What Are Map Projections?: What Is A Coordinate System?
What Are Map Projections?: What Is A Coordinate System?
What Are Map Projections?: What Is A Coordinate System?
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Locate topic
Within ArcGIS, every dataset has a coordinate system, which is used to integrate it with other geographic
data layers within a common coordinate framework such as a map. Coordinate systems enable you to
integrate datasets within maps as well as to perform various integrated analytical operations such as
overlaying data layers from disparate sources and coordinate systems.
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What are map projections? Page 2 of 4
area, or Robinson, all of which (along with numerous other map projection models) provide various
mechanisms to project maps of the earth's spherical surface onto a two-dimensional Cartesian
coordinate plane. Projected coordinate systems are sometimes referred to as map projections.
Coordinate systems (either geographic or projected) provide a framework for defining real-world
locations. In ArcGIS, the coordinate system is used as the method to automatically integrate the
geographic locations from different datasets into a common coordinate framework for display and
Caution: When you define the coordinate system for a dataset using the Define
Projection tool or the dataset property page, you are updating the
metadata to identify the current coordinate system. The dataset's
extent and coordinate values will not change. The dataset must already
be using the coordinate system. To change a dataset's coordinate
system, including its extent and values, use the Project or Project
Raster tools.
To understand geographic coordinate systems and See What are geographic coordinate
latitude–longitude systems?
To learn which map projections are supported See List of supported map projections
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To learn about the geodatabase spatial reference. See the Geodatabase Spatial
To define the spatial reference for a new See An overview of spatial references in the
dataset in the geodatabase geodatabase
To record the coordinate system of an See the "Define Projection" tool in An overview of the
existing dataset Projections and Transformations toolset
To define the coordinate system for See Defining or modifying a raster's coordinate system
external raster and image files
To project feature, rasters, and image See An overview of the Projections and
data layers Transformations toolset
To learn vertical coordinate system concepts See What are vertical coordinate
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What are map projections? Page 4 of 4
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Related topics
What are geographic coordinate systems?
What are projected coordinate systems?
About map projections
Geographic transformation methods
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