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Communication can be defined as the process by which people share ideas,

experience knowledge & feelings through the transmission of symbolic messages.
The word communication is derived from the latin word “communis” which means
common. Hence communication means sharing of ideas in common.
Process of Communication :
Communication is a process, a concept of change rather than that of static
existence. The figure shows the various elements in the process of communication:
Communicator/Sender: The communicator or sender is the person who conveys
Message : The subject-matter of communication is known as the message. It may
be opinion, order, appeal, views, suggestions etc.
Encoding: Since the subject matter of communication is abstract and intangible,
its transmission requires the use of certain symbols (words, signs etc.).
The conversion of the subject-matter into these symbols is known as
Channel : The medium (radio, telephone, air etc.) used to transmit the message
is known as the communication channel.
Receiver : The receiver is the person for whom the message is meant.
Decoding: Decoding is the process by which the receiver converts the symbols
received from the communicator to derive the meaning of the
Feedback: Feedback is the reversal of the communication process in which a
reaction to the communicator’s message is expressed. The receiver
becomes the communicator and the feedback goes through the same
steps as the original communication.
Importance of Communication:
Communication is one of the vital aspects of management & constitutes the nervous
system of an organisation. The success of a manager in performing his duties
depends on his ability to communicate well with people. So, the importance are as
follows: -
1. Basis for decision making & planning – Communication is highly essential for
planning and decision making. It is an aid in the proper implementation of
plans and policies of the management.
2. Facilitates smooth working – Communication makes possible the smooth
working of an organization.
3. Facilitates co-ordination – Modern large-scale enterprises comprising a large
number of workers can attain their goals only through coordination of various
4. Increase managerial efficiency – Good communication helps managers to
perform their duties systematically and also increases their effectiveness.
5. Promotes industrial peace – Effective communication promotes industrial
6. Facilitates control – Communication helps the control process by transmitting
information about the performance of the subordinates to the manager.
7. Basis of leadership – Communication helps in bringing the leader and the in
close contact with each other.
8. Motivation – Effective communication helps in motivating workers for
accomplishing the organizational goals.
9. Job Satisfaction – Since effective communication creates mutual trust and
confidence between the employer and employees, it gives a sense of job
10. Democratic management – Effective communication helps to achieve
workers’ participation in management by involving workers in the process of
decision making.
11. Public relation - Effective communication promotes public relations as it
helps the management to present a good corporate image to the outside world.
Communication may be classified into several categories on the following basis.
1. On the basis of Channel - (a) Formal communication, and (b) Informal
2. On the basis of Direction – (a) Downward communication, (b) Upward
communication, and (c) Horizontal communication
3. On the basis of Expression – (a) Oral communication (b) Written
communication, and (c) Gestural communication.
Channel of Communication:
A channel of communication represents various linking points that exist between
different departments or individuals in the enterprise. It is the path through which
information is transmitted throughout the enterprise. It may be either formal or
Formal Communication - Formal communication is one which takes place in a
formal organization structure. It represents the flow of information along the lines
of authority formally established in the organization. Members of the organization
are expected to communicate as per channels laid down in the organization. It
usually takes the form of a written communication.
Merits of formal communication
1. It helps in the fixation of responsibility
2. It helps the maintaining the authority relationship in the organization
3. It ensures orderly flow of information
4. It facilitates control by supervisors by providing timely information.
Demerit of formal communication
1. It is time consuming
2. It obstructs free and uninterrupted flow of information.
3. It is usually conveyed in an impersonal manner.
Informal Communication or Grapevine -
Informal communication is the communication between the members of the group
on the basis of informal relations and understanding among people at the same or
different levels of the organization It does not follow the lines of authority. Informal
channel is built around the social relationship among the members of the
The network of informal communication is called grapevine. The grapevine often
leads to rumours being spread through the informal channel of communication.
Merits of informal communication :
1. It helps to improve managerial decision making.
2. It satisfies the desire of the people
3. It serves to fill the possible gaps in the formal communication
4. Its speed is very fast as it is free from all barriers
Demerits of informal communication :
1. It carries inaccurate information.
2. It consists of facts, half truths, rumours and distorted information
3. The responsibility of its origin cannot be fixed
4. It leads to the leakage of confidential information.
On the basis of duration, communication is either vertical or horizontal. Vertical
communication moves both downwards and upwards. Horizontal communication
takes place between two subordinates under the same superior, or between two
departmental managers. It is also known as sideward communication.
Downward Communication - Under this method, communication flows from the
superiors to the subordinate. Orders, instructions, Circulars and manuals are
instances of this type of communication. Down ward communication is best suited
to the line organization.
Upward communication - It is the flow of communication from the subordinates to
the superior positions. Reports, suggestions, complaints and grievances are
instances of this type of communication.
Horizontal communication - Under this method, communication flows in the same
level of organization structure. Like : amongst managers of different departments
METHOD OF EXPRESSION OF MESSAGES: On the basis of expression,
communication may be oral, written and gestural.
Oral communication - Oral communication is one which implies the transmission
of orders, messages or suggestions through the spoken words. It may be face- to-
face or through mechanical devices. Face- to- face conversation is the most natural
way of transmitting messages. It is the best way of securing cooperation and
resolving problems. Mechanical devices which are used for oral communication
include signals, telephones, intercom systems, electric paging systems and dictating
Merit of oral communication
1. It is economical as compared to the written communication.
2. It is more effective.
3. It helps in getting quick response.
4. It establishes personal touch.
5. It helps to remove misunderstanding and clear doubts face- to- face.
6. It is more flexible.
7. It is faster than the written communication
Demerits of Oral communication
1. It is less reliable because it gives no record for future reference.
2. It is not convenient when the message to be conveyed is very lengthy.
3. It is influenced by self-interest and attitudes of the people.
4. It has the tendency of being distorted.
5. It cannot serve as an authentic piece of record unless the conversation is video
6. It does not provide sufficient time for thinking before conveying the
Written Communication
Written communication is one which implies transmission of messages in black and
white. It is generally of formal nature and ensures that everyone concerned has the
same information. It is a permanent record of communication for future reference.
Letter, circulars, office memos, telegrams, manuals and bulletins are examples of
written communication.
Merit of written communication -
1. It is used to issue specific instructions and orders to the subordinates.
2. It ensures transmission of message in a uniform manner.
3. It is good for transmitting lengthy messages.
4. It is a cheaper means of communication between distance plans.
5. It carriers little risk of unauthorized alterations in the contents of the message
6. It is a permanent record of communication for future reference.
7. It can be quoted as a legal evidence in the case of disputes
8. It is complete, clear and precise.

