Assignment 2

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Total Marks: 60
BEE-14 (A,B,C,D)

Q.1 As part of your final project, you have to prepare a Proposal. Your task is to select one
of the topics listed below and craft a comprehensive proposal. Your proposal should be well-
researched, logically structured, and geared toward addressing real-world issues. You are free to
choose a topic that aligns with your field of study or personal interests.
Please select one of the following proposal topics:
1. Business Plan Proposal
2. Research Project Proposal
3. Community Service Proposal
4. Marketing Campaign Proposal
5. Event Planning Proposal
6. Educational Curriculum Proposal
7. Environmental Conservation Proposal
8. Healthcare Initiative Proposal
9. Educational Technology Proposal
10. Public Policy Proposal
Evaluation Rubric for your Proposal is given below.

Criteria Exceptional Good Average Poor Total

(10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-1)
1 Content (Depth Proposal Proposal Proposal lacks Proposal lacks
and Relevance) demonstrates displays substantial depth,
comprehensive satisfactory depth or relevance, and
depth, depth, relevance. It innovation,
relevance, and relevance, and contains providing
innovation in some limited minimal
content, innovative research, vague research,
reflecting aspects. It objectives, or unclear
extensive includes common ideas. objectives, or
research, clear substantial unoriginal
objectives, and research, ideas.
novel ideas. reasonable
objectives, and
2 Organization Proposal Proposal is Proposal Proposal lacks
and Clarity exhibits well-organized displays basic substantial
exceptional with a clear organization organization or
organization, structure, and structure, structure,
clear structure, logical flow, though the causing
logical flow, and sequence may confusion and
and precise understandable be unclear or hindering
headings, sections but poorly comprehension.
ensuring easy may lack delineated.
comprehension. consistency or
3 Writing Quality Proposal Proposal has Proposal lacks Proposal shows
and demonstrates good writing consistent poor writing
Communication excellent quality and writing quality quality,
writing quality, communicates or effective ineffective
effective effectively, communication communication,
communication though minor due to several and contains
, and articulates errors or areas errors or numerous
complex ideas for language errors impeding
with precise improvement issues. comprehension.
language, free may exist.
of errors.
4 Adherence to Proposal fully Proposal Proposal Proposal
Guidelines and adheres to mostly adheres deviates significantly
Originality guidelines, to guidelines partially from deviates from
showcasing but lacks guidelines and guidelines and
high originality, substantial lacks lacks any
creativity, and originality or originality or originality or
compliance creativity. creativity. creativity.
with stipulated
5 Feasibility and Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal
Potential demonstrates illustrates displays exhibits poor
Impact exceptional good limited feasibility, with
feasibility, feasibility, feasibility or an impractical
practicality, with a practicality, plan, unrealistic
realistic practical plan, lacking clear timelines, and
timelines, and mostly timelines or minimal
significant realistic significant potential
potential timelines, and potential impact.
impact in the potential impact.
respective field. impact.
6 Teamwork Teamwork is Teamwork is Teamwork is Teamwork is
exemplary, evident, with basic, with lacking, with
showcasing considerable limited minimal
effective collaboration collaboration collaboration or
collaboration, and or contribution contribution
contribution contributions from some from team
from all team from most team members, members,
members, team causing minor leading to
mutual support, members, imbalances or significant
and seamless although some inconsistencies imbalances or
integration of areas may lack . disjointed
individual equal efforts.
efforts towards participation
the proposal's or integration.

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