Guidelines For Academic PowerPoint

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Title: Guidelines for Academic PowerPoint Presentations

1. Duration of the presentation

• Your presentation should be 20 minutes which is divided as follows (15 min
presentation and 5 minutes question and answer)

2. Slide Layout and Design:

• Use a clean and professional slide design.
• Slide Size and Aspect Ratio:
• Confirm the conference's recommended slide size and aspect ratio
(commonly 16:9).
• Adapt your content to fit the designated format.

RECOMMENDATION: Conference to provide a standard pptx design and

layout to avoid many templates.

3. Title Slide:
• Include a clear and concise title.
• List your name, affiliation, and contact information.
• Consider adding a relevant image or graphic e.g., your head and shoulder

4. Outline Slide
• Provide an outline of the presentation to guide the audience through your

5. Introduction
• Clearly state the purpose and objectives of your presentation.
• Provide a brief overview of your research question or problem.

6. Background and Literature Review

• Summarize relevant background information.
• Briefly review pertinent literature to set the context for your study.

7. Research Questions or Hypotheses

• Clearly present your research questions or hypotheses.

8. Methodology:
• Summarize your research design, methods, and data collection procedures.
• Use visuals (e.g., flowcharts, diagrams) to enhance understanding.
9. Results
• Display key findings using charts, graphs, or images.
• Focus on the most important results without overwhelming details.

10. Discussion
• Interpret your results and discuss their implications.
• Relate your findings to existing literature and theoretical frameworks.

11. Conclusion
• Summarize the main points and conclusions of your research.
• Clearly state the significance of your study and potential future research

12. Visual Elements

• Use visuals sparingly and ensure they are clear and relevant.
• Avoid cluttered slides that may distract from your message.

13.Bullet Points and Text:

• Use bullet points for key information.
• Limit text on each slide to enhance readability.

14. Font and font size

• Ensure that your text is large enough to be easily readable by the audience.
• Use a consistent font size throughout (24 font size).
• Use Arial font throughout.

15. Transition Slides

• Use transition slides between major sections to guide the audience smoothly.

16. Question and answer Slide

• Include a slide inviting questions from the audience.
• Be prepared to address questions during the Q&A session.

17. Presenter Notes

• Use the presenter notes feature to add additional information, reminders, or
references if you so wish.

18. Practice and Timing

• Rehearse your presentation to ensure it fits within the allocated time.
• Practice speaking clearly and confidently.

19. Technical Check

• Test your presentation on the conference equipment before your session.
• Ensure compatibility with conference software and hardware.

20. Engagement with the Audience

• Encourage audience interaction, questions, and discussion.
• Maintain eye contact and engage with the audience throughout your

By following these guidelines, you will create an engaging and effective PowerPoint
presentation for your conference. Good luck with your presentation!

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