ACI Cognition Screening For Older Adults

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Cognition Screening for Patient Label

Older Adults
This form incorporates the Abbreviated Mental Test
scores (AMTS), Delirium Risk Assessment Tool (DRAT)
and Confusion Assessment Method (CAM).

Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS)

Establish baseline cognition by completing the Abbreviated Mental Test OR SMMSE for all
presentations 65 years + (45+ ATSI). Repeat with any change in cognition behaviour of LOC. Score 1
for each correct answer.

Date __/__/__ __/___/__ __/__/__ __/__/___
1. How old are you
2. What is the time (nearest hour)
Give the patient an address and ask them to repeat it at the end of the test
E.g. 42 Market St Queanbeyan
3. What year is it?
4. What is the name of this place
5. Can the patient recognise two
relevant persons (eg. Nurse/doctor or
6. What is your date of birth?
7. When did the second world war
start? (1939)
8. Who is the current Prime Minister?
9. Count down backwards from 20 to 1
10 Can you remember the address I
gave you?
 A score of 7 or less indicates cognitive impairment
 All patients require a Delirium Risk Assessment using (DRAT ) over page

Does the person have a history of any recent / sudden change in behaviour,
cognition, loss of consciousness or functional abilities (inc Falls)?

Yes - Please do CAM No - Please do DRAT

Delirium Risk Assessment Tool (DRAT)
Assessment to be completed on admission, pre & post op. and when there is a change in behaviour

Pre morbid RISK factors

Precipitating factors
Tick & add score
  70 yrs WARNING: these factors increase risk

PLUS  Mechanical restraint

 Visual impairment (unable to read large print on  Malnutrition

newspaper with glasses)
 Severe illness (nurses’ opinion including mental  3 new medications added in 24hrs
 Cognitive impairment AMTS <7/10 or MMSE < 25/30  IDC
or past history of memory or cognitive deficit
 Dehydration (scanty, concentrated urine; fever, thirst,  Iatrogenic event (procedure,
dry mucous membranes or raised creatinine/urea) infection, complication, fall etc)

If your patient is  70 yrs and has at least one of the

above risk factors =
RISK of Delirium 

CAM Medical History Physical Medication Bloods MSU

review (incl. family) Exam Review


The CAM is a validated tool to be used in assisting with the differential diagnosis of Delirium. It should be used for any older
person who appears to be disorientated / confused or who has any change in behaviour or LOC. It is important that the CAM is
used in conjunction with a formal cognitive assessment (eg AMT/ SMMSE), good clinical and medical assessment, together with
baseline cognition information from carers/family or the community or residential aged care service

Is there evidence of an acute

change in mental status from
Uncertain, the patient’s baseline? E.g. tend to come and go,
Acute onset and
1 fluctuating course
No Yes Specify: ____________ or increase and decrease
If so, did the abnormal in severity
behaviour fluctuate during
the day?
E.g. being easily
Uncertain, Did the patient have
distracted, or having
2 Inattention No Yes Specify: ____________ difficulty focussing attention
difficulty keeping track
during the interview?
of what was being said?
E.g. Rambling or
irrelevant conversation,
Disorganised Was the patient’s thinking unclear or illogical flow
3 thinking
No Yes Specify: ____________
disorganised or organised? of ideas, or unpredictable
switching from one
subject to another?
Uncertain, Overall, how would you rate Altered E.g. Vigilant,
Altered level of
4 No Yes Specify: ____________ the patient’s level of Lethargic, Stupor, Coma,
consciousness? Uncertain.
Delirium is present if features 1 and 2 AND either 3 or 4 are present
Delirium symptoms: not present / present Date: / /
Medical Officer notified? Yes / No

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