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Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 32, No.

5 (2023), 4095-4111
DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/166350 ONLINE PUBLICATION DATE: 2023-07-24

Original Research
Consumer Demand for Environmental
Friendliness as a New Round of Modern
Marketing Development

Astghik Khachatryan1*, Amina Sakhbieva2, Maria Kirpicheva3,

Mariya Dolgova4, Sergei Chernov5
Department of Management and Innovation, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Department of Financial Markets and Financial Institutions, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Department of Marketing and Sports Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Department of State and Municipal Finance, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, State University of Management,
Moscow, Russian Federation

Received: 6 April 2023

Accepted: 20 May 2023


Research into the consumer demand for environmental friendliness is highly relevant. The growing
attention of consumers to environmental issues creates new opportunities for businesses that can use
this demand as a new stage of development. In addition, marketing strategies aimed at increasing the
environmental awareness of consumers and offering environmentally friendly goods and services can
increase the competitiveness of companies and their profits. The purpose of this study was to investigate
the correlations and interdependencies of the main “green” consumption motivations in the countries
of the post-Soviet economic space to determine effective strategies for the production and promotion
of eco-products in these markets. The purpose of the study was achieved through the implementation
of a comprehensive multi-country research project based on the collection and analysis of primary
information (research of consumer motivations). The testing result of the proposed methodology
on the example of urban consumers in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and the Russian Federation showed
insufficient readiness of consumers in the post-Soviet economic space to adopt “green consumption”. At
the same time, the formed mathematical models of the readiness to purchase dependencies confirmed
the greatest readiness of consumers to purchase goods that can be used without harm to human health,
while purchasing goods whose disposal does not harm the environment was the least appealing to
consumers. The analysis of two-dimensional distributions according to the residence countries did not
reveal statistically significant differences by country, confirming the representativeness of the results

*e-mail: [email protected]
4096 Khachatryan A., et al.

for urban residents in the post-Soviet economic space. The practical significance of the study is that it
allows businesses to evaluate their environmental concept and adapt it to the needs of consumers. Thus,
companies can improve their products and services in terms of environmental safety and develop an
effective marketing strategy.

Keywords: consumer behavior, eco-friendly products, green marketing, green technology, responsible

Introduction are beginning to change their preferences towards

ecologically compatible goods and eco-services.
Nowadays, the resilience of food systems is being In addition to the characteristics of the product itself,
tested by the effects of political shocks, economic crises, consumers now pay particularly close attention to, for
and pandemics, such as COVID-19. With such serious example, the product’s packaging, biodegradability, and
shocks, the consequences are different: some spheres reuse. In the context of saturated markets, consumer’s
are failed, others adapt, reorganize, and conquer the call for socially responsible businesses is becoming
local or global market [1]. Some especially do so with more and more pronounced. Thus, to improve the image
the benefit for society, especially when the context and strengthen competitiveness, companies need to
is about sustainability and sustainable consumption. adapt to changes in consumption priorities and meet an
Today, consumers worldwide are becoming more increasing demand for eco-friendly and safe products
environmentally oriented, and the price of goods can [6].
now hardly be called the main criterion of their choice. The direct aim of green marketing is to strengthen
Many people of today’s society are prepared to pay more the environmental benefits of the product and their
for eco-friendly goods. This concerns both new products perception by consumers. The consideration of
and those that have long been on the market [2]. Potential environmental requests in marketing strategies can
benefits of environmentally sound and sustainable goods be a source of competitive advantage for companies.
lie in that they are created with eco-friendly materials, Improving the safety and eco-friendliness of goods and
conserve resources due to the possibility of being services is one of the main factors for the companies’
recycled, and have a minimal negative environmental competitiveness growth. In general, the change in the
impact throughout their life cycle. It is obvious that development priorities and activities of enterprises as the
most current approaches to resource consumption exert main polluters of the environment will also contribute to
a dreadful impact on the environment and deplete non- the achievement of additional objectives. These include
renewable natural resource potential [3]. In this respect, reduction of claims from the regulatory authorities,
concentrating upon the production of eco-friendly increase in the efficiency of all types of resources,
products, promoting green industries, and forming progress in passing international certification for
and stimulating the development of a class of “green compliance with quality and environmental management
consumers” are especially relevant points nowadays. standards, creating positive goodwill, and increasing
The role of green production is particularly important brand value [7-9]. For this reason, the development of
as many environmental projects have been initiated green marketing as part of a modern business strategy
to eliminate the harmful effects of carbon emissions, is now one of the core trends in production-consumer
minimize the carbon footprint of producers, and rethink relations.
consumer habits and, as a result, restore balance to the The concept of green marketing is comparatively
planet. European countries are focused from 2019 on new. It is aimed at simultaneous solution of economic
the implementation of the Green Deal with targets for and socio-environmental issues and corresponds to
decarbonization and climate neutrality by 2050 [4]. the vision of sustainable development. As such, green
Along with the terms “green marketing”, “socially marketing concentrates upon the needs arising from the
responsible business”, “environmentally friendly”, and environmental crisis and/or environmental degradation.
“eco-friendly”, the economic lexicon was enriched By satisfying the desire of consumers to save the
with the concept of “green consumer” as a separate environment, producers realize their ultimate goal,
category of users. Green consumers are not only those profit, and consumers gain the possibility to improve
behaving as environmentally conscious inhabitants of their quality of life [7]. Table 1 summarizes the positive
the planet and preferring green products, but they also and negative aspects of green marketing.
pay close attention to the methods and technologies
of their production. The growing conviction is Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses
that environmental protection is a task not only of of Green Marketing
the government, environmentalists, and business
representatives but also of every member of society In the technological age of globalization, it is very
[5]. Realizing that consumer behavior directly impacts difficult to simultaneously keep consumers and the
a considerable part of environmental problems, people natural environment safe, which is a major contemporary
Consumer Demand for Environmental... 4097

