2023 April Answers

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1. A person bitten by a stray dog Verified

has wide lacerated wounds localized
on the face. What therapeutic and 3. A 50-year-old patient was
preventive aid must be provided to this diagnosed with myxedema. The
person for prevention of rabies? development of this pathology is
A. Urgently administer normal gamma caused by disturbed production of
globulin certain hormones. Name. these
B. Hospitalize the patient and monitor hormones.
the patient's condition A. ACTH and growth hormone
C. Begin the immunization with B. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine
antirabic vaccine C. Insulin and glucagon
D. Prescribe a combined vitamin D. Cortisol and aldosterone
therapy E. Oxytocin and vasopressin
E. Urgently administer DPT vaccine Verified
4. A patient diagnosed with acute
2. A patient had a tooth extracted. appendicitis presents with increased
Its crown is chisel-shaped, wide, with leukocyte blood count. What type of
narrow edge. The root is cone-shaped leukocytosis can be observed in the
and flattened on the sides. What tooth patients diagnosed with this condition?
was extracted? A. Lymphocytosis
A. Upper premolar B. Basophilic
B. Lower canine C. Neutrophilic
C. Upper incisor D. Monocytosis
D. Lower premolar E. Eosinophilic
E. Lower incisor Verified

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pathological process is observed in the
5. During the appendectomy, the thymus in this case?
patient's a. appendicularis was ligated. A. Accidental thymic involution
This vessel. is a branch of the B. Thymic dysplasia
following artery: C. Thymic agenesis
A. A. ileocolica D. Thymoma
B. A. mesenterica inferior E. Congenital thymomegaly
C. A. colica media Verified
D. A. sigmoidea
E. A. colica dextra 9. Ossification of the annular
Verified stapedial ligament occurred in a patient
6. A patient with chronic with hearing impairment. What is this
hyperacidic gastritis developed joint type of connection called?
pain and was prescribed celecoxib. A. Syndesmosis
This drug has no effect on gastric B. Hemiarthrosis
mucosa because of its selective effect C. Synostosis
on a certain enzyme. What enzyme is D. Gomphosis
it? E. Synchondrosis
A. Phospholipase A2 Verified
B. Kallikrein
C. Phospholipase C 10. A patient with osteomyelitis of
D. Cyclooxygenase 1 the mandible developed sepsis. Blood
E. Cyclooxygenase 2 culture microbiology detects Gram-
Verified positive and catalase-positive cocci
capable of growing in the presence of
7. A 38-year-old patient complains NaCl. What microorganisms are the
of a constant joint pain. Laboratory likely cause of this disease?
studies detect increased levels of A. Staphylococci
proline and oxyproline in the patient's B. Sarcinae
urine, which indicates problems with C. Corynebacteria
the metabolism of the following D. Escherichia
compound: E. Streptococci
A. Collagen Verified
B. Elastin 11. A microslide of the cerebral
C. Chondroitin sulfate cortex shows large pyramidal cells.
D. Heparin What is the name of the scientist who
E. Hyaluronic acid discovered these cells?
Unverified A. Cajal
B. Lenhossek
8. Autopsy of the body of a 7-year- C. Golgi
old child, who died of decompensated D. Betz
congenital heart defect, shows an E. Nissl
increase in the mass and volume of the Verified
thymus. Microscopy reveals normal
structure of the thymus. What
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Betz cells (also known as pyramidal B. Ampicillin
cells of Betz) are giant pyramidal cells C. Ketoconazole
(neurons) located within the fifth layer D. Acyclovir
of the grey matter in the primary motor E. Furadonin (Nitrofurantoin)
cortex. Verified

12. The physiological properties of 16. Oxidative decarboxylation of

human cardiac muscle include all of pyruvic acid is catalyzed by a
the listed below except: multienzyme. complex with several
A. Conductivity functionally linked coenzymes. Name
B. Contractility this complex.
C. Elasticity A. Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD),
D. Excitability tetrahydrofolic acid, pyridoxal-5
E. Automaticity phosphate, thymidine diphosphate
Verified (TDP), choline
B. Lipoic acid, tetrahydrofolic acid,
13. Tyrosine is used as a substrate in pyridoxal-5-phosphate,
thyroxine synthesis. What chemical methylcobalamin
element takes part in this process? C. Thymidine diphosphate (TDP),
A. Iodine flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD),
B. Copper coenzyme A (CoASH),
C. Calcium nicotinamide adenine
D. Zinc Odinucleotide (NAD), lipoic acid
E. Iron D. Coenzyme A (CoASH), flavin
Verified adenine dinucleotide (FAD),
pyridoxal-5 phosphate,
14. During a surgery, a patient with tetrahydrofolic acid, carnitine
acute: appendicitis developed a cardiac E. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
arrest What signs are characteristic of (NAD), pyridoxal-5-phosphate,
clinical death? thymidine diphosphate (TDP),
A. No respiration, thready pulse methylcobalamin, biotin
B. Rapid respiration, weak heart Verified
C. No respiration, no cardiac activity 17. A patient has aspermia. What
D. Kussmaul respiration, no cardiac organ is dysfunctional in this case?
activity A. Seminal vesicles
E. Apneustic respiration, no cardiac B. Testicle
activity C. Bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands
Verified D. Epididymis
E. Prostate
15. An 8-year-old child came to a Verified
dentist with a herpetic rash on the
lower lip. What medicine needs to be 18. To determine the functional
prescribed for the child? state of the patient's liver, the analysis
A. Oxacillin of animal indican excreted with urine
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was conducted. Indican is produced C. Ciprofloxacin
during detoxification of putrefaction D. Furazolidone
products of a certain amino acid, which E. Urosulfan (Sulfacarbamide)
takes place in the large intestine. Name Verified
this amino acid.
