Report On Quality
Report On Quality
Report On Quality
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Amravati Road, Nagpur,
Mahardstra, Nagpur
The fly ash collected from Koradi Thermal Power Station, NagpuL Maharashtra was
characterised for its physical, chemical and nutrient capacitv. The particle size
distribution showed wide variation in the <0.25 mm' size fraction. Bulk densitv lies
between 0.85-1.16 g/cm3 . The available waternolding capacity ranges between 40.1 to
55.6%. The organic carbon content lies between 1.9 to 4.5 kg· I . The fly ash is slightly
alkaline in reaction. Cation exchange capacity was 2.8-4.1 cmol(p+) kg· I . The presence
of various elements was in the order of Si > AI >fe > Ca , Ti > Mg > K. The DTPA
extractable micronutrients were in the order of fe>Mn>Zn>Cu where as available N, P,
K show the trend as N>K>P. Physical and cheIllical properties of fly ash are discussed.
Fly ash, an industrial waste pr04uct from coal based power station, is yet
to find its proper application as per its physical and chemical properties. Attempts
are being made for its useful application in many fields including agriculture. Use
of fly ash in agriculture has been reported by many workers in India and abroad
(Chang et af. 1977; Adriano et al. 1980; Ferraiolo et al. 1990; Maiti et al. 1990;
Matte et af. 1995; Lal et al. 1996; Jambagi et al. 1995; and ChatteIjee et al.
Fly ash samples were collected from 8 disposal sites of the Koradi Thermal
Power Station (KTPS), Nagpur, Maharashtra. Samples were processed by air
. drying and sieving to remove the very coarse residues. Physical properties like
moisture content, particle size distribution, water holding capacity and bulk density
Some physical properties of the fly ash samples are presented in table 1.
Particle size distribution showed narrow variation in their size fraction. The finer
fractions less than 025 mm varied from 54.19 to 62.41%. The moisture content of
the samples is low (0.10-0.32 %) which might be due to low content of organic
matter. Bulk density (B.D.) of the samples ranged from 0.85-1.16 g cm3 . The
slightly higher bulk density in samples 4,5 and 6 could be due to the dominance of
coarse fractions. The bulk densities are slightly less than that of a good average
soil (1.48 g cm3) and hence can be used to improve texture of heavy as well as
light soils. The water holding capacity of the fly ash is fairly good ranging from
40.1 to 55.6 %. Application of the fly ash can improve the physical conditions
specially drainage and porosity of soils having light as well as heavy texture.
Amendment of sandy soils with fly ash has been reported by Aitken et af (1984).
Table 1. Some ~hIsicai ~ro~erties of f1I ash from Koradi Thermal Power Station
Sr. Moisture Particle size distribution Available Bulk
No. content >2mm 2-1 mm 1-0.5 0.5-0.25 <0.25 mm water density
(%) mm mm holding glcm3
[%) capacity
1. 0.18 1.06 2.04 6.04 31.45 59.41 43.12 0.85
The pH of the fly ash samples ranges from 7.3 to 7.9, indIcating that they
are slightly alkaline in reaction which might be due to the presence of oxides of
alkali metals. The electrical conductivity of the samples lies between 027 to 0.36
dS mol. Results indIcate that the application of the fly ash to soil system will not
Physical aiJ.d chemical properties of Koradi fly ash 73
cause any adverse effect in tenns of soil salinity and sodicity when used for a long
period oftime. The organic carbon (OC) of the fly ash samples is low and it ranges
from 1.9 to 4.5 g kg·]. The low content of OC may be due to the absence of
organic source in the fly ash other than unburnt coal and its complexes. Low
content of OC is also responsible for negligible contribution of soil nitrogen. Free
lime content was also found to be low (0.05 to0.45 %). The cation exchange
capacity (CEC) of the fly ash samples ranges from 2.8 to 4.1 cmol (p+) kg·]. The
exchangeable cations namely, Na, K, Ca and Mg range from 0.23 to 1.01, 0.20 to
0.36, 0.92 to 1.31 and 0.62 to 1.13 cmol (p+) kg·] respectively (Table 2).
Some trace elements like boron, molybdenum, copper, zinc and manganese
are present in small quantity, (Table 3). These elements are present in the range of
165 to 250, 0.76 to 1.2, 40 to 109, 47 to 136 and 100 to 700 ppm, respectively.
Fly ash samples contain fairly high amount of boron and this would be useful in
SOlIs having boron deficiency.
7~ P.N. Dubey et at.
..; <i
:;;: .
:;; "
u N " :;;"
2.48 61.49 4.32 27.52 0.58 0.65 1.18 0.79 0.98 165 1.00 68.0 102.0 610.0
2. 3.11 58.56 8.72 25.55 0.38 0.96 0.98 0.56 1.17 200 1.20 74.0 108.0 700.0
3. 0.85 64.38 4.28 26.98 0.65 0.31 0.57 0.70 1.27 210 0.95 76.0 88.0 500.0
4. 1.51 68.19 5.76 20.64 0.60 0.48 l.01 0.53 1.27 109 0.76 48.0 90.0 300.0
5. 1.47 62.92 5.11 25.21 0.58 0.45 1.88 0.85 1.52 250 o.n 40.0 50.0 200.0
6. 0.80 67.16 6.52 20.80 0.38 0.49 1.25 0.99 1.16 245 0.80 66.0 136.0 100.0
7. 147 63.20 4.28 26.22 0.49 0.60 1.25 1.32 1.17 220 1.10 64.0 60.0 200.0
8. 1.52 62.33 5JJ7 26.45 0.66 OAI 1.33 1.08 1.14 180 0.95 109.0 47.0 650.0
The total nitrogen content is low to medium (0.03 to 0.10 %). The
available nitrogen of all the samples is in the range of 95 to 130 ppm. The total
'P' content ranges between 0.15 to 0.29 % whereas available 'P' is in the range of
65 to 90 ppm. In all cases total K is in the range of 0.26 to 0.80 per cent and the
available K content is quite high rangmg from 72 to 98 ppm (Table 4).
Adriano, D.C., Page, AL, Elseewi AA, Chang AC., and. Straughan
I.(1980).Utilisation of disposed fly ash and other coal residues in terrestrial eco-
system. A review. Journal ofEnvironmental Qualify 9,333-339.
Aitken, R.L., Campbell. I., and Bell I.C. (1984).Properties of Australian fly ash relevant
to their agronomical utilization. Australian Journal of Soil Research 2, 443-
Black, CA (1965). 'Methods of Soil Analysis'. (Academic Press: New York).
Change, AC., Lund, C.l., Page, AL., and Warneke, J.E. (1977). Physical properties of
fly ash amended soils. Journal of Environmental. Qualify. 6, 623-631.
ChatteIji, T., Mukhopadhyay, M., Dutta, Gupta, M., and Gupta, S.K. (1988). Studies on
some agro- chemical properties of fly ash. Clay Research 7,19-23.
Campbell, D.J., Fox.,W.E., Aitken R.L.,and Bell, L.C. (1983). Physical characteristics of
sand amendedd with fly ash. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 2, 147-152.
Cox, lA, Lundquist,C.L., Andrezej Przyjazhy, and Schmullbach,C. (1978). Leaching
of boron from coal ash. Environmental Science and Technology. 12,722-731.
Ferraiolo, G., Zilli, M., and Converti, A (1990). Fly ash disposal and utilization.
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 10,281-286.
Gupta, S.B., and Chowdhary, T. (1995). Scope of fly ash utilization in eastern Madhya
Pradesh. A study on phosphorus mobilization of soil microbes. In abstract,
76 P.N. Dubey et al.