Ict 8 Reviewer For Second Quarterly Exam

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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) – It is a standard markup (tags) that is used to

create web pages.


➢ Tags - These are keywords that help give and HTML page structure and it serves as a
Two Classifications of Tags
1. Paired Tags - These tags come in pairs and are composed of an opening or start and
closing or end tags.
o <html> </html> o <b> </b>
o </head> </head> o <i> </i>
o <title> </title> o <u> </u>
o <body> </body> o <mark> </mark>
o <p> </p> o <strike> </strike>

2. Unpaired Tags - These are also called single tags or stand-alone tags because they do
not require an end tag.
o <!DOCTYPE html> o <img>
o <br> o <input>
o <hr>

Structural Tags - These tags are fixed and can be found in every HTML file.


<!DOCTYPE html> This tag is used to declare the type of document.
<html> </html> This tag is used to identify the page as an html document.
This tag is used to keep information about the web page
<head> </head> and can include title for the document, scripts, styles,
meta-information, and more.
This tag is used to display the title of the web
<title> </title>
page and in the browser toolbar.
This tag defines the document's body and contains all the
<body> </body> content of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks,
images, tables, lists, etc.
Formatting Tag - These tags format the appearance of words and sentences in a web page.
<b> </b> Bold It is used to bold text
<br> Line Break It is used to insert a single line break.
<center> </center> Center It is used to align text in the center.
It is used to change the color of a few
<font color=” “> </font> Font Color
words or section of text.
It is used to show text in a particular
<font face=” “> </font> Font Face/Type
It is used to change font size. 1 is being
<font size=” “> </font> Font Size
the smallest and 7 the largest.
<h1> </h1>
<h2> </h2>
It is used to define the most important
<h3> </h3>
Heading heading. H1 is the largest font size and
<h4> </h4>
H6 is the smallest font size.
<h5> </h5>
<h6> </h6>
<hr> Horizontal Rule It is used to put a horizontal line.
<i> </i> Italic It is used to italic text.
<mark> </mark> Highlight / Mark It is used to highlight or mark text.
<p> </p> Paragraph It is used to define a paragraph
<sub> </sub> Subscript It is used to set the text as subscripts.
<sup> </sup> Superscript It is used to set the text as superscripts.
<u> </u> Underline It is used to underline text.


Two Primary Types of HTML Lists

• Ordered List – This are displayed in a specific sequence and uses numbers as default
and uses the <ol> tag.

It has the following attributes:

This is used to reverse the order of the list in
descending order.
This is used to specify the start value of the
ordered list.
This is used to identify the marker at the
beginning of each list item.
In an ordered list, there are three available markers that can be used

• Letters
• Numbers
• Roman Numerals

The following is the sample code for an unordered list and its output.

<p>Favorite color:</p>

Unordered List – This type of list doesn’t follow a specific sequence and it displays entries in
a bulleted list using the <ul> tag.

<li> - This is used to mark the items in the list and indicates and ordinary list item.

The following is the sample code for an unordered list and its output.

<p>Favorite color:</p>
Definition List
• This list displays items with their definitions below the list item and is indented.
• Definition term <dt> - Marks each term in the item
• Definition description <dd> - Defines each description

An example code that shows the rendered list is as follows:

<dd>A light shade of red.</dd>
<dd>Brings achromatic color of maximum lightness</dd>
<dd>A chromatic color resembling the hue of blood</dd> </dl>


Nesting - to place one tag inside another. You should nest tag pairs appropriately so you can
come up with your expected output.

Here's an example of correct nesting where italic and bold tags are completely nested within
the paragraph element:

Goal: Make the words "very easy" stand out using italic and bold tags.

Sample Code:
<p>HTML language is <i><b>very easy</b></i>and fun to learn</p>
HTML language is very easy and fun to learn
➢ In the example, the words "very easy" stand out since it was italicized and boldfaced
by using the <i> and <b> tags.
➢ If you placed the </b> end tag after the </p> end tag, the words "fresh water during
hot weather" would appear bold but only "fresh water" would be italicized.

Sample Code:
<p>Make sure your pet has plenty of <i><b>fresh water</i> during hot weather. </b></p>

Make sure your pet has plenty of fresh water during
hot weather.
➢ The rule for nesting is, the first tag you use should be the last tag you close. In the
correct example, notice that the paragraph tag opens first followed by the bold tag and
then the italic tag. Then the italic element closes, followed by the bold element, and
finally the paragraph element.

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