A. Cysteine 22. Because cutaneous
B. Glycine leishmaniasis in the urban areas can be
C. Serine characterized by a cyclic course, a
D. Valine physician suspects that the patient has
E. Tryptophan been ill for approximately 3-6 months.
Verified What pathological anatomical changes
allow making this conclusion, if they
19. In an experiment, urethane appear?
poisoning was induced in a test animal. A. Tuberculoid form
What type of hypoxia occurred as a B. Nosular stage
result? C. Scar stage
A. Hemic hypoxia D. Primary leishmanioma
B. Tissue hypoxia E. Ulcerative stage
C. Respiratory hypoxia Unverified
D. Circulatory hypoxia
E. Hypoxic hypoxia 23. During tooth development,
Verified dentin is the first tissue to be laid
down. What is the source of its
20. Examination of the oral cavity development?
shows that gingival mucosa of the A. Outer enamel epithelium
upper jaw is reddish, has signs of B. Dental follicle
edema, and slightly bleeds, with the C. Dental lamina
damage localized primarily at the D. Dental papilla
interdental areas. What diagnosis is E. Inner enamel epithelium
likely in this case? Verified
A. Catarrhal gingivitis
B. Ulcerative gingivitis 24. Prolonged exposure of a human
C. Local parodontitis body to toxic substances has resulted
D. Parodontosis in destruction of the organelles that
E. Hypertrophic gingivitis perform protein synthesis in the
Verified hepatocytes. Name these organelles.
A. Peroxisomes
21. Bacterioscopy of a swab from B. Lysosomes
the patient's urethra detected C. Mitochondria
gonorrhea. Since fluoroquinolones are D. Ribosomes
the drugs of choice for the treatment of E. –
gonorrhea, this patient must be Verified
A. Cefazolin 25. In COVID-19 patients, type II
B. Fluorouracil pneumocytes in the lungs are the target
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cells for coronavirus SarsCov-2. What Connective tissue has dystrophic
function of the alveolar epithelium changes. What pathological process
primarily becomes impaired as a result was detected in the patient?
of viral damage to these cells? A. Parodontosis
A. Additional air purification in the B. Periodontitis
alveoli C. Periostitis
B. Surfactant synthesis D. Parodontitis
C. Mucus production E. Osteomyelitis
D. Gas exchange Verified
E. Surfactant dissolution
Unverified 29. A patient presents with
disturbed blood supply to the medial
26. A patient was diagnosed with a surface of the right cerebral
damaged intervertebral disk in the hemisphere. What artery is damaged in
lumbar spine. What type of joint is it? this case?
A. Synchondrosis A. A. cerebri media
B. Symphisis B. A. chorioidea
C. Diarthrosis C. A. communicans posterior
D. Synostosis D. A. cerebri posterior
E. Syndesmosis E. A. cerebri anterior
Verified Verified
Note: answer should be A. cerebri
27. An electrician accidentally media
touched an exposed electrical wire
with both hands and died. What 30. Indirect calorimetry shows that
process caused death in this case? the basal metabolic rate of a person is
A. Decreased contractility of the 40%. lower than the norm. What
myocardium endocrine gland does not function
B. Atrial and ventricular fibrillation properly in this person, causing this
C. Complete atrioventricular block condition?
D. Impaired vagal heart rate control A. Thymus
E. Inhibition of the sinoatrial node B. Pineal gland
automaticity C. Pancreas
Verified D. Thyroid gland
E. Adrenal gland
28. Oral cavity examination reveals Verified
gingival retraction with exposed roots
and cervices of the lower incisors. X 31. Normal occlusion of the dental
ray shows foci of osteoporosis in the arches. can be made more pronounced
alveolar bone; smooth resorption of by pulling the lower jaw backwards.
bone tissue is prevalent. Microscopy of What muscle performs this action?
gingival tissues shows sclerosis and A. Sternocleidomastoid
hyalinosis of the microvasculature B. Masseter
with luminal obliteration. The C. Medial pterygoid
capillary network is reduced. D. Temporal
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E. Lateral pterygoid discoloration in patients with
Verified hemolytic jaundice?
A. Unconjugated bilirubin
32. A woman with a deep wound on B. Stercobilin
her leg was brought into the trauma C. Verdoglobin
department. She received the injury D. Bilirubin monoglucuronide
three days ago. What drug must be E. Biliverdin
used to prevent tetanus in this case? Verified
A. Antitetanic serum 36. In the periodontal tissues,
B. BCG vaccine electron microscopy detects fibers, one
C. Antibiotics end of which is embedded into the
D. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids cementum of the dental root, while the
E. DPT vaccine other is embedded into the periosteum
Verified of the alveolar process. Name these
33. Folding is a post-translational A. Argyrophilic fibers
modification of a protein. What is the B. Sharpey fibers
mechanism of pepsin folding in the C. Korff fibers
chief cells of the gastric mucosa? D. Purkinje fibers
A. Methylation E. Ebner fibers
B. Covalent modification Verified
C. Acetylation
D. Partial proteolysis 37. A man complains of weight loss,
E. Phosphorylation rapid physical and mental fatigability,
Verified decreased appetite, arterial
hypotension, and hyperpigmentation
34. A 30-year-old woman of the skin. Examination allowed
complains of intense thirst and dry diagnosing him with Addison's
mouth after a severe emotional shock. disease. What endocrine gland is
Laboratory testing shows elevated hypofunctional in this case, causing
blood sugar levels of 10 mmol / L. this condition in the patient?
What endocrine gland is affected in the A. Parathyroid gland
patient, causing her condition? B. Thyroid gland
A. Pineal gland C. Pituitary gland
B. Gonads D. Gonads
C. Pancreas E. Adrenal glands
D. Thyroid gland Verified
E. Adrenal glands
Verified 38. A doctor diagnosed a patient
with meningococcal nasopharyngitis.
35. After mushroom poisoning, a What method of laboratory diagnostics
person developed yellow coloring of would be a rational choice for
the skin and sclera and dark-colored confirmation of the diagnosis?
urine. What pigment causes urine A. Bacteriology
B. Allergy testing
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C. Biological method esophageal motility disorder,
D. Microscopy sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia.
E. Serology These changes are called CREST
Verified syndrome. What disease can be
characterized by the described.
