6208 Nervous System I
6208 Nervous System I
6208 Nervous System I
- arachnoid mater (arachnoid villus: CSF dural sinuses), subarachnoid space w/ CSF
Describe dura projection/septa (1 point) and its function (1 point). Name 3 dura septa and
describe. (6 points)
Ans: dura mater projects inward, (form septa), to fix the brain position/limit its movement
1. falx cerebri: separates cerebral hemispheres
2. falx cerebelli: separates cerebellum hemispheres
3. tentorium cerebelli: separates cerebrum and cerebellum
Describe brain ventricles in terms of general function (2points), location and linkage
Ans: CSF-filled cavities, reduce brain weight
- 2 lateral ventricles: C-shaped, deep in cerebral hemispheres, connect to 3 rd ventricle
- 3rd ventricle: a slit btw and inf to thalamus, connect to 4th via cerebral aqueduct
- 4th ventricle: btw brainstem and cerebellum, connects to central canal and
subarachnoid space
Which lobes of brain does various cerebral arteries supply to, respectively? (3 points)
Ant. cerebral a.: frontal, parietal
Middle cerebral a.: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
Pos. cerebral a.: occipital
- L: Dorsal horn (sensory neurons cell bodies), lateral column (sensory and motor), Lateral horn, Ventral
horn(cell body of motor neurons)
- R: Central canal of spinal cord, Dorsal column (sensory), Dorsal root (sensory neurons), dorsal root
ganglion (cell bodies of sensory neurons), Spinal nerve (both sensory and motor), ventral root (motor
neurons), ventral column (motor neurons)
Describe central canal of spinal cord (2 points)
Ans: continuous w/ 4th ventricles, filled w/ CSF
**Name the nerve plexuses and the part of body they are supplying to (8 points)
- Cervical plexus (C1-C4): neck, phrenic nerve for diaphragm
- Brachial plexus (C5-T1): upper limbs
- Lumbar plexus (L1-L4): ant. and med. thigh
- Sacral plexus (S1-S4): pos. thigh, leg & foot