substituted for each wire connecting the
instrument to any remote sensor. The values of these resistors shall be those declared in the instruction
manual (see 3.4 d)) to be the maximum lead resistances allowing satisfactory compliance with the
document. The device used for the short circuit shall be of negligible resistance and shall be applied to
convenient points in the circuit, at the sensor ends of the ballast resistors. For apparatus having more than one selectable range or scale for the same or different gases
or vapours, each range shall be tested. For the second and subsequent ranges, the necessary amount of
testing shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the test laboratory.
The apparatus shall be prepared and mounted as nearly as possible as for typical service, in accordance
with the instruction manual including all necessary interconnections, initial adjustments, and initial
calibrations. Adjustments may be made, where appropriate, at the beginning of each test.
For the purpose of the tests in 4.4, where reference is made to exposure of the sensor to the test
conditions, the entire remote sensor (including any or all normally attached protective mechanical
parts) shall be exposed.
For apparatus having connection facilities for more than one remote sensor, only one remote sensor
needs to be subjected to the tests. The replacement of all but one sensor by "dummy" impedance
yielding the worst case load conditions for the respective test shall be permitted. The worst case-load
conditions shall be determined by the testing laboratory within the limits specified in the instruction
manual (see 3.4 d)).
For apparatus having remote sensor(s), all tests shall be performed with resistances (with
temperature coefficients similar to those of the recommended interconnecting wire) connected in the
detector circuit to simulate the maximum line resistance specified by the apparatus producer, except
where minimum line resistance offers a more stringent test in the judgment of the test laboratory.
The entire apparatus shall be exposed to the test conditions without removal of any normally attached
parts, including any sampling probe for tests 4.4.11, 4.4.15, 4.4.16 and 4.4.17.
c) Alarm-only apparatus
For alarm-only apparatus, readings shall be taken using an external meter connected to the test
points described in
In all cases Unless otherwise noted, optional parts shall be either attached or removed according to which
condition will give the most unfavorable result (at the discretion of the testing laboratory) for the test being
When a mask is used for calibration or the injection of test gas into the sensor, the design and operation
of the mask used by the testing laboratory in particular the pressure and velocity inside the mask
shall not inadmissibly influence the response of the apparatus or the results obtained.
NOTE It is recommended that the testing laboratory should consult with the manufacturer in determining the design of the
calibration mask. The manufacturer may provide a suitable calibration mask together with details of suggested pressure or flow for
application of calibration gases with the apparatus.
4.3.1 General
The test conditions specified in 4.3.2 to 4.3.10 shall be used for all tests unless otherwise stated.
The flammable gas(es) to be used in a mixture with clean air for initial and all subsequent tests shall be
selected in accordance with a) or b) below.
a) Methane for apparatus intended for sensing methane or firedamp, or intended for general-purpose
flammable gas detection that includes the detection of methane.
b) The actual specific gas or a representative gas for apparatus intended for sensing a specific
flammable gas or a specific family of chemically similar flammable gases.
NOTE This gas or vapour will normally be the test gas recommended by the manufacturer.
For all the other gases for which the apparatus is deemed to be suitable, the calibration curves and
response times shall be supplied by the manufacturer and a representative sample verified by the testing
NOTE 1 For the purpose of this document, where it is appropriate to use zero gas rather than clean air, references to clean air
may be regarded as references to zero gas.
NOTE 2 The gas mixture may be prepared by any suitable method, for example, in accordance with the methods outlined in ISO
6142, 6145, 6146 or 6147.
NOTE 3 Where vapours are used, the volume ratio of the standard test gas should be known to an uncertainty of ±2 %.
a) for group I apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction of 5 % methane: equivalent range of either a
volume fraction of (1.5 ± 0.15) % or a volume fraction of (2.0 ± 0.2) %, as agreed between the
manufacturer and the testing laboratory;
b) for other group I and all group II apparatus: 45% to 55% of measuring range, wherever possible, not
within the explosive range;
c) the volume ratios shall be known to an accuracy of ±2% of the gas concentration.
When the apparatus is exposed to the test gases, including air, the flow rate of the gas shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
NOTE For apparatus that samples by diffusion, either a calibration mask in accordance with 4.2.3 or a test chamber may be used
(see also Annex B).
4.3.5 Voltage
b) Battery-powered apparatus shall, for short-term tests, be equipped with new or fully charged batteries
at the commencement of each series of tests. For long-term testing, it is permissible to energize the
unit from a stabilized power supply.
The ambient air and test gas shall be held at a constant temperature ±2°C within the range of 15°C to
25°C throughout the duration of each test.
4.3.7 Pressure
Generally, tests shall be performed at ambient atmospheric pressures ±1 kPa. However, for instruments
susceptible to pressure variations, the influence of pressure changes shall be taken into account, using
the results of the pressure test (4.4.8).
4.3.8 Humidity
The tests shall be performed in ambient air having a relative humidity (RH) controlled to within ±10% RH
over the range 30% to 70% throughout each test except for tests 4.4.2, 4.4.7 and 4.4.9.
In each instance, where the apparatus is subjected to a different test condition, the apparatus shall be
allowed to stabilize under these new conditions before measurements are taken.
4.3.10 Orientation
For apparatus having serial or parallel communications options, tests in 4.4.3 and 4.4.16 shall be
performed with all communication ports connected to test apparatus which initiates the maximum
transaction rate, cabling and activity level specified by the instrument’s manufacturer.
For gas detection apparatus which are part of systems, tests in 4.4.3 and 4.4.16 shall be performed with
the maximum system communications transaction rate and activity level which would result from the
largest and most complex system configuration permitted by the manufacturer.
4.4.1 General
The following tests shall be performed in accordance with 4.3 unless otherwise stated. All tests shall be
performed. At the end of each test, indications shall be taken in both clean air and in the standard test
gas unless otherwise stated. The values of the indications used for verification of compliance with the
performance parts of this document listed in 1.1.1 shall be the final indications (see 2.6.2) of both the
clean air and standard test-gas readings, unless otherwise stated.
All parts of the apparatus shall be exposed sequentially to the following conditions in clean air only:
The above temperatures may be varied only after agreement has been reached between the
manufacturer and testing laboratory. Where temperatures other than those listed above are used, they
shall be listed in the certification documents.
The apparatus shall be calibrated and adjustments shall be carried out, if needed, to obtain correct
indications in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction manual.
For apparatus having more than one selectable range or scale for the same or different gases or vapours,
the necessary amount of testing shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the test laboratory.
The apparatus shall be exposed to the gas selected in accordance with 4.3.2, at four volume ratios evenly
distributed over the measuring range, starting with the lowest and finishing with the highest of the
selected volume ratios. This operation shall be carried out three times consecutively.
For group II apparatus, the accuracies of the response curves or correction charts provided in the
manufacturer's manual shall be checked by measuring the response for gases which are representative
of each gas family at a minimum of three different points spread evenly between 20% and 100% of the
measuring range to verify response characteristics.
The apparatus shall be operated in clean air continuously for a period of 1 h. during which, at
approximately 10 min intervals, the apparatus shall be exposed to the standard test gas until stabilized.
Indications in air and standard test gas shall be taken for each exposure (six applications).
The apparatus shall be operated in clean air continuously for a period of four weeks, and shall be
exposed to the standard test gas for an 8 h period at weekly intervals over the four-week period.
Indications shall be taken prior to the application of, after stabilization on and prior to removal of the
standard test gas.
The apparatus shall be operated in clean air continuously for a period of 8 h per day over a four-week
period. The apparatus shall be exposed to the standard test gas for 1 h during each operating period.
Indications shall be taken prior to the application of, after stabilization on, and prior to removal of the
standard test gas.
The apparatus shall be operated continuously in clean air for a period of three months. At the end of
every two weeks over the three-month period, the apparatus shall be exposed to the standard test gas
until stabilized. Indications shall be taken prior to both the application and removal of the standard test
At the end of the first test cycle, the apparatus shall be exposed to the standard test gas for an 8 h period.