39. After entering the body, bacteria changes?
undergo phagocytosis by A. Dermatomyositis
macrophages. What role do B. Systemic scleroderma
macrophages play in the cooperation C. Systemic lupus erythematosus
of immunocompetent cells at the first D. Rheumatoid arthritis
stage of immune response. formation? E. Gouty arthritis
A. They process antigens and present Unverified
them to T-helpers
B. They activate NK-cells 43. In an experiment, a dog was
C. They process antigens and present trained to develop a conditioned reflex
them to T-killers in response to a flash of light. For this
D. They produce immunoglobulins reflex to occur, a certain part of the
E. They activate T-killers cerebral cortex must be intact. What
part of the cerebral cortex is it?
40. Examination of a patient detects A. Postcentral gyrus
an anomaly of enamel development. B. Temporal lobe
What structural components of the C. Frontal lobe
tooth bud were damaged, causing this D. Occipital lobe
condition? E. Precentral gyrus
A. Outer enamel epithelium. Verified
B. Stellate reticulum
C. Inner enamel epithelium 44. In an experiment, ribosomes
D. Cervical loop were destroyed in polychromatophilic
E. Stratum intermedium erythroblasts of human red bone
Verified marrow. In this case, the synthesis of a
certain specific protein will be
41. A patient with an angina disturbed. Name this protein.
pectoris attack was brought into the A. Globin
intensive care unit. What drug must be B. Fibrinogen
administered in this case to stop the C. Laminin
angina pectoris attack? D. Elastin
A. Nitroglycerin E. Collagen
B. Furosemide Verified
C. Vicasolum (Menadione)
D. Heparin 45. A 25-year-old patient undergoes
E. Calcium chloride dental procedures. Several minutes
Verified after the patient's oral cavity was
lavaged with a furacilin (nitrofural)
42. Examination of a patient detects solution, the patient developed marked
calcinosis cutis, Raynaud's syndrome,
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edema of the lips. What type of allergic E. Peptostreptococcus
reaction is in observed in this case? Unverified
A. Cytolytic
B. Stimulating 49. Enzyme cofactors include
C. Delayed-type hypersensitivity various derivatives of water-soluble
D. Immune complex vitamins. Which one of them is a
E. Anaphylactic component of aminotransferases?
Verified A. B2
B. B6
46. What condition can develop as C. B3
a result of infusing large volumes of D. B1
isotonic solutions? E. PP
A. Polycythemic hypovolemia Unverified
B. Simple hypervolemia
C. Oligocythemic hypovolemia 50. In an experiment, the common
D. Polycythemic hypervolemia bile duct of a test animal was diverted
E. Oligocythemic hypervolemia outwards. What digestive processes
Verified become disturbed as a result?
A. Hydrolysis and absorption of fats
47. A patient is diagnosed with B. Hydrolysis and absorption of fats,
frontitis. He has a past history of proteins, and carbohydrates
maxillary sinusitis. What structure of C. Water absorption
the nasal cavity is the most likely D. Hydrolysis and absorption of
pathway through which the infection proteins,
was able to reach the frontal sinus? E. Hydrolysis and absorption of
A. Inferior nasal meatus. carbohydrates
B. Ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. Verified
C. Middle nasal meatus 51. Amniocentesis detected
D. Vestibule of the nose karyotype 45, XO in fetal epithelial
E. Superior nasal meatus cells. The mother and father are
Unverified healthy. What is the likely diagnosis in
this case?
48. A culture of Gram-positive A. Turner syndrome
cocci was isolated from the oral cavity B. Cri-du-chat syndrome
of a clinically healthy 25-year-old C. Edwards syndromer
person. These cocci have a slightly D. Trisomy X
elongated shape, are arranged in pairs E. Patau syndrome
or short chains, form a capsule, and Verified
exhibit alpha hemolysis on blood agar.
This person is a carrier of the following 52. A newborn failed to take his first
pathogen: breath. Autopsy revealed that despite
A. Streptococcus pneumoniae unobstructed airways the lungs of the
B. Streptococcus pyogenes newborn were unable to stretch. What
C. Streptococcus salivarium is the most likely cause of this
D. Streptococcus feacalis condition?
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A. Pleural thickening 56. The sequence of DNA triplets
B. Bronchial rupture determines the arrangement of amino
C. Alveolar enlargement acids in a protein molecule. This
D. Bronchial narrowing characteristic of the genetic code is
E. Absence of surfactant called:
Verified A. Colinearity
B. Redundancy
53. Two nucleotides have been lost C. Triplet code
in the sequence of DNA nucleotides D. Non-overlapping
due to the effect of radiation. What E. Universality
type of mutation occurred in the DNA Verified
A. Replication 57. Three days after the filling of the
B. Translocation first right premolar, the patient
C. Duplication developed pain under the right eye and
D. Inversion persistent nasal congestion
E. Deletion accompanied by the fever of 38°C and
Verified discharge of purulent mucus from the
right nasal passage. What mistake was
54. What structure in the cell likely made by the doctor in this case?
becomes the main target, when A. Fracture of the interalveolar septum
exposed to ionizing radiation? B. Perforation of the infraorbital canal
A. Sarcoplasmic reticulum C. Perforation of the sphenoid sinus
B. Cytoplasmic membrane D. Perforation of the right wall of the
C. DNA nasal cavity.
D. Mitochondria. E. Perforation of the right maxillary
E. Ribosomes sinus
Verified Verified

55. Premature excitation that occurs 58. What receptors respond to

in the ventricular myocardium: changes in gas composition of the
A. Reduces the automaticity of the blood that enters the brain?
sinoatrial node A. All of the listed
B. Increases the automaticity of the B. Carotid sinus receptors
sinoatrial node C. -
C. Increases the speed of excitation D. Aortic receptors
conduction through working E. Bulbar receptors
cardiomyocytes Unverified
D. Reduces the speed of excitation
conduction through working 59. A patient was diagnosed with
cardiomyocytes ischemic heart disease and prescribed
E. Has no effect on the automaticity of a calcium channel blocker agent. What
the sinoatrial node drug is it?
Verified A. Thiotriazoline.
