A Research
Presented to
Alabat, Quezon
In Partial Fulfilment
Kyla W. Olivarez
Adrianna G. Regodon
Irish Ostan
March 27,2023
Table Of Content
Biographical sketch……………….
Table of contents…………………
List of figures……………………..
List of tables……………………….
List of appendices……………………….
Definition of terms…………………
Related literature…………….
Related studies…………..
Conceptual framework……………..
Research paradigm…………….
Research methodology……………
Research Design……………
Research locale…………
Circulation copy……………….
It has been demonstrated that having good physical and mental health enhances quality of
life. Not with standing the advantage of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the rate of obesity has double or
tripled over the past 20 years. Notably, the assessment conducted by the grade 12 students health
association in 2009 found that 36.7% of were overweight obese. According to the standard body mass
index. Cut poits for grade 12 students, found that the overweight/ obesity.
In contrash, a another study found that both male and female students consume comparable
amounts of fruits and Vegetables, but that female students consumed more fafty meals than male
students. Given that stress can influence eating patterns, it is possible that these variations depends on
the individuals perception of their level of stress. For instances stress has been unked to increased
This study aim to determine the impact of stress and eating behavior among grade 12 students.
1.1 Gender
1.3 stand
2.1 physical
2.2 mental
2.3 psychological
3. Is there a significant difference between the stress of the respondents when they are diet
according to demographic profile?
This study will help the students to let them know the impact of stress and eating behavior
among grade 12 students.
This study will help the students to become more open when talking about the stress And
knowing the Stress and eating behavior.
This study will help the teacher to conduct activities for their students about stress and eating
The results of the study will surve as a guide to other researcher as a source of information.
The survey questionnaire is imployed to determine the impact of stress and eating behavior
among grade 12 students.
This study covers all grade 12 students the impact of stress and eating behavior from first quarter
to four quarters.
EMOTIONAL – Is one daily feelings our students/classmates. In this study having feelings that are easily.
EATING HEALTHY – Eating right or Students to be in active in school. In this study a healthy eating it was
a pattern that includes a variety.
STRESS – this is something that happen to students when they have a bad situation. In this study is a
state of worry or mental tension caused a bad situation.
ENERGY – Is something that they do with strength. In this study the strength required for sustained
This chapter presents the summaries of literature and studies related to the variables of the
research title. Information from related literature and studies gave an overview of the study which the
researcher was working on. Moreover, the chapter provides the conceptual/theoretical framework that
lead to the formulation of the hypothesis.
According to O’Connor, Jones, Conner, McMillan, and Ferguson (2008) and Steptoe, Lipsey, and
Wardle (1998), stress-induced changes in habitual health behaviors, such as food choice and eating
behavior, may be particularly significant in understanding the risk of physical disease. High levels of
stress may increase (e.g., consumption of saturated fats) or decrease (e.g., consumption of total calories)
food intake, according to research (Wardle, Steptoe, Oliver, & Lipsey, 2000). Several studies have
discovered stress.
In this study it has been demonstrated that a having good Physical and mental health
enhances quality of life, not with standing the advantage of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the rate of
obesity has double or tripled over the past 20 years. Notably, 36.7% of grade 12 students were
overweight obese.
In contrash, a another study found that both male and female students consume comparable
amounts of fruits vegetables, but that female students consumed more fatty meals than male students.
Given that stress can influence eating patterns, it is possible that these variations depend on the
individuals perception of their level of stress. For instances, stress has been unked to increased snacking.
According to the standard body mass index cut points for grade 12 students, as found that the
overweight/obesity rates in grade 12 students males (38.4%) were higher than those grade 11students
males (35.5%) and females in grade 12 students (27.8%) and grade 11 students females is (18.6%).
Some of the students of grade 12 students experience stress because of having stress they feel
various emotions that do not become easy for the students, most of the reason of my students why they
experience stress is the sometimes lack in the budget for their activities, but despite their lack of budget
and when they experience stress they still continue to study for their dreams by joining what activities in
school Is Their only way to increase their grades that they eat properly also helps them to fight stress,
eating at the right time, health foods that they should eat, despite that many students have said that
until now, more students experiencing stress that also affects their studies.
This study utilized descriptive- survey method of research design to determine the significant
difference of impact of stress and eating behavior among grade 12 students. The researchers’ used
descriptive type of quantitative research because this study is a non-experimental and does not require
for any type of pre-test, post-test or control group design which an experimental usually used.
The researcher will conducted this study in alabat island national high school (AINHS). Where the
respondent are the grade 22 students and enrolled for S.Y 2022-2023 to as certain the impact of stress
and eating behavior among grade 12 students.
The researchers respondent will be the grade 12 students of Alabat Island National High School S.Y. 2022
– 2023 the grade 12 students consist of eleven (11) section with the total population of four – hundred
and sixty eight (468). Therefore to get the total number of respondents in every section we will get a 15
people using fishbowl technique. To avoid being biased . Out of four – hundred sixty eight (468) grade 12
students , there will be only one – hundred sixty five (165) participant we will be conducting during our
The researchers will employ a survey – type questionnaire to answer the impact of stress and eating
behavior in terms of physical,mental, psychological,energy ,
Habitual and eating healthy. This questionnaire was composed of fifteen (15) general statements about
the category of stress and eating behavior. Three (3) for physical, three (3) for mental , three (3) for
psychological , three (3) for energy , three (3) for habitual, and three (3) for eating healthy. These
statements were randomly arranged with continuous number for the respondents to avoid biases in
answering the questionnaire.
The questionnaire is answerable using five likert – type item. The students were instructed to determine
how frequent they exercise the situations and to indicate the corresponding answer on the
questionnaires provided by choosing from the range :5 strongly agree , 4 – agree , 3 – uncertain , 2 –
disagree and 1 – strongly disagree. The generated individual score serve as measurement of stress and
eating behavior.
The researcher will present a letter of request noted by the researcher ‘s adviser to the principal of
Alabat Island National High School seeking permission to conduct the study for the target respondents.
When the request was granted, we will personally distributed the questionnaire to the respondents.
After the administration of the questionnaires the information that our respondent have filled will
treated with confidentiallity and only use for research
The researcher use the weighted mean as the statistical treatment to know the request of the
study and eating behavior among grade 12 students of ALABAT ISLAND NATIONAL HIGH , Quezon S.Y.
WM = Σ(WX)
To make the interpretation more comprehensible, five – point like scale was utilized and classipy
according to variables
TABLE 1: Descriptive analysis on the impact of stress and eating behavior among grade 12 students of
alabat island national high school alabat, Quezon S.Y. 2022-2023 .
Name (optional):
Grade Level:
Direction: Read the questions carefully. Put a check mark to specify your answer.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I feel stress when I have to complete a lot of school works in a short period of time.