Field Report: Age, Gender, Diversity Mainstreaming Initiative Key To Urban Protection
Field Report: Age, Gender, Diversity Mainstreaming Initiative Key To Urban Protection
Field Report: Age, Gender, Diversity Mainstreaming Initiative Key To Urban Protection
Elizabeth Campbell
The UN Refugee Agencys (UNHCR) approach to urban refugee protection in Nairobi, Kenya
should serve as a model and best practice for programs worldwide. By embracing the Age,
Gender, and Diversity Mainstreaming Initiative, UNHCR has significantly improved their rela-
tionships with the refugee community and has drawn upon resources within that community
to strengthen protection. UNHCR has forged new partnerships with NGOs and local officials
as well as senior management of schools and health clinics. With minimal resources, UNHCR
Nairobi was able to achieve these positive results mostly through its willingness to develop a
new approach to urban refugee protection.
FROM GATEKEEPERS TO COMMUNITY OUTREACH and provision of services to refugees in Nairobi. Some of
the issues identified in the assessment were later incorporated
UNHCR once had a strained and even hostile relationship
into urban refugee programming and refugees themselves
with refugees and civil society in Nairobi. Communica-
often become key actors in protection strategies. For in-
tion and cooperation was limited, and UNHCR was viewed
stance, through the participatory assessment UNHCR dis-
largely as a gatekeeper to accessing protection and not as a
covered that there was a high number of young refugee
partner. Only those refugees who were willing and able to
girls working as domestic laborers who were often exploited
approach UNHCRs offices received assistance or protection.
and abused. In response, UNHCR partnered with a local
In 2005 UNHCR initiated a new approach to its urban Kenyan social service organization to begin to offer train-
program, the so-called Nairobi Initiative, and used the ing to refugees in home care management as well as em-
Age, Gender, and Diversity Mainstreaming (AGDM) ployment placements in more healthy work environments.
participatory assessment to apply a collaborative intra and Refugees are trained on human rights issues so that they
interagency approach to improve coordination, protection, are also better able to defend their own rights as well.
UNHCR should appoint clear leadership at headquarters to ensure that staff is trained on the new urban refugee policy,
that best practices from pilot cities are gathered and disseminated, and that country offices are implementing the policy.
UNHCR needs to develop an accountability framework similar to the AGDM framework for its new urban refugee policy
to ensure that it is implemented in country programs with protracted and emerging urban refugee populations.
UNHCR needs to ensure that urban refugee needs are well reflected in their global needs assessment.
UNHCR must clearly link community services with protection and elevate the role of community services within the
overall structure of UNHCR, especially in urban settings.
To help advance the urban refugee policy, UNHCR senior management must dedicate sufficient resources to ensure
that the AGDM Initiative is fully mainstreamed throughout UNHCR operations worldwide.