Indications shall be taken prior to the application of, after stabilization and prior to removal of the standard
test gas.
The apparatus shall be operated in clean air continuously for a period of 8 h per day over a four-week
period. The apparatus shall be exposed to the standard test gas, until stabilized, once during each
operating period. Indications shall be taken prior to the application of, after stabilization and prior to
removal of the standard test gas. Group I spot-reading apparatus indicating up to 5 % (v/v) methane and all group Group II
spot-reading apparatus
The apparatus shall be exposed to clean air for 1 min followed by standard test gas for 1 min. The
operation shall be repeated 200 times. The final indication will be taken in clean air and the standard test
gas after stabilization at the end of the test.
The apparatus shall be exposed to clean air for 1 min, followed by standard test gas for 1 min. The
operation shall be repeated 200 times. The final indication will be taken in clean air and the standard test
gas after stabilization at the end of the 200 operations.
NOTE For these tests, the apparatus may be powered by an external supply.
a) externally adjustable means of setting either one or more alarm set points, or
the activation of such alarms by gas at the appropriate set-point values shall be verified by using test
gas/air mixtures in the following manner:
a) for apparatus of type a) with a single alarm set point, the alarm shall be set to a point equivalent to
90% volume ratio of the standard test gas. For apparatus of type a) with more than one alarm set
point, as many as possible of the alarms shall be set separately to 90% of the volume ratio of the
standard test gas, the alarm shall activate following application of the standard test gas;
b) for apparatus of type b) where the pre-set alarm point is in the range 70% to 90% of the volume ratio
of the standard test gas, the alarm shall activate following application of the standard test gas;
c) for other apparatus of types a) and b), for each alarm that has a set point below 70% or above 90% of
the volume ratio of the standard test gas, the alarm shall be set as near as possible to 90% of the
volume ratio of the standard test gas and the sensor shall be exposed to a gas/air mixture equivalent
to (120 ± 10)% of the volume ratio corresponding to the individual alarm set point. The alarm shall
activate following application of this gas.
In all cases, the test gas shall be applied until either the alarm(s) actuate(s) or twice t(90), whichever is
4.4.7 Temperature
This test shall be performed in a temperature chamber with the capability of holding the sensor or
apparatus at the specified temperature within ±2°C. When the apparatus (or the portion under test ) has
reached the temperature specified in the parts of this document listed in 1.1.1, as appropriate, the sensor
shall be exposed sequentially to air and the standard test gas, which shall be at the same temperature as
the atmosphere in the test chamber. The dew point of the air or the standard test gas shall be below the
lowest temperature of the test chamber and kept constant during the test.
4.4.8 Pressure
The effects of pressure variation shall be observed by placing the sensor or apparatus (including the
aspirator for aspirated apparatus) in a test chamber that permits the pressure of clean air and of the
standard test gas to be varied.
The pressure shall be maintained at the specified levels for 5 min, before a reading is accepted or a test
is made. Readings shall be taken with clean air or standard test gas respectively.
4.4.9 Humidity
Air with three different humidities evenly distributed over the range specified shall separately be supplied
to the sensor using a temperature chamber or test mask. The procedure shall then be repeated with
standard test gases with humidities over the ranges specified. The relative humidity levels shall be known
to within ±3% RH.
The concentration of the gas of interest shall be held constant, or due allowance of changes in its
concentration by dilution in water shall be made. General
The effects of air speed over a range of 0 m/s to 6 m/s on apparatus with sensors that operate by
diffusion shall be determined using the test conditions given in
The separate sensors of apparatus with remote sensors and, when practicable, the entire apparatus if the
sensors are integral shall be tested in a flow chamber under no forced ventilation conditions and at a
speed of 6 m/s.
NOTE The flow chamber should be suitable for the application of clean air and standard test gas to meet the requirements of the
parts of this document listed in 1.1.1.
For apparatus having integral sensors too large to be tested in a flow chamber, other flow apparatus for
carrying out the test shall be permitted.
The orientation of the sensor in relation to the direction of the flow shall be such that the flow reaches the
apparatus from each of three mutually perpendicular directions, while the orientation of the apparatus is
kept constant.
NOTE 1 Directions of flow which are not likely to occur in practice, due to the design of the apparatus, or which are expressly
prohibited by the manufacturer shall not be tested.
NOTE 2 If there is one direction of flow for which the effect of air speed depends on whether the flow is incident or emergent with
respect to the sensor inlet (e.g. sintered metal plate), both cases shall be tested.
The apparatus flow rate shall be tested by varying the flow rate
a) from 130% of nominal flow rate or, if this is not possible, from the nominal flow rate,
b) to 50% of the nominal flow rate, or to the flow rate at which the failure alarm is set, if this is higher.
4.4.12 Orientation
The sensor, or the whole apparatus if relevant, shall be rotated through 360° in steps of 90° around each
of its three mutually perpendicular axes.
The sensor, or the apparatus having an integral sensor, shall be tested within the orientation limits stated
in the manufacturer's instructions, around each of the three mutually perpendicular axes, but with the
inclination of ±15° from the nominal orientation, if the manufacturer has stated orientation limits of ±15° or
4.4.13 Vibration
The vibration test machine shall consist of a vibrating table capable of producing a vibration of variable
frequency and variable constant excursion (or variable constant acceleration peak) with the test
apparatus mounted in place, as required by the following test procedure. Procedures The apparatus shall be energized and mounted on the vibration test machine and vibrated
successively in each of three mutually perpendicular planes parallel to the edges of the apparatus.
The alarm set point shall be set to no higher than 20% of full-scale range.
The apparatus shall be mounted on the vibration table in the same manner as intended for service use,
including any resilient mounts, carrier or holding devices that are provided as a standard part of the
The apparatus shall be vibrated over the frequency range specified at the excursion or constant
acceleration peak specified, for a period of 1 h in each of the three mutually perpendicular planes. The
rate of change of frequency shall not exceed 10 Hz/min.
--``,,```,,,`,`,`,```````,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Procedure 1
NOTE This procedure is also applicable for controllers where the detector head is integral with or directly attached to the
controller. Procedure 2
For control units intended to be installed remotely from the detector heads, the vibration shall be as
follows: At the conclusion of the test the sensor shall be exposed to clean air followed by the standard
test gas.
This test is applicable only to portable apparatus and separate sensors of fixed apparatus. If the
manufacturer recommends that the instrument shall be used in its carrying case, the test shall be carried
out with the case. While operating, the apparatus shall be released from a height of 1 m above a concrete surface
and allowed to free fall. The test required by shall be performed three separate times, the apparatus being
released each time with a different side (surface) facing down at the time of release. The apparatus shall be considered to have failed this test if it is obviously inoperative after the
NOTE Failures resulting from this test may not become apparent until subsequent required tests are conducted. The sensing portion of the apparatus shall first be subjected to clean air and subsequently be
subjected to the test gas.
The alarm set point shall be set to no higher than 20% of full-scale range.
The apparatus shall be switched off and left for 24 h in clean air. After the 24 h period, the apparatus
shall be switched on in clean air and the warm-up time measured.
Group I apparatus, except spot-reading apparatus, shall be switched off for a further 24 h in clean air.
After this period, the apparatus shall be exposed for 5 min to the standard test gas, then switched on in
the presence of the test gas and the warm-up time measured.
The apparatus shall be switched on in clean air and after an interval corresponding to at least two times
the warm-up time, as determined in accordance with 4.4.15, without switching off, the apparatus or the
sensor(s) shall be subjected to a step change from clean air to the standard test gas, which shall be
introduced by means of suitable equipment (see Annex B).
a) be subjected to a step change from clean air to the standard test gas, which shall be introduced by
means of suitable equipment (see Annex B),
b) following stabilization at the standard test gas, be subjected to a step change back to clean air.
