2023 April Answers
2023 April Answers
2023 April Answers
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145. After extraction of a tooth on the 148. A woman came to a dental clinic
lower jaw, a 30-year-old woman with complaints of severe toothache
developed an increase in temperature and extreme sensitivity to sweet and
and later a swelling in her neck region. sour foods and thermal stimuli. She has
A dissection of the skin of her neck a history of frequent maxillary sinusitis
revealed that the subcutaneous fatty on the right. Examination of her oral
tissue was soaked through with a foul cavity detected a carious tooth the
smelling opaque yellow-green liquid. maxillary right first premolar. The
What process developed in the fatty doctor suggested anesthetizing the
tissue in this case? tooth for further treatment. What nerve
A. Fibrinous inflammation. innervates this tooth?
B. Abscess A. N. alveolaris superior medius
C. Serous inflammation B. N. infraorbitalis
D. Hemorrhagic inflammation C. N. petrosus major
E. Phlegmon D. N. mandibularis
Verified E. N. incisivus
146. Local anesthetic lidocaine is
widely used in dental practice. 149. A patient developed a tender red
Lidocaine has an analgesic effect nodule in the lower jaw region.
because it: Histology detects accumulation of
A. Blocks voltage-gated potassium purulent exudate in several hair
channels follicles. What clinical and
B. Blocks voltage-gated sodium morphological type of inflammation is
channels. observed in this case?
C. Blocks voltage-gated calcium A. Hypostatic abscess
channels B. Carbuncle
D. Activates voltage-gated potassium C. Phlegmon
channels D. Furuncle
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2023–April–Dentistry krokology.com
E. Abscess