SELF - EFFICACY 112298292 Print
SELF - EFFICACY 112298292 Print
SELF - EFFICACY 112298292 Print
2020 - 2023
I hereby declare that the dissertation work entitled “SELF EFFICACY AMONG MALE AND
FEMALE ADOLESCENCE ” submitted to the University of Calicut, in partial fulfilment of
the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Psychology is the record
work done by me under the supervision of Ms. Betty paul, Assistant Professor, Department of
Psychology, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda. This is not formed as the basis for the
award of any degree/diploma (associateship), fellowship, or other similar titles to any candidate
of any university.
"Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for
what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for"
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to every person from whom I was fortunate
enough to get valuable guidance and help. First, I would like to thank the God Almighty, for
showering His blessings to make this dissertation a success.
I owe my thanks to the principle of Christ College (Autonoma), Irinjalakuda Fr. Dr. Jolly
Andrews, for providing the conductive infrastructure for the conduct of the study.
1 express my special gratitude to my guide Ms. Betty paul , who is the Assistant professor of
the Deparment of psychology for her valuable support and motivation. Words are insufficient to
thank her, who from first have directed and enlightened me for my study. Her input in every
stage of the work, suggestions was handled with meticulous care, patience, motivation, guidance
and encouragement. I whole heartedly thank her for all her support.
I greatly thank the support and help extended by the Faculty Members of the Department of
Psychology, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, during this study.
I am also thankful to all the participants who took part in my study. Thanks to all my
friends and family members whose endurance, concern and invariable support helped me in
accomplishing this task.
-Athulya Mk
Everyone who about who enter a adolescent period in their life span . And experience many
changes that is physical , psychological and emotional. In this period the child feel role
confusion in their identity. So self efficacy is the important part in this transition stage. Self is
help to them to identify theit full on potential in life . The present study focuses on self efficacy
among male female adolescence . The scale was developed in German by Matthias Jerusalem
and Ralf Schwarzer in 1981 and has been used in many studies with hundred thousands of
participants. The sample was equally divided into 30 adolescence males and 30 adolescence
female . t-test was computed for the statistical anaiysis of the data. Findings indicated that there
is no significant difference in self efficacy among adolescence.
Adolescence is the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood.During this stage Children are
going through many changes in all dimensions like physical psychological intellectual personal and
social etc. The duration of the adolescence is from the age of 10 to 19.It is a unique stage of human
development and an important time for laying the foundations of good health.During adolescence,issues
of emotional (if not physical)separation from parents arise. Adolescence comprises of 3 stages. The first
one is Early Adolescence(Ages10-13).During this stage, children often start to grow more quickly.
Preteens feel an increased need for privacy. Next comes the Middle Adolescence (Ages 14 to 17).The
characteristics of this stage are ,physical changes from puberty continue during middle adolescence, many
middle adolescents have more arguments with their parents as they struggle for more independence. In
Late Adolescence (Ages 18-21 and beyond),they have completed physical development and grown to
their full adult height.The characteristics of adolescents are, conscious in appearance, attraction towards
the opposite sex,career-consciousness ,flight on imagination, hero worship, impact of peer group is
strongest, increased decision making, increased pressure and the search for self.
Adolescence is the stage where the individualism expected to confront and adapt to the rigorous
modification in terms of school, social and family life.Thus,at this stage of life adolescents usually endure
a fusillade of challenges. Adolescents who are also known as young adults face changes in various aspects
of their lives.Besides,at this period of life, they are involved in the transition period to adulthood due to
the comparison between the values held in childhood and values learned throughout their growing
phase.Hense,is that illustrates higher level of exploration about own self also they are getting ready to
commit with more matured roles. So, at this level, it is important to hold more confidence and believe in
their capacity to control their environment ,which is referred as self efficacy.
Self efficacy is referred as the ability of an individual to belief in their ability or capacity to execute
behaviors necessary to attain goals or for specific achievements throughout their life Self-efficacy reflects
confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own motivation,behaviour and social environment. As
a person with high self efficacy views challenges as things that are supposed to be mastered rather than
threat to avoid. These people are able to recover from failure faster and are more likely to attribute failures
to a lack of effort.They approach threatening situations with the belief that they can control them. These
things have been linked to lower levels of stress and lower vulnerability to depression.