Both the times of response t(50) and t(90) shall be measured in each direction (see 2.6.6).
The times of response shall apply to apparatus in the as supplied condition and without optional
accessories, e. g. collecting cones, weather protection, attached to the sensor for special purposes.
The standard test gas shall be applied to the apparatus simultaneously with the initiation of the
measurement procedure.
4.4.18 High-gas-concentration operation above the measuring range (applicable only to apparatus
indicating up to 5 % (v/v) methane or 100% LFL)
The entire apparatus, or the remote sensors of fixed or transportable apparatus, shall be subjected to the
tests given in and, using test apparatus that simulates a sudden exposure to gas
concentrations such as those described in Annex B.
--``,,```,,,`,`,`,```````,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Non-ambiguity test
The apparatus, or remote sensor, shall be subjected to a step change from clean air to a volume fraction
of 100% gas and shall be maintained in such gas for 2 min, or for the minimum time of operation when
testing spot-reading apparatus with an integral time cycle.
The apparatus shall be subjected to 50 cycles, each cycle being an exposure of a volume fraction of 50%
gas for the minimum time of operation, followed by exposure to clean air for the minimum time of
operation. Following the final cycle, five operations in clean air shall be made, each operation equivalent
to the minimum time of operation, and the apparatus shall then be subjected to the standard test gas.
The apparatus, or remote sensor, shall be subjected to a step change from clean air to a volume fraction
of 50% gas that shall be maintained for 3 min. The sensor shall then be subjected to clean air for 20 min,
followed by the standard test gas. With a battery fully charged at the beginning of the test, the apparatus shall be operated in
clean air for a total period of
b) 10 h, if not so fitted, or
At the end of the specified period, the apparatus is exposed to the standard test gas. The apparatus shall then continue to operate until an indication that the low battery condition
has been reached. The apparatus shall continue to operate for an additional 10 min. With the battery fully charged at the beginning of the test, the apparatus shall be operated in
clean air 200 times.
The duration of each operation shall be equal to the minimum time of operation; 1 min shall elapse
between each operation.
At the end of the 200 operations, the apparatus shall be exposed to the test gas. The cycle of operations shall then be continued until an indication that the low-battery
condition has been reached. The apparatus shall be operated for an additional 10 times. General
The apparatus shall be set up under normal conditions (see 4.3), at nominal supply voltage and, where
appropriate, rated frequency. For apparatus with remote sensors, the test shall be performed with both
maximum and minimum resistance of the interconnecting cable. It shall then be subjected to the tests
specified in and
The apparatus calibration shall be checked at both 115% and 80% of nominal supply voltage.
Where the manufacturer of the apparatus specifies a supply voltage range other than those specified in, the apparatus shall be tested at the upper and lower limits of the supply voltage specified by the
--``,,```,,,`,`,`,```````,````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- General
The apparatus shall be set up under normal conditions, in accordance with 4.3, and then shall be
subjected to the tests specified in to in clean air only.
The alarm set point should shall be set to no higher than 20% of full-scale range.
The power supply shall be interrupted for 10 ms, repeated 10 times at random time intervals having a
mean value of 10 s.
The apparatus shall be tested according to IEC 61000-4-4, test severity 2. The test procedure for type
tests performed in laboratories shall be used. The test duration shall be 1 min for each line or terminal to
be tested.
For a.c. and external d.c. powered apparatus, the power voltage shall be increased by 10%, maintained
at this value until the apparatus is stabilized, and then reduced to 15% below nominal voltage. Each step
change shall take place within 10 ms.
When it is intended to add a sampling probe, the apparatus shall first be calibrated using the standard
test gas without the sampling probe. The sampling probe shall then be added, and the test repeated.
4.4.23 Dust (for apparatus where the air is sampled by natural diffusion only)
The effect of dust shall be simulated by uniformly reducing the gas inlet area of the apparatus by 50%
before subjecting it to clean air or the standard test gas.
The apparatus shall be exposed to a volume fraction of 1 % methane in air mixture containing a volume
fraction of 10 ppm of hexamethydisiloxane and shall perform 40 min continuous operation for continuous
duty apparatus or 100 tests for spot reading apparatus. Certain materials that may be present in industrial atmospheres can lead to "poisoning" or other
undesirable effects which may result in a change of sensitivity of a gas sensor
NOTE — As improved tolerances to these materials are frequently claimed by manufacturers, evidence of the testing procedure
used to substantiate these claims and test results may be open to validation or verification by agreement between a purchaser, a
manufacturer, and a testing laboratory. Possible "poisoning" agents and their effects on sensor performance are discussed in draft
publication IEC 61779-6.
The apparatus shall be tested separately with the following gas mixtures:
The gas mixtures may be prepared by any suitable method. The tolerances on the volume ratio or each
component gas shall be within ±10 % of the nominal gas concentration.
The actual value of the methane volume ratio shall be known to be within ±2 % relative.
The apparatus, including the sensor and interconnecting wiring, shall be subjected to a test method used
in conducting EMC radiated susceptibility tests according to IEC 61000-4-1 and IEC 61000-4-3.
The test requirements shall be carried out with severity level 2; test field strength 3 V/m.
The alarm set point shall be set to no higher than 20% of full-scale range.
In the case of field systems with remote sensing where the control unit is intended for general purpose
rack mounting or its equivalent, such control unit shall be submitted for these tests in an enclosure
supplied by the manufacturer.
The instruction manual shall inform the user that such apparatus is to be used with the same enclosure to
avoid adverse electromagnetic effects.
Following completion of all applicable tests from the preceding clauses, the equipment shall be subjected
to dielectric strength tests as specified by ANSI/ISA-82.02.01-1999 (IEC 61010-1 Mod) or other
comparable recognized standard.
If a field calibration kit is provided with the apparatus, carry out the following test:
a) Calibrate the apparatus in accordance with using the test conditions given in 4.3 and using the
test equipment for the tests described in 4.4;
b) use the field calibration kit in a manner corresponding to the manufacturer's instructions for checking
the apparatus response.
Flammability limits (LFL and UFL) of some flammable gases and vapours are given for guidance in NFPA
497-1997 Recommended Practice for the Classification of Flammable Liquids, Gases, Vapors and of
Hazardous (Classified) Locations for Electrical Installations in Chemical Process Areas table A.1 only for
performing the type testing according to this document.
The data in the following table are taken directly from IEC 60079-20 (technical report).
