6208 Nervous System I

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Basic structure of neuron: dendrites, cell body, axon, axon terminal

Name 4 classifications of neurons *morphological features

1. multipolar: CNS, interneurons, motor neurons
2. bipolar: sensory (retina, cochlea, olfactory epithelium)
3. pseudounipolar: sensory in PNS (eg. Touch and pain neurons of PNS)
4. unipolar: interneurons

Describe reflex arc 反射

Ans: pain receptor triggered  impulse through sensory neuron (psudounipolar)
interneurons  impulse through motor neuron (multipolar) stimulate muscle contraction

Four glial cells in CNS

1. astrocyte 星狀細胞: (btw. capillaries & neurons) structural support, nutrients and
metabolic waste exchange, extracellular ion concentration control
2. microglial cell: macrophage, phagocytic
3. ependymal cells 室管膜細胞: form brain ventricles 室 and central canal 管 (of spinal
cord), CSF production
4. Oligo-dendrocyte: form myelin sheath for multiple axons

Two glial cells in PNS

1. Schwann cell: form myelin sheath on only 1 axon
2. satellite cells: electrical insulation around cell body, only in ganglion, structural and
nutrients support

Name and describe components of meninges

- dura mater (periosteal, meningeal), form dural sinuses in between.
(Functions: collect CSF from arachnoid villus, direct CSF and venous blood back to int.
jugular v.)

- arachnoid mater (arachnoid villus: CSF  dural sinuses), subarachnoid space w/ CSF

- pia mater (cover cerebral cortex)

Additional: Why subarachnoid haemorrhage is lethal?

1. Rupture of cerebral veins (possible reason to subarachnoid haemorrhage)
2. bleeding to subarachnoid space  increase ICP (intracranial pressure)
3. brainstem compressed, lost control to HR, RR, BP

Describe dura projection/septa (1 point) and its function (1 point). Name 3 dura septa and
describe. (6 points)
Ans: dura mater projects inward, (form septa), to fix the brain position/limit its movement
1. falx cerebri: separates cerebral hemispheres
2. falx cerebelli: separates cerebellum hemispheres
3. tentorium cerebelli: separates cerebrum and cerebellum

Describe brain ventricles in terms of general function (2points), location and linkage
Ans: CSF-filled cavities, reduce brain weight
- 2 lateral ventricles: C-shaped, deep in cerebral hemispheres, connect to 3 rd ventricle
- 3rd ventricle: a slit btw and inf to thalamus, connect to 4th via cerebral aqueduct
- 4th ventricle: btw brainstem and cerebellum, connects to central canal and
subarachnoid space

Describe the location and features of thalamus (3 points)

- inferior to the medial part of lateral ventricles
- lateral to the 3rd ventricle
- in pair

How is CSF produced? By what?

Ans: by choroid plexus (inc. capillary endothelial cell, ependymal cell and pia meter)
endothelial cells of capillary and ependymal cells filter the blood cell and plasma protein
out, leaving the CSF w/ nutrients, also absorb metabolic wastes

Describe the circulation of CSF (5 points)

Ans: CSF produced by choroid plexus in lateral, 3rd, 4th ventricles  subarachnoid space 
arachnoid villi  dural sinuses  int. jugular v.

3 functions of CSF (3 points)

Ans: absorb shock, maintain pH, nourishment (nutrients & metabolic wastes)

Blockage of which artery is prone to stroke?

Ans: internal carotid a. (80% blood supply to brain), to anterior brain
(additional: vertebral a. supply to posterior brain, from transverse foramen @ C6)

Which lobes of brain does various cerebral arteries supply to, respectively? (3 points)
Ant. cerebral a.: frontal, parietal
Middle cerebral a.: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
Pos. cerebral a.: occipital

Components of BBB. Block which substances? What is the goal of BBB?

Ans: endothelial cell (tight junctions), feet of astrocyte
All PhD all lipid-insoluble drugs, all hormones (adrenaline), all plasma protein, most ions
(NOT ALL) | only simple diffusion (lipid-soluble) and facilitated diffusion for ions

Goal: maintain stable internal environment for brain

BBB is absent in which regions? (2 points)
Ans: vomiting centre @brainstem (monitoring toxins), hypothalamus (monitoring ions and

What kind of capillaries does brain capillary belong to?

Ans: continuous capillaries (tight junction)

Functions/Types of spinal nerves (4 points)

Ans: sensory, motor, (sympathetic for thoracic and lumbar), (parasympathetic for sacral)

Describe how spinal nerves correspond to vertebral column

Ans: C1-C7 above respective vertebra
C8 between C7 and T1
T1-Co1 below respective vertebra

Describe the termination of spinal cord (6 points)

Conus Medullaris 脊髓圓錐: @L1/L2, caudal 尾端 end of spinal cord
Cauda Equina (horse’s tail): bundle of spinal nerves innervating lower body
Spinal meninges: enclose spinal cord, continuation of cranial meninges, filled w/ CSF

Describe white/gray matter and its location

White matter Gray matter
Features Myelinated nerve fibers cell bodies of neurons
Locations Inner part of brain Cerebral cortex
outer part of spinal cord Subcortical nuclei/basal
PNS ganglia
Core of spinal cord

- L: Dorsal horn (sensory neurons cell bodies), lateral column (sensory and motor), Lateral horn, Ventral
horn(cell body of motor neurons)

- R: Central canal of spinal cord, Dorsal column (sensory), Dorsal root (sensory neurons), dorsal root
ganglion (cell bodies of sensory neurons), Spinal nerve (both sensory and motor), ventral root (motor
neurons), ventral column (motor neurons)
Describe central canal of spinal cord (2 points)
Ans: continuous w/ 4th ventricles, filled w/ CSF

Describe the branching of spinal nerve (2 points)

- dorsal ramus (sensory & motor neurons to posterior)
- ventral ramus (sensory & motor neurons to anterior)

**Name the nerve plexuses and the part of body they are supplying to (8 points)
- Cervical plexus (C1-C4): neck, phrenic nerve for diaphragm
- Brachial plexus (C5-T1): upper limbs
- Lumbar plexus (L1-L4): ant. and med. thigh
- Sacral plexus (S1-S4): pos. thigh, leg & foot

What is the origin of phrenic nerve?

Ans: cervical plexus

Lateral ventricles, 3rd ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, 4th ventricle

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