The Blessings of Baruch
The Blessings of Baruch
The Blessings of Baruch
In the beginning was Uriel da Costa. Then Some of them lauded him for his borderline the Calvinist town, but behave they did. And
came Baruch Spinoza. atheism; others for his scientific naturalism if saving face required turning their noses up
A mercurial recusant born in 1585 in Por- and rejection of superstition; still others for at their uncouth Ashkenazi brethren, so be it,
to, Portugal, da Costa was a Catholic scion of his alleged proto-Zionism; and the rest for his for these refugees fleeing religious persecution
prosperous Portuguese crypto-Jewish Con- psychological insights in the vein of “Know farther east were “filthy, penniless, dressed in
versos who relocated first to Hamburg, then thyself,” the ancient Greek apothegm of intro- rags and had to beg,” the author writes. “The
to Amsterdam, a mercantile and tolerant city spective inquiry. fine manners of the Spanish gentry were evi-
where Jews thrived. Well versed in Christi- In some biographies of Spinoza, da Costa, dent even in Spinoza’s behavior, although he
anity, da Costa embraced Judaism, then re- a distant relation of Spinoza’s, is relegated to had no aspirations toward any kind of high life
nounced it, finding as much fault with his new a footnote. Not so in Ian Bu- or grandiosity.”
faith as he had done with his old one. He espe- ruma’s new book, Spinoza: After his father’s death,
cially took umbrage at regimented rabbinical Freedom’s Messiah, where Spinoza was to take over the
rules and rituals, which he saw as bereft of da Costa’s no-holds-barred faltering family business, but
spirituality and perversions of the Torah. skepticism lays the ground- he had other ideas. Leaving
Then again, it’s not as if he worshiped the work for his landsman’s his younger brother Gabriel
Torah. The Pentateuch, he insisted, had been own refutation of normative in charge of his patrimony,
neither divinely inspired nor authored by religious beliefs. The Dutch he fell in with a bohemian
Moses. Ah, and there was no such thing as journalist and author, who crowd of kindred spirits lured
an immortal soul, and so the afterlife was a is of Christian and Jewish by the siren call of Enlighten-
delusion. His opinion mirrored the belief of descent, calls Spinoza “free- ment philosophy. In 1656, as
ancient Sadducees, who denied the existence dom’s messiah” as per Hein- the bubonic plague ravaged
of undying souls and the hereafter but lost out rich Heine’s view of him as a Europe, Spinoza was ostra-
to the Pharisees, who believed in both despite Christ-like figure. If we are to cized in absentia by Amster-
no scriptural backing for them in the Tanach. take this epithet at face value, dam’s rabbinical authorities.
Yet da Costa went even further by declaring all then da Costa prefigured Spi- Author Ian Buruma (Courtesy He was just 23. In the herem,
religions to be man-made creations. noza the same way that John Ilvy Njiokiktjien) vituperative curses were is-
Such views were beyond blasphemous and the Baptist heralds Jesus of sued against him for “abom-
da Costa, a stubborn fellow, was declared her- Nazareth in the Gospels. What da Costa start- inable heresies,” but what these were are now
em (excommunicated) not once but twice. He ed, Spinoza completed. obscure, as Spinoza had yet to publish any of
was shunned, castigated, and maltreated by A Sephardi merchant’s cerebral son who his treatises, albeit his outspoken views on
local Jews, his relatives among them. Alone studied in a yeshiva, Spinoza was a learned religion echoed those of da Costa’s and other
and miserable, he decided to recant. This he man in Europe’s most liberal city during a rationalists. In any case, he didn’t seem much
did, but then he was also whipped and forced period of febrile intellectual ferment at the bothered by it. To get away from the madding
to lie prostrate at a synagogue’s threshold for height of the Dutch Golden Age. Gedogen, the crowds, though, he moved to the countryside
people to step over him. He never recovered prudent Dutch practice of turning a blind eye and thence to The Hague, where he made do
from such debasement and shot himself in to certain unlawful and undesirable activities, by grinding and polishing lenses for micro-
April 1640. benefited freethinkers like Spinoza, whose scopes and telescopes, two seminal inventions
Baruch Spinoza, a fellow Portuguese Jew, family lived in the waterlogged city’s Jewish of the time. He also put pen to paper on his
was a boy of seven in Amsterdam that year, quarter in Vlooienburg, a rectangular artificial philosophical works, of which two would be
but he too would soon be excommunicated. islet in the Amstel River. Among the Spinozas’ published in his lifetime, earning him fame
Da Costa’s iconoclasm probably influenced neighbors was Rembrandt, a philosemitic and infamy in equal measure across Europe.
Spinoza’s interrogative philosophy, yet where- Protestant who resided among Jews and used Today, Spinoza’s ideas might seem fairly
as the former, a quixotic contrarian, has been them as models for his Bible-themed paint- innocuous, but they were radical in his day.
largely forgotten, the latter, a more profound ings “amid lumberyards, artists’ studios, and Repudiating the biblical God, the philosopher
thinker, remains a towering figure in the his- synagogues discreetly tucked away in private propounded a rarefied form of pantheism by
tory of philosophy. Goethe, Hegel, Nietzsche, houses.” equating God with nature. “Whatever is, is in
Einstein, Marx, Freud, Ben-Gurion — they all To be sure, Buruma notes, Jewish immi- God, and nothing can exist or be conceived
admired Spinoza if not for the same reasons. grants from Iberia were expected to behave in without God,” he wrote. Albeit strictly mecha-