B. Eldepryl (Selegiline)
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C. Amlodipine purulent pneumonia, splenomegaly,
D. Carvedilol irreversible changes in
E. Nitroglycerin cardiomyocytes and epithelium of the
Verified renal tubules, Postmortem
bacteriology detected Staphylococcus
60. A student uses percussion to aureus in the blood. What disease is the
determine the cardiac border that cause of these pathological
projects on the anterior thoracic wall at manifestations?
the level of the third costal cartilage. A. Tonsilogenic sepsis
What cardiac border is being B. Cryptogenic sepsis
determined? C. Surgical sepsis
A. Lower D. Treatment-induced sepsis
B. Apex E. Odontogenic sepsis
C. Left Unverified
D. Upper
E. Right 63. A 40-year-old patient with a
Verified poisoning caused by the chlorophos
(metrifonate) insecticide was
61. Several hours after a dental hospitalized into the toxicology
trauma, the tooth pulp has hyperemic department. What drug that blocks
vessels and marked tissue edema with peripheral muscarinic acetylcholine
isolated neutrophils and lymphocytes, receptors would be most effective in
while nerve fibers have minor treatment of such poisoning?
dystrophic changes. What diagnosis is A. Atropine sulfate
likely in this case? B. Amizylum (Benactyzine)
A. Serous pulpitis C. Benzohexonium
B. Fibrous pulpitis (Hexamethonium).
C. Purulent pulpitis D. Platyphylline
D. Gangrenous pulpitis E. Scopolamine
E. Granulating pulpitis Verified
64. A person with signs of anxiety,
62. A 61-year-old patient died in the fear, uncertainty, and mental strain was
intensive care unit due to multiple prescribed diazepam. What
organ dysfunction syndrome. mechanism of its tranquilizing action
Previously, the patient underwent a can be observed. in this case?
surgery for acute purulent periostitis. A. Interaction with dopamine
Histology of necropsy materials receptors
revealed hyperplasia of the lymphoid B. Interaction with acetylcholine
tissue of the tonsils, diffuse receptors
neutrophilic infiltration of the C. Interaction with adrenergic
necrotically changed alveolar process receptors
of the jaw, regional purulent D. Interaction with serotonin receptors
lymphadenitis, soft tissue phlegmon of E. Interaction with benzodiazepine
the neck, bilateral polysegmental receptors
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Verified 68. In some hereditary diseases
(e.g., Kearns-Sayre syndrome),
65. A patient diagnosed with mitochondrial destruction can be
chronic renal failure developed observed. What cellular processes can
anorexia, dyspepsia, heart rhythm be disturbed as a result of it?
disturbances, and skin itching. What is A. Lipid synthesis
the main mechanism of development B. Protein synthesis.
of these disorders? C. Nuclear division
A. Changes in carbohydrate D. Crossingover
metabolism E. ATP synthesis
B. Water-electrolyte imbalance Verified
C. Lipid metabolism disorders
D. Accumulation of nitrogen 69. A histological specimen of
metabolism products in the blood decalcified lower jaw shows bundles
E. Renal acidosis of thick collagen fibers around the root
Unverified of a tooth. Between these fibers, loose
fibrous connective tissue with blood
66. The course of complete vessels can be identified. What
starvation consists of three stages. structure is it?
What is characteristic of the third A. Dental alveolus
(terminal) stage of starvation? B. Gums
A. Activation of lipolysis in adipose C. Cellular cementum
tissue D. Periodontium
B. Increased formation of ketone E. Dentin
bodies-in the liver Verified
C. Development of non-gaseous
acidosis 70. There are several ways of
D. Intensified protein catabolism in ammonia neutralization in the body,
muscles and gluconeogenesis in the with some organs having their own
liver specific ways. What way of ammonia
E. Increased breakdown of proteins in neutralization is characteristic of brain
vital organs cells?
Verified A. Asparagine formation
B. Creatine formation
67. A patient diagnosed with oral C. Urea formation
candidiasis was prescribed an D. Glutamine formation
antifungal drug. What drug was E. NH formation
prescribed for this patient? Verified
A. Biseptol (Co-trimoxazole)
B. Ampicillin 71. A dentist administers anesthesia
C. Fluconazole in the area of the upper second molar.
D. Erythromycin What nerves does the doctor
E. Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol) anesthetize?
Verified A. Rr. alveolares superiores
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B. Rr. alveolares superiores anteriores This disease is caused by deletion of
C. Rr. alveolares inferiores posteriores the short arm of autosome 5. What is
D. Rr. alveolares inferiores anteriores the total number of chromosomes in
E. Rr. alveolares superiores medii this child?
Verified A. 44
B. 45
72. A patient diagnosed with gout C. 47
has a significant increase in the levels D. 46
of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is E. 23
the end product of the metabolism of: Unverified
A. Triglycerides
B. Albumins 76. Autopsy of a 72-year-old man.
C. Purine bases with recurrent transmural myocardial
D. Globulins infarction revealed his epicardial and
E. Fatty acids pericardial membranes to be swollen,
Verified thickened, coarse, as if covered in hair.
What type of inflammation occurred in
73. Gene expression is regulated by the cardiac membranes in this case?
various mechanisms and activates A. Catarrhal
upon induction of certain DNA B. Purulent
regions. Name these regions. C. Croupous
A. Enhancer D. Diphtheritic
B. Attenuator E. Serous
C. Spacer Verified
D. Terminator
E. Silencer 77. In an experiment, a rabbit
Verified received guinea pig nephrotoxic
serum. What renal disease was
74. A 67-year-old man was brought modeled in this experiment?
into the cardiology department with A. Acute diffuse glomerulonephritis
complaints of periodical pain in his B. Nephrotic syndrome
heart, shortness of breath caused by C. Chronic pyelonephritis
even slight physical exertion, cyanosis, D. Acute pyelonephritis
and edemas. ECG detects premature E. Chronic renal failure
excitations of heart ventricles. What Verified
type of rhythm disturbance is it?
