<head> is a not displayed tag, it contains <title> is a tag to name your actual
information about the document itself. page, it appears at the top of your web
We can declare doctype and character browser window.
set inside head tag. The <title> tag is
inside the <head> tag
3. <I> and <B>
<I> <B>
Italics tag helps to display the text in Bold tag helps to display the text in
italics. It is a container element. bold. It is a container element.
The text written between <I> and The text written between the <B> and
</I> tag appears slightly tilted than </B> tags appear darker than the rest of
the text.
the rest of the text.
This tag is generally used to give
<I>Truth</I> headings or to highlight important
<B>Click Start</B>
Ans: HTML links are hyperlinks. You can click on a link and jump to another
document. Hyperlinks can point to any resource on the web: an HTML page,
an image, a sound file, a movie, etc.
The tag used to produce links is called the Anchor tag, or <A> tag. This is a
container element. Everything between <A> and </A> behaves as the link.
where, URL is the address where the page should be directed. Link text is the
text on which the link is attached.
<A name="A1">
Where the # in the href attribute defines a link to a named portion of the
3. Title: This attribute gives additional information that pops up when the
mouse moves over it.
4. Target: This attribute is used to specify where the linked document will
Artificial Intelligence
Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
1. ...IMPLEMENTING.................. is the last step in problem solving after
choosing the best solution.
2. Tasks that humans do on a routine basis without any special training
are called ........ cognitive tasks........... .
3. In ......VISION SYSTEMS..................... using AI, the systems can
understand and comprehend the visual input on the computer.
4. .. Artificial Intelligence......... is the science and engineering of making
intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.
5. In ...SPEECH RECOGNITION............. AI is capable of handling speech
related data.
C d a e b
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Define AI.
According to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy, it is ‘The
science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially
intelligent computer programs. AI is a form of intelligence; a type of
technology which enables to perform tasks that normally require human
intelligence. It covers a broad range of domains and applications and is
expected to impact every field.
2. What are the tools used for AI?
Ans: The following tools are used to imbibe artificial intelligence in
Logic: Logic is used for concept representation and problem solving.
Search and Optimisation: Problems in AI can be solved when we search
through the best possible solutions.
Classifiers and Statistical Learning Methods: Classifiers are patterns or
observations, where each observation belongs to a class (i.e. decision to
be made).
Probabilistic Methods for Unrealistic Reasoning: Problems in AI in many
stages required to work with assumed data and circumstances. AI
researchers have devised a number of powerful tools to solve these
problems using probability theory and economics.
Artificial Neural Network: Neural as the name suggests is inspired by the
human nervous system.
3. What are the goals of AI?
Ans: Goals of AI are to:
1. implement human intelligence in machines by creating systems that
can think, act, learn and behave like humans.
2. create expert systems that can behave intelligently, learn, explain,
demonstrate and give suggestions to its users.
3. enable a system to understand and process natural language.
4. empower a system to perform intellectual tasks that a human can
4. What are the limitations of using AI?
Ans: The following are the limitations of using AI systems:
1. Developing AI enabled systems is very expensive.
2. Programming or training these systems is a tough job.
3. There is a lack of feelings, emotions and creativity in these systems.
4. Dependency on machine increases.