Determinantsofthe Green Purchase

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Determinants of the Green Purchase Intention in Jordan: The Moderating

Effect of Environmental Concern

Article · October 2020


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9 authors, including:

Dr. Mohammad Izzat Alhalalmeh Hanan Momani

Al-Balqa' Applied University Al al-Bayt University


Sulieman Alhawary
Al al-Bayt University


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Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 9, No. 5, October 2020

Determinants of the Green Purchase Intention in Jordan:

The Moderating Effect of Environmental Concern
Ali Zakariya Al- Quran1, Mohammad Izzat Alhalalmeh2, Mohammad Mousa Eldahamsheh3, Anber Abraheem
Shlash Mohammad4, Ghufran Saed Hijjawi5, Hanan Mohammad Almomani6, Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of economics and Administrative sciences, Al al-Bayt University, P.O.BOX
130040, Mafraq 25113, Jordan
Business Administration Department, Amman University College for Financial and Administrative Sciences, Al-Balqa
Applied University, Jordan
Researcher, Doctor of strategic management, Jordan, [email protected]
Marketing Department, Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Petra University, Jordan, B.O.Box: 961343,
Amman 11196-Jordan
The World Islamic Science and Education University (WISE) P.O Box 1101, Postal Code 11947, Amman, Jordan
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of economics and Administrative sciences, Al al-Bayt University, P.O.BOX
130040, Mafraq 25113, Jordan
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of economics and Administrative sciences, Al al-Bayt University, P.O.BOX
130040, Mafraq 25113, Jordan
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the impact of The experiences from developed countries show that the
environmental attitude, green satisfaction, green trust, and awareness and consciousness regarding the environment
green perceived quality on Green Purchase Intention (GPI) play an important part in dealing with the environmental
with the moderation of Environmental Concern (EC) in the issues [13-20]. Therefore, all around the world, pro-
fast moving consumer goods. The FMCG industry of Jordan
was targeted to collect data. The quantitative approach was
environment marketers are advancing the concept of green
adopted for collecting data with using purposive sampling. consumerism. The idea of green marketing is becoming
The PLS-SEM analysis was implemented using SmartPLS popular in Asia also and is resulting in increased awareness
3.2.8. Environmental attitude and green perceived quality in the consumers [21]. In Asia also, the pushing for the
have positive but statistically insignificant effect on GPI while firms to increase the efforts for sustainable development
green satisfaction and green trust have positively significant has resulted in the enhancement of the environmentalism.
effect on GPI. Furthermore, the effect of environmental Researchers have advanced the importance of
attitude, green perceived quality, green satisfaction, and green environmental attitude and the attributes in advancing the
trust have been positively moderated by the EC. Establishing green consumerism [22-30]. There have been innumerable
and pushing pro-environmental tendencies with the help of
increasing environmental awareness is one of the most
researches that have been conducted in the last 30 years to
important factors in the developing countries also including determine the antecedents of green consumer behavior [31,
Jordan. 32]. Green marketing is promoted by the firms to obey the
requirements of the environment, gain competitive
Keywords: Environmental Attitude, Green Satisfaction, Green advantage, to meet collaborative image, seek the emergence
Trust, Environmental Concern, Green Purchase Intention, Jordan of green products and to enhance the value of the products
[33]. The probability of green marketing being successful
1. Introduction has to endure because of lower quality along with the
For the last 20 years, the activism regarding inability to stand to meet the environmental requirements.
environmental issues has brought consumers the attention To gain the potential customer’s attention, it is needed that
to embrace environment-friendly consumption [1-6]. And the customer can differentiate among the green and non-
it is one the reason regarding the environment that the green products. The quality of the product being green has
customers are looking to make purchases that are more in been perceived as one that is exceptional in contrast to the
line with the sustainability of the environment for the already available non-green products. The main focus of the
benefits of the generations to come [5-8]. However, the companies should be the development of products that can
personal needs are still the focus of the behavior associated increase the consumers’ desire and intention to select the
with the consumers; the preservation of the environment is marketed product over the other products [34].
also gaining significance and priority among the consumers Jordan is an Arab country with a population of over 10
[9-11]. Sustainability pertinence, equilibrium in the million and a GDP of over $41 billion. The
ecosystem, increasing generating profits, and betterment of environmentally-sustainable economic development in the
the society are among the central issues [12]. Jordan national agenda (2006 to 2015) covers many sectors
for the sustainability of the environment including the
FMCG, transport, energy, and the management of waste.
______________________________________________________________ Unlike its Arab neighbors, Jordan is not dependent on its
International Journal of Supply Chain Management oil reserves. Hence it is dependent on its other industries
IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print) including the fast-moving consumer goods [35].
Copyright © ExcelingTech Pub, UK (
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 9, No. 5, October 2020