Table 1. Strengths and weaknesses of green marketing, based on data adapted from Ülkü and Hsuan (2017), Jaiswal and Singh (2018),
Groening et al. (2018), and Jacobs et al. (2018).
Strengths Weaknesses
- Product/service (including packaging, transportation) causes - Eco-friendly products are often less attractive;
minimal harm to the environment at all stages of its life cycle - More expensive or complicated production technology;
(including recycling and reuse); - Constant control of compliance with established product/
- Product/service meets international environmental standards service provision standards is required;
while possessing improved properties, which positively affects -Difficulty in finding resources that meet environmental
public health and welfare; standards;
- Suppliers of raw materials for goods production are - Fewer number of suppliers;
environmentally responsible. - Product may have a slightly worse taste.
- Advertising campaign explicates the eco-friendliness of the - Consumers often do not trust the eco-friendly initiatives of the
product/service; enterprises or simply ignore them;
- Truthfulness of promotional messages about the safety and eco- - Emphasizing the eco-friendliness of a product/service
friendliness of goods; sometimes irritates consumers and results in suspicions of
- Promotional campaign of products/services causes minimal speculation;
harm to the environment; - Additional costs on environmental labeling/certification;
- Products’ packages have eco-friendly labels; - Additional costs on maintaining an appropriate level of eco-
- Quality of services is confirmed by the relevant certificates. friendliness and safety of a product/service.
- Distribution of products/services is carried out with the help of
- Use of eco-friendly transport slows down the transportation
eco-friendly transport modes;
process and may reduce the volume of goods being carried;
- Distribution scheme minimizes goods’ movement;
- Fewer wholesale and retail companies are willing to purchase
- Products/services are sold by environmentally responsible
the product or receive the service.
- Price paid for products/services supports other eco-friendly - Increased product price due to improvement of all the
projects of the enterprise. production steps to meet certain environmental standards.

challenge for manufacturers and consumers alike. market to win a larger share of the market. Thus, an
Today’s manufacturers, in developing business strategies experiment with a survey about energy-saving lamps as
for expanding markets and introducing new products, innovative means of cleaning up the environment led to
take into account that consumers are well aware of important conclusions. Consumers’ awareness of eco-
environmental issues, such as global warming and the friendly marketing influences their perceived quality and
impact of pollution. Green marketing is a concept and perceived value, which in turn influences their intention
strategy for promoting sustainable development [10]. to make a purchase. Consumers’ perceptions of energy-
saving lamp innovations mainly affect their perceived
Background to the Study of Green quality, price, and value, while consumers’ perceptions
Consumption of environmental cleaner innovations mainly affect
their perceived quality and value, which in turn affect
In the early 1990s authors drew attention to the fact purchase intentions. The results for two products show
that environmental aspects have a significant impact on that the impact of environmental marketing on purchase
consumers, so the marketing concept and the resulting intent is greater than the direct impact of innovation
business strategies must be rethought. The concept of [12].
social marketing as a long-term marketing perspective Current research by the authors examines the
rather than as a short-term showcase used by marketing gap between consumer attitudes and actual buying
departments is taking shape [11]. behavior toward green products and identifies key issues
such as personal factors influencing green buying,
Development of the Theory of Green green buying, and the green marketing mix. Caring
Consumption for the environment, eco-labeling, past experience,
and perceived usefulness are identified as the main
As the environmental awareness of consumers and factors influencing green consumer behavior. Lack
the natural innovation of green manufacturing increased, of environmental knowledge, prices, risks associated
companies, seeking to maintain leadership positions, with lack of knowledge, company image, trust, and
introduced new products with a “green concept” to the willingness to pay have been identified as barriers
4098 Khachatryan A., et al.

that create a gap between consumer attitudes and actual with temporary or permanent taxation benefits.
purchasing behavior toward green products [13]. Normative and regulatory tools to a large extent have a
Generalization and systematization of the modern prohibitive nature (e.g., a ban on plastic bags effectively
experience of promoting green consumption allowed applied in the US) [8, 20]. The papers empirically
determining the typical marketing tools used for establish the relationship between eco-advertising and
influences on consumer behavior. By and large, they can the ban-on-plastic (BOP) as an environmentally friendly
be divided into the following groups. practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and
consumer green purchase intention (GPI), and BOP is
Theoretical Approaches to Green Marketing seen as one of the factors in the formation of consumer
Depending on Marketing Tools behavior [20].
In the meantime, green marketing communication
For instance, some researchers focus on cognitive incorporates focus on the development of people’s
tools aimed at influencing consumer behavior using willingness to purchase eco-friendly goods;
understanding drawn from psychology, sociology, and concentration primarily on consumers with high and
cultural studies [12-15]. In the works of the 1990s, the middle-level incomes; attempts to form sustainable
image of the environmentally conscious consumer is fashion (predominantly successful); tolerance and
formed, such consumers are convinced that they can positive attitude towards various consumer groups; high
solve environmental problems through an effective potential to manipulate the consciousness of consumers;
action [15]. and emphasis on the importance of informal marketing
In the context of green altruism theory, the authors communications and direct marketing tools related to
identify the effect that green brand awareness and salespeople’s activities (e.g., a vegetarian salesperson in
perceived trust in a green brand have on consumers’ a vegan condiment store will encourage their friends to
green choice behavior. The interactive effect of green come and buy there) [21-23].
altruism with ESA and ESC impacts consumer choice.
In addition, this study encourages organizations to focus A Study in the Literature of the Portrait
on consumers’ perceptions of self-reliance and social of the Green Shopper
responsibility to engage them in choosing eco-friendly
brands [13]. According to the modern interpretation, a green
Girish et al. [16] and Marini et al. [17] analyzed customer is a person who wants to purchase goods made
information and communication provision tools: eco- in a way that does not negatively affect the environment
labeling, provision of additional information about [24]. Researchers assume that the main reason to
the product, marketing policy, and promotion of consume eco-friendly products for such an individual
green consumption. Many authors have concluded is the desire to increase their social status and join a
that labeling products made from environmentally group of people who exert a certain impact on society
friendly substances, conveying a sense of concern [21]. At the same time, the motives for purchasing green
for the environment from the manufacturer to the products are represented by consumers’ expectations,
consumer awakens consumer interest in purchasing perceptions, and subjective norms [6, 25].
environmentally friendly products. Promoting the Green consumers are characterized by peculiar
reduction of the volume and toxicity of pollutants, behavioural decisions and patterns [6, 9, 26]. For
promoting consumer awareness of the product’s example, Yang and Zhao [27] examined decisions to
environmental impact and encouraging environmentally buy a product based not on an advertising campaign
conscious consumer behavior are predictors of but on comprehensive information about it (materials
environmental protection [17]. from which it was made, environmental friendliness of
Peattie [18] and Lavuri [19] studied economic tools production, packaging features, possibilities of further
like central instrument influencing people’s choices recycling). Boycott of producers of environmentally
since the price of goods, quality, and income are “dirty” or dangerous goods and participation
often the influencing factors for purchasing decisions. in environmental campaigns were also studied.
Current publications have examined the influence of A consumer’s environment and social networks have the
green skepticism factors, altruistic and egoistic values, most significant influence on the choice of eco-friendly
perceived consumer efficacy, and the influence of products [28]. Eco-friendly personality of a consumer
environmental involvement on intention to purchase is manifested in the free ecological will based on the
environmentally friendly products with the mediating prioritization of natural environment preservation [29].
effect of “green” attitude and the mitigating effect of Consumers’ eco-friendly orientation is important
price sensitivity and environmental protection emotions. to achieve sustainable development, presupposing
Price sensitivity and emotional environmental protection the transformation of their consciousness at a level of
have a positive relationship between green attitude and outlook installations, beliefs, and personal acceptance of
intention [19]. green values [30]. Public concern about environmental
The regressive effects of higher prices for eco- pollution is increasingly reflected in environmentally
friendly goods can be mitigated by providing households conscious market positioning [31]. In recent times,
Consumer Demand for Environmental... 4099

