Etiopian Herald April 21 - Opt
Etiopian Herald April 21 - Opt
Etiopian Herald April 21 - Opt
Addis remaking
stimulates tourist
internal and regional factors exacerbating
the situation.
post-harvest loss
vital to food self-
Researcher YirsawDemeke (PhD) said
that the country has been losing 30 to
40% of agricultural products during
post-harvesting period.
• Working on linking Ethiopian insurance with world
“If we manage this loss properly,
the country would ensure food self-
sufficiency shortly,” he said.
Ethiopia’s policy that was merely ADDIS ABABA-.Bruh Finance graduated
focusing on boosting production 79 insurance professionals in certificate
and productivity, lack of awareness, insurance (Cert. CII) yesterday.During
implementation limitations of policies the graduation ceremony, Bruh Finance
and strategies and others contributed and Founder CEO Getachew Beshahwred
to result the aforementioned percent of said that : “ We are working to create
loss, he stated. skillful insurance professionals expanding
Focusing on boosting of production and insurance training programme in Ethiopia to
productivity alone is not satisfactory, change the industry.”
but it needs reducing loss and improving
“Our aim is to bring international
quality, Yirsaw said.
qualification and exposure of insurance to
Having different policies and strategies Ethiopia and create link Addis Ababa with
alone would not address the sector rest of the world especially with Chartered
problems as lack of awareness among Insurance Institute that locate in London.”
the community has been challenging
Getachew added that Bruh is working
post harvesting process, he mentioned.
to connect Ethiopia with global capital
Ethiopia can reduce the current market, insurance, leadership and banking competitive in the world, he noted. Association of Ethiopian Insurers President,
post-harvest losses by half through sector such as London, New York and Yared Molla noted that the graduates
proper awareness creation among Cambridge and Washgiton DC and develop “We have planned to provide training in
taught during the last 15 months and they
communities,he said. into higher level. branch manager qualification, study tours
are the first batch of certificate insurance
To do so, Yirsaw suggested that the for board directors and senior management professionals in the nation.
The graduates are drown from all Ethiopian
country can draw experiences from and executives.”
public and private insurance companies that Yared added that his association is working
European nations that minimized the contribute to the development of insurance He said that Bruh will expand the insurance on mitigating skill manpower gap being
post-harvest losses by less than 2%. training in certificate and diploma in
in the nation to highest level in international seen in Ethiopian insurance and finance
insurance and finance knowledge to be insurance in states in upcoming years. industry
Editorial Opinion
Dialogue, reconciliation the best mix for ways forward Unveiling Ignorance: Media’s Crucial
Role in Governance
When citizens embark on an opted path after a heated and extensive deliberation topped
by consensus, they could slam shut the door on internal and external retrogressive and
subversive elements as well as historic enemies that try to optimize own benefit at the cost
BY Anteneh Getachew Damtew (PhD) disillusionment as well as ineffective Policy
of an ancient nation all-out to reshape its fate in better ways. Implementation:
As the path sought would be preceded by meticulous decisions backed by win-win deals International Relations and Diplomacy is
entailing preemptive measures, destructive acts could hardly create logjams on the path. The repercussions of misinformation and
another area where inadequate information
incompetence among those in power can be
Rather, citizens will stand in unison for the translation of roadmaps into action. That is and/or ignorance in diplomatic matters can
profound and deleterious for societies at large.
why the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC) is called for. ENDC has set an strain national interests. Misguided foreign
This article seeks to demonstrate the havoc
policies rooted in misunderstanding or
agenda and discussed with representatives of regional states. This has to be strengthened. that ignorance in positions of authority can
ignorance of global dynamics can hamper
wreak upon a nation by leading to ill-informed
It is to be recalled that for long, Ethiopia has been rocked by fifth columnists as well as cooperation and negotiation, impeding
decision-making across vital sectors, and it
some of its citizens, here and abroad, that intentionally or otherwise marred its peace. effective resolution of international
explores the pivotal role the media can play
Sadly, at every historic bends attempts to bring peace resorting to firearms were short- in addressing these blind spots of power. challenges.
lived. Such bids were ones that were divorced from ensuring the amenities of modern life Through various examples, we delve into In a nutshell, ignorance and lack of
not to speak about affluence. how misinformation and a dearth of expertise information by decision-makers can result in
in governance can negatively impact public the ultimate erosion of trust and democratic
After the wind of change wafted across the country’s sky, the door was wide opened health, the economy, the environment, social Institutions. Misinformation erodes trust
for all to converge in their motherland setting their differences aside. As such, almost harmony, policy efficacy, and international in governance and democratic processes.
all were motivated to set nation’s all-rounded developmental take off ablaze. Even those relations, underscoring the critical necessity Citizens, disillusioned with leadership, may
of informed governance and evidence-based disengage from civic participation, fostering
incarcerated were set free to hold the torch of peace and development high. The targeted
policymaking. an environment conducive to authoritarianism.