The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the impact of Hence the paper will help in acknowledging and also
environmental attitude, green satisfaction, green trust, and understanding and agreeing that the perceived quality has
green perceived quality on GPI with the moderation of EC the potential to impact the purchase intention. Therefore the
in the FMCG industry of Jordan. impact is explained by the strength. This paper maintains
the certainty that in a similar sense, the green perceived
quality significantly affects GPI directly. Based on the
above discussion, the paper has proposed the following
2. Literature Reviews hypothesis:
The theoretical framework on which the paper was H4a. Green perceived quality significantly affects GPI.
based and examined was the theory of planned behavior. [12] defined the EC as the level of the awareness of the
The theory of planned behavior enables the researchers to consumer regarding the issue of environment and
evaluate the impact of personal attributes and social supporting the steps taken to address this issue or to
environment along with thenon-volitional attributes toward determine the willingness to contribute in-person to solve
intention [36]. Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) has no this issue(Dunlap & Jones, 2002).Past researches have
impact on the intention and behavior relationship unless studied the customers increasing awareness regarding the
under overall volitional control. To be specific, the theory EC and willing to buy the products that are environment
of planned behavior enhances the purchase intentions’ friendly. It has been found in various researches that the
predictability in the model for green commodities [37]. The consumers have the willingness to be paying a smaller
framework improves the possible association between premium price for environment friendly attributes in a
intention and the antecedents with the help of assessment of product. Therefore, on the basis of the above discussion, the
every construct at an equal degree of certainty. As the study has developed and will test the hypotheses that
conceptual model, the theory of planned behavior was H1b.EC moderates the relationship between
adopted for the green intention in the FMCG industry [38]. environmental attitude and GPI.
The theory of planned behavior concept has been supported H2b.EC moderates the relationship between green
in various researches examining the pro-environmental satisfaction and GPI.
behavior including recycling [39]. As suggested, the theory H3b.EC moderates the relationship between green trust
of planned behavior has assumptions for three antecedents and GPI.
towards intention including behavior, the subjective norm H4b.EC moderates the relationship between green
as well as the perceived behavioral control. perceived quality and GPI.
Significant amounts of literature have suggested the
impact of environmental attitude significantly towards the
green purchasing intention among the consumers [40]. [41]
assert that attitudes related to the environment are perceived
by people that are concerned about the environment.
Moreover, when the consumer has positive thoughts
towards the environment, there is a high probability of them
behaving in a way that is pro-environmental and it also
leads towards impacting the green buying behavior.
Previous researches have suggested that environmental
attitude is among the key antecedents of GPI. [42] also
suggested that the environmental attitude among the
consumers greatly impacts green intentions. But researches
have outcomes that are somewhat inconclusive with studies Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
finding strong association [43] to middle-level associations.
Hence, the paper has developed the hypothesis that 3. Research Methods
H1a. Environmental attitude significantly affects GPI. The data collection process can be performed using the
Satisfaction increases the level of pleasure among the quantitative approach and it is purely based on numbers or
customers when the product has a performance that meets statistics. The results of this research approach are highly
the customers’ expectations, needs, and wants [44-49]. The generalizable and can be implemented to a large population.
satisfaction is an important variable and has long been The hypothesis testing is conducted through this approach
studied in the association with the purchase intention. The and it provides logical based conclusions for the researcher.
customer and brand association improves when the Therefore, based on these discussions, the current study has
customer satisfaction is achieved when the comparison is used a quantitative approach as it can also provide an easier
made by the value the customer received in exchange for and efficient way for data collection.
their economic and psychological viewpoints. [10] The explanatory purpose is very helpful in developing
explained the green satisfaction as the degree of pleasure an extensive understanding of a certain aspect or objective
fulfillment when consuming a product and its ability to of the research. The theory testing in this research is very
provide satisfaction to the consumer’s environmental effective as it can identify the occurrence of a phenomenon
expectations, needs, wants and its sustainable prospects. and it also predicts future aspects. This research purpose
The higher the customer's green satisfaction, the more they also identifies the nature of relationships between variables.
can be said to have GPI Therefore, based on above Hence, the explanatory purpose has been applied in this
discussion, the paper developed the hypothesis that research so that it provides extensive information regarding
H2a. Green satisfaction significantly affects GPI. research variables.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 9, No. 5, October 2020