A. Bradycardia 78. During a neck surgery, the
B. Flutter patient's sternothyroid muscle was
C. Extrasystole damaged by the surgeon. What
D. Fibrillation function will be impaired because of
E. Tachycardia the damage to this muscle?
Verified A. Lowering of the larynx
B. Neck extension
75. A 2-month-old child has been C. Raising of the larynx
diagnosed with cri-du-chat syndrome. D. Raising of the hyoid bone
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E. Bending the neck forwards detects helminth larvae. Eosinophilia
Verified is observed in the patient's blood. What
diagnosis can be suspected in this
79. Impaired coordination of case?
movements and disturbed muscle tone A. Paragonimiasis
are signs of alcohol intoxication. These B. Taeniasis
changes are associated with damage to C. Ascariasis
certain cells in the cerebellum. Name D. Echinococcosis
these cells. E. Fasciolasis
A. Golgi cells of the granular layer Verified
B. Basket cells of the granular layer
C. Stellate cells of the molecular layer 83. A patient has high body
D. Purkinje cells of the molecular temperature, increased basal metabolic
layer rate, and tachycardia at rest, which can
E. Pear-shaped neurons of the be caused by hyperfunction of the:
Purkinje layer A. Gonads
Verified B. Thyroid gland
C. Pancreas
80. A diabetes mellitus patient fell D. Neurohypophysis
unconscious and developed E. Adrenal cortex
convulsions after administration of Verified
insulin. What glucose levels would be
detected by blood. biochemistry in this 84. A patient diagnosed with
case? systemic lupus erythematosus has
A. 5.5 mmol / L kidney damage with nephrotic
B. 8 mmol / L syndrome. What is the cause of this
C. 10 mmol / L condition?
D. 3.3 mmol / L A. Glomerulosclerosis
E. 1.5 mmol / L B. Autoimmune damage to nephron
Verified glomeruli
C. Mechanical damage to the urinary
81. Cancer cells form in the human tract
body due to the effect of D. Hyperproteinemia
environmental factors. What cells E. Ischemic kidney damage
provide antitumor protection? Verified
A. Epitheliocytes
B. Erythrocytes 85. Autopsy of the body of a
C. Lymphocytes deceased 64-year-old woman
D. Platelets diagnosed with tuberculosis shows a
E. Neurocytes dense and enlarged spleen with
Unverified multiple small gray-white foci,
Microscopy detects caseous necrosis
82. A patient has been suffering in the center of the foci, surrounded
from pneumonia for a week. epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant
Microscopy of a sputum sample
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cells, lymphocytes, etc. What spleen Verified
disorder did this woman develop?
A. Miliary tuberculosis of the spleen 89. Ten weeks after a case of
B. Sago spleen jaundice, HBsAg were detected in the
C. Porphyry spleen patient's blood. What pathology is it
D. Septic spleen characteristic of?
E. Lardaceous spleen A. Viral hepatitis C
Verified B. Viral hepatitis A
C. Viral hepatitis E
86. Examination of a hematopoietic D. Viral Hepatitis B
organ reveals lobules formed by E. Viral hepatitis D
lymphoid tissue with stroma that Verified
consists of epithelioreticular cells.
What organ is being studied? 90. After a family quarrel, a 70-
A. Palatine tonsil year-old man was hospitalized with the
B. Spleen diagnosis. of ischemic heart disease,
C. Thymus preinfarction state. What substance can
D. Red bone marrow cause a coronary angiospasm in the
E. Lymph node patient?
Verified A. Nitrous oxide
B. Potassium ions
87. A specimen shows a tissue with C. Adenosine
cells that are located separately and in D. Thromboxane A2
isogroups. No fibrous structures can be E. Prostacyclin
detected within its intercellular Verified
substance. What tissue is demonstrated
in this specimen? 91. A 36-year-old woman came to a
A. Epithelial tissue dentist with complaints of facial edema
B. Hyaline cartilaginous tissue localized under her right eye. After
C. Bone tissue examination, the dentist diagnosed her
D. Smooth muscular tissue with phlegmon of the infraorbital
E. Fibrous cartilaginous tissue region, What teeth often become the
Verified source of infection that spreads into
this region?
88. For the treatment of gingivitis, a A. Second premolar and first molar
dentist prescribed the patient a drug B. Upper first and second molars
with an antiprotozoal and antibacterial C. Upper canine and first premolar
effect, which can cause an aversion to D. Upper lateral and central incisors
alcohol. What drug did the doctor E. Upper central incisor
prescribe? Verified
A. Ceftriaxone
B. Metronidazole 92. A patient diagnosed with renal
C. Tetracycline failure shows signs of renal
D. Lincomycin hydrochloride. osteodystrophy accompanied by
E. Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol) resorption of periodontal bone tissue.
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This condition is caused by disturbed C. Additional
formation of: D. Definitive
A. D3 E. Intermediate
B. D₂ Verified
C. 24, 25(OH)2 D3
D. 25(OH)2 D3 96. Reading of the hereditary
E. 1, 25(OH)2 D3 information encoded within a gene
Verified begins with pre mRNA synthesis on a
fragment of DNA matrix chain. Where
93. A woman has edemas and high does this process occur in the
levels of urine protein. What nephron eukaryotic cells?
segment is dysfunctional in this case, A. Cytoplasm
as indicated by these signs? B. Centrosomes
A. Distal convoluted tubule C. Nucleus
B. Renal corpuscle D. Golgi complex
C. Ascending limb of the loop of E. Ribosomes
Henle Unverified
D. Proximal convoluted tubule
E. Descending limb of the loop of 97. An organ of the cardiovascular
Henle system is composed of cells that
Verified connect to each other with intercalated
discs. What organ is it?