were assured of immunity. Though many have utilized the favorable situation created
for better ends, as the saying goes old habits die hard, some have lapsed to their fifth As was the case in Brazil and the US, a To mitigate the impacts of misinformation
misguided approach by those in leadership and incompetence, evidence-based decision-
columnists role. This has continued inserting a poke in nation’s wheel of development can have dire consequences in times of making, investment in education and
and polluting its atmosphere of peace. Although, tolerant, the government tried to handle public health crises, such as the COVID-19 professional development, and fostering a
the situation smoothly war erupted. After two-year war the problem got a solution round pandemic. Leaders lacking expertise or culture of critical thinking are imperative.
a horse-shoe table. relying on inaccurate information may Media, alongside experts and civil society,
underestimate the gravity of the situation, can serve as a bulwark against misinformation
Knowing full well the worth of a minutes’ tranquility, the incumbent, in the process of advocate unproven remedies, or undermine and ignorance in governance.
reform, is striving to resolve disputes in an amicable way parallel to creating a narrative essential public health measures. This can
sow confusion and mistrust, ultimately So, how can the Media play a Positive Role?
that buys credence. It as well has rolled its sleeve to set the dialogue ball rolling. The
moderators are chosen in such a way that banned affiliation to a given party. impeding effective crisis management and The media can play a crucial role in combating
leading to heightened infection rates and misinformation and promoting expertise in
Citizens in every corner are pinpointing individuals better placed to represent them in the avoidable loss of lives. Fighting a pandemic governance. Its responsibility to shed light on
dialogue. The fact that the commission is basking under the support of the general public like the COVID-19 requires an adequate ignorance in positions of power, acting as a
and opposition parties is heartwarming. What is more, cognizant of the paramount role public response to guidelines issued by public watchdog against misinformation and bias.
health professionals. For these guidelines to
ENDC could play the diplomatic community and other international organizations are Fact-checking procedures can reduce the
be effective, however, they need to be relayed
extending financial and material aids. This too is heartening. Hopefully, those that made a by the media and elected officials to the risk of disinformation and ensure accurate
pledge to buttress the commission are expected to do the same. public so that its members can learn about the information is shared with the public. By
virus and its illness and protect themselves amplifying expert voices, we can offer
Allowing ENDC’s objectives sink in, citizens must show their solidarity to the objectives’ nuanced perspectives and counterbalance
and people around them (World Health
fructification. As the national dialogue being the first of its kind, not expecting hurdles Organization, 2018). misinformation. By holding governments to
would be a fantasy. Therefore, drawing lessons from countries that went through such account through investigative journalism, we
Another area where ignorance in can increase transparency and check abuse of
similar harrowing situations is a must. Not willing to participate in such dialogue while power can cause havoc is the economy. power. By advocating for greater transparency
begging to differ doesn’t sound good. Troubleshooting problems arising from differences Lack of information and the resultant in governance, we can increase accountability
is civilization not demonization. Forwarding common solutions to common problems is incompetence in economic matters can and build public trust. By prioritizing issues
a task expected of nation loving citizens. A love to a nation is gauged by one’s brick result in mismanagement with far-reaching that affect citizens’ lives, we can foster better
contribution towards building that nation. consequences. Ill-conceived policies, public discourse. By encouraging critical
misguided trade decisions, or inadequate thinking, we can empower people to identify
All said, it must be noted that the nation should adopt confession and forgiveness as a regulations can stifle economic growth, distort truth from disinformation. By working with
means of reconciliation, behind which the country should throw its full weight. Healing markets, exacerbate income inequality, and experts, we can ensure comprehensive and
could be realized this way, for admitting one’s mistake and asking apologies are a step erode investor confidence, leading to sluggish accurate reporting on governance issues. By
development, elevated unemployment, and upholding journalistic ethics, we can strengthen
ahead to forestall similar carnages in the future. The government of Rwanda has pursued diminished living standards. Examples
reconciliation with great determination in the belief that it is the only moral alternative to credibility and combat misinformation. By
include the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in promoting media diversity, we can ensure
post-massacre challenges. We have to follow suit, for communities must be mobilized and 2008. a diverse range of views and expertise is
reshaped for social, political and economic reconstruction. Ignorance or denial of scientific expertise represented. By promoting digital literacy,
in environmental issues can pave the way we can foster digital literacy and help combat
for harmful policies too. Neglecting climate misinformation online. By promoting global
change, flouting environmental regulations, cooperation, we can strengthen responses
The Ethiopian Herald and prioritizing short-term gains over
sustainability can inflict irreversible damage
to disinformation and promote accurate
information dissemination around the world.
Established in 1943 on ecosystems, biodiversity, and resilience to By exposing disinformation campaigns, we
natural disasters, posing grave threats to both can reduce the impact of disinformation on
Published daily except Mondays
the environment and human well-being. public opinion and build trust.
By The Ethiopian Press Agency
Social Division and Polarization is another By fulfilling these roles, media organizations
Office of the CEO serious outcome of lack of expertise or can significantly contribute to combating
Tel. 011-126-42-22 Managing Editor: Wakuman Kudama deliberate misinformation that can create misinformation, promoting expertise, and
Fax. 251-011-156-98-62 Email: [email protected] and exacerbate social divisions. False nurturing informed citizenship. Collaboration
narratives, exploitation of societal fault lines, between media, experts, and government
email- [email protected] or endorsement of discriminatory policies institutions is vital in addressing the challenges
Deputy Editors-in-Chief:
Alem Hailu can deepen tensions, erode trust, and foster posed by misinformation and incompetence
Advertisement and Dist.
social unrest, inequality, and a weakening of in governance.
