Water Treat HW5
Water Treat HW5
Water Treat HW5
Problem: Laboratory analysis has elucidated the settling characteristics of particles suspended in
a drinking water (see Table below). Determine the overflow rate and rectangular tank dimensions
(length, width, and depth) of a clarifier that will achieve 75% particle removal for a flow rate of
26 MGD. Be sure to clearly state all assumptions.
Settling Velocity Fraction of Particles
Range (ft/s) (by mass) with this vs
0.0001 3.0000
0.0003 8.0000
0.0005 11.0000
0.0008 18.0000
0.0010 20.0000
0.0012 25.0000
0.0014 15.0000
Approach: Since there is no way of knowing what the critical settling velocity is, we will need
to use an iterative method in solving this. We assume a value for vc and then solve for a vc value.
If our assumption falls very closely to our vc guess, we take that as our value. If not, we guess
vs = settling velocity of a particle
vc = critical settling velocity
Problem 2:
Problem: The data from a settling-column analysis of a dilute suspension of flocculating solids
are listed below.
(a) Plot the data and sketch lines representing 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 80% removals
through the data.
(b) Estimate the overall removal efficiencies for a settling tank that is 10 ft deep for
residence times of 20, 30, 40, and 60 minutes.
(c) Determine the total clarifier area for a flow rate of 5 MGD if a removal efficiency of
50% is desired
Percentage Removal
t (min) 2 ft 4 ft 6 ft 8 ft 10 ft 12 ft
10 30 26 21 16 11 Increased
20 39 35 30 23 18 Increased
30 56 44 37 31 25 Increased
40 62 55 47 42 38 Increased
60 73 64 59 48 41 Increased
80 80 69 65 56 45 Increased
Approach: For part a, we merely draw the diagram and put the lines in, pretty simple. For part b,
we need to use another removal equation to obtain the efficiencies for each residence time.
Lastly, for part c, we need to determine the plan area. We can do this in much the same way as
problem 1.
RT = Total removal for a detention time
Rn = Removal for a given time (measured from the bottom)
H = depth of settling tank (10 feet)
hn = depth corresponding to removal percentage (Rn)
a) ***See Attached Figure***
b) To calculate the removal efficiency for a given detention time, we simply go to our figure
chart. For this, we go down to a depth of 10 feet and over to our detention time. We then go up to
each point that we know the percent removal and use it to calculate our percent removal. So, we
will first need the equation to calculate the removal:
ℎ.?@ + ℎ. ℎ@ + ℎ8
= = . + 2 × B.?@ − . D + ⋯ 2 × B@ − 8 D
For this, I will show an example for the 20 minute detention time:
8 + 10 6 + 8 4 + 6
= = 18 + 2 × B23 − 18D + 2 × B30 − 23D + 2 × B35 − 30D
10 10 10
2 + 4 1.9 + 2 1.4 + 1.9
+ 2 × B39 − 35D + 2 × B40 − 39D + 2
10 10 10
1.1 + 1.4 0.6 + 1.1
× B50 − 40D + 2 × B60 − 50D + 2 × B70 − 60D
10 10
0.2 + 0.6 0 + 0.2
+ 2 × B80 − 70D + 2 × B100 − 80D
10 10
Finishing the calculations:
= = 35.6%
Given below is a table showing the answers for each set:
Detention Time Removal Efficiency
20 minutes 35.6%
30 minutes 44.8%
40 minutes 54.0%
60 minutes 62.3%
c) To start, to get a detention time, we’ll need to interpolate between 30 and 40 minutes. We start
that the percentage difference between the two is the following:
% 3 = 54.0% − 44.8% = 9.2%
Next, we subtract our efficiency rating from the bottom bound:
50% − 44.8% = 5.2%
We then take the ratio of these and multiply by the difference between the two times (10
minutes) to get an approximate detention time:
F = 30 G2 + B10 G2D ≈ 35.7G2
Now, we convert our flow rate into cfs, then multiply that by our detention time and divide by
depth (10 feet) to obtain our basin area:
5 × 100 12 1 34 1 5
× × = 7.742
1 34 86400232 7.481 12
5 60 232
HG = 7.74 × I35.7G2 × J = 16,570 5
2 1 G
16,570 5
* = = 1657 8
Total Clarifier Area = 1660ft2
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