The correlational design is effective in determining the design has been used in this study for identifying the natural
correlations between research variables. Also, correlation correlation among variables.
identifies the direction and nature of their relation and The target population was the consumers of the FMCG
strength as well. The results of this research design can be industry in Jordan and the profile of the respondents have
used in further researches for investigating the causation if been discussed in the following table 1.
possible (Kothari, 2004). Therefore, the correlational

Table 1: Demographic Profile (n = 296)

Frequency Percent
Male 110 37.2
Female 186 62.8
Less than 20 years 46 15.5
Age Group 20-24 years 218 73.6
25-39 years 32 10.8
Graduate 190 64.2
Education Post-graduate 96 32.4
Others 10 3.4

The non-probability sampling deals with the collection useful than compared to CB-SEM or regression. The
of data where the researcher uses his judgment to collect implementation of PLS-SEM has been very high in
data from the target population which means that the people different business researches including marketing, supply
in the sample do not have the chance of representation in chain, and HRM. The complex models are easily examined
equal terms. The convenience sampling is a type of in this technique. Therefore, PLS-SEM using SmartPLS
sampling where the researcher collects data from the target 3.2.8 has been used in this study because it helps in
population that is easy to collect from due to their near identifying the reliability of the data.
locality to the researcher and this proximity allows easy
access. The convenience sampling was used as the 4. Results
sampling technique as it allowed more data to be collected The following table 2 represents the measurement
in a short amount of time. model.
The PLS-SEM analysis technique is a second-
generation technique. This technique is highly effective and

Table 2: Measurement Model

Constructs Items Loadings Alpha CR AVE
EA1 0.926
Environmental Attitude EA3 0.728 0.854 0.889 0.729
EA4 0.895
EC3 0.919
Environmental Concern 0.872 0.938 0.884
EC4 0.961
GPI1 0.773
GPI2 0.957
Green Purchase Intention 0.929 0.950 0.827
GPI3 0.941
GPI4 0.953
GPQ2 0.678
Green Perceived Quality GPQ3 0.949 0.862 0.816 0.603
GPQ4 0.671
GS2 0.934
Green Satisfaction GS3 0.611 0.772 0.835 0.635
GS4 0.812
GT1 0.883
Green Trust GT2 0.821 0.724 0.833 0.628
GT5 0.656

The recommended values for absolute acceptance of respectively recommended by [8] thus, the model achieved
factor loadings is 0.70, while the values between 0.40 and all thresholds of construct validity was achieved.
0.70 can be retained based on convergent validity. Also, the The following table 3 represents discriminant validity
table showed that CR and AVE were above 0.70 and 0.50 using [6] criterion.