Rho, Density relative to air (normally at standard temperature and pressure, unless otherwise
FP Flash point
13 Allyl acetate CH2=CHCH2OOCCH3 3,45 13 1,70 9,3 69 3 800 348 0,96 T2 IIA
14 Allyl alcohol CH2=CHCH2CH 2,00 21 2,50 18,0 61 438 378 0,84 T2 IIB
15 Allyl chloride CH2=CHCH2Cl 2,64 –32 2,90 11,2 92 357 390 1,17 T2 IIA
16 Allyl 2-3- CH2=CHCH2-O-CHCH2CH2O 3,94 45 249 0,70 T3 IIB
epoxypropyl ether
28 Butane C4H10 2,05 –80 gas 1,40 9,3 33 225 372 0,96 T2 IIA
29 Isobutane (CH3)2CHCH3 2,00 gas 1,3 9,8 31 236 460 0,95 T1 IIA
30 Butan-1-ol CH3(CH2)2CH2OH 2,55 29 1,70 12,0 52 372 359 0,94 T2 IIa
31 Butanone CH3CH2COCH3 2,48 –9 1,80 10,0 50 302 404 0,84 T2 IIB
32 But-1-ene 1,95 –80 gas 1,60 10,0 38 235 440 0,94 T2 IIA
ANSI/ISA–12.13.01, Part 1 (IEC 61779-1 Mod)
33 But-2-ene (isomer CH3CH=CHCH3 1,94 gas 1,60 10,0 40 228 325 0,89 T2 IIB
not stated)
34 But-3-en-3-olide CH2= CCHO(O)O 2,90 33 282 0,84 T3 IIB
(saturated at 18 °C)
(see 4.5)
53 Carbonyl sulphide COS 2,07 6,5 28,5 180 700 209 1,35 T3 IIA
54 Chlorobenzene C6H5Cl 3,88 28 1,40 11,0 66 520 637 T1 IIA
55 1-Chlorobutane CH3(CH2)2CH2Cl 3,20 –12 1,80 10,0 69 386 250 1,06 T3 IIA
75 Crofonaldehyde 2,41 13 2,10 16,0 82 470 280 0,81 T3 IIB
79 Cyclohexane CH2(CH2)4CH2 2,90 –18 1,20 8,3 40 290 259 0,94 T3 IIA
96 3,4-Dichlorobut-1- CH2=CHCHClCH2Cl 4,31 31 1,30 7,2 66 368 469 1,38 T1 IIA
97 1,3-Dichlorobut-2- CH3CCl=CHCH2Cl 4,31 27 469 1,31 T1 IIA
98 Dichlorodiethyl- (C2H5)SiCl2 24 3,40 223 0,45 IIC
99 1,1-Dichloroethane CH3CHCl2 3,42 –10 5,60 16,0 230 660 440 T2 IIA
100 1,2-Dichloroethane CH2ClCH2Cl 3,42 13 6,20 16,0 255 654 438 1,82 T2 IIA
101 Dichloroethylene ClCH=CHCl 3,55 –10 9,70 12,8 391 516 440 3,91 T2 IIA
ANSI/ISA–12.13.01, Part 1 (IEC 61779-1 Mod)
102 1,2-Dichloro- CH3CHClCH2Cl 3,90 15 3,40 14,5 160 682 557 T1 IIA
103 Dicyclopentadiene C10H12 4,55 36 0,80 43 455 0,91 T1 IIA
104 1,2-Diethoxyethane C2H5O(CH2)2OC2H5 4,07 16 170 0,81 T4 IIB
105 Diethylamine (C2H5)2NH 2,53 –23 1,70 10,0 50 306 312 T2 IIA
106 Diethylcarbonate (CH3CH2O)2CO 4,07 24 1,4 11,7 69 570 450 0,83 T2 IIB
125 N,N-Dimethyl (CH3)2NNH2 2,07 –18 2,4 20 60 490 240 0,85 IIB
126 1,4-Dimethyl NH(CH3)CH2CH2NH(CH3)CH2CH2 3,93 9 199 1,00 T4 IIA
136 Ethane CH3CH3 1,04 2,50 15,5 31 194 515 0,91 T1 IIA
137 Ethanethiol CH3CH2SH 2,11 <–20 2,80 18,0 73 466 295 0,90 T3 IIB
138 Ethanol CH3CH2OH 1,59 12 3,1 19,0 59 359 363 0,91 T2 IIA
139 2-Ethoxyethanol CH3CH2OCH2CH2OH 3,10 40 1,80 15,7 68 593 235 0,84 T3 IIB
140 2-Ethoxyethyl CH3COOCH2CH2OCH2CH3 4,72 47 1,20 12,7 65 642 380 0,97 T2 IIA
141 2-(2-Ethoxyethoxy) CH3CH2OCH2CH2OCH2CH2OH 4,62 94 190 0,94 T4 IIA
ANSI/ISA–12.13.01, Part 1 (IEC 61779-1 Mod)
142 Ethyl acetate CH3COOCH2CH3 3,04 –4 2,20 11,0 81 406 460 0,99 T1 IIA
143 Ethyl acetoacetate CH3COCH2COOCH2CH3 4,50 65 1,00 9,5 54 519 350 0,96 T2 IIA
144 Ethyl acrylate CH2=CHCOOCH2CH3 3,45 9 1,40 14,0 59 588 350 0,86 T2 IIB
145 Ethylamine C2H5NH2 1,50 <–20 2,68 14,0 49 260 425 1,20 T2 IIA
146 Ethylbenzene CH2CH3C6H5 3,66 23 1,00 7,8 44 340 431 T2 IIA
148 Ethylcyclobutane CH3CH2CHCH2CH2CH2 290 <–16 1,20 7,7 42 272 212 T3 IIA
150 Ethylcyclopentane CH3CH2CH(CH2)3CH2 3,40 <5 1,05 6,8 42 280 262 T3 IIA
162 Formaldehyde HCHO 1,03 7,00 73,0 88 920 424 0,57 T2 IIB
163 Formic acid HCOOH 1,60 42 10,0 57,0 190 1 049 520 1,86 T1 IIA
164 2-Furaldehyde OCH=CHCH=CHCHO 3,30 60 2,10 19,3 85 768 316 0,88 T2 IIB
165 Furan CH=CHCH=CHO 2,30 <–20 2,30 14,3 66 408 390 0,68 T2 IIB
166 Furfuryl alcohol OC(CH2OH)CHCHCH 3,38 61 1,8 16,3 70 670 370 0,8 T2 IIB
Table A.1 — Flammability data (continued)
174 Hexan-2-one CH3CO(CH2)3CH3 3,46 23 1,20 8,0 50 336 533 T1 IIA
175 Hydrogen H2 0,07 4,00 77,0 3,4 63 560 0,28 T1 IIC
176 Hydrogen cyanide HCN 0,90 <–20 5,40 46,0 60 520 538 0,80 T1 IIB
177 Hydrogen sulfide H2S 1,19 4,00 45,5 57 650 270 0,89 T3 IIB
178 4-Hydroxy-4- CH3COCH2C(CH3)2OH 4,00 58 1,80 6,9 88 336 680 T1 IIA
179 Kerosene 38 0,70 5,0 210 T3 IIA
180 1,3,5- CHC(CH3)CHC(CH3)CHC(CH3) 4,15 44 0,8 7,3 40 365 499 0,98 T1 IIA
181 Metaldehyde (C2H4O)4 6,10 36 IIA
ANSI/ISA–12.13.01, Part 1 (IEC 61779-1 Mod)
188 Methyl acetate CH3COOCH3 2,56 –10 3,20 16,0 99 475 502 T1 IIA
199 Methylcyclohexanol CH3C3H10OH 3,93 68 295 T3 IIA
200 Methylcyclo- C6H6 2,76 <–18 1,30 7,6 43 249 432 0,92 T2 IIA
(isomer not stated)
201 Methylcyclopentane CH3CH(CH2)3CH2 2,90 <–10 1,00 8,4 35 296 258 T3 IIA
202 Methylenecyclo- 2,35 <0 1,25 8,6 35 239 352 0,76 T2 IIB
ANSI/ISA–12.13.01, Part 1 (IEC 61779-1 Mod)
203 4-Methylenetetra- OCH2CH2C(=CH2)CH2CH2 3,78 2 1,60 60 255 0,89 T3 IIB
204 2-Methyl-1-buten-3- HC=CC(CH3)CH2 2,28 –54 1,40 38 272 0,78 T3 IIB
218 3-Methylpyridine NCHCH(CH3)CHCHCH 3,21 43 1,40 8,1 53 308 537 1,14 T1 IIA
219 4-Methylpyridine NCHCHCH(CH3)CHCH 3,21 43 1,10 7,8 42 296 534 1,12 T1 IIA
220 α-Methyl styrene C6H5C(CH3)=CH2 4,08 40 0,90 6,6 44 330 445 0,88 T2 IIB
221 Methyl tert-pentyl (CH3)2C(OCH3)CH2CH3 3,50 <–14 1,50 62 345 1,01 T2 IIA
241 Pentan-1-ol CH3(CH2)3CH2OH 3,03 38 1,06 10,5 38 385 298 1,30 T3 IIA
242 Pentanols (mixed C5H11OH 3,04 34 1,20 10,5 44 388 300 1,02 T3 IIA
243 Pentan-3-one (CH3CH2)2CO 3,00 12 1,60 58 445 0,90 T2 IIA
Table A.1 — Flammability data (continued)
260 2-Isopropyl-5- (CH3)2CH- 5,31 41 3,05 192 188 <1,0 T4 IIA
methylhex-2-enal C(CHO)CHCH2CH(CH3)2
261 Isopropyl nitrate (CH3)2CHONO2 11 2,00 100,0 75 3 738 175 T4 IIB
262 Propyne CH3C=CH 1,38 1,70 16,8 28 280 IIB
263 Prop-2-yn-1-ol HC=CCH2OH 1,89 33 2,40 55 346 0,58 T2 IIB
273 Tetrahydrofurfuryl OCH2CH2CH2CHCH2OH 3,52 70 1,50 9,7 64 416 280 0,85 T3 IIB
274 Tetrahydro- CH2(CH2)2CH2S 3,04 13 1,10 12,3 42 450 200 0,99 T3 IIA
275 N,N,N′,N′-Tetra- (CH3)2NCH2N(CH3)2 3,5 <–13 1,61 67 180 1,06 T4 IIA
276 Thiophene CH=CHCH=CHS 2,90 –9 1,5 12,5 50 420 395 0,91 T2 IIA
ANSI/ISA–12.13.01, Part 1 (IEC 61779-1 Mod)
288 1,3,5-Trioxane OCH2OCH2OCH2 3,11 45 3,20 29,0 121 1 096 410 0,75 T2 IIB
295 2-Vinylpyridine NC(CH2=CH)CHCHCHCH 3,62 35 1,20 51 482 0,96 T1 IIA
The apparatus is attached to the equipment, for example, as shown schematically in Figure B.1.
