Apologia Physical Science Module 1 Recap and Summary

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Apologia Physical Science Module 1 Recap and Summary

What is the definition of question? What is the definition of prediction? What is the definition of an investigation? What is the definition of observation? What is the definition of summary?

An expression of inquiry that asks for a reply. A guess you are making about a result based on past experience. The search for information or solutions to problems by means of discovery. Using your senses to gather information.

An explanation and evaluation of your observations and predictions. 1. riginal !uestion ". #rediction or $ypothesis %. &nvestigative #lan What are seven things a '. Whether the prediction (as correct or not summary should include? ). *ata from observation to support prediction +. #ossible errors ,. -e( questions that arose from the investigation 1. Use descriptive language. What are three guidelines for ". Take careful measurements. making observations? %. *ra( sketches. take photos. make audio recordings. or make videos. What is the definition of matter? Anything that has mass and takes up space. What are the three states of /olids. 0iquids. and 1ases. matter? A solid is a state of matter that has a definite shape and What is the definition of a solid? volume. What is the definition of a A liquid is a state of matter (ith a definite volume but a liquid? shape that can change. A gas is a state of matter (ithout definite volume or What is the definition of a gas? shape. What are the t(o types of /ubstances and 2ixtures matter? What is the definition of a A substance is either an element or a compound that substance? cannot be physically separated. What is the definition of of an An element is matter in (hich all of the atoms are element? exactly the same. What is the definition of a A compound is material made up of t(o or more compound? elements. What is the definition of a A mixture is t(o or more substances that can be mixture? separated. What is the definition of a A homogeneous mixture is a combination of t(o or more homogeneous mixture? substances that are blended evenly together. What is the definition of a A heterogeneous mixture is a combination of materials heterogeneous mixture? that can be distinguished and separated. What are chemical properties? 3hemical properties are properties that can change the

What are physical properties? What is the definition of a conclusion?

chemical composition of matter. #hysical properties are characteristics (e use to tell the difference bet(een matter. A summary of the results of an experiment. &t is the same as a summary.

Module 1 Summary: 1. Tell (hat is physical science ". *iscuss (hat (as learned in 4xperiments and use questions above to help in (riting summary of module 1.

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