94. A 20-year-old pregnant woman A. Mixed type artery
has a round reddish formation with B. Muscular artery
ulceration on its surface on the C. Heart
vestibular surface of the gums in her D. Muscular vein
incisor region. Microscopy detects in E. Aorta
this formation at similarity to a Verified
capillary hemangioma. What diagnosis
is likely in this case? 98. In an adult person, mitosis is not
A. Fibrous epulis observed in certain cells throughout
B. Giant cell epulis life and the quantity of DNA in them
C. Papilloma remains constant. What are these cells
D. Fibroma called?
E. Angiomatous epulis A. Epidermal cells
Verified B. Endothelial cells
C. Smooth muscle cell
95. In the body of a female D. Neurons
Anopheles mosquito, the malaria E. Hematopoietic cells
Plasmodium reproduces via copulation Unverified
(a type of sexual process). What type
of host is this insect for malaria 99. Sodium thiopental was
Plasmodium? administered to a patient as a pre-
A. Reservoir anesthetic, after which the patient
B. Optional developed hypersalivation and
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laryngospasm. What drug could have C. B5
prevented these effects, if it had been D. B1
administered in this case? E. C
A. Adrenaline hydrochloride Verified
B. Analgin (Metamizole sodium)
C. Atropine sulfate 103. A woman diagnosed with
D. Ditylin (Suxamethonium) dysentery was hospitalized into the
E. Piracetam infectious diseases unit. Laboratory
Verified testing determined that the causative
agents in this case are Entamoeba
100. A patient has diabetes mellitus histolytica. What drug should she be
with fasting hyperglycemia of over 72 prescribed?
mmol / L. What blood plasma protein A. Rifampicin
would allow to assess the patient's B. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
glycemia levels retrospectively (4-8 C. Metronidazole
weeks prior to the examination)? D. Isoniazid
A. C-reactive protein E. Chingamin (Chloroquine)
B. Fibrinogen Verified
C. Ceruloplasmin
D. Glycated hemoglobin 104. A 37-year-old patient was
E. Albumin diagnosed with essential hypertension
Verified and prescribed lisinopril. What is the
mechanism of action of this drug?
101. A 50-year-old patient, who A. Blocks calcium channels
recovered from a heart attack, five B. Blocks potassium channels
years later died of chronic heart failure. C. Stimulates imidazoline receptors
Autopsy detects a dense sac like D. Binds angiotensin-converting
protrusion on the lateral surface of the enzyme and blocks the conversion
wall of the left ventricle. The wall in of angiotensin I into angiotensin II
this place is thinned out, dense, and E. Blocks angiotensin receptors in
gray. What cardiac pathology can be blood vessels
characterized by these changes? Verified
A. Chronic aneurysm
B. Myocardial infarction 105. What property is not
C. Cardiosclerosis characteristic of low molecular weight
D. Cardiomyopathy heparins, such as enoxaparin,
E. Myocarditis fraxiparine (nadroparin calcium), etc.?
A. No inhibitory effect on thrombin
102. During a visit to a dentist, the B. An increase in the inhibitory effect
patient's oral mucosa is bright red. The of antithrombin III on factor Xa
patient has angular stomatitis and C. Injected subcutaneously 1-2 times a
cheilosis. What vitamin deficiency is day
observed in this case? D. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant
A. B2 activity
B. B6
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E. Bioavailability is higher than that absorption were studied. It was
of heparin determined that these processes mainly
Unverified occur in the following gastrointestinal
106. In diabetes mellitus, the levels of A. Oral cavity
ketone bodies in the blood increase, B. Rectum
causing metabolic acidosis. From what C. Large intestine
substance are ketone bodies D. Stomach
synthesized? E. Small intestine
A. Propionyl-CoA Verified
B. Malonyl-CoA
C. Acetyl-CoA 110. Bacteriology of dental plaque
D. Methylmalonyl-CoA from the oral cavity of a 10-year-old
E. Succinyl-CoA child detects numerous Streptococcus
Verified mutans. This microorganism plays the
leading role in the development of:
107. A 3-year-old girl was diagnosed A. Chronic pulpitis
with rubella. Her 10-year-old sister B. Caries
was not infected, despite both girls C. Ulcerative gangrenous stomatitis
constantly remaining in contact. The D. Vesicular stomatitis
pediatrician determined that the elder E. Parodontosis
girl had rubella 5 years ago, What type Unverified
of immunity does the elder sister have?
A. Innate 111. A patient has high levels of
B. Natural passive vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) in
C. Artificial active the blood. What changes in the
D. Natural active patient's diuresis will occur in this
E. Artificial passive case?
Verified A. Anuria
B. Oliguria
108. In an experiment, a test animal C. Glycosuria
had a part of its brain destroyed, which D. Natriuria
caused the animal to change from a E. Polyuria
homeothermic to a poikilothermic Verified
state. What part of the brain was
destroyed in this case? 112. A patient with diabetes mellitus
A. Medulla oblongata developed acidosis because of ketone
B. Mesencephalon bodies accumulation in the blood.
C. Pineal gland What changes can be observed in the
D. Pituitary respiratory system in this case?
E. Hypothalamus A. Cheyne-Stokes respiration is
Verified observed.
B. Breath holding occurs
109. In an experiment, the processes C. Bronchial spasms occur
of food and water hydrolysis products periodically
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D. Pulmonary ventilation decreases Verified
E. Pulmonary ventilation increases
Verified 116. A certain antibiotic has low
toxicity relatively rarely causes side
113. A patient with infiltrative effects, and is a reserve antibiotic from
pulmonary tuberculosis, who was the group i of macrolides. Its
undergoing treatment with isoniazid, mechanism of action consists of
developed signs of B6 protein synthesis inhibition in bacterial
hypovitaminosis. What is the cause of ribosomes by inhibiting the peptide
this condition? translocase enzyme. What antibiotic is
A. Vitamin elimination speeds up it?
B. Vitamin absorption slows down A. Sisomicin
C. A strong connection forms between B. Tetracycline
vitamin and blood plasma proteins C. Azithromycin
D. Vitamin biotransformation speeds D. Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol)
up E. Ampicillin
E. Isoniazid is a vitamin B6 antagonist Verified
117. A 5-year-old child was
114. A 42-year-old man with an diagnosed with Duchenne muscular
incised wound on the lower anterior dystrophy. The parents are healthy.
surface of his shoulder came to a The child's maternal uncle and the son
hospital. Objectively, he presents with of the child's maternal aunt have
impaired forearm flexion. What myopathy too. What is the type of
muscles are likely to be damaged in inheritance of this disease?