Department Elizabeth Mengistu
democratic institutions.
email: [email protected] Zekarias Woldemariam Ed.’s note: Anteneh Getachew Damtew (PhD)
Desta Geberehiwot Similarly, inadequate understanding of is a former Assistant Professor at Mekelle
Tel. 011-156-98-73/011-811-13-15
policy intricacies can result in governance University for fifteen years, and is currently
Telegram :- 0976084707 - press Daniel Beyene inefficiencies. Leaders lacking a nuanced a senior researcher at the Institute of Foreign
Editor-in-Chief: Worku Belachew grasp of issues may formulate impractical Affairs (IFA) of Ethiopia. His research
email- [email protected] Website: policies disconnected from societal engagements include international relations,
Address- Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city email: [email protected] needs, leading to resource wastage, public diplomacy and conflict studies.
Woreda - 05, House No---- Fb/ /Ethiopian Press Agency/ Editor's Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily
Tel- +251 111 26 41 98 The Ethiopian Herald
reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald
Ethiopia’s room for foreign companies streamlines Addis remaking
marketing milieu: Analyst stimulates...
BY ASHENAFI ANIMUT of mandatory provisions and procedures that a great contribution to the
especially ensures the benefits of customers tourism industry.”
when they engage in this business, as to him.
ADDIS ABABA–Ethiopia’s open up in Hirut (PhD) also stated that the
import, export, retail and wholesale businesses “The country would generate more triumphs installation of modern street
would be turning point to streamline and foster in this scheme including new markets, lights and pedestrians’ roads
legal trading system, Senior Policy Analyst economic growth that creates better-paid jobs, would enable tourists to enjoy
commented. and foreign direct investment, not loans,” the the city’s beauty and make their
Analyst said. stay in the capital comfortable
Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Senior
Policy Analyst Costantinos Berhutesfa (PhD) Besides, it eases the process of importing raw and memorable.
said that the directive adopted to liberalize materials from within Africa to access cheaper Noting 8.2 million domestic
the most restricted business sector would be means of production for resident foreign tourists visited different
a significant milestone towards stabilizing companies,” he remarked. attraction sites in the capital
the market, stimulating domestic product, “Ethiopian entrepreneurs and startups working in the last nine months of the
promoting import substitution, among many with or in these foreign companies can start current fiscal year, she indicated
others thereby benefiting the populace and the their own businesses to enter the competition some 49.5 billion Birr has been
Costantinos Berhutesfa (PhD)
country at large. that benefit consumers offering goods at channeled to the economy from
Hailing the opening up of the venue to foreign these sectors very competitive, he added. competitive rates,” he noted. the tourism revenue.
investors, he also reiterated that it would be With the advent of credit and capital markets in Costantinos stressed that political stability, “Currently, the tourism activity
a game-changer towards transforming the the country, the opening up of the financial and peace and security and curtailing corruption in Addis Ababa is at a good level
country’s trading system meaningfully. liberalizing other sectors, he elaborated that are important for foreign companies to invest and the new projects that have
foreign companies with immense experience in all sectors of the economy and in particular been built across the metropolis
According to Costantinos, the policy will be
in business sector would bring access to global in the aforementioned sectors with respect to have greatly contributed to
an opportunity to create a system that projects
markets and stimulate domestic production and the country’s collective cultural and social increase the number of tourists.
the nation into WTO membership. Besides,
exports while advancing import substitution. narrative. The 8.2 million domestic
foreign companies’ global experience sharing
As to him, financial reform should also be tourists that visited the city’s
will also help advance the local private sector. Moreover, he stated that such companies will
frontloaded to facilitate foreign companies in different attraction sites in the
He said: “The directive not only help advance not require capital (local or foreign currency) reported period is exceeding
from local sources as they invest heavily to the Ethiopia market.
markets, but also increases the nation’s from our initial projection.”
competitiveness in the export sector, while produce for exporting. This helps resident It is to be recalled that the Ethiopian
banks with excess and adequate foreign Investment Board has recently approved According to her, Addis Ababa
propelling local business capacity into the
reserves. a legal amendment that allows foreign is a city with high domestic
21st century.”
companies to participate in import, export, tourist activity and the
In a similar vein, the directive provides inauguration of Adwa Victory
Efforts to fix the market have now taken a new wholesale and retail trading activities.
schemes to control the proper implementation Memorial Museum number has
trajectory to stabilizing the market by making
played a noble role in increasing
HoA: From turmoil... the number of visitors.
their political policies and approaches to prolonging insecurity. senior diplomat, Ambassador John Gai Apart from being the seat of the
security, he said. of South Sudan underlined the necessity African Union (AU), United
SemirYesuf (PhD), a Senior International Nations Economic Commission
of building fraternity with regional
The absence of formal regional integration Security Analyst, echoed concerns about for Africa (UN ECA ) and
neighbours for common development goals.
