Btech Ee PT 4 Sem Linear Control Systems 72448 Nov 2019

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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 09

B.Tech.(EE)PT (Sem.–4)
Subject Code : BTEE-402
M.Code : 72448
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying T WO marks
2. SECTION-B contains FIVE questions carrying FIVE marks each and students
have to attempt any FOUR questions.
3. SECTION-C contains T HREE questions carrying T EN marks each and students
have to attempt any T WO questions.

1. Answer briefly :
a) What do you mean by viscous friction? Explain.
b) What are servo motors? Discuss their significance in control system.
c) Explain the terms node and branch with respect to signal flow graph.
d) What do you mean by regulating systems? Explain.
e) Differentiate between absolute and relative stability.
f) What is the effect of adding a pole in the forward path transfer function? Discuss.
g) List the various applications of root locus.
h) Explain the need of a compensator.
i) List the advantages of log magnitude versus phase angle plot.
j) State the Nyquist stability criterion.

2. What is the basis for the selection of a particular compensator? Write the procedure for the
design of a lag compensator.
3. With the help of suitable diagrams and expressions explain the principle and working of
synchro transmitter and receiver used in control systems.

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4. Write the differential equations for the mechanical system shown in the figure. Also draw
the analogous electrical circuit based on force-current analogy.


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5. Discuss the relation between time and frequency response for second order systems.
6. A unity feedback system is characterized by the open loop transfer function
G( s)  . Determine the steady state errors for unit step, unit ramp and
s(0.5s  1)(0.2 s  1)
unit acceleration inputs.

7. Sketch the root locus of a system having open loop transfer function
G( s) H ( s)  2
s ( s  4)( s  4 s  13)
8. Sketch the Bode plot for the transfer function given below :
2( s  0.25)
G( s) H ( s)  2
s ( s  1)( s  0.5)
Determine the gain and phase margin. Is the system stable?
9. Discuss :
a) Linear and non-linear systems
b) Open and closed loop systems
c) Time variant and time invariant systems 

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page of Answer Sheet will lead to UMC against the Student.

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