most consumers have come to the understanding that development plans and programs at the national, local,
their behavior in the past has a direct influence on and sectoral levels; and implementation of pilot projects
the emergence of many environmental problems of directed at spreading the principles, business practices,
today. Numerous research on the matter confirms that and technologies of organic agriculture and resource-
green consumers’ perception and attitudes towards efficient and green production [35].
eco-friendly goods, knowledge of the product and its The preliminary analysis of scientific sources
manufacturer, and various related contextual factors devoted to the question under consideration showed
play a dominant role in decision-making on whether to that the related research works are mainly concentrated
buy a specific product or not. The data on the increase upon the motivation of green consumers, while the
in the number of people ready to pay more for eco- determining factors in this field are rather the dominant
friendly goods are the most convincing evidence of social paradigm, a common system of values, and a
what contributes to the growth of environmentally collective vision of solving environmental problems
oriented consumer behavior [32]. Such a state of [36]. Provided that the feature of global eco-friendly
affairs has resulted from a number of reasons. First goods market’s functioning is the activity of small and
of all, our society is becoming more informed about medium-sized enterprises using low-budget strategies
environmental issues as far as environmental culture for product promotion (social media marketing), the
and education constantly improve. Secondly, consumers experience of applying proper marketing strategies
massively express a need for safe products, which to promote environmentally friendly goods has been
forces corporations and governments to popularize investigated rather scantily. What is more, consumer
green business. Thirdly, the quality of environmental demand for green marketing and the economy as a whole
goods and services is increasing, and, accordingly, the is considered only for developed states which include
industry becomes more attractive and competitive, and European countries, the USA, Canada, some large
environmental products and services themselves become economies of the Asia-Pacific region [37]. This is due to
more affordable in price [25]. The peculiarities of green the fact that most modern industries are involved in the
consumers’ world perception determine the degree of markets of Western countries. These areas range from
their awareness of existing environmental problems’ agriculture, when companies explore and implement new
severity. Besides, precisely the perception of the general technologies for the collection and processing of waste
situation in the world influences the agreement or within the framework of “green” standards, ending with
refusal to consume environmentally dangerous goods public relations campaigns to introduce and popularize
and services and take responsibility for unsustainable organics in the general industry, spurring competition
consumption [18]. On the other hand, the willingness to for the environmental friendliness of the product. For
buy green products does not mean their actual purchase; example, many fashion retailers such as M&S, H&M,
that is, there is the so-called “green gap” (the divide Nike, and Timberland have taken part in the competitive
between green attitude and green consumption) [22]. game of using organic cotton in products to increase
To date, the most significant number of green sustainable materials in the market [38]. In the 21st
consumers is observed in the middle class [33]. Since century, the environmental issue is the most important
they are likely to feel involved in the solution of urgent challenge to sustain human civilization [39].
problems of society, their satisfaction with the purchase
is often more intense than that of individuals paying Eco-Consumer Issues in the Post-Soviet Space
less attention to the consumption eco-friendliness [28,
34]. While talking in terms of individual countries, At the same time, the global nature of the problem
researchers note that the concepts of green consumption forces us to focus not only on developed economies,
and green marketing are predominantly spread in but also on other regions that have colossal natural
developed states. Green marketing and public interest resources. This is about the post-Soviet space, in
in solving environmental problems significantly change particular, consumer demand for bio-products from
economic environment and financial markets and Russia and Central Asian countries. According to the
encourage governments and businesses to redistribute level of economic development, the countries of the
financial flows into promising eco-friendly sectors of the region have the status of economies in transition, which
economy. have already practically introduced market mechanisms.
Unlike the population of Western European
Exploring the Relationship between Green countries, in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and
Consumption and Public Policy and Corporate Uzbekistan, the share of organic products in the market
Sector Development of these countries is still insignificant, not exceeding 1%,
despite the fact that the population of these countries
As concerns the state support of green reforms, is aware of organic products [40]. Being familiar with
it is mostly carried out in three directions: formation the internal situation, some authors propose to pursue
of a strategic framework for policies related to the an information policy for the gradual full transition of
economic activity greening; integration of strategic countries to the production of environmentally friendly
environmental assessments into the system of country products [41]. However, given the economic situation
4100 Khachatryan A., et al.