mechanisms has been identified as a competitive dynamics within the Horn of other diplomatic institutions,
Heemphasisedthe importance of mutual
significant gap. In spite ofpotentials for Africa, highlighting tensions fuelled by foreign tourists from Sudan,
understanding and collaboration.
overcoming challenges through shared involvement from Middle Eastern, Western, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea and
history and geographical proximity, and Eastern powers. The prevalence of Addressing insecurity in the Horn of various foreign countries come
undesirable struggles are continued. internal conflicts in the region provides Africa requires a multifaceted approach to the capital for medical and
Disagreements within regional countries, opportunities for external actors to engage in that acknowledges the complex interplay business purposes.
even over regional organizationsfurther proxy warfare, further complicating efforts of internal and regional factors. Regional
organizations must be empowered to In the first six months of the
complicate efforts to address peace and to achieve peace and stability, according to
facilitate dialogue and negotiations, he current fiscal year, some 29.9
security issues effectively, according to him. him.
added. billion Birr has secured from
To navigate these challenges, experts Semir stressed the importance of addressing 465, 366 foreign tourists visited
underscore the importance of revitalizing the root causes of conflicts through dialogue During the opening of the dialogue, Addis Ababa and the revenue
regional organizations like IGAD and and cooperation among Horn of African Ethiopian Foreign Affairs State Minister, channeled to public investment.
limiting destabilizing external interventions. countries. Ambassador MisganuArega also remarked
that regional integration needs to be Addis Ababa is growing in
They emphasize the need for leadership that
The ongoing tensions within countries facilitated by all regional countries. popularity with huge projects
recognizes the interests and insecurities of and all the new attractions in
like Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, and
all regional players, fostering cooperation Ethiopia is struggling against terrorism and the city are convenient and
Somalia needs urgent internal resolution on
and collective action. However, concerns illicit trade that exacerbates the insecurity interesting for foreign and
governance crises, demilitarization of civil
persist about the impact of hegemonic and political instability. Maritime security domestic tourists, the bureau
issues, and mitigation of power struggles.
geopolitics, which may hinder the military and terrorism fighting needs the involvement head remarked.
growth of other states in the region, Another foreign relation expert and of all states across the region, he remarked.
Premier vows...
Stressing the need for realizing development Abiy further highlighted that Ethiopia has the success of Gurage people as an example for nation has embarked on a massive economic
and prosperity in Ethiopia, Abiy called on the repeatedly fought for its independence and it business and trade activities in Ethiopia. development trajectory to make Ethiopia a
people of the country to seek peace and harmony is a country that has thwarted all attempts of According to him, the people of Gurage’s beacon of Africa’s prosperity. And he called on
in order to see a prosperous and convenient external aggressions. active engagement in the business sphere, all Ethiopians to stand together and discharge
Ethiopia. However, the country has not realized economic remains a model and would help the endeavors their national responsibility.
development and freed from dependence in of the nation to free Ethiopia from economic
The prime minister also noted to accommodate Finally, the premier noted that to realize
this regard. Thus, the East African nation dependence.
Ethiopia’s diverse ethnic identities, cultures, prosperous Ethiopia through strong efforts, it is
languages, and topography, adding that these should strive to extricate itself from economic He also urged all Ethiopians to stand for crucial to consolidate national unity and defeat
dependence, he said. development and prosperity.
could not be a source of difference to build a the illusionist forces, attempting to divide the
strong nation-state. In this case, Prime Minister Abiy mentioned The prime minister underscored that the public and fuel conflict in the country.
Ethiopia’s inclusive, expanding diplomacy fostering
win-win approach through shared values
BY ADDISALEM MULAT delegations have paid a visit to the
exhibition that demonstrated country’s
It prevails understanding that Ethiopia has successful diplomatic journey.
actually made significant breakthroughs During the presser, Ambassador Birtukan
in smoothing the course of its effective recognized institutions which contributed
diplomatic technique with a broad range a significant role in making the exhibition
of countries globally, putting itself as attractive and meaningful.
a country heading in the appropriate
direction more than ever before. “Since the launching to the closing, the
Ethiopian Press Agency was playing
Over the previous years, the nation has critical role. It had been contributing fine
actually developed a solid pledge to works of audio-visual products and designs
supporting connections with both local until the closing of the exhibition,” she
and international companions. Aside from said.
that, the nation has actually participated in
enhancing financial connections, fostering The Diplomacy Week and Exhibition
Inclusive diplomacy essential for healthy move of the country vividly showcased the historic diplomatic
tranquility plus safety as well as taking on
typical difficulties via synergy. arrangement. diplomatic journey of the country and its journey of Ethiopia not only to Ethiopians,
achievements wide spectrums of scholars but also to all diplomatic communities
Ethiopia, an anchor nation in the restive Ethiopia’s dedication to diplomacy that residing here in Addis Ababa, according to
Horn of Africa region, has remained have been expressing their ideas and
focuses on tranquility plus common growth the State Minister.
committed to playing a constructive role thoughts.