If the on/off operation is independent of the aspirator control, the apparatus is switched on and stabilized.
The two-way valve is adjusted to connect the apparatus to the clean air reservoir. Aspiration is performed
until the apparatus is stabilized. The apparatus "zero" control is adjusted as necessary. Aspiration is
The two-way valve is adjusted to connect the apparatus to the test gas, and aspiration is commenced.
The t(50) and t(90) times of response are taken as the time interval between the start of aspiration and
the time when the apparatus reaches 50% or 90%, respectively, of the final indication.
A correction should be made to the time of response to allow for the aspiration of the dead volume
between A and B in Figure B.1.
Clean air is supplied to the apparatus, at the manufacturer's recommended linear flow rate but not
exceeding 1m/s, via the mask (see 4.2.3 and 4.3.4) until the apparatus is stabilized. The apparatus zero
is adjusted as necessary. The test gas is then applied via a two-way valve. The t(50) and t(90) times
response are taken as the time interval between the time of application of the test gas and the time when
the apparatus reaches 50% or 90%, respectively, of final indication.
If the size of the mask is such that the time required to purge it with gas (with the apparatus in position)
exceeds 25% of the time of response of the apparatus, this test method is not acceptable and an
alternative method is to be used.
It is essential to correct the time response to allow for the dead volume between the two-way tap and the
entry port of the mask.
The clean air supply is applied to the apparatus via an applicator, for example, as shown in Figure B.2.
The applicator is held in position until the apparatus is stabilized. The apparatus "zero" is adjusted as
The test gas is applied to the apparatus via a second, identical applicator in a t(50) and t(90) change over
movement -- for example, as illustrated in Figure B.3. The t(50) and t(90)times of response are taken as
the time interval between the time of application of the test-gas applicator and the time when the
apparatus reaches 50% or 90%, respectively, of the final indication.
NOTE 1 The base of the applicator is in contact with the apparatus and completely surrounds the sensor inlet. The area of the
base is at least twice the area of the sensor inlet.
NOTE 2 The linear flow of clean air/ test gas at the base of the applicators is 50 mm/s ± 5 mm/s.
NOTE 3 The gaps at the base of the applicator are sufficient to prevent an overpressure within the applicator of more than 50 Pa
(which corresponds to approximately a 5 mm head of water) with the applicator flush against the apparatus or sensor as shown by
Figure B.3.
NOTE 4 The distance between the shoulder of the applicator and the sensor inlet is typically 10 diameters of the applicator, for
example, as shown in Figure B.4.
NOTE 5 It is envisioned that a range of applicators, based on the above parameters, will be required to test the full range of
apparatus or sensors.
B.2.3 Test chamber method
The construction of the chamber may encompass a wide variety in design from sophisticated permanent
installations to a simple specially constructed enclosure that, in the opinion of the testing laboratory, is
capable of introducing the gases or the sensors in a rapid and reproducible manner.
B.2.3.2 Procedure
a) the chamber is first filled with the standard test gas, and the sensor is then plunged inside rapidly, or
b) the apparatus is put inside the chamber with the inlet of the sensor covered; the chamber is then filled
with the standard test gas, and the sensor inlet is rapidly uncovered.
The apparatus used for this test is shown schematically in Figure B.6 and operates as follows:
b) the toy balloon (2) is filled with a 100% LFL gas/air mixture until it fills the lower end of the tube (3);
c) the gas/air mixture is forced into the lower vessel until the balloon is forced up the tube as far as it will
d) the balloon is fully inflated to seal the lower part of the tube;
e) the gas/air mixture is pumped into the lower vessel displacing the water into the upper vessel (4);
f) the detector head (5) is positioned in the tube about 5 cm above the upper end of the balloon and the
output of the instrument is connected to a recorder;
g) the balloon is broken by inserting a pin into the tube at point (6). This results in an immediate release
of the gas/air mixture from the balloon and from the 0.1 m of volume in the lower vessel, which is at
approximately 7 kPA pressure. This immediately purges the tube and as the water returns to the
lower vessel (which takes about 20 s ) the tube is provided with a continuous flow of “fresh” mixture
traveling at a speed of approximately 20 m/s. The duration of the flow can be extended to 30 s (the
maximum test time), if necessary, by placing a restriction in the hose (7) between the two vessels. A
recorder, connected to the instrument output, will provide timing lines at 1 s intervals, and this can be
used to determine the time required to reach the 50% LFL and 90% LFL readings. As an alternative,
the toy balloon in the 75 mm diameter tube may be replaced by a 75 mm (type size) ball valve. This
simplifies the procedure considerably and the same results have been obtained by the rapid opening
of the ball valve as by the bursting of the toy balloon.
gas containers
Joint B
Apparatus inlet nozzle
or probe inlet
Figure B.1 Schematic example of equipment for use with aspirated apparatus
(also see B.1)
NOTE 1 The volume of each gas reservoir is greater (by at least a factor of ten) than the volume of gas swept out during a time of
response determination.
NOTE 2 The bore of all tubing and connections is greater than the bore of the apparatus inlet nozzle or probe inlet.
NOTE 3 The volume between the valve and the apparatus inlet (between B C) is kept to a minimum consistent with a good
connection to the apparatus.
Clean air or
test gas
Flow measuring
Sensor or sensor
Identical tubular
or sensor
inlet Extract
Gas diffuser/baffle
Shoulder of
Flow of clean
air/test gas
or sensor
Figure B.4 Schematic example of applicator and sensor inlet during application
of test gas or clean air (also see B.2.2)
Infra red
Alarm level
Safety valve
Gas valve
Excess air vent Gas concentration
in the test chamber
Heating device recorder
Damping tubes
Mixing fan indicator
1 2 3
Cooler arrival Detectors
Sampling bulb recorder
2 1
Damping system
2 3
Drying system 1 5
Control light
ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod) is based on the IEC international standards 61779-1
through 5, which were developed using the following national standards:
IEC 60068-2-6:1995, Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests – Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
EN 50014:1977, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. General requirements (1st
Amendment 1 (1979)
Amendment 2 (1982)
Amendment 3 (1982)
Amendment 4 (1982)
Amendment 5 (1986)
EN 50014:1992, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. General requirements (2nd
EN 50015:1994, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Oil immersion "o" (to be read
in conjunction with EN 50014:1992)
EN 50016:1995, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Pressurized apparatus 'p' (to
be read in conjunction with EN 50014:1992)
EN 50017:1977, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Powder filling "q" (to be read
in conjunction with EN 50014:1992)
EN 50018:1994, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Flameproof enclosure 'd' (to
be read in conjunction with EN 50014:1992)
EN 50019:1994, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Increased safety 'e' (to be
read in conjunction with EN 50014:1992)
EN 50 020:1994, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Intrinsic safety 'I' (to be read
in conjunction with EN 50014:1992)
EN 50028:1987, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Encapsulation 'm' (to be read
in conjunction with EN 50014:1977)
EN 50039:1980, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Intrinsically safe electrical
systems 'i' (to be read in conjunction with EN 50014:1977)
EN 50055:1991, Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases.