of recent years, few segments of the population can in the development of modern marketing. Careful
financially afford the consumption of these products consideration of environmental aspects in marketing
despite the declared high quality. Therefore, the entities strategies and products can have a positive impact on
of organic product production and supply should build a the environment. In addition, it can increase competitive
strategy for eco-labeling to retain its potential according advantage in the market, meet consumer demand, and
to this article. At the same time, a strategy should cover ensure business sustainability.
the markets of countries with transition economies, At the same time, this demand research can allow
including the countries of the post-Soviet economic marketers to understand the consumers’ opinions on
space. the most important environmental aspects. These data
Here, the aspect of environmental friendliness is may be vital in creating new marketing strategies. The
taken into account only in several areas. These are food research may also serve as the basis for developing new
production, development of new and improvement of products that meet consumer demand for environmental
existing chemical industry technologies, informatization friendliness, as well as advertising campaigns that
of production and sales, use of non-traditional energy pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the
sources, and waste processing [35]. The market product.
segment of everyday green goods (furniture, electrical The purpose of this study was to investigate the
appliances, wallpapers, floor coverings, toys, and the correlations and interdependencies of the main “green”
like) is only beginning to form. In many cases, the price consumption motivations in the countries of the post-
of eco-friendly products appears to be higher than the Soviet economic space to determine effective strategies
price of their alternatives. The reasons for this are many for eco-product production and promotion in these
and varied, from high cost of environmentally safe markets. To achieve this goal, the following tasks had
materials to the expense of specialized equipment and a to be solved: (1) identify the consumers’ priorities about
large amount of research and development work needed specific aspects of environmentally friendly products;
for such production [42]. (2) determine how the premium for environmental
The success of the promotion of a particular type friendliness is perceived and what is the degree of
of eco-friendly product depends largely on the proper consumer sensitivity to it; (3) identify eco-consumers’
consideration of the personal characteristics of existing internal motivation to choose eco-products, willingness
and potential consumers and of their attitude to the to pay a premium to the price; (4) determine the main
very issue of environmental friendliness. Therefore, types of eco-consumers according to their willingness to
the research interest of this work is concentrated on pay a price premium for a new eco-product; (5) develop
distinguishing those areas (production, packaging, recommendations on the use of various marketing
transportation, and processing) for which people are strategies to promote environmentally friendly products.
willing to pay an extra price. The practical interest in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation
eco-friendliness is transformed into certain priorities on were selected to test the developed methodology. The
the part of eco-friendly goods, i.e., one can confidently choice of countries for testing was due to the following
speak about prioritization of ecologization of specific factors: (1) insufficient research on the problem of
sectors and product life cycle stages. Here it is reasonable consumer demand for environmental friendliness for
to find out, firstly, how the surcharge to the cost of eco- countries with economies in transition; (2) significant
friendly products is perceived, and, secondly, what is the GDP volumes for the CIS countries and a comparable
degree of this perception’s sensitivity. level of socio-economic development; (3) the availability
Despite the significant scientific contributions of of the countries to conduct the “field” stage of research.
predecessors, the personal characteristics of actual Thus, the hypothesis of the study is the assumption that
and potential buyers in relation to the degree of the propensity of consumers to eco-friendly goods is not
environmental friendliness of products and the motives a guarantee of real consumer demand for them, and the
that guide them to pay a price premium for environmental increase in the premium for environmentally friendly
friendliness have not yet been sufficiently studied. Of products is inversely proportional to the number of
value are an in-depth analysis of buying behavior, the consumers willing to pay it.
classification of types of environmentally conscious
consumers, and the stratification of the spheres of value
proposition that generate consumer surpluses and, Materials and Methods
accordingly, the willingness of a consumer to pay above
a set price. Identifying the most sought-after areas of the The research process was carried out in two stages
value proposition will help companies focus resources, and lasted about three months – April-June 2022. The
innovations in production and marketing, all their first stage implied email search and conducting an
competitive advantages on strengthening the consumer online survey to determine the dependence of demand
properties of these areas, minimizing costs, optimal on the possible premium on eco-friendly products with
pricing, and attracting more consumer demand. respect to their various life cycle aspects (production,
The study of the consumer demand for environmental packaging, transportation, and recycling). The study
friendliness can be an important and innovative step covered 1,515 consumers in Shymkent, Yekaterinburg,
Consumer Demand for Environmental... 4101