is essential for progressing the typical
in peace and development, Foreign Affairs goals of nations in the Horn of Africa. As In the recent past, speaking to the Ethiopia It was aimed to display the past, present and
State Minister Mesganu Arga told local one of the essential countries in the Horn of Press Agency (EPA) Dila University Peace future diplomacy and all tasks have been
media. Africa Ethiopia plays a substantial role in and Security Studies Lecturer Yenenesh successfully done accordingly. Diplomatic
promoting security and also participation Temesgen (PhD) stated that the country community members, guests of the African
In his exclusive interview that covered wide Union ordinary summit, and celebrities
ranging diplomatic and regional issues, amongst its neighbors. has retained its longstanding principle of
peaceful co-existence with neighboring have visited the exhibition, she stated.
the State Minister noted that Ethiopia is a While on the subject, according to Foreign
major player for stability and development states and non aggression. Alongside the exhibition, Ambassador
Minister Taye Atske Selassie, Ethiopia has
endeavors in the Horn of African region. registered grand diplomatic achievements Yenenesh also stated that Ethiopia has Birtukan mentioned that two diplomatic
over the last 6 years. In his opening employed both the hard and soft diplomacy journals, highlighting Ethiopia’s bilateral
“The Horn of Africa is a turbulent region and multilateral diplomatic engagements,
where Ethiopia’s role in terms of peace remark to a panel discussion organized that makes the country a symbol of
by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the victory and unity in the African continent. and the 116 years of diplomatic journey of
and development has been one of the key MoFA have been launched.
areas the country has been contributing to accomplishments gained during the reform Accordingly, Ethiopia won the Battle of
the regional peace and stability. Ethiopia years, FM Taye said Ethiopia has prevailed Adwa with hard diplomacy and showed its In an exclusive interview with the Ethiopian
has played a constructive role in Somalia, despite challenges. capacity to repel aggression. The country’s Press Agency (EPA), Ministry of Foreign
South Sudan, and Sudan.” soft diplomacy is also helping African Affairs (MoFA) African Affairs General
According to him, Ethiopia still remains
countries to forge economic unity. Director Ambassador Fisseha Shawol said
He further stated that Ethiopia is the regional power pool. Through its efforts
to ensure peace and security in neighboring Efforts should be made to fight the that the government has continued building
contributing its fair share to global infrastructural integration with neighboring
collective diplomatic engagements and countries, Ethiopia has played unparalleled destructive attempts of some interest
role in maintaining stability in the Horn groups that have been engaged in straining countries. If we see the development
regional partnership. projects of Ethiopia, they are all linked
of African (HoA) region, the minister Ethiopia’s relations with the rest of HoA
According to Mesganu, the country’s noted, according to information obtained countries. Therefore, Ethiopia should make with neighbors and from our neighbors
foreign policy is anchored on the major from a local media. Joining BRICS was adequate preparations to withstand the it will go further into the continent. On
pillars such as strengthening partnership a remarkable achievement that will have pressures that are arising from its seaport the other side, it will also help to link the
with neighboring countries and economic paramount effect in uplifting the country’s aspiration and devising strong diplomacy continent with the rest of the world.
integration. In particular, the current foreign diplomatic gains, the minister stated. that involves ideas from different The government also joined the BRICS
policy stresses sustained economic growth directions. plus bloc and enhanced its integration with
by achieving joint regional development Furthermore, FM Taye pointed out that the
Green Legacy Initiative spearheaded by In addition, it is necessary to build citizens’ regional, continental and international
and peace. So, “the focus is largely on organizations as a part of the fulfillment to
promoting peace, stability, development Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was among understanding of seaport’s benefits for
the very commendable achievements in Ethiopia’s political stability and economic its inclusive foreign policy.
and mutual interest in the sub-region,
Africa, and the global community,” the terms of climate change mitigation. Had prowess. Ethiopia’s landlocked status has The government is not only focusing
state minister elaborated. the over 32 billion trees planted through the forced the country to pay heavy security on improving domestic issues, but also
initiative been monetized, it would have and economic price and its sovereign endeavoring to realize regional and
Speaking on the changing dynamics in been billions of USD worth investment on access to the sea would enable it to benefit continental development.
the region and beyond, Mesganu said environmental protection, he emphasized. from the geo-politics and become active
that promoting peace is a key area that The government is engaging in the global
player in the region.
Ethiopia has been collaboratively working The Minister pointed out that political diplomacy to replicate the successful
with the international community and the sovereignty is often eroded due to poverty, It is expected from every citizen to work history that Ethiopia had been through
neighboring countries. In this respect, he adding that Ethiopia has in this regard for better Ethiopia and by supplementing during the earlier times. Likewise, the
acknowledged that the current geopolitical accelerated its journey to ensure food its peace and development endeavors, government is now striving to realize
developments are affecting the greater Red security through boosting production and they need to help the country to become regional and continental integration that
Sea area, Middle East, and the globe at productivity of dry season wheat. Ethiopia the leading player in the Horn of Africa’s could lead all to a holistic development, he
large. is currently cultivating dry season wheat on socio-economic and political affairs. indicated.
