Forecast Study Problems

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Forecasting Chapter Study Problems

a) and b)

Forecast Period Actual

(86 + 75)/2 = 80.5 3 72 +8.5

(75 + 72)/2 = 73.5 4 83 -9.5
etc 77.5 5 132 -54.5
107.5 6 65 42.5
98.5 7 110 -11.5
87.5 8 90 -2.5
100.0 9 67 +33.0
78.5 10 92 -13.5
79.5 11 98 -18.5
95.0 12 73 +22.0

c) MAD = (216)/10 = 21.6

MSE = (7175)/10 = 717.5

MAPE = 100 1 ei  = 25.61

 D 
Ft = Dt-1 + (1-)Ft-1

a) FFeb = (.15)(23.3) + (.85)(25) = 24.745

FMarch = (.15)(72.3) + (.85)(24.745) = 31.88

FApr = (.15)(30.3) + (.85)(31.88) = 31.64

FMay = (.15)(15.5) + (.85)(31.63) = 29.22

b) FFeb = (.40)(23.3) + (.60)(25) = 24.32

FMarch = 43.47

FApr = 38.20

FMay = 29.12

c) Compute MSE for February through April:

Month Error (a) Error (b)

( = .15) ( = .40)

Feb 47.45 47.88

Mar 1.56 13.17
Apr 16.13 22.70
MSE = 838.04 993.74

 = .15 gave a better forecast

a) Week MA(3) Forecast

4 17.67
5 20.33
6 28.67
7 22.67
8 21.67

b) and c

Week ES(.15) Demand MA(3) |err| |err|

4 17.67 22 17.67 4.33 4.33

5 18.32 34 20.33 15.68 13.67
6 20.67 12 28.67 8.67 16.67
7 19.37 19 22.67 0.37 3.67
8 19.32 23 21.67 3.68 1.33

6.547540 7.934

Based on these results, ES(.15) had a lower MAD over the five weeks

d) It is the same as the exponential smoothing forecast made in week 6 for the demand in
week 7, which is 19.37 from part c).
c) Predict the demand for the first quarter of year- 4 by using MA-6.


Period (quarter) Demand

1 12 0.268657 S1 0.313433
2 25 0.559701 S2 0.761194
3 76 1.701493 S3 1.723881
4 52 1.164179 S4 1.201493
5 16 0.358209
6 32 0.716418
7 71 1.589552
8 62 1.38806
9 14 0.313433
10 45 1.007463
11 84 1.880597
12 47 1.052239

Average= 44.66667

(quarter) Demand Desasonal
1 12 38.285714
2 25 32.843137
3 76 44.08658
4 52 43.279503
5 16 51.047619
6 32 42.039216
7 71 41.186147
8 62 51.602484
9 14 44.666667
10 45 59.117647
11 84 48.727273
12 47 39.118012


(quarter) Desasonal
1 38.28571
2 32.84314
3 44.08658
4 43.2795
5 51.04762
6 42.03922
7 41.18615
8 51.60248
9 44.66667
10 59.11765
11 48.72727
12 39.11801

13 47.40304

Demand = (47,403) x 0,3134 =14,85

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