Demerits of written communication :

1. It is time consuming.
2. It encourages red–tapism and involves many formalities.
3. It is formal and lacks personal touch

Gestural Communication --
Communication through gestures or postures is often used as a means to
supplement verbal communication. It is highly useful to motivate the subordinate
and understood their reactions. Handshake with a subordinate and a pat on the
back of a subordinate are the instances of gestural communication.
Barriers to Effective Communication
Communication is a major input in organizing activity. Barriers to communication
cause break-downs, distortions and rumors. These Barriers may be identified as
1. Physical Barriers.
2. Socio Psychological Barriers
3. Organizational Barriers
4. Semantic Barriers and
5. Mechanical Barriers
(1) Physical Barriers- It refers to environmental factors that obstruct the free flow
of communication. They include physical distance, distracting noises etc.
(2) Socio Psychological Barriers- Personal barriers arise from motives, attitudes,
judgment, emotions and social values which may create psychological barriers.
Persons may be unaware of attitudes and sentiments of the sender and inter–
personal perceptions and inter- personal emotions may cause communications
breakdown. What is important to one person may not be important to another.
Conflicting needs and thinking may also affects the free flow of information.
(3) Organization Barriers - The organizational structure and design may act as a
block due to any one of the following reasons and some of them are:
(a) Several layers of management (b) Long lines of communication (c) Long
distance of subordinate from top management. (d) Lack of instruction for
passing information to subordinates and (e) Heavy pressure of work on
certain levels of authority.
(4) Semantic Barriers - Semantic is the science of meaning of symbols or words
usually having a variety of meanings. The sender and the receiver are to choose the
same meaning. The semantic barriers arise from the limitations of the symbolic
system. Symbols may reach a person’s brain through any of the senses like hearing
or feeling. Symbols may be classified as language, picture or action.
Language - At any level there may be verbal and non verbal communication.
Every common word has several meanings. In verbal communication,
clarification can be sought immediately but not in non-verbal communication.
Picture- Pictures are visual aids worth thousand words. A viewer may come
to know of the whole story on seeing pictures. An organization makes use of
pictures like charts, maps, films etc.
Action – This is another symbol used in communication. At work spot
communication takes place by actions and they are considered better than
words. There should be consistency and co-relation between action and
words. Body language means communicating a message with the movement of
whole body or part of it. Generally facial expressions and hand movements
are used for this.
(5) Mechanical Barriers - The term mechanical barriers include inadequate
arrangement in transmitting new facts and figures, poor office layout, defective
practices and procedures and the use of wrong mechanism resulting in poor
The major problems are distortion, filtering and omission. Distortion means
changing the context of the message or its meaning. Filtering means reducing
the message only to a few basic details. Omission means deletion of all or part
of the message. Communication will not be perfectly effective if there is faulty
The above-mentioned barriers should be removed to achieve effective
Steps to Overcome Barriers to Communications
The barriers to effective communication are not insurmountable as they are no
more than simple human failing. To overcome these barriers, the various steps to
be followed are as follows:
Clarity of information – It is imperative that the language used in communication
is clear, precise and simple so that people at all levels realize the full significance of
Prompt action – Information should be passed promptly to everyone concerned so
as to avoid delay in action.
Creation of proper atmosphere – The management should take all necessary steps
to create a peaceful atmosphere in the organization so as to facilitate effective
communication of instruction and suggestions.
Development of interpersonal relationships – As communication is an
interpersonal process, the development of interpersonal relationships based on
mutual respect, trust and confidence is essential for its promotion.
Effective channels – There will be no room for rumours, lies, guesses and
misconceptions, if the communication channel is well defined.
Continuous evaluation – There should be a continuous programme of evaluating
the flow of communication in different directions. This would highlight problems,
identify their causes and thereby enable the adoption of suitable corrective
Feedback – Communication should be a two-way traffic. There should be some
system by which the workers should be able to convey their suggestions and
grievances to the top management.

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