3 million hectares of land, and is expecting
The nation has actually played a crucial In a press briefing held in recent times,
to harvest 120 million quintals. He stressed Editor's Note: The views
function in moderating disputes and MoFA State Minister, Ambassador
that the reform has enabled Ethiopia to
fostering tranquility in the Horn of Africa Birtukan Ayano said that about 250,000 entertained in this article do not
ensure its development right with regard
and beyond. Other than that Ethiopia people have visited the Diplomacy Week necessarily reflect the stance of
to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
has effectively assisted in settlements in and Exhibition that was displayed for 48
(GERD) through diplomacy. The Ethiopian Herald
between bordering nations and has actually days at Science Museum. She stated that
been a driver behind the current tranquility In actual fact, on the subject of the ongoing some 639 public and private institutions’
Planet Earth
The Green Man, Diredawa’s environmental hero aspires
to achieve global goals
BY FIKADU BELAY of this forest. Witnessing the growth of the the tree-planting program to address food
forest he created, he expresses a sense of security and reduce the impacts of climate
Bayan Tesema, a resident of Diredawa City, profound satisfaction, regarding it as the lungs change.
has earned a nickname that resonates with of Diredawa. Moreover, he believes that with
The implementation of the National Green
his remarkable achievements: “The Green the cooperation of the city administration, he
Legacy Program has been successful
Man.” Through his tireless dedication to can create the mini “Amazons” in all kebeles
in reducing deforestation, encouraging
reforestation and environmental conservation of Diredawa.
reforestation, and enhancing natural habitats
he has transformed two hectares of once In a remarkable display of his commitment to that can combat climate change and the effects
degraded land into a captivating forest, the cause, Bayan ensures that the four workers of carbon emissions. These habitats are home
earning him admiration and recognition employed in the park receive a monthly to numerous plant and animal species and are
within the community. salary of 18,000 birr. To sustain this, he a major source of biodiversity.
The name “Green Man” was given to Bayan occasionally saves income generated from by
The reforestation efforts under the Green
by the people of Diredawa, who witnessed selling saplings to hotels, organizations, and
Legacy initiative have numerous benefits for
the miraculous conversion of a flood drain individuals. Additionally, he receives support
Ethiopia. They help to restore ecosystems,
and garbage dump into a lush forest. Through from charitable organizations. Remarkably,
conserve biodiversity, and protect watersheds,
the planting of over 20,000 saplings, Bayan he does not expect monetary compensation
which are crucial for water availability,
has created a green oasis that stands as a for his nursery work, emphasizing the
soil fertility, and enhancing the agricultural
testament to the power of community-driven essential value he derives from his mission.
production of the country. Reforestation also
environmental initiatives. The Green Man and his team firmly believe contributes to carbon sequestration.
The impetus behind Bayan’s mission can be in their ability to reforest an area within three
In addition, green infrastructure and
traced back to the devastating flood that struck years. They are eager to venture beyond
sustainable land use practices can mitigate
Diredawa in 2006. The disaster claimed the Diredawa and plant saplings in other parts
reliance on non-renewable sources of energy,
lives of seven close family members, leaving of Ethiopia, spreading their message of
providing oxygen, food, water, clean air, and
the community in mourning and the region environmental stewardship and hope.
medication. Also, it’s to create a healthier and
in a state of desolation. However, Bayan’s Bayan’s cousin, Mohammed, who served as more sustainable future for ourselves and for
cousin managed to save his own life and he implementation the catalyst for Bayan’s entry into forestry, generations to come.
that of his children by climbing a tree. This
incident served as a catalyst for Bayan’s of the National shares his own tragic story. A victim of the
Bayan stands as a shining example of how
2006 flood, Mohammed lost his wife and two
unwavering commitment to reforestation, Green Legacy children. However, this devastating event
one individual’s unwavering dedication can
firmly believing that the presence of trees transform desolation into vibrant greenery.
could have saved many lives during the flood.
Program has been compelled him to join Bayan in planting
His mission to plant millions of trees and
trees that could save human lives. Despite
In the year 2007/2008, which is 2000 E.C or
successful in reducing the uncertainty of many who doubted
restore hope has captured the hearts and
minds of the community. As he continues
the celebration of Millennium according to deforestation, Bayan’s ability to transform the barren
to inspire others, Bayan remains dedicated
Ethiopian calendar, the government launched landscape, Mohammed expresses admiration
encouraging in his pursuit of a greener, more sustainable
a nationwide campaign encouraging citizens for his cousin’s unwavering determination,
future for Ethiopia and beyond.
to plant two saplings each. But Bayan reforestation, and addressing him as a source of inspiration.
passionately requested two thousand saplings. enhancing natural Communities across the country can draw
Bayan, a devoted father of three sons and
In a remarkable display of determination, he inspiration from the experience of Bayan
planted those saplings in a single day, in one habitats that can combat three daughters, finds solace in the fact that
and adopt measures to safeguard their natural
his youngest daughter, Elenam, has followed
of the neighborhoods of Diredawa known as climate change and in his footsteps. Displaying a deep concern
resources. By doing so, they can contribute
“Number One.” to the overall well-being of their region
the effects of carbon for the privileged, she displays a special
and the nation as a whole. By embracing
Reflecting on his accomplishment, Bayan love for those in need while also exploring
humbly states, “I am happier than people who
emissions the medicinal properties of various plants
environmentally friendly agricultural
practices, they can enhance productivity
have billions of dollars because everything I through traditional practices.