There are many factors that affect self efficacy. First one is modelling or “vicarious
experience”.Modelling is experienced as, “If others can do it, I am also capable as well”.When we see
someone succeeding, our own self efficacy increases; where we see people failing ,our self efficacy
decreases.This process is more effectual when we see ourselves as similar to the model. Although not as
influential as direct experience,modelling is particularly useful for people who are particularly unsure
about themselves Next factor is physiological factor. In stressful situations ,people commonly exhibit
signs of distress like shakes,aches,pain,fatigue,fear and nausea. Perceptions of these responses in someone
can markedly alter self-efficacy. Past performance is the single greatest contributor to one’s confidence. If
one has been successful at a particular skill in the past they will probably believe that they will be
successful at the skill in the future.
They bring a wide variety of past experiences with them when they go through day today life .Some of
those experiences have been positive, others have not .How one interpret their day today life or past
successes and failures can have a dramatic impact on their self -efficacy. Social persuasion generally
manifests as direct encouragement or discouragement .Discouragement is generally more effective at
decreasing a person’s self-efficacy than encouragement is at increasing it .
How self efficacy can help us that is, Building belief in our own capabilities increases our level of
selfefficacy and influences what we are able to do. This increasing belief in our own power will help to
develop a range of new, healthy behavior patterns.For example, we can maintain a more positive attitude
that in turn positively improve our emotional state and hence emotional intelligence. The level of
motivation also will be increased .We will be more capable to find the inner strength to accept setbacks
as challenges and to overcome difficulties. People practice self efficacy will be more thankful in
life .They will be confident about their own abilities.They feel they have control over their own lives and
satisfied with life. Some of the characteristics of self efficacy are listed below
Self-confidence is the most obvious characteristics of high self-efficacy. They approach tasks or situations
with a sense of their ability to be successful. This self-confidence pave the path to more experience which
increases their ability which result in greater self-confidence. This positive cycle lends itself to increasing
self-efficacy even further.
Accurate self-evaluation - individuals with high self-efficacy tend to be able to accurately evaluate their
performance. They are neither overly-critical nor overly positive but are able to examine themselves
realistically in order to pursue self-improvement
Willingness to take risks - individual with high self-efficacy are willing to take risks because they
understand that taking calculated risks increases the chances of success. As they are not fearful of failure
or mistakes, reasonable risks can only increase self-efficacy.
Sense of accomplishment -Generally individual with high self-efficacy feel a sense of accomplishment
because they are oftenmore successful due to the willingness to take risks and to pursue interests. Even if
they fail or make mistakes they feel a sense of accomplishment because they view mistakes as
opportunities to improve themselves
Fear of risk - individual with low self-efficacy will think themselves as unable to be successful. Finally,
they are often unwilling to take a risk or try new thing because they are convinced that the result will be
failure.So it quite ridiculous as the way to self efficacy and success is through practice and experience.
Lesson learned from experience can do a lot .
Feeling of failure- Usually, people who have low self-efficacy have feelings of failure. The Individual is
indicated they might avoid or not try new things due to the risk involved. They see difficult task as threat
to be avoid.individuals who believe they are not capable of performing adequately in certain situations are
more likely to be fearful of such situations .They are less likely to experience success and more likely to
see themselves as a failure.
Fear of uncertainty- A person with low self-efficacy is related to self-doubt and uncertainty. The
individual simply doesn’t have a guarantee of success in any task . As the result, they may never try the
new thing.
The impact of self efficacy can be obvious on Affective processes, regulated emotional state and the
elicitation of emotional or physiological reactions. These are influenced by self-efficacy on several fronts.
For example ,a weak sense of efficacy to exercise control over stressors activates autonomic reactions,
catecholamine secretion, and release of endogenous opioids. Conversely, those with a greater sense of
self-regulatory efficiency tend to be more successful in reducing health impairing habits and incorporating
health-promoting habits into their life style.
Self-efficacy influence selection processes. self-efficacy influence the types of activities and environment
that people choose. High self-efficacy belief will lead to the more challenging undertaking.They know
that challenges are essential for personal growth.
Self-efficacy impact the cognitive process by influencing the anticipatory scenarios humans construct and
rehearse. For instance, those with high self-efficacy beliefs tends to anticipate success scenarios while
those with low self-efficacy beliefs tend to dwell on pitfalls and anticipate failure. In short, self-efficacy
impacts analytic thinking. virtually all people can identify goals they want to accomplish, things they
would like to change, and things they would like to achieve. However, mostpeople also realize that
putting these plans into action is not quite so simple.
In adolescence, self-efficacy plays a pivotal role in coping with life situation Each period of development
brings with it new challenges for coping efficacy. As adolescents approach the demands of adulthood,
they must learn to assume full responsibility for themselves in almost every dimension of life. At this
scenario, they need to master many new skills and learn to cope with the practices of adult society.
