U5L5 - Collab W Stakeholders

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1) Evaluate engagement needs for stakeholders
2) Optimize alignment between stakeholder needs, expectations and project objectives
3) Build trust and influence stakeholders to accomplish project objectives

- Stakeholder register – two components
o Assessment Info - consists of the details about major requirements, expectations, potential for
influencing project outcomes in the phase of the project lifecycle
o Stakeholder classification – internal/external, impact/influence/power/interest ,
upward/downward/outward/sideward, any classification model chosen by the project manager
- Stakeholder engagement plan – subsidiary plan of PM Plan
Tools – none

Stakeholders – anyone affected by the outcomes of the project

Can be positive or negative
Engage with all and get them involved, critical to the success or failure
An actively engaged and influential stakeholder can have the opposite effect
- ID the people, groups or orgs that could impact or be impacted by the project
- Analyze stakeholder expectation and their impact on the project
- Develop appropriate management strategies for effective engaging

Project Stakeholder Mgt

ID immediately after project approval, keep up to date

Tailoring Considerations
Stakeholder Diversity – how many are there? How diverse is the culture of the stakeholder community?
Complexity of Stakeholder Relationships – how complex are the relationships amongst the stakeholders?
Communication technology – what is available, what support mechanisms are in place to ensure best value?

Considerations for Adaptive Environment

- Actively engaged and participate with stakeholders
- Engage stakeholders directly rather than going through layers of management
- Engage early, be transparent and build trust to reduce the cost of changes
- Use postings on public spaces for visibility

Identifying Stakeholders – ID early so needs and expectations are met, reassess often
Techniques used to ID Stakeholders:
- Expert judgement
- Data gathering by questionnaires, surveys and brainstorming
- Data analysis through stakeholder analysis and document analysis
- Create a Stakeholder register

Stakeholder Analysis – list relevant info like:

- Position within the org - Expectations
- Roles in the project - Attitudes
- Stakes - Interest in project information
Interest – a person or group can be affected by a decision related to the project or its outcomes
Rights – legal rights involve occupational health, safety . Moral rights involve historical site protection and
environmental sustainability
Owner - a person or group has a legal title to an asset or a property
Knowledge - specialist knowledge enables more effective delivery of a project objectives , organizational outcomes
or knowledge of the power structures of the organization
Contribution - provision of funds or other resources including human resources or providing support for the project
in more intangible ways ie. advocacy

Stakeholder Mapping – help categorize stakeholders using:

Power-Interest Grid Salience Model Stakeholder Cube Direction of Influence Prioritization

Salience Model – Power (ability to impose their will), Urgency (need for immediate attention), Legitimacy
(appropriateness of their involvement)

Five levels of involvement


Ways to Stakeholder Optimization

- The frequency and level of engagement is based on mutual needs and expectations
- Regular collaboration is supported by daily standup meetings and co-locating teams
- More infrequent collaboration can be supported by scheduled sessions

Stakeholder Engagement Plan – identifies the strategies and actions required to promote productive involvement of
stakeholders in decision-making and execution. The PM must ensure needs are met, meet expectations, foster
appropriate involvement and address issues

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