and generate income through the production
plant will grow; this plant serves the heavens
As an ambassador for green initiatives, Bayan of various agricultural products. This, in
of life.” He has planted an astounding 650,000
uses the theme, “Plant a tree, as the time turn, boosts the local economy and reduces
seedlings up to this point and has distributed
has got worse,” which simply reminds the reliance on external sources for food security.
numerous saplings to the local community,
imminent threat posed by climate change in
engaging them in his mission. Furthermore, the conservation of ecosystems
numerous languages to spread the message of
helps combat the adverse effects of climate
He aspires to exceed the records of Kenyan planting trees for society. He acknowledges
change and land degradation that pose
environmentalist Wangari Mathai, who holds that his greatest challenge lies in water
significant threats to agriculture, including
the world record for planting three million accessibility. After conducting a volunteer
extreme weather events, shifting rainfall
saplings, by planting about 3.4 million trees. study, Bayan discovered that groundwater
patterns, and temperature fluctuations. By
With unwavering determination, Bayan is available at distances ranging from 52 to
protecting local resources, communities can
predicts achieving this remarkable feat within 80 meters in different locations. Solving this
create resilient ecosystems that are better
the next decade, all while expressing gratitude water problem would enable him to rush his
equipped to withstand these challenges.
for the life bestowed upon him by Allah. ambitious plan of planting three million four
Conservation efforts, such as reforestation,
hundred thousand saplings within a shorter
The green area created through the planting soil conservation, and water management,
of more than 20,000 trees has been named contribute to mitigating climate change and
“Elenam” Park by the local community. The In recognition of his extraordinary efforts, preserving biodiversity.
name carries two significant meanings, the Bayan was awarded a Green Ambassador
Besides, communities should follow the
first being in the acronym of the Amharic Certificate by the federal government during
example set by Bayan and prioritize the
phrase which can be translated to English as the celebration of International Green Day
protection of their local resources. This
“Ethiopia is always green,” and the second, in 2022. His commitment to environmental
approach not only strengthens the economy
in the language of the Kebena nationality, protection, cleanliness, and beauty has
by promoting agricultural diversification and
translating to “We will reach those who gathered appreciation and support from
food security but also through addressing
think of us.” Bayan further reveals that various organizations.
the pressing issues of climate change and
their youngest child will be named Elenam,
According to a government report, through land degradation. By working together,
symbolizing their commitment to the cause.
the annual mobilization of over 25 million communities can create sustainable and
For the past 17 years, Bayan has dedicated citizens nationwide, 32.5 billion seedlings resilient environments that benefit both
himself enthusiastically to the development have been planted in five years as part of present and future generations.
Ensuring heritages conservation
through increased revenue from tourism- and other pertinent factors.
related activities. aising awareness expertise needed to undertake large-scale
According to Abebaw, the Authority, among the conservation projects and ensure the long-
Thus, safeguarding and pass on the in close coordination with the City term preservation of the city’s cultural
city’s valuable heritage assets for future public about the
Administration and relevant authorities, has heritage. By partnering with government
generations requires tangible policies, been overseeing the Addis Ababa Corridor importance of heritage agencies, businesses, and community
initiatives, and practices parallel with Development Project with the view to conservation is also key groups, these organizations can make a
beautifying the city towards attracting more ensuring that heritages remain unharmed. significant impact in safeguarding Addis
to garnering support for
local and international tourists. Ababa’s heritage for future generations to
The Director General highlighted the preservation initiatives
One of the main challenges facing heritage enjoy.
importance of striking a harmonious
conservation in Addis Ababa is rapid balance between development and heritage What is more, preserving Addis Ababa’s
urbanization. As the city grows, historic protection, asserting that it is both feasible heritage is a collective responsibility that
buildings and sites are at risk of being and advantageous to integrate the two. requires the collaboration of individuals,
demolished or altered to make way for organizations, and government agencies.
modern developments. At present, he said that the Authority is
The conservation of heritage in Addis
conducting heritage registration based on
Therefore, the government, heritage Ababa is a multifaceted endeavor that
“international best practices.”
protection authority, heritage experts, and requires collaboration, dedication, and a
citizens in general have an indispensable Abebaw revealed that the ongoing process shared commitment to preserving the city’s
role to maintain the age-old heritages. has identified that some previously historical and cultural legacy. By addressing
registered sites do not meet the current challenges, implementing effective policies,
Recently, the Ethiopian Heritage Authority heritage status criteria. and actively engaging with communities,
advancing towards the future.
reiterated its unwavering commitment to we can ensure that Addis Ababa’s heritage
carefully oversee the development of the As to him, sites registered before and Moreover, harnessing the power of
meeting the requirements would retain their continues to inspire, educate, and enrich the
Addis Ababa Corridor Development Project technology in documenting heritage sites lives of its residents and visitors for years to
with the primary objective of preserving the heritage status, while those not meeting can revolutionize conservation efforts.
the criteria would lose their heritage come. Together, it is possible to uphold the
nation’s cultural heritages. From 3D scanning to virtual reality tours, past while building a sustainable future for
designation. embracing tech tools can help preserve
Addressing the media, Ethiopian Heritage this vibrant city.