this patient? A. M. X-linked dominant
A. M. coracobrachialis, m. B. Autosomal dominant
supraspinatus C. X-linked recessive
B. M. brachialis, m. biceps brachii D. Y-linked
C. M. biceps brachii, m. anconeus E. Autosomal recessive
D. M. deltoideus, m. biceps brachii Verified
E. M. deltoideus, m. infraspinatus
Verified 118. A patient came to a family
doctor with complaints of weakness,
115. Patients with ischemic heart weight loss, and enlarged cervical
disease are prescribed small doses of lymph nodes. Microscopy of the
aspirin that inhibits the synthesis of biopsy material obtained from a lymph
platelet aggregation activator node shows giant multinucleated
thromboxane A2. What substance is Reed-Sternberg cells, lymphocytes,
thromboxane A2 made of? plasma cells, histiocytes, eosinophils,
A. Glutamic acid and areas of necrosis and sclerosis.
B. Acetic acid What disease can be characterized by
C. Homogentisic acid the described changes?
D. Arachidonic acid A. Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin
E. Malonic lymphoma)
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B. Lymphosarcoma
C. Sarcoidosis 122. While waiting for tooth
D. Tuberculosis extraction, a patient developed a
E. Lymphocytic leukemia by bronchial asthma attack. To stop the
Verified bronchospasm, the patient needs to be
prescribed a drug that belongs to the
119. A 59-year-old man was following pharmacological group:
diagnosed with chorea that manifests A. Psychostimulants.
as involuntary rapid movements B. Muscarinic agonists
accompanied grimaces. Chorea C. Analeptics
development is associated with D. Analgesics
damage to a certain brain structure. E. β2-adrenergic agonists
Name this brain structure. Verified
A. Striatum
B. Amygdala 123. During examination of the oral
C. N. fasciculi longitudinalis medialis cavity, a dentist detected a carious
(Darkshewitch nuclei) cavity in the lower second premolar.
D. Thalamus The cavity is located on the crown
E. Claustrum surface that faces the first premolar.
Unverified What surface of the dental crown is
affected in this case?
120. Histology of an extracted tooth A. Facies lingualis
detects a lower number and reduced B. Facies vestibularis
size of odontoblasts and pulpocytes C. Facies mesialis
with sclerosis of the connective tissue D. Facies distalis
base of the pulp. What diagnosis is E. Facies occlusalis
likely in this case? Verified
A. Pulp hyalinosis
B. Acute pulpitis 124. A patient was diagnosed with a
C. Pulp necrosis malignant tumor of the pineal gland.
D. Pulp dystrophy The tumor penetrates into one of the
E. Pulp atrophy subarachnoid cisterns in the brain. To
Verified remove the tumor, a surgery must be
performed in the area of the following
121. During vascular-platelet cistern:
hemostasis, platelet factor (PF-8) A. Cisterna quadrigeminalis
thrombostenin is released from B. Cisterna ambiens
destroyed platelets. What is its C. Cisterna interpeduncularis
function? D. Cisterna chiasmatis
A. Erythrocyte agglutination E. Cisterna pericallosa
B. Thrombus retraction Verified
C. Erythrocyte hemolysis
D. Platelet adhesion 125. Glutamate decarboxylation
E. Platelet aggregation produces an inhibitory
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neurotransmitter in the central nervous D. Monocytosis
system. What neurotransmitter is it? E. Anemia
A. Asparagine Verified
B. Serotonin
C. Histamine 129. Membrane-acting
D. GABA protein/peptide hormones regulate
E. Glutathione metabolism in the cells, using
Unverified intracellular mediators (messengers)
for this purpose. ACTH causes
126. A 55-year-old man was intracellular effects by forming:
diagnosed with purulent otitis A. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
complicated with meningitis. The B. Inositol trisphosphate
posterior cranial fossa was C. Calcium / calmodulin
contaminated by pus. What wall of the D. Cyclic guanosine monophosphate
tympanic cavity was destroyed in this E. –
case? Verified
A. Paries membranaceus
B. Paries mastoideus 130. A patient undergoes a surgery
C. Paries labyrinthicus for a knee joint injury. The surgical
D. Paries jugularis incision reveals formations that
E. Paries tegmentalis improve the congruence of articular
Verified surfaces. What are these formations
127. A man came to a doctor with A. Menisci
complaints of general weakness and B. Discs
sleep disturbances. Objectively, the C. Ligaments
patient's skin is yellow. Increased D. Folds
levels of direct bilirubin and bile acids E. Labia
are observed in the blood. Patient's Verified
stool is acholic. What condition can be
characterized by these changes? 131. What drug can be used in
A. Hemolytic jaundice treatment of ciliary arrhythmia, is a
B. Gilbert's syndrome potassium channel blocker, alpha and
C. Chronic cholecystitis beta dual receptor blocker, and can
D. Mechanical jaundice cumulate in the body?
E. Parenchymatous jaundice A. Nicotinamide
Unverified B. Amiodarone
C. Verapamil
128. A woman was diagnosed with D. Metoprolol
purulent stomatitis. What complete E. Asparcam
blood. count finding is characteristic of Unverified
this. disease?
A. Leukocytosis 132. Complex therapy of a patient
B. Lymphocytosis with bronchopneumonia accompanied
C. Thrombocytosis by exhausting dry cough includes a
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certain mucolytic agent that B. Lateral vestibular nucleit
depolymerizes mucoproteins. What C. Red nuclei
drug is it? D. Diencephalon
A. Atenolol E. Corpora quadrigemina
B. Acetylcysteine Verified
C. Neodicoumarin
D. Codeine 136. In an experiment, an excitable
E. Strophanthin cell was exposed to
Verified tetraethylammonium that blocks
potassium-selective ion channels.