Table 3: Fornell-Larcker Criterion

Environmental Attitude 0.854
Environmental Concern -0.467 0.940
Green Perceived Quality -0.073 0.302 0.777
Green Purchase Intention 0.154 -0.233 -0.404 0.910
Green Satisfaction -0.304 0.017 -0.347 0.560 0.797
Green Trust -0.194 0.322 -0.211 0.469 0.445 0.792

The above table showed that the diagonal bold values values in other constructs. Therefore, discriminant validity
were higher in their own constructs compared to their was achieved using [6] criterion.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 9, No. 5, October 2020

The following table 4 represents discriminant validity

using HTMT ratio.

Table 4: Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT)

Environmental Attitude
Environmental Concern 0.602
Green Perceived Quality 0.302 0.315
Green Purchase Intention 0.153 0.272 0.227
Green Satisfaction 0.566 0.152 0.260 0.493
Green Trust 0.394 0.348 0.300 0.510 0.508

The above table showed that the recommended

threshold values of less than 0.90 were achieved by all Following table 5 provides the result of path analysis
constructs as per the recommendation of [14]. Thus, using PLS-SEM.
discriminant validity was achieved using HTMT ratio.

Figure 2: PLS Bootstrapping Illustration

Table 5: Path Analysis using PLS-SEM
Estimate T-Stats Prob.
Environmental Attitude -> Green Purchase Intention 0.041 0.488 0.313
Green Perceived Quality -> Green Purchase Intention 0.090 0.730 0.233
Green Satisfaction -> Green Purchase Intention 0.288 2.953 0.002
Green Trust -> Green Purchase Intention 0.388 5.628 0.000
R-Square = 0.704; Q-Square = 0.526

Above table showed that environmental attitude (0.041, 0.05) and green trust (0.388, p < 0.05) have positively
p > 0.05) and green perceived quality (0.090, p > 0.05) have significant effect on green purchase intention.
positive but statistically insignificant effect on green Following table 6 provides result of moderation analysis
purchase intention while green satisfaction (0.288, p < using PLS-SEM.

Table 6: Moderation Analysis using PLS-SEM

Moderator: Environmental Concern Estimate T-Stats Prob.
Environmental Attitude -> Green Purchase Intention 0.198 2.091 0.018
Green Perceived Quality -> Green Purchase Intention 0.178 2.037 0.021
Green Satisfaction -> Green Purchase Intention 0.176 2.018 0.022
Green Trust -> Green Purchase Intention 0.487 5.900 0.000

The results of above table showed that the effect of was also impacting the GPI. Moreover, green trust was also
environmental attitude (0.198, p < 0.05), green perceived impacting the GPI. The green perceived quality was also
quality (0.178, p < 0.05), green satisfaction (0.176, p < affecting the GPI. Furthermore, the EC was also
0.05), and green trust (0.487, p < 0.05) have been positively moderating the relationship of environmental attitude,
moderated by the environmental concern. green satisfaction, green trust, green purchase quality with
the GPI. It would seem that the consumers want the
5. Conclusion perceived quality to be high along with the product being
The paper helped in understanding the nature of environment-friendly and increases the GPI. Green
consumers that are willing to purchase the products by perceived quality, green satisfaction, and green trust
evaluating the impact of environmental attitude, green accounted for higher effects on the GPI. It means that
satisfaction, green trust, and green perceived quality on the consumers the green perceive quality, green satisfaction,
GPI. It also provides insights regarding the moderation of and green trust are the antecedents that can increase the
EC in the above-mentioned relationships. The paper used a intentions to purchase green fast moving consumer goods.
theoretical framework developed with the help of the theory The findings have shown that the recommended measures
of planned behavior. The integration of the theory in the in the model are fit and acceptable in regards to the data and
framework enables the study to find that there was a information and the strength of prediction of the constructs
positive and significant relationship between the was also found to be significant.
environmental attitude and GPI. Also, the green satisfaction
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 9, No. 5, October 2020

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