Learning how to deal with pubertal changes, emotionally invested partnerships and sexuality becomes a
matter of considerable importance. This is also the time to choose the career that will stabilize the life
foreward.These are but a few of the areas in which new competencies and self beliefs of efficacy have to
be developed With growing independence during adolescence some experimentation with risky behavior
is not all that uncommon. Adolescents expand and strengthen their sense of efficacy by learning how to
deal successfully with potentially troublesome matters in which they are unpracticed as we Il as with
advantageous life events. Evasion from challenging or problematic situations will have a negative impact
on their development.It will leave them ill- prepared to cope with potential difficulties throughout life.The
practice of Overcoming and fighting to challenging situations will make them strong and efficient to face
such situations for ever.They should overcome personal competencies,should attain self – management
efficacy which will determine their lives ahead.
Adolescents’ school experiences help shape their self-efficacy beliefs. With cognitive maturity,
adolescents are better able to interpret and integrate multiple sources of information about their
competencies, and theyhave a much more differentiated view of their abilities. There often is a stronger
relation between performance feedback and competence beliefs for adolescents than for younger children.
Additionally, as identity processes unfold, adolescents tend to compare them- selves with others to find
their unique place within their peer group. When an adolescent is not performing as well as his or her
peers within a specific academic or interpersonal domain, social comparisons can have a negative impact.
This happens especially when the adolescent peers or family members valuates their performance in this
area .
Adolescence has often been characterized as a period of psychosocial turmoil. While no period of li fe is
ever free of problems contrary to the stereotype of “storm and stress,” most adolescents negoti ate the
important transitions of this period without undue disturbance or discord. However, youngst ers who enter
adolescence beset by a disabling sense of in efficacy transport their vulnerability to d istress and debility
to the the new environmental demands. The ease with which the transition from childhood to the demands
of adulthood is made similarly depends on the strength of personal efficac y built up through prior mastery
experiences. There are many methods for increase in girls self experience . First one is mastery
experiences. These are opportunities to try a new skill and experience suc cess next are vicarious
experiences which means watching others try a new skill and experience suc cess. These are applicable to
males also.
To investigate the significant difference in self efficacy among male and female asolescence.
In 2021 Maia Ten Brink conducted a research study on sress ,sleep and coping self efficacy in
adolescents.Temporal dynamics of perceived stress,sleep quality and coping self efficacy were
tracked in 381 9th graders using daily surveys across two school weeks. In the research ,though
expected associations were evident between individuals,only a unidirectional path was found
within individuals from sleep quality to perceived stress via coping self efficacy.
A study conducted by James R Andretta,and and Michael T. Mckay,”Self efficacy and well
being in adolescents:Acomparative study using variable and person-centered
analysis”(2020).Data were gathered on academic, social, and emotional self-efficacy, mental
well-being, psychological and somatic symptomatology, frequency of physical exercise, and
parental security using questionnaire . Sample used were 3,485 adolescents (Mage = 17.0 [SD =
1.1] in their final year of High school in Northern Ireland.Results of bivariate analyses pointed to
emotional self-efficacy as a key variable in adolescent well-being. In the cluster analyses, five
clusters were identified, and in a series of regression analyses, membership of the High self-
efficacy cluster (characterized by high scores on all three self-efficacy domains), was found to be
Sapna.A.jain and Trusha R.Desai. ,conducted the study “A study of adolescent's self efficacy
and general wellbeing” on 2020.The sample had consisted of 100 adolescents (50 boys and 50
girls)selected by purposive sampling from Ahmedabad. Self efficacy Scale by A.K. Singh and
Shruti Narain and General Well-Being Scale by Ashok K. Kalia and Anita Deswal were used.
Results of the "T" test revealed that there is no significant difference of self-efficacy of
adolescent boys and girls. There is no significant difference of general wellbeing of adolescent
boys and girls. Results of Co relation revealed that Self efficacy has impact on General
wellbeing of adolescents.
In 2017 Yuli R Tak conducted a research study on the topic ,The prospective associations
between self efficacy and depressive symptoms from early to middle adolescence.The sample
consisted of 1341 adolescents with a mean age of 14 years .depressive symptoms and self
efficacy levels were assessed every 6 months over a period of 2.5 years.The result showed that
there was no evidence of sex differences in the cross lagged associations between depressive
symptoms and self efficacy levels.