Performance requirements for Group I apparatus indicating up to 5 % (v/v) methane in air
EN 50056:1991, Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases.
Performance requirements for Group I apparatus indicating up to 100 % (v/v) methane
EN 50057:1991, Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases.
Performance requirements for Group II apparatus indicating up to 100 % lower explosive limit
EN 50058:1991, Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases.
Performance requirements for Group I apparatus indicating up to 100 % (v/v) gas
BS 5345:1989, Code of practice for the selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for
use in potentially explosive atmospheres (other than mining applications or explosive proc.) – Part 1:
General recommendations
The following provides as an explanation of the ISA SP12.13 committee deviations from the IEC
Group I (mining) requirements within this document have been removed in their entirety since electrical
equipment for use in Group I (mining) applications must conform with Title 30, Code of Federal
Regulations, Mineral Resources.
Subclauses 2.2.11, 2.2.12, 3.2.7 and 3.2.8: Stand alone gas detection components are widely used, but
are not addressed in this document.
Subclause 4.4.11: The flow alarm requirement has been removed since there is currently no U.S.
requirement and IEC is considering removal of this requirement.
Subclause 4.4.16: Recovery time testing is not part of the existing U.S. or CENELEC standards. Work is
in progress to poll the IEC Maintenance Team to determine international consensus at this time.
Subclause 4.4.23: The test does not adequately determine the resistance to adverse effects of the
accumulation of dust. Refer to ANSI/ISA-RP12.13.02 for recommendations on installation and maintenance
of gas detection equipment within dust environments.
Subclause 4.4.24: This applies to Group I (mining) requirements which are excluded from these U.S.
requirements at this time (see above).
Subclause 4.4.26: Dielectric strength testing is necessary to ensure that the conductance of performance
testing does not compromise equipment electrical safety.
1 Scope
1.1 This part of IEC 61779 specifies requirements for group I (as defined in part 1) portable,
transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of methane concentrations in mine
air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamp. The
requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this standard are specified in
part 1.
NOTE The use of group I apparatus may not be permitted without the additional and prior approval of the relevant authority in
mines under its jurisdiction, see note 1 of 1.1.1 of part 1.
1.2 This standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume
ratios of methane in air from a volume fraction of 0 % up to, but not exceeding, a volume fraction of 5 %.
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61779, the definitions given in part 1 apply.
3 General requirements
The apparatus shall comply with the general requirements specified in part 1 and with the performance
requirements specified in clause 4 of this standard.
Compliance shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate test requirements and methods,
including initial calibration, specified in part 1.
It shall be verified that the contents of the manufacturer's instruction manual are in accordance with the
requirements specified in part 1.
4 Performance requirements
The normal conditions for tests are specified in 4.3 of part 1. Compliance shall be determined in
accordance with the test methods specified in 4.4 of part 1.
Unpowered storage
After being submitted to the conditions specified in 4.4.2 of part 1, the apparatus shall meet the
requirements specified in 4.3 to clause 5 of this standard.
After initial adjustment with the standard test gas, each individual indication in the three sets of indications
(after correction using the manufacturer's calibration curve, if necessary) obtained for each of the four gas
volume ratios distributed over the measuring range shall not differ from these volume ratios by more than
a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
a) short-term stability
The short-term variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever
is the greater.
The alarm(s) shall operate during the test. If a latching alarm is provided, the manual reset action shall be
The variation of the indication from that at 20 °C, over the temperature range –10 °C to +40 °C,
o o o
(temperatures for test: –10 C, 20 C, 40 C), shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,2 % methane or
±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indications at 80 kPa and 120 kPa from the indication at 100 kPa shall not exceed a
volume fraction of ±0,2 % methane or ±30 % of the indication, whichever is the greater, in air and in the
standard test gas.
The variation of the indications at 20 % RH and 90 % RH from the indication at 50 % RH, at +40 °C, shall
not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,2 % methane or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
Air velocity
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
Flow rate
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
During the vibration test, the apparatus shall not suffer any loss of function and shall not give a false
alarm or fault signal. The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard (e.g. loss of explosion
protection or electrical safety) or loss of function.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard or loss of function.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane in
a time not exceeding 5 min or as specified by the manufacturer, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in the standard test gas to give a final indication to within a volume fraction
of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is the greater, in a time not exceeding 5 min or as
specified by the manufacturer, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane in
a time not exceeding 2 min, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in the standard test gas to give a final indication to within a volume fraction
of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is the greater, in a time not exceeding 3 min, and
no false alarms shall be generated.
The time of response t(50) in either direction shall be not greater than 20 s, and t(90) in either direction
shall be not greater than 60 s.
For apparatus without a probe or sample line, the indication shall reach 90 % of the final value in a time
not exceeding 15 s.
Non-ambiguity test
When tested in accordance with of part 1, all methane concentrations above full scale shall be
indicated by a full scale meter indication and, where fitted, an alarm. If the indication is digital, a clear
indication shall be given that the upper limit of the measuring range has been exceeded.
The variations of the indications from those recorded in clean air and in the standard test gas, at the
beginning of the test, shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,2 % methane or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
Battery capacity
The variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever
is the greater, at the end of the 8 h or 10 h period, as appropriate.
At the end of the further 10 min following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed a volume fraction of ±0,2 % methane or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever
is the greater, at the end of 200 operations.
After a further 10 operations following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed a volume fraction of ±0,2 % methane or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
No requirement.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall not yield spurious alarms when the specified interruptions, voltage transients or step
changes of voltage occur.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±0,2 % methane or ±10 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
Other gases
The indications obtained for each of the three gas mixtures a) 1), a) 2), and a) 3) according to of
part 1 shall be not lower than the actual methane volume ratio by more than 10 % of the actual methane
concentration applied.
Electromagnetic compatibility
When subjected to the electromagnetic immunity test, the variation of the indication shall not exceed a
volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane. The apparatus shall suffer no loss of function or spurious alarm.
The meter or output indication observed during the use of the field calibration kit shall not differ from the
specified concentration by more than a volume fraction of ±0,1 % methane or ±5 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The contents of this part of the document have been removed in their entirety since electrical equipment
for use in Group I (mining) applications must conform with Title 30, Code of Federal Regulations, Mineral
1 Scope
1.1 This part of IEC 61779 specifies requirements for group I (as defined in part 1) portable,
transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of methane concentrations in mine
air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamp. The
requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this standard are specified in
part 1.
NOTE The use of group I apparatus may not be permitted without the additional and prior approval of the relevant authority in
mines under its jurisdiction, see note 1 of 1.1.1 of part 1.
1.2 This standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume
ratios of methane in air from a volume fraction of 0 % up to a volume fraction of 100 %.
NOTE Apparatus covered by this standard will normally be intended to operate in volume ratios greater than a volume fraction of
5 %.
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61779, the definitions given in part 1 apply.
3 General requirements
The apparatus shall comply with the general requirements specified in part 1 and with the performance
requirements specified in clause 4 below.
