Nail Head Spicules in Natural Gemstones
Nail Head Spicules in Natural Gemstones
Nail Head Spicules in Natural Gemstones
Although the identification of any gem material requires testing with a variety of
i st u e ts, i ost ases the sto e s atu al o s theti o igi a e dete i ed
conclusively by the features seen with magnification. For example, curved lines or bands
fla e fusio , hou ds tooth patte s h d othe al , a d isp eil i lusio s flu
are all classically associated with synthetics.
Nail-head spicules are associated with synthetic hydrothermal (and occasionally
flux-grown) emerald (figure 1) and synthetic quartz (figure 2). However, such inclusions
have been reported in a number of natural and other synthetic gem materials (table 1),
including natural emerald (DelRe, 1992; Rockwell, 2003). Similar-appearing features have
been observed in photomicrographs of natural sapphires from Madagascar (Kiefert et al.
1996; Milisenda and Henn, 1996) though they have not been described in detail. This
article documents nail-head spicules and similar-appearing features in a variety of natural
gem materials, which could potentially lead to their misidentification as synthetics.
Figure 1: At left is a classic nail-head spicule in a hydrothermally grown synthetic emerald. On the
right is a spicule breaking on the surface of a flux-grown synthetic emerald. Note the black
material at the surface break. Photomicrographs by John I. Koivula (left, magnified 80x) ©GIA and
G. Choudhary (right, magnified 60x)
Figure 4: Viewed with crossed polarizers, the Figure 5: A single spicule was present near the
crystal clusters proved to be birefringent. Also pavilion of the sapphire. Identification by
note the conical elongated apatite crystals, which standard techniques could be difficult if the stone
are commonly observed in Sri Lankan sapphires. was cut with this inclusion alone.
Photomicrograph by C. Golecha, magnified 25x Photomicrograph by C. Golecha, magnified 30x.
Sapphire (Specimen 2)
This yellow sapphire contained numerous etch channels, and one of them reached a
crystalline inclusion, giving the general appearance of a nail-head spicule (figure 6). The
identification of the stone and its natural origin was easily established; however the
inclusion could create confusion for a novice gemmologist.
Natural Emerald
The stone contained abundant curved, tremolite–like fibrous inclusions (figure 7), which
proved its natural origin and indicated its source as Sandawana (Gübelin and Koivula,
1986). When it was viewed from various angles, however, numerous nail-head spicules
were observed in a single direction originating from parallel planes (figures 7 and 8) that
were oriented perpendicular to the optic axis. The effect was very similar to that seen in
synthetic emeralds. In this case, the crystals at the base of the spicules appeared to
originate from the plane itself.
Also p ese t e e li uid fi ge p i ts, flat efle ti e fil s o ie ted along the
basal plane, and angular zoning. Further confirmation came from FTIR spectra taken in
various directions, which showed the strong peak at 5270 cm-1 that is characteristic of
natural emerald (e.g., Choudhary, 2005). Nail-head spicules have been previously
encountered in natural emeralds (DelRe, 1992; Rockwell, 2003), so this sample served as
a further reminder of the need for careful and complete examination.
Natural Spinel
Magnification revealed numerous surface reaching conical inclusions (figure 9) pointing
toward the interior of the pebble from various directions. Some also exhibited a sharp
angular bend (figure 10). Careful examination revealed that the inclusions broke the
surface with rhomboid or sub- hexagonal/ rounded cross sections (figure 11) that varied
with the direction of entrance into the stone, which suggested that the shapes were
determined by the growth orientation. Some of these inclusions were filled with a
brownish epigenetic impurity (figure 11, right)
At certain angles, these inclusions were highly reflective, with flat surfaces
intersecting each other in a pyramidal arrangement. Although, their overall
Figure 9: Near the surface of this spinel pebble, a Figure 10: Spicule-like inclusions, some displaying
number of long, conical etch features resemble a sharp bend, were observed in various directions
oriented spicule inclusions. Photomicrograph by pointing toward the interior of the spinel pebble.
C. Golecha, magnified 30x Photomicrograph by C. Golecha, magnified 30x
Figure 11: These spicule-like inclusions in spinel appear to be etch channels. Their cross-sections varied from
rhomboid (left) to hexagonal (right). Also note the brownish epigenetic filling material (right).
Photomicrographs by G. Choudhary; magnified 30x (left) and 45x (right).
Further analysis with FTIR spectroscopy showed absorptions in the 3600-3000 cm-
region, along with a strong peak at 3483 cm-1 that is characteristic for natural crystalline
quartz. Similar spectra were recorded parallel and perpendicular to the optic axis, with
only minor differences in the intensity of the peaks.
Although the pattern of the whitish crystal aggregates indicated a natural
specimen, the presence of spicule-like inclusions and the concentration of the inclusions
11 'Nail-Head' Spicule Inclusions in Natural Gemstones
along a defined plane could have lead to the stone's misidentification as synthetic
without careful examination.
Nail-head spicule inclusions have long been associated with hydrothermally grown
synthetic gem materials. Such inclusions indicate a rapid, disturbed growth, which is the
case for most synthetics but also for some natural gems. Similar appearing inclusions may
be produced by a combination of other features. Much like the spiral 'fingerprint'
inclusions that were once considered characteristic of Biron synthetic emerald (Gübelin
and Koivula, 1986), the mere appearance of nail-head spicules should not be considered
conclusive proof of synthetic origin. When such inclusions or similar structures are
present, a more detailed examination is necessary to determine the nature of the
sample. Such instances serve us reminders of the importance of not relying on any one
feature for the identification of a gem material.
Chapman. J. (1992) Letters: Hollow Hexagonal Columns in diamond Not Etch Pits. Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 28, No.1, pp 73
Choudhary G. (2005) Gem News International: An unusual emerald with conical growth
features. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 265–266.
DelRe N. (1992) Gem Trade Lab Notes: Emerald. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.
Gubelin .E J. & Koivula. J.I. (1974). Internal World of Gemstones, ABC Verlag, Zurich
Gubelin .E J. & Koivula. J.I. (1986). Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones, ABC Edition,
Gubelin .E J. & Koivula. J.I. (2005). Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones, Volume 2,
Opinio Publishers, Basel, Switzerland
Hughes. R.W. (1997) Ruby & Sapphire, RWH Publishing, Boulder, USA
Kane.R.E. & Liddicoat R.T., (1985) The Biron Hydrothermal Synthetic Emerald, Gems &
Gemology, Vol. 21, No.3 pp 156- 170