In 2016 a research study was conducted by Elisabetta sagone and Maria elvira De Caroli on
psychological resilience and self efficacy in adolescence. The aim of this study was to verify the
correlations between three types of self-efficacy and factors of resilience in a sample of 155
Italian early adolescents. They used the following measures for data collection : the Scholastic
Self-efficacy Scale, the Empathic Self-efficacy Scale, and the Problem solving Self-efficacy
Scale (Caprara, 2001) and the Resiliency Attitudes and Skills Profile (De Caroli & Sagone,
2014). Results demonstrated that early adolescents highly self-efficient in problem solving and in
scholastic performances, and those who reported a higher empathic self-efficacy tended to
express a greater resilience than lowly self-efficient ones.
A study“ Parenting style and self efficacy among adolescents”, (2015) conducted by Saira
yousaf,In-charge Department of Psychology University of Sargodha Women Campus Faisalabad,
Pakistan.The study focused on the relationship between parenting style and the level of self-
efficacy among adolescents. It was a correlational study in which total sample size was eighty
adolescents (40 males and 40 females). Parenting Authority Scale developed by John R. Buri
(1971) and The General Self-Efficacy Scale were used for data collection.Statistical Package for
Social Sciences Version-20 (SPSS-20) was used to see the analyses and to check hypothesis.The
result showed that authoritarian parenting style has negative relation with self-efficacy
Moreover, permissive and flexible/ authoritative parenting style has significant positive relation
with self efficacy. The result of the regression revealed that parenting style (authoritarian,
permissive and flexible/ authoritative) showed that about 83% variance produced by parenting
style in self-efficacy. So parenting style is a significant predictor of self-efficacy. In the same
way there is non-significant gender difference was found on self efficacy.
A study conducted by puspalathaa Armum and Kalaivani Chellappan (2015)“ Social and
emotional self efficacy of adolescents:Measured analyses interdependencies within and across
academic achievement level.Sample of 169 students were selected from different academic
settings of Malasia.self efficacy questionnaire for children was used.Data of the research were
analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics.The data analysis indicated that there is a
significant difference in social self efficacy across academic ability among adolescents.However,
there is no significant difference in social self-efficacy across academic ability among
adolescents. Furthermore, the research showed that there is no significant difference in social and
emotional self-efficacy across gender.
In 2013,Upasna Thapliyal conducted a research that social anxiety and self efficacy beliefs
among adolescents The sample for the study consisted of 150 adolescents (age group 15-18 yrs),
selected from Chandigarh city. Social Phobia nventory developed by Connor, Davidson,
Churchill, Sherwood, Foa, and Weisler,R.H.(2000); and Self-EfficacySubscale of the Motivated
Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) developed by Pintrich et al. (1991) were
employed to study social anxiety and self-efficacy beliefs among the adolescents. The findings of
the study revealed mixed to study social anxiety
Binnaz Kiran-Esen conducted a study Analyzing peer pressure and self -efficacy
expectationamong adolescents”(2012).This research was conducted with a randomly selected
voluntary sample of 546 (313 female, 233 male) adolescent students from six highschools in the
Mersin province of Turkey. Scales used were Self-efficacy Expectation Scale,developed by
Muris(2001) and adapted into Turkish by Celikkaleli, Gündogdu, and Kıran-Esen(2006), and the
Peer Pressure Scale (Kıran-Esen, 2003b). Although the findings showedsignificantly negative
relationships between peer pressure and general and academicself-efficacy expectations in these
adolescents, no relationships were found between peerpressure and social and emotional self-
efficacy expectations. Moreover, general and academicself-efficacy expectations were higher in
adolescents who were experiencing low levels of peerpressurethaninadolescentswith
moderateandhighlevelsof generalandacademicself-efficacy.However, no significant differences
were observed in terms of social and emotional self-efficacy expectations.
Vandana Gupta (2012) conducted her study on adolescent students and also supported the above
evidences and suggested that there is a strong relationship between self-concept, efficacy with
wellbeing. Result found that high self-efficacy enhances the wellbeing among the adolescents
students. Delamater, 2006;
In 2010 A study was done on “Relation between self-efficacy and academic achievement in high
school students”. 250 students were selected and completed self-efficacy scale and for
achievement score grade point average in classes was used. Results shows that self-efficacy is a
considerable factor in academic achievement.