Accordingly, ongoing efforts are being made Addis Ababa’s heritage in a dynamic and
Authority Director General Abebaw Ayalew In sum, preserving the cultural heritage of
to preserve historic sites and monuments interactive manner.
emphasized the authority’s steadfast Addis Ababa is essential for maintaining
dedication to the protection, restoration, in the city. Various heritages conservation Raising awareness among the public about
rehabilitation projects has also been done the city’s unique identity and historical
and conservation of Addis Ababa’s priceless the importance of heritage conservation legacy. These artifacts and structures
resources and heritage. to restore and maintain important cultural is also key to garnering support for
landmarks, ensuring they remain intact for provide a window into the past, allowing
preservation initiatives. Through engaging future generations to learn about the
However, he argued that all localities and future generations to enjoy. campaigns, Addis Ababa can cultivate a city’s rich history and traditions. Without
buildings in the capital cannot be designated
Regarding this, one innovative way to sense of pride and responsibility towards its proper conservation efforts, these priceless
as heritage. The focus is on preserving
breathe new life into old structures is rich history. treasures could be lost forever, depriving
structures that exemplify the architectural
and historical significance of the capital through adaptive reuse. By repurposing Experts recommended that empowering the city of its cultural heritage and depriving
city. historic buildings for modern needs, local communities to actively participate future generations of the opportunity to
Addis Ababa can retain its heritage while in conservation projects fosters a sense of learn from the past.
International News
Kenya mourns defense chief killed in helicopter crash
Kenya began three days of mourning on the country and at missions abroad. which is plagued by violence caused by victims of air accidents in Kenya. In 2012,
Friday after its defense chief and nine other armed bandits and cattle rustlers. internal security minister George Saitoti,
"Yesterday was truly a very, very tragic
senior officers were killed in a helicopter seen as a possible presidential candidate,
day," the president said. "This is a big loss Ogolla's daughter Lorna Ogolla said in a
crash, the latest military accident involving was among six people killed in a police
to the country because General Ogolla made post on LinkedIn that her father died "doing
a high-profile figure. helicopter crash.
a whole difference in the security of the what he did best for the better part of the last
A 19-gun salute will take place Saturday in a country." 40 years — trying to keep Kenya safe." Kenya has one of the largest military
military tribute to General Francis Omondi budgets in the East Africa region, at $1.1
The family said in a statement that a funeral Messages of condolence were sent from
Ogolla, the chief of the Kenya Defense billion for the financial year ending in June
Forces, in the presence of President William would be Sunday at Ogolla's home in Siaya across the country and the African continent
in the west of the country, followed by a as well as the United Nations, the United 2024, according to government statistics.
Ruto, the defense ministry announced.
memorial service in a Nairobi suburb on States and other Kenyan allies. The International Institute for Strategic
Ogolla was killed when his helicopter April 26.
"From combating terrorist threats posed Studies estimated in its 2024 report, The
went down shortly after takeoff in a remote
The bodies of the victims, draped in Kenyan by al-Shabab to leading efforts to bolster Military Balance, the total number of active
forested area of northwestern Kenya on
flags, were returned to a military base in regional cooperation across a range of armed forces at 24,100.
Nairobi on an air force plane late Thursday. domains, he has left an indelible mark," The East African nation is a major
"A distinguished four-star general has fallen U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan
in the course of duty and service of the One of the officers, Brigadier Swale Saidi, contributor to U.N. peacekeeping operations
said in a statement. and also deploys troops for missions in the
country," Ruto said, announcing the deaths was buried in the Indian Ocean town of
that evening. Kilifi on Friday and other funerals are The Standard newspaper said it was the fifth region.
expected in the coming days. armed forces chopper crash in 12 months, Ogolla, a married father of two, joined
He said the Air Force had dispatched an
with claims that Kenya's military aircraft the KDF in April 1984, rising through the
investigation team to establish the cause of Ogolla, a trained fighter pilot, had been
were old and poorly maintained. ranks to command the Kenyan Air Force in
the accident. promoted to the defense chief role by Ruto
just a year ago and was about to mark 40 In June 2021, at least 10 soldiers were killed 2018, a post he held for three years before
Ruto grieved with Ogolla's family at a
years of military service. when their helicopter crashed during a becoming vice chief of the defense forces in
ceremony in Nairobi on Friday as the nation
training exercise south of Nairobi. 2021 and then chief in April 2023.
began observing the mourning period, with He had been visiting troops deployed in a
the Kenyan flag flying at half-mast across security operation in the North Rift region, Ogolla is among a number of high-profile Source:
In Pictures
Shuwalid Festival celebrated colorfully
The Harari people of Ethiopia celebrate an annual three-day festival. The festival List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Inscription of Shuwalid
marks the end of six days of fasting to compensate omissions during Ramadan. at UNESCO make Harar city the first city in Ethiopia to become home to two
UNESCO heritages, the Jugol wall and Shuwalid festival.
This colorful and magnificent annual festival of the people of Harari was inscribed This year’s Shuwalid festival was colorfully celebrated by different activities in
by UNSECO as World Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2023 on the Representative Harar city.