and Baku. The decision to consider these cities is due itself in the rapid transition to the purchase of a new
to a relatively high population density (about 0.8 – eco-product with an overpayment for eco-friendliness
1.4 thousand people/sq. km), moderate compactness with prior deliberation (innovators). A medium degree
(1-2.1 million people), close level of development, of motivation is when new eco-products and the decision
and similarity of geographical location as well as to pay a premium for them are perceived more slowly
environmental problems. The main common feature of while remaining faithful to traditional habits rather than
these cities is the similarity of environmental problems, new ones (conservatives). The low degree of motivation
actualizing the role of eco-oriented production and is manifested in the active non-acceptance of new eco-
consumption: insufficient amount of green spaces, products, the absolute unwillingness to pay a premium
destruction of forests, poisoning of water resources and for them (super-conservatives). During the second
poor quality of drinking water, problems of disposal of study stage, recommendations on the use of different
domestic and industrial waste. marketing strategies by green products’ manufacturers
The sample was formed randomly. The Finder for the promotion of eco-friendly goods were developed.
Expert search service was used to retrieve more than All the data obtained were statistically processed.
2 thousand e-mail addresses of individuals living in To analyze the results for reliability, the study used
the cities in question. Invitations to participate in the the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA),
Google Forms survey, the rationale for the survey, and Microsoft Excel, and the Statistica 10 software package.
the questionnaires were sent to their email addresses. Differences in the results obtained were possible at the
Out of 2050 requests, 1515 positive responses were significance level p≤0.05 according to the Student’s test.
received with the consent to participate in the study.
The questionnaire of an eco-friendly consumer
was developed within the framework of the study. Results and Discussion
The Questionnaire consisted of closed, open, and
combined (closed-open) questions (Appendix 1). According to the survey outcomes, 90% of all
The original questionnaire was in Russian, and then it respondents think it is necessary to give preference to
was translated into Kazakh and Azerbaijani languages eco-friendly goods, but only 76.4% really use them.
for better perception by consumers. The filter question Among the people, who actually buy green products,
was whether they use eco-friendly products. The group 38.6% are focused on the degree of their usefulness and
of consumers who answered positively on the filter 33.4% on the absence of harm to health. A considerable
question was characterized by the following socio- part of those not buying eco-friendly goods does
demographic characteristics. The vast majority of so due to a lack of money (72%). In the meantime,
respondents (70.77%) were between the age of 18 and 25, the predominant share of respondents (36%) gets
a fairly substantial group was aged under 18 (14.95%), information about them directly from packaging (all
and only 10.99% of research participants were between other information channels have almost the same degree
26 and 35 years old. About 3% were respondents aged of data richness).
35-45. As concerns gender distribution, the majority Table 2 shows the results of the respondents’
of respondents were women (56.26% were females and subjective assessment of their readiness for the premium
43.74% – males). The predominant share of interviewees “for environmental friendliness” of products, the
was formally employed (51.10%). The second-largest production, use, and disposal of which do not harm the
group in terms of occupation and social status was environment and human health.
students (37.47%). Other groups were too few in number Fig. 1 graphically illustrates the dependence of
to be mentioned separately. The main limitation of this consumers’ readiness for an additional premium “for
study was the possible inconsistency of actual data with environmental friendliness” on the premium amount
that stated in social networks. (in % of the price of a product similar in consumer
The data quality control was ensured by means of characteristics, but not eco-friendly). It also presents the
the following measures: (1) survey data were compared trend models calculated based on the results of the study.
with profiling data; (2) restrictions were imposed on All calculated trend models are represented by
participation within a certain period (7 days after linear trends, while a high correlation coefficient
consent to participate); (3) multiple registrations were (R 2>0.9) indicates a high compliance of the models with
checked using built-in features of Google Forms. the presented dependencies, their adequacy, and the
Sampling error did not exceed 5%. Next, the types of possibility of using them for forecasting. As the analysis
consumers depending on the degree of environmental shows, all the presented models are descending, in other
motivation were identified. Environmental motivation words, an increase in the premium for environmental
can have varying degrees of influence on the willingness friendliness causes a decrease in the number of
to pay a premium price. The highest degree of such consumers. At the same time, the analysis revealed
motivation is evident in the propensity to overpay significant differences in price elasticity for different
for a completely new environmental product without groups of eco-friendly products. Thus, a statistically
expecting other consumers to recognize it (super significant number of consumers are ready to pay higher
innovators). A high degree of motivation can manifest premiums for goods that do not harm human health
4102 Khachatryan A., et al.

Table 2. Percentage of consumers who are ready to pay a price premium for environmental friendliness.

Price premium, % Readiness to pay for…

Goods production of Goods use of which Goods disposal of
Goods use of which does not harm the
which does not harm does not harm human which does not harm
the environment health the environment
0 31.10 22.30 30.00 40.30
10 24.00 20.10 25.60 25.30
20 18.90 15.90 18.80 17.80
30 12.00 14.10 12.70 9.40
40 7.90 9.90 8.80 3.65
50 3.10 7.30 2.30 2.25
60 2.10 4.50 1.35 0.90
70 0.87 3.60 0.40 0.35
80 0.03 2.30 0.05 0.05

(y = -3.9362x + 30.792), while they are less ready to pay respondents), the potential use of natural resources
the same for goods whose disposal does not harm the (66%), and conscious participation in solving global
environment (y = -4.6133x + 34.178). environmental problems (75%) should be considered the
The survey was further deepened by adding most significant for products related to environmental
motivational factors for willingness to pay a premium care. Concerning health-related goods, the most
for eco-products. According to the survey results, the significant were the motives for reducing healthcare
motives of long-term contribution to health (89% of costs (54%), taking care of health as a contribution to

Fig. 1. Percentage of consumers who are ready to pay a price premium for environmental friendliness, as a function of the size of the
price premium.
Consumer Demand for Environmental... 4103

Fig. 2. Distribution of respondents according to their willingness to pay a price premium for a new eco-product.

longevity (96%), and the health of future children (68%). identified as conservatives;
The general motivator was the life quality factor (more –– finally, those who do not accept new eco-products
than 70% in each group of products, respectively). and who admitted their lack of willingness to pay
Fig. 2 shows the results of the respondents’ subjective a premium for environmental friendliness were
assessment of their willingness to purchase innovative defined as super-conservators.
eco-products and pay a premium for them. The results Identification of consumer types according to the
are the following: degree of willingness to pay a premium for new eco-
–– the respondents who admitted their willingness to products revealed that 63% of them are conservatives,
pay a premium to the price for a new eco-product 32% are innovators, 4% are super-conservators, 1% are
without waiting for its preliminary acceptance by super-innovators. Fig. 3 shows the two-dimensional
other consumers were identified as super-innovators distribution by consumption type and age of respondents.
by other consumers; The vast majority of super innovators are in
–– the respondents who expressed their willingness 18-25 (90%) and 26-35 (75%) age groups. People of the
to promptly buy a new eco-product and overpay older generation of 35-45 years are more conservative
for it with preliminary recognition were defined as in their willingness to overpay for a new eco-product,
innovators; among them there are no super innovators (55% of
–– the respondents who prefer proven products and conservatives, 25% of super-conservatives, and 20% of
make decisions slowly and deliberately were innovators).