133. In an experiment, a myotome What effect will it have on the
was destroyed in a rabbit fetus. This membrane potential of the cell?
manipulation will result in A. Action potential will not occur
malformation of the following B. Hyperpolarization will develop
structure: C. Resting potential will remain
A. Serous membranes unchanged
B. Dermal connective tissue D. Resting potential will increase
C. Axial skeleton E. Resting potential will disappear
D. Skeletal muscles Verified
E. Smooth muscles
Verified 137. A 35-year-old man came to a
hospital with complaints of pain in the
134. During examination, a doctor right lower jaw, fever, chills, and a
performed auscultation to assess the swelling. Examination detects
functioning of the patient's mitral detachment of the periosteum with
valve. Where can the sound of this accumulation of inflammatory exudate
valve be auscultated? between the periosteum and the bone,
A. At the edge of the sternum, in the perifocal edema of soft tissues, and
second intercostal space on the left partial liquefaction of the periosteum.
B. At the apex of the heart What diagnosis can be suspected in
C. At the edge of the sternum, in the this case?
second intercostal space on the A. Granulating periodontitis
right B. Parodontosis
D. At the edge of the sternum on the C. Purulent periostitis
left, over the fifth costal cartilage D. Local parodontitis
E. At the edge of the sternum on the E. -
right, over the fifth costal cartilage Verified
138. A man came to a doctor with
135. In an experiment, a test animal complaints of excessive thirst
lost its orienting reflexes after certain (polydipsia) and frequent urination
structures of its central nervous system with a large amount of urine
had been destroyed. At what level did (polyuria). The patient's history states
the damage occur? that 4 weeks ago he was diagnosed
A. Cerebellum with necrosis of the posterior lobe of
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the pituitary gland caused by a respiratory insufficiency develops in
craniocerebral injury. What pathology such cases?
is observed in the patient? A. Restrictive disturbances of alveolar
A. Cushing disease ventilation
B. Diabetes mellitus B. Dysregulatory disturbances of
C. Diabetes insipidus alveolar ventilation
D. Cushing syndrome C. Diffusion insufficiency
E. Acromegaly D. Obstructive disturbances of
Verified alveolar ventilation
E. Perfusion insufficiency
139. In a 6-year-old child, a dentist Verified
detected gray-white spots up to one
millimeter in diameter on the buccal 142. In a patient with chronic
mucosa at the level of the premolars. hepatitis, tooth extraction was
The child was not vaccinated at the age complicated by prolonged bleeding.
of one year. The doctor suspects that What is the cause of the hemorrhagic
the mucosal lesion was caused by a syndrome in this case?
complex RNA virus with A. Decreased fibrin formation
hemagglutinating properties. This B. Increased thromboplastin
virus has no neuraminidase activity formation
and cannot not cultivated in chicken C. Intensified fibrinolysis
embryos. What pathogen caused the D. Increased fibrinogen synthesis
development of this disease? E. Decreased thrombin formation
A. Coxsackievirus A Verified
B. Varicella-zoster virus
C. Herpes simplex virus 143. A 42-year-old man, a hunter,
D. Measles virus was preparing a fox pelt. One week
E. Mumps virus later, he fell ill. The disease manifested
Verified as nervous excitement, hydrophobia,
and seizures. Autopsy of the hunter's
140. The presence of an allosteric body revealed encephalitis with
center is a structural feature of damage to the brainstem, walls of the
regulatory enzymes. What is its role? third ventricle, and hippocampus.
A. Binds the coenzyme Encephalitis manifested as
B. Changes the structure of the accumulation of lymphocytes and
substrate microglial cells around dead neurons
C. Promotes the coenzyme and blood vessels. Eosinophilic
dissociation. inclusions (Babesh-Negri bodies) were
D. Binds the substrate detected in the hippocampal neurons.
E. Binds the regulatory effector What disease can be diagnosed in the
Verified deceased?
A. Anthrax
141. A patient diagnosed with B. Tularemia
bronchial asthma developed acute C. Brucellosis
respiratory insufficiency. What type of D. Rabies
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E. Plague E. Blocks ligand-gated sodium
Verified channels
144. Auscultation reveals that in the
patient's II intercostal space along the 147. A patient who had his lower
parasternal line on the right the II heart second molar extracted presents with
sound can be better heard than the I bleeding from the tooth socket. What
heart. sound. What valve produces the vessel is the source of the bleeding in
II heart sound when closing? this case?
A. Bicuspid and tricuspid valves A. Maxillary artery
B. Left bicuspid valve B. Lingual artery
C. Aortic semilunar valve C. Facial artery
D. Right tricuspid valve D. Ophthalmic artery
E. Pulmonic semilunar valve E. Ascending pharyngeal artery
Verified Verified

145. After extraction of a tooth on the 148. A woman came to a dental clinic
lower jaw, a 30-year-old woman with complaints of severe toothache
developed an increase in temperature and extreme sensitivity to sweet and
and later a swelling in her neck region. sour foods and thermal stimuli. She has
A dissection of the skin of her neck a history of frequent maxillary sinusitis
revealed that the subcutaneous fatty on the right. Examination of her oral
tissue was soaked through with a foul cavity detected a carious tooth the
smelling opaque yellow-green liquid. maxillary right first premolar. The
What process developed in the fatty doctor suggested anesthetizing the
tissue in this case? tooth for further treatment. What nerve
A. Fibrinous inflammation. innervates this tooth?
B. Abscess A. N. alveolaris superior medius
C. Serous inflammation B. N. infraorbitalis
D. Hemorrhagic inflammation C. N. petrosus major
E. Phlegmon D. N. mandibularis
Verified E. N. incisivus
146. Local anesthetic lidocaine is
widely used in dental practice. 149. A patient developed a tender red
Lidocaine has an analgesic effect nodule in the lower jaw region.
because it: Histology detects accumulation of
A. Blocks voltage-gated potassium purulent exudate in several hair
channels follicles. What clinical and
B. Blocks voltage-gated sodium morphological type of inflammation is
channels. observed in this case?
C. Blocks voltage-gated calcium A. Hypostatic abscess
channels B. Carbuncle
D. Activates voltage-gated potassium C. Phlegmon
channels D. Furuncle
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E. Abscess

150. What parasite has a mollusk as

an intermediate host?
A. Echinococcus
B. Trichinella
C. Fasciola hepatica
D. Diphyllobothrium latum
E. Giardia

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