Compliance shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate test requirements and methods,
including initial calibration, specified in part 1.
It shall be verified that the contents of the manufacturer's instruction manual are in accordance with the
requirements specified in part 1.
4 Performance requirements
4.1 General
The normal conditions for tests are specified in 4.3 of part 1. Compliance shall be determined in
accordance with the test methods specified in 4.4 of part 1.
After being submitted to the conditions specified in 4.4.2 of part 1, the apparatus shall meet the
requirements specified in 4.3 to clause 5 of this standard.
After initial adjustment with the standard test gas, each individual indication in the three sets of indications
(after correction using the manufacturer's calibration curve, if necessary) obtained for each of the four gas
volume ratios shall not differ from these volume ratios by more than a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or
±5 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
a) short-term stability
The short-term variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is
the greater.
4.6 Alarm
The alarm(s) shall operate during every cycle of the test. If a latching alarm is provided, the manual reset
action shall be checked.
4.7 Temperature
a) shall not, at –10 °C, exceed a volume fraction of ±7 % methane or ±15 % of the indication, and
b) shall not, at +40 °C, exceed a volume fraction of ±5 % methane or ±10 % of the indication, whichever
is the greater.
4.8 Pressure
The variation of the indications at 80 kPa and 120 kPa from the indication at 100 kPa shall not exceed a
volume fraction of ±5 % methane or ±30 % of the indication, whichever is the greater, in air and in the
standard test gas.
4.9 Humidity
The variation of the indications at 20 % RH and 90 % RH from the indication at 50 % RH, at +40 °C, shall
not exceed a volume fraction of ±5 % methane or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
4.12 Orientation
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±5 % methane or ±10 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
4.13 Vibration
During the vibration test, the apparatus shall not suffer any loss of function and shall not give a false
alarm or fault signal. The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard or loss of function.
The variation of the indication from that determined prior to the test shall not exceed a volume fraction of
±3 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard or loss of function.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within a volume fraction of ±3 % methane, in
a time not exceeding 5 min or as specified by the manufacturer, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in the standard test gas to give a final indication to within a volume fraction
of ±3 % methane in a time not exceeding 5 min or as specified by the manufacturer, and no false alarms
shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within a volume fraction of ±3 % methane in a
time not exceeding 2 min, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in the standard test gas to give a final indication to within a volume fraction
of ±3 % methane in a time not exceeding 2 min, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The time of response t(50) in either direction shall be not greater than 20 s, and t(90) in either direction
shall be not greater than 60 s.
For apparatus without a probe or sample line, the indication shall reach 90 % of the final value in a time
not exceeding 15 s.
Not applicable.
The variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is
the greater, at the end of the 8 h or 10 h period, as appropriate.
At the end of a further 10 min following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed a volume fraction of ±6 % methane or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane, or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is
the greater, at the end of 200 operations.
After a further 10 operations following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed a volume fraction of ±6 % methane or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
4.20.1 General
No requirement.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
4.21 Power supply interruptions, voltage transients and step changes of voltage
The apparatus shall not yield spurious alarms when the specified interruptions, voltage transients or step
changes of voltage occur.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
4.23 Dust
The variation of the indication shall not exceed a volume fraction of ±5 % methane or ±10 % of the
indication, whichever is the greater.
4.24.1 Poisons
The variation of the indication from the actual methane concentration shall not exceed a volume fraction
of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The indications obtained for each of the three gas mixtures in b) 1), b) 2), and b) 3) according to
of part 1 shall not be lower than the actual volume ratio of methane by more than 10 % of the indication.
When subjected to the electromagnetic compatibility test, the variation of the indication shall not exceed a
volume fraction of ±3 % methane. The apparatus shall suffer no loss of function or spurious alarm.
The meter or output indication observed during the use of the field calibration kit shall not differ from the
specified concentration by more than a volume fraction of ±3 % methane or ±5 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The contents of this part of the document have been removed in their entirety since electrical equipment
for use in Group I (mining) applications must conform with Title 30, Code of Federal Regulations, Mineral
1 Scope
1.1 This part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod) specifies requirements for
group II (as defined in part 1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and
measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, may
be installed or used in potentially explosive atmospheres, other than mines susceptible to firedamp (i.e.
group I). The requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this document are
specified in part 1.
1.2 This document is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of
combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air up to 100 % lower explosive limit (LEL).
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod), the
definitions given in part 1 apply.
3 General requirements
The apparatus shall comply with the general requirements specified in part 1 and with the performance
requirements specified in Clause 4 of this part of the document.
Compliance shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate test requirements and methods,
including initial calibration, specified in part 1.
It shall be verified that the contents of the manufacturer's instruction manual are in accordance with the
requirements specified in part 1.
4 Performance requirements
4.1 General
The normal conditions for tests are specified in 4.3 of part 1. Compliance shall be determined in
accordance with the test methods specified in 4.4 of part 1.
After being submitted to the conditions specified in 4.4.2 of part 1, the apparatus shall meet the
requirements specified in 4.3 to through Clause 5 of this part of the document.
After initial adjustment with the standard test gas, each individual indication in the three sets of indications
(after correction using the manufacturer's calibration curve, if necessary) obtained for each of the four gas
volume ratios distributed over the measuring range, shall not differ from these volume ratios by more than
±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus indication (after correction using the manufacturer's calibration curves, if necessary)
obtained for each of the three gas volume ratios of each gas tested shall not differ from these volume
ratios by more than ±7 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
a) short-term stability
The short-term variation shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed ±10 % of the measuring range or ±30 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.6 Alarm
The alarm(s) shall operate during every cycle of the test. If a latching alarm is provided, the manual reset
action shall be checked.
4.7 Temperature
The variation of the indication from that at 20 °C, over the specified temperature ranges, shall not exceed
the following:
a) for portable or transportable apparatus where the control unit and the sensor are used in the same
general environment, the variation over the temperature range –10 °C to +40 °C shall not exceed
±5°% of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater. Tests shall be
carried out at temperatures of –10 °C, 20 °C and 40 °C;
b) for fixed apparatus with remote sensors, where the control unit and sensor are not used in the same
general environment, the following temperatures shall be applied:
1) Sensors
With the control unit under normal ambient test conditions, the sensor shall be tested in air and in
the standard test gas at –25 °C and +55 °C. The variation shall not exceed ±10 % of the
measuring range or ±20 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
2) Control units
With the sensor under normal ambient test conditions, the variation at +5 °C and +55 °C shall not
exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater;
c) for fixed apparatus with sensors and control units in the same general environment, the variation at –
10 °C and +55 °C shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.8 Pressure
The variation of the indications at 80 95 kPa and 110 kPa from the indication at 100 kPa shall not exceed
±5 % of the measuring range or ±30 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
4.9 Humidity
The variation of the indications at 20 % RH and 90 % RH from the indication at 50 % RH, at +40 °C, shall
not exceed ±7 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.12 Orientation
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.13 Vibration
During the vibration test, the apparatus shall not suffer any loss of function and shall not give a false
alarm or fault signal. The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard or loss of function.
At the conclusion of the vibration test and after the apparatus sensor has been exposed to clean air
followed by the standard test gas mixture, the deviation of the indication from that determined prior to the
test shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard or loss of function.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within ±5 % of the measuring range in a time
specified by the manufacturer, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within ±5 % of the measuring range in a time
not exceeding 2 min, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The time of response t(50) in either direction shall be not greater than 20 s, and t(90) in either direction
shall be not greater than 60 s.
For apparatus without a probe or sample line, the indication shall reach 90 % of the final value in a time
not exceeding 15 s.
For aspirated apparatus using a sample line or probe, an additional 3 s per metre is permitted.