Fig. 3. Age distribution of consumer types by propensity to pay a premium for a new eco-product.
4104 Khachatryan A., et al.

As can be seen from the data above, a large with which the company enters the market. The second
proportion of consumers is not willing to invest in one is often a transformed high pricing policy when
reducing the destructive environmental impact of the competitors have managed to copy the newly designed
manufacturing process. Completely opposite is the case product and are trying to retain and then gradually
with the readiness to pay a price premium for a product, expand the circle of customers. The main goal of the
the consumption (use) of which does not cause harm company becomes market penetration and customer
to human health – their share is the largest. Buying retention.
products not detrimental to the environment did not It is possible to form advertising strategies and
gain such considerable support. This implies that to position an eco-product from different sides, taking
date, a substantial portion of people is not likely to pay into account the psychology of eco-consumers and
a significant price for a product whose disposal does their intrinsic motivation to pay more for an eco-
not cause damage to the ecosystem. On the whole, the product (concern about health, longevity and quality
survey outcomes outlined that modern consumers are of life, health of future children, awareness of personal
willing to spend extra money mainly on goods that do contribution to environmental care and involvement
not have an adverse effect on their own health (or the in global eco-problems, a desire to use the preserved
health of others) and are of high quality and useful. natural resources in the future, etc.). With reference
Almost identical consumer attitudes were observed to inclinations to be willing to pay more for a new
relative to goods whose production, use, and disposal eco-product, two variants of the basic green marketing
are not harmful to the environment: for these aspects, strategy of the enterprise can be distinguished:
people are willing to pay a price premium in a much Adaptive marketing – it provides a flexible response
smaller amount. Such a state of affairs can be explained of the enterprise to changes in the importance of green
by the poor quality of life and that consumers have a properties of goods for consumers. In this event, the
variety of personal problems, among which the state of enterprise does not offer significant eco-friendly
the environment is far from being the most important. innovations but rather tries to move its commodity
At the second research stage, recommendations policy synchronously with market changes. It is a
on the use of various marketing strategies for the moderate strategy that is not associated with substantial
enterprises-manufacturers of green products were innovative actions or advancement;
developed. As evidenced in earlier studies [32], the Expansionist marketing – it is a riskier strategy
influence of such a factor of price elasticity of demand directed at meaningful improvement of the green
as consumers’ income is especially critical in the given properties of the product offered and even hard work
context as the first population strata becoming the on eco-friendly innovations’ development. Under this
subject of demand for green products is represented by strategy, the manufacturer forms the market (segment,
people with high- and medium-income levels. niche) for its product on its own. The basic strategies
Given the knowledge of the relationship between the of pricing, marketing and advertising are in the plane
size of the price premium for an eco-product and the of dependence on the study of consumer attitudes,
demand for it, one can distinguish two types of pricing. motivations, and types (Fig. 4).
The pricing policy for green products may have many Thus, the conducted research confirms the
nuances. As of this day, there are two main approaches insufficient consumer readiness in the post-Soviet
to the pricing policy: high pricing policy and moderate economic space to adopt “green consumption”. It follows
pricing policy. The first one is possible in conditions from the survey results that the greatest willingness to
of a high degree of ecological novelty of the goods. purchase eco–goods is in the market of goods that do
The higher the novelty, the higher may be the price not harm human health, and the least willingness is

Fig. 4. Basic pricing and green marketing strategies based on the study of consumer demand for environmental friendliness.
Consumer Demand for Environmental... 4105

