What Are Map Projections?: What Is A Coordinate System?

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What are map projections?

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What are map projections?

ArcGIS 10.8

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Within ArcGIS, every dataset has a coordinate system, which is used to integrate it with other geographic
data layers within a common coordinate framework such as a map. Coordinate systems enable you to
integrate datasets within maps as well as to perform various integrated analytical operations such as
overlaying data layers from disparate sources and coordinate systems.

What is a coordinate system?

Coordinate systems enable geographic datasets to use common locations for integration. A coordinate
system is a reference system used to represent the locations of geographic features, imagery, and
observations such as GPS locations within a common geographic framework.
Each coordinate system is defined by:
l Its measurement framework which is either geographic (in which spherical coordinates are measured
from the earth's center) or planimetric (in which the earth's coordinates are projected onto a two-
dimensional planar surface).
l Unit of measurement (typically feet or meters for projected coordinate systems or decimal degrees
for latitude–longitude).
l The definition of the map projection for projected coordinate systems.
l Other measurement system properties such as a spheroid of reference, a datum, and projection
parameters like one or more standard parallels, a central meridian, and possible shifts in the x- and

Types of coordinate systems

There are two common types of coordinate systems used in GIS:
l A global or spherical coordinate system such as latitude–longitude. These are often referred to as
geographic coordinate systems.
l A projected coordinate system based on a map projection such as transverse Mercator, Albers equal

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What are map projections? Page 2 of 4

area, or Robinson, all of which (along with numerous other map projection models) provide various
mechanisms to project maps of the earth's spherical surface onto a two-dimensional Cartesian
coordinate plane. Projected coordinate systems are sometimes referred to as map projections.
Coordinate systems (either geographic or projected) provide a framework for defining real-world
locations. In ArcGIS, the coordinate system is used as the method to automatically integrate the
geographic locations from different datasets into a common coordinate framework for display and

ArcGIS automatically integrates datasets whose coordinate systems are

All geographic datasets used in ArcGIS are assumed to have a well-defined coordinate system that
enables them to be located in relation to the earth's surface.
If your datasets have a well-defined coordinate system, then ArcGIS can automatically integrate your
datasets with others by projecting your data on the fly into the appropriate framework—for mapping, 3D
visualization, analysis, and so forth.
If your datasets do not have a spatial reference, they cannot be easily integrated. You need to define one
before you can use your data effectively in ArcGIS. The spatial reference or coordinate system is
metadata. It describes the coordinate framework that the data is already using.

Caution: When you define the coordinate system for a dataset using the Define
Projection tool or the dataset property page, you are updating the
metadata to identify the current coordinate system. The dataset's
extent and coordinate values will not change. The dataset must already
be using the coordinate system. To change a dataset's coordinate
system, including its extent and values, use the Project or Project
Raster tools.

What is a spatial reference in ArcGIS?

A spatial reference in ArcGIS is a series of parameters that define the coordinate system and other spatial
properties for each dataset in the geodatabase. It is typical that all datasets for the same area (and in the
same geodatabase) use a common spatial reference definition.
An ArcGIS spatial reference includes settings for:
l The coordinate system
l The coordinate precision with which coordinates are stored (often referred to as the coordinate
l Processing tolerances (such as the cluster tolerance)
l The spatial or map extent covered by the dataset (often referred to as the spatial domain)

Learning more about coordinate systems

Here is a series of links to help you learn more about applying map projections and coordinate systems in
your work.
Learning more about map projection and coordinate system concepts
Map projection and coordinate system tasks

Concept Where to go for more information

To understand geographic coordinate systems and See What are geographic coordinate
latitude–longitude systems?

To understand projected coordinate systems See What are projected coordinate


To learn which map projections are supported See List of supported map projections

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To learn about datums See Datums

To learn about spheroids and spheres See Spheroids and spheres

To choose a map projection See Choosing a map projection

To learn about the geodatabase spatial reference. See the Geodatabase Spatial

Common coordinate system and map projection tasks in ArcGIS

Here is a series of links to guidance on how to perform a number of common coordinate system tasks in
Defining the coordinate systems, re-projecting, and transforming datasets
Coordinate system definition and projection

Common task Where to go for more information

To define the spatial reference for a new See An overview of spatial references in the
dataset in the geodatabase geodatabase

To record the coordinate system of an See the "Define Projection" tool in An overview of the
existing dataset Projections and Transformations toolset

To define the coordinate system for See Defining or modifying a raster's coordinate system
external raster and image files

To project feature, rasters, and image See An overview of the Projections and
data layers Transformations toolset

To identify an unknown coordinate See Identifying an unknown coordinate system

Datum transformation and rubber-sheeting
Data transformation tasks

Common task Where to go for more information

To learn transformation concepts See Geographic transformation methods

To transform and rubber-sheet See Performing spatial adjustment

data layers

To georeference unregistered See Changing the geographic coordinates of a raster

raster data dataset: georeferencing

To georeference unregistered CAD See Georeferencing a CAD dataset

Working with Vertical Coordinate Systems
Working with vertical coordinate systems

Common task Where to go for more information

To learn vertical coordinate system concepts See What are vertical coordinate

To define a vertical coordinate system for a feature See Defining_feature_class_properties

What existing coordinate systems and transformations are available?
What existing coordinate systems and transformations are available?

Object type Where to go for more information

Geographic or See geographic_coordinate_systems.pdf

This PDF is available locally at <install

Projected See projected_coordinate_systems.pdf


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This PDF is available locally at <install

Geographic See geographic_transformations.pdf

This PDF is available locally at <install

Related topics
What are geographic coordinate systems?
What are projected coordinate systems?
About map projections
Geographic transformation methods

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