When tested in accordance with of part 1, all gas concentrations above full scale shall be
indicated by a full scale meter indication and, where fitted, an alarm. If the indication is digital, a clear
indication shall be given that the upper limit of the measuring range has been exceeded.
The variations of the indications from those recorded in clean air and in the standard test gas, at the
beginning of the test, shall not exceed ±7 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication, whichever
is the greater.
The variation shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the
greater, at the end of the 8 h or 10 h period, as appropriate.
At the end of a further 10 min following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed ±7 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication, whichever is the greater. No alarm, including low battery indication, shall result from this test. The variation shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater, at the end of 200 operations.
After a further 10 operations following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed ±7 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
4.20.1 General
No requirements.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.21 Power supply interruptions, voltage transients and step changes of voltage
The apparatus shall not yield spurious alarms when the specified interruptions, voltage transients or step
changes of voltage occur.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.23 Dust
4.24.1 Poisons
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
When subjected to the electromagnetic compatibility test, the variation of the indication shall not exceed
±5 % of the measuring range. The apparatus shall suffer no loss of function or spurious alarm.
When subjected to the dielectric strength test, the apparatus shall have no breakdown or repeated
The meter or output indication observed during the use of the field calibration kit shall not differ from the
specified concentration by more than ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever
is the greater.
The following provides as an explanation of the ISA SP12.13 committee deviations from IEC standard
Subclause 4.16: Recovery time testing is not part of the existing U.S. or CENELEC standards. Work is in
progress to poll the IEC Maintenance Team to determine international consensus at this time.
Subclause 4.23: The test does not adequately determine the resistance to adverse effects of the
accumulation of dust. Refer to ANSI/ISA-RP12.13.02 (IEC 61779-6 Mod) for recommendations on
installation and maintenance of gas detection equipment within dust environments.
Subclause 4.26: Dielectric strength testing is necessary to ensure that the conductance of performance
testing does not compromise equipment electrical safety.
1 Scope
1.1 This part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod) specifies requirements for
group II (as defined in part 1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and
measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, may
be installed or used in potentially explosive atmospheres, other than mines susceptible to firedamp (i.e.
group I). The requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this document are
specified in part 1.
1.2 This document is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume
ratios of combustible gas or vapour in air in volume fractions from 0 % to 100 % .
NOTE 1 Apparatus covered by this document will normally be intended to operate in volume ratios greater than 100 % LEL.
NOTE 2 Although apparatus of the types covered by this document may be suitable for detecting a wide range of combustible
gases, particular gases (e.g. methane or propane) are specified in part 1 as the components of the test gases for the purpose of
practical convenience. The performance requirements specified in this document should therefore be considered with caution when
the apparatus is used to detect other combustible gases, as some parameters – such as time of response – will be modified.
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 61779 ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5 Mod), the
definitions given in part 1 apply.
3 General requirements
The apparatus shall comply with the general requirements specified in part 1 and with the performance
requirements specified in Clause 4 of this part of the document.
Compliance shall be determined in accordance with the appropriate test requirements and methods,
including initial calibration, specified in part 1.
It shall be verified that the contents of the manufacturer's instruction manual are in accordance with the
requirements specified in part 1.
4 Performance requirements
4.1 General
The normal conditions for tests are specified in 4.3 of part 1. Compliance shall be determined in
accordance with the test methods specified in 4.4 of part 1.
After being submitted to the conditions specified in 4.4.2 of part 1, the apparatus shall meet the
requirements specified in 4.3 to through Clause 5 of this part of the document.
After initial adjustment with the standard test gas, each individual indication in the three sets of indications
(after correction using the manufacturer's calibration curves, if necessary) obtained for each of the four
gas volume ratios distributed over the measuring range, shall not differ from these volume ratios by more
than ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus indications (after correction using the manufacturer's calibration curves, if necessary)
obtained for each of the three gas volume ratios of each gas tested shall not differ from these volume
ratios by more than ±7 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
a) short-term stability
The short-term variation shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed ±7 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The long-term variation shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.6 Alarm
The alarm(s) shall operate during every cycle of the test. If a latching alarm is provided, the manual reset
action shall be checked.
4.7 Temperature
4.7.1 Apparatus where the control unit and sensors are used in the same environment
a) shall not, at –10 °C, exceed ±7 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the
b) shall not, at +40 °C, exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the
4.7.2 Remote sensors of apparatus where the control unit and sensor are not used
in the same environment
The variation of the indication from that at 20 °C, over the temperature range of –25 °C to +55 °C shall
not exceed ±2 % of the measuring range or ±3,5 % of the indication per 10 °C, whichever is the greater.
4.7.3 Control units, of apparatus where the control unit and sensor are not used
in the same environment
The variation of the indication from that at 20 °C, at temperatures of +5 °C to +55 °C, shall not exceed ±3
% of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
4.8 Pressure
The variation of the indications at 80 95 kPa and 110 kPa from the indication at 100 kPa shall not exceed
±7,5 % of the measuring range or ±30 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
4.9 Humidity
The variation of the indications at 20 % RH and 90 % RH from the indication at 50 % RH, at +40 °C, shall
not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.12 Orientation
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.13 Vibration
During the vibration test, the apparatus shall not suffer any loss of function and shall not give a false
alarm or fault signal. The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard or loss of function.
At the conclusion of the vibration test and after the apparatus sensor has been exposed to clean air
followed by the standard test gas mixture, the deviation of the indication from that determined prior to the
test shall not exceed ±5 % of the measuring range or ±15 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall not suffer damage resulting in a hazard or loss of function.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±5% of the measuring range or ±15% of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within ±5 % of the measuring range in a time
specified by the manufacturer, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The apparatus shall warm up in clean air to indicate zero to within ±5 % of the measuring range in a time
not exceeding 2 min, and no false alarms shall be generated.
The time of response t(50) shall be not greater than 20 s, and t(90) shall be not greater than 60 s.
For apparatus without a probe or sample line, the indication shall reach 90 % of the final value in a time
not exceeding 15 s.
For aspirated apparatus using a sample line or probe, an additional 3 s per metre is permitted.
Not applicable.
The variation shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the
greater, at the end of the 8 h or 10 h period, as appropriate.
At the end of a further 10 min following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed ±6 % of the measuring range or ±20 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
The variation shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the
greater, at the end of 200 operations.
After a further 10 operations following the indication of low battery condition, the variation shall not
exceed ±6 % of the measuring range or ±20 % of the indication, whichever is the greater.
4.20.1 General
No requirement.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variations of the indication shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±3 % of the measuring range or ±10 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
For spot-reading apparatus, it shall be possible to carry out at least 10 measurements starting from the
minimum operating voltage within the above tolerances.
4.21 Power supply interruptions, voltage transients and step changes of voltage
The apparatus shall not yield spurious alarms when the specified interruptions, voltage transients or step
change of voltage occur.
The variation of the indication shall not exceed ±2 % of the measuring range or ±5 % of the indication,
whichever is the greater.
4.23 Dust
Not applicable.
4.24.1 Poisons
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
When subjected to the electromagnetic compatibility test, the variation of the indication shall not exceed
±3 % of the measuring range. The apparatus shall suffer no loss of function or spurious alarm.
When subjected to the dielectric strength test, the apparatus shall have no breakdown or repeated
The meter or output indication observed during the use of the field calibration kit shall not differ from the
specified concentration by more than ±5 % of the span or ±10 % of the indication, whichever is the
The following provides an explanation of the ISA SP12.13 committee deviations from IEC standard
Subclause 4.23: The test does not adequately determine the resistance to adverse effects of the
accumulation of dust. Refer to ANSI/ISA-RP12.13.02 (IEC 61779-6 Mod) for recommendations on
installation and maintenance of gas detection equipment within dust environments.
Subclause 4.26: Dielectric strength testing is necessary to ensure that the conductance of performance
testing does not compromise equipment electrical safety.
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ISBN: 1-55617-846-8