in the market of goods whose disposal does not harm a premium for not harming the environment, most were
the environment. At the same time, the typology of guided by the motivation to preserve their health.
consumers by a new product acceptance type indicates Similar studies on consumer demand for
the predominant share (63%) of conservatives in environmental friendliness have a relatively large
the consumption structure. This creates additional scope and cover various business sectors. Thus, the
difficulties in promoting environmentally friendly researchers investigated the field of food, electronics,
goods and services to promising markets of countries fashion, construction, and other industries. Studies into
with a transition economy. In addition, the analysis the food industry found that consumers are increasingly
of two-dimensional distributions according to the paying attention to the composition of products, their
residence countries (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and production, and packaging. Consumers are more likely
the Russian Federation) did not reveal statistically to purchase products made using eco-friendly materials,
significant differences by country. Therefore, the results as well as products with a reduced content of harmful
of this study are representative of the urban resident substances. The electronics industry consumers are
totality in the post-Soviet economic space, regardless more attentive to the energy efficiency and toxicity of
of the residence country. However, it is important materials used by producers. Consumers also demand
to note that the motivation of rural residents may more transparent information about the production
have significant differences and requires additional and disposal of electronic devices. In the fashion
research. industry, consumers tend to be more attentive to the
It should also be noted that one of the factors that working conditions and environmental responsibility
influenced the choice of cities for testing the study of manufacturers. In this case, consumers require more
was the factor of environmental disadvantage. In other detailed information about the production conditions
words, all the respondents lived in cities burdened with and the use of eco-friendly materials. In the construction
specific environmental problems, but most respondents industry, consumers are increasingly paying attention to
were not willing to pay a higher price for goods that the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness
do not harm the environment. This determines the of building materials. Consumers are more likely to
relevance of additional research on the main consumers’ purchase building materials made using eco-friendly
motivations in the selected cities. materials, as well as materials with a reduced content of
In general, the findings of this research on substances that are harmful to health [14-16, 36 48].
consumers’ decisions on the acceptance or rejection According to many scientists, the study of consumer
of environmentally friendly products in countries with demand for environmental friendliness can have a
transition economies coincide with the facts identified significant impact on the development of modern
in other works in this field [23, 32]. Numerous authors marketing. The growing attention to environmental
confirmed a tendency to pay extra for eco-friendliness issues and the focus on sustainable development are
is inherent predominantly in people of high and above- changing consumer behavior. Therefore, consumers
average income levels [8, 12, 21]. This concerns only more and more frequently check the environmental
those goods that directly impact their health in the short friendliness of the products they buy [22, 26, 30]. This
term. The present research is based on the knowledge statement was also confirmed by the present study.
that today’s consumers are well aware of the importance At the same time, some scientists argue that research
of green product manufacturing and its relationship to into the demand for environmental friendliness can
global environmental issues [10], and today’s companies help businesses understand which products are in high
need to rethink traditional business strategies and demand among consumers. The research also allows
develop long-term and effective pricing and marketing businesses to reveal the values that consumers respect
strategies [11]. and the factors that influence their purchase decisions.
As a rule, the improvement of ecological safety of It can help companies stand out from their competitors
products is considered costly, but the world’s leading and develop marketing strategies that meet the demand
companies have proposed and successfully implemented for environmental friendliness [18-20, 25]. Various
innovative business strategies that combine the reduction studies have also shown that identifying demand for
of destructive impact on the environment with the growth environmental friendliness can also help companies
of their own revenues [8]. Effective implementation improve their products and production processes,
of these strategies requires reforming the traditional reducing their environmental impact. Thus, companies
marketing complex and effective marketing tools, which may start using more environmentally friendly
reasonably incorporate marketing techniques reflecting materials, limiting energy use, and reducing waste [14-
specific ways to achieve enterprise goals. 16, 36, 48].
At the same time, in contrast to some studies, Comparing the green markets of countries with
where the main factors of environmental behavior of transition and market economies made several
consumers are concern about the environment, eco- significant differences obvious. The reason for these
labeling, their past experiences [13], in the present differences lies in that all markets vary in development
work such factors are the concern for personal health, stages due to dissimilarities in legal frameworks
moreover among respondents who were willing to pay regulating the production of organic food, development
4106 Khachatryan A., et al.

programs designed for the organic sector, number of the development of the agro-industrial complex of
trading and processing companies, range of green the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030” [46]. In
products manufactured, infrastructure, demand for eco- particular, according to paragraph 4 of the Vision for
friendly goods, and the presence of large retailers using the Development of the Sphere, the development of
aggressive strategies to popularize environmentally ecosystems in priority areas of the agro-industrial
safe products. In the USA, Germany, France, Italy, complex, as well as assistance to the development of
and Denmark, green markets are at a stage very close the industry by the state, will become a catalyst for
to maturity, whereas in Spain, India, China, Australia, the growth in productivity and quality of agricultural
and the countries of the post-Soviet economic space products based on the use of reserves of vertical
they are only in their infancy [43]. The environmentally and horizontal integration. It is assumed that the
friendly product market in the countries of the post- implementation of such a policy can begin with the
Soviet economic space is represented only by local creation of cooperatives of small peasant farms at
players, whereas the global market is characterized the level of rural areas, ending with monitoring and
by product structure diversification and a significant revising the criteria for classifying the provision of a
share of gluten-free, protein, hypoallergenic and vegan quality mark for environmental cleanliness to a product
products. The share is growing due to healthy lifestyle (Resolution No. 960). Although as a result of this,
promotion and the introduction of new product segments various development roadmaps may be adopted by
(environmentally friendly, non-dairy, etc.) and services the government and competent departments, it is still
(U-pick, organic agrotourism, box delivery). In addition, difficult to talk about real results in the near future. In
in the countries of the post-Soviet economic space, addition to the realities of law enforcement practice, the
unlike the European Union, the level of real state support difficulties of implementing programs can be caused
for eco-good producers and the development level of by the global problems of our time associated with the
“green” infrastructure is significantly lower. One of the country’s foreign economic activity.
effective mechanisms for green market development It should be noted that the active participation
is designing and implementing special development of civil society in environmental issues and the
programs. In this context, the world community uses work of NGOs to promote the agenda of sustainable
such tools to support the organic sector as subsidies development affect the opinion of many people in the
(Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana), separate initiatives choice of products. In addition, ramifications of agro-
(European Network for Rural Development), investment industrial food production appear in the debate about
in the Organic Science Cluster and technical/institutional genetic modification [47]. Therefore, businesses should
support (League of Organic Agriculture Municipalities also consider partnering with community platforms to
and Cities), public procurement (Sweden – Policy for further spread the environmental agenda and promote
Sustainable Development and Food) national/regional their products, while increasing their responsibility to
development plans (the National Organic Action Plan, consumers [48].
Organic Action Plan for Ireland (2019-2025)), and Thus, the situation with the agricultural market
insurance or partial coverage of certification costs of Kazakhstan will depend not on the demand
(US Farm Bill). Moreover, some innovations are from the buyer, but on the economic recovery from
also being implemented in the post-Soviet countries. the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
Thus, in 2015, Kazakhstan adopted the Law “On disruption of supplies from other countries due to
the production of organic products”. The document the closure of borders, the situation with the disease
states that producers of organic products are obliged of animals and poultry in the summer of 2021 [49].
to exclude the use of synthetic substances, pesticides Despite the demand and desire of a large number of
(toxic chemicals), hormones, antibiotics and food Kazakhstanis to consume high-quality, environmentally
additives, with the exceptions provided for by the rules friendly products, the industry requires a long recovery
for the production and circulation of organic products. period to satisfy not only domestic consumers, but also
The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is launch exports. Thus, the study of consumer demand
also excluded. In addition, organic producers must go for environmental friendliness can have practical
through a confirmation procedure to obtain a certificate implications for marketing, promote the development
of conformity, after which they have the right to use of new products and services, provide a competitive
the national mark of conformity for organic products advantage in the market, and maintain business
[44]. How effective the control mechanism is depends sustainability.
on the impartiality of the regulator and the existing
management systems, resistance to corruption, and the
situation with dependence on material resources; the Conclusions
issue continues to be relevant in the field of improving
the living standards of the population [45]. According to the study results, 90% of participants
Some provisions on the development of organic believe that it it important to buy eco-friendly products.
production were noted in the Decree of the Government Nevertheless, only 76.4% of them actually make these
of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Concept for purchases. Of those who buy green products, 38.6%
Consumer Demand for Environmental... 4107

pay attention to their usefulness and 33.4% take into assessment of market opportunities and threats, as
account the absence of harmful properties. Most of the well as advantages and disadvantages of the current
participants (72%) do not buy eco-friendly products due marketing strategy); (2) Analytical aspect (development
to lack of funds. At the same time, 36% of respondents and analysis of alternatives, identification of target
receive information about products directly from the consumer groups, definition of competitive strategies,
packaging, while other sources had almost equal amount development of positioning plans for environmentally
of information. friendly products); (3) Coordination aspect (modification
As a result, it was found that consumers are ready and integration of marketing tools to comply with the
to pay extra for those goods that have a direct impact principles of environmental marketing in the course
on their health in the near future rather than solve the of competition; (4) The control aspect (monitoring,
world’s ecological problems in the long run. At the same analysis and regulation of marketing activities within
time, it was noted that consumers are more willing to the framework of strategic management).
pay more for environmentally friendly production, The main scientific contribution of this article is
rather than for packaging or recycling. the developed consumer typology of the post-Soviet
To find the relationship between the share of economic space by the environmental motivation
consumers ready to pay over for a certain aspect of and the level of innovative eco-product acceptance.
eco-friendliness and the value of the eco-friendliness The study also resulted in recommendations for the
premium, linear dependencies were built. They showed use of marketing tools in promoting eco-products to
an inverse correlation between these two factors the markets of countries with economies in transition.
suggesting that the number of people ready to pay The results of this study may be in demand by marketers
an extra price decreases with an increase in the price of the real economy sector for developing business
premium. Since the correlation coefficients of the strategies to adapt to fluctuations in demand and
developed models were high, their adequacy and the expand the product line through eco-innovations aimed
possibility to use them for forecasting were confirmed. at improving health. Knowledge of the most preferred
The data obtained allowed coming up with areas of the value proposition (production, packaging,
recommendations for eco-friendly goods manufacturers transportation, processing, as well as environmental
on the application of relevant marketing strategies. The motivation) will assist in the development of optimal
study proposed two basic options for a company’s basic resource, product, advertising and pricing strategies.
green marketing strategy: gradual adaptation to changes Additionally, the results of this study may be valuable
in consumer demands and expansion of the product line for academic researchers, including in the context of
by appealing to green solutions. The limitations of the forming promising areas for future research on the
present study naturally include possible inconsistency production and promotion of “green” products to the
of actual data with respondents’ answers. The second markets of countries with transition economies.
source of concern is that this research was performed
based on the example of green products with an eco-
friendliness price premium varying from 0 to 80%. Acknowledgments
The last point of uncertainty is that, broadly translated,
the inferences made cannot be directly applied to the Amina Sakhbieva has been supported by the Kazan
market promotion of green goods, the price of which is Federal University Strategic Academic Leadership
much greater than that of their analogues or which have Program.
significantly cheaper non-ecological equivalents.
The results of this study imply that the creation
and development of environmental marketing should Conflict of Interest
cover: (1) The information aspect (analysis of important
environmental issues affecting the enterprise and The authors declare no conflict of interest.
4108 Khachatryan A., et al.

Appendix 1

Questionnaire of an eco-friendly consumer №

Unless otherwise specified, only one answer option must be selected

1. You are:
2. Your age is:
less than 18 
from 18 to 25 
from 26 to 35 
from 35 to 45 
over 45 
3. Define your employment:
officially employed 
other option
4. Do you consider it necessary to use environmentally friendly products?
5. Do you use environmentally friendly products?
6. What do you pay attention to when using eco products?
Harmless to health 
Contribution to ecology 
Your answer__________________________________________________________
7. What can prevent the purchase of eco-products?
Low income 
Personal preferences 
Your answer___________________________________________________________
8. What sources do you use to obtain information about a specific eco-friendly product?
Your answer____________________________________________________________ _____________
9. What premium “for environmental friendliness” to the price of the product is acceptable for goods produced without
harm to the environment?
Choose one option:
10. What premium “for environmental friendliness” to the price of the product is acceptable for goods that do not harm
human health?
Choose one option:
Consumer Demand for Environmental... 4109

11. What premium “for environmental friendliness” to the price of the product is acceptable for goods whose use does
not harm the environment?
Choose one option:
12. What premium “for environmental friendliness” to the price of the product is acceptable for goods whose disposal
does not harm the environment?
Choose one option:
13. What factors influenced your willingness to pay a premium to the price for products related to environmental care?
(choose no more than 3 options)
long-term contribution to health 
thrifty use of natural resources 
preservation and revival of natural wealth and diversity of the environment 
participation in solving global environmental problems 
striving for conscious consumption 
the impact of joint consumption (family, social group) 
improving the life quality 
another ___________________________________________________________
14. What factors influenced your willingness to pay a premium to the price for health-related goods? (choose no more
than 3 options)
reducing healthcare costs 
taking care of health as a contribution to longevity 
the health of future children 
improving the life quality 
another __________________________________________________________
15. Are you ready to pay a premium to the price for a new eco-product (choose only 1 answer option):
without waiting for its preliminary acceptance by other consumers 
with preliminary recognition by other consumers 
making a decision slowly and deliberately, giving preference to proven products 
absolutely not ready to pay a premium for environmental friendliness 
4110 Khachatryan A., et al.

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