In 2005 Elizabeth freeman conducted a research study on the relationship between self esteem
self efficacy and sense of belonging in young adolescents at school. Fifty-seven voluntary grade
eight students consisting of32 males and 25 females, with a mean age of 12.7 years attending a
rural Catholic high school, participated in the current study. Data was collected from students via
a series of class administered self-report questionnaires consisting of the Self-Esteem Scale
(Rosenberg, 1989), Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents (Harter, 1988) and Perceived Sense
of School Membership scale (Goodenow, 1993).The data suggests that adolescents' selfesteem
and self-efficacy together and independently did not predict their level of school belonging
At 2003 Dario Bacchini and fabrizia Magliulo conducted a research study on self image and
Perceived self efficacy during adolescence. The aim of the rresearch was to assess self-image and
perceived self-efficacy during different phases of adolescence. They conducted a survey of 675
adolescents selected according to gender (289 males and 386 females), age (early, middle, and
late adolescence), residential zone (low to middle and middle to high social background), and the
kind of school (Italian arts/science/languages/classics-based high school or liceo vs. vocational
school or istituto tecnico). The adolescents completed the Offer Self Image Questionnaire
(OSIQ) to evaluate dimensions of self and a series of perceived self-efficacy scales. The research
revealed that boys and students who had attended vocational schools had a better self-image than
girls and students at licei. Age and residential zone had only moderate effects. Girls proved to
have better academic and regulatory self-efficacy but a lesser degree of emotional self-efficacy
In 1998 the study, conducted by Jean Barrett Holloway,Anne Beuter and John L Duda,Self-
efficacy and training for strength in adolescent girls. The subjects were adolecent female
volunteers from two high schools located in middle class,suburban areas of Los
Angeles,California. e Physical Self-Efficacy Scale (Ryckman, Robbins, Thornton, &
Cantrell,1982, The Eating Disorder Inventory (Garner, Olmsted, & Polivy, 1983 .Findings offer
preliminary support that weight training for strength can improve confidence about a variety of
life tasks in adolescent girls and could
provide the basis for new modalities of therapy for low self esteem.
The sample for this study consists of 60 students . In which 30 belongs to male category and 30
belongs to female category of adolescence . Samples were collected using Google form method.
Only self-report questionnaires were used in the present study. General Self Efficacy Scale were
used in this study. A Personal Data Sheet was also used, to gather information on relevant socio-
demographic characteristics of the participants.
The General Self-Efficacy Scale is a 10-item psychometric scale that is designed to assess
optimistic self-beliefs to cope with a variety of difficult demands in life. The scale was
developed in German by Matthias Jerusalem and Ralf Schwarzer in 1981 and has been used in
many studies with hundred thousands of participants.
The following scores are ,
Not at all true -1 ,Hardly true -2 ,Moderately true -3 , Exactly true - 4
The total score is calculated by finding the sum of the all items. For the GSE, the total score ranges
between 10 and 40, with a higher score Indicating more self-efficacy.
Reliability : Internal reliability for GSE = Cronbach’s alphas between .76 and .90
The purpose of the study was explained to the students and the questionnaires were handed over
to them. The respondents were allowed to complete the questionnaires at given time . The
General Self Efficacy Scale is a 10 item scale which is to be rated on a 4- point rating scale . The
scores are 1 - Not at all , 2 - Hardly true , 3 - Moderately true ,4 - Exactly true .The students have
to respond to each item on the scale, by choosing the appropriate response.
t -test
The ratio of the deviation of scores from the mean or other parameters in a distribution of
sample statistics, to the standard error of that distribution is designed as‘ t’ (Guilford,
1956). Usually a t-test is used for comparison of the differences between the means of
two groups. It is suitable for testing whether the mean of two sets of scores are
significantly different or not.
The t-test is based on t-distribution and is considered as an appropriate test for finding
the significance of difference between the means of two samples in case of small sample
when population variance is not known. If the value exceeds a cut-off point depending on
degree of freedom, the difference in mean is considered significant, when the t-value is
below the cut-off point, the difference is said to be not significant .
Correlation Analysis
Of all the measures of correlation the Pearson ‘r’, named after Prof. Karl Pearson, is one of the
most common methods of assessing the association between two variables under study.
Table 1 : t test result of self efficacy among male and female adolescence .
variable Gender N Mean Std. deviation t df
Table shows the t-test of self efficacy among male and female adolescence . The mean value of self
efficacy in male is 29.5667 and females is 31.7 . The standard of self efficacy among male and female is
5.50037 and 4.69886 . And t value is 1.615 respectively . Therefore,the null hypothesis accepted.
The aim of the study is to describe the significant difference in seif efficacy among male amd female
adolescence. On the basis of mean score . Female has more self efficacy. Because their high academic
achievement and education. And they exposed to good and effective way of parenting style . In this result
the t value indicate that there is no significant difference in self efficacy in adolescence. So we are
accepting the null hypothesis.i.e. Female has more self efficacy than self efficacy in males. It may due to
their have strong sense of self confidence , self evaluation , and self awareness . They are ability to solve
challenging problems and highly motivated to reach goals etc. Self efficacy is the important part in
everyone life .Because it influence what we are able to do in our life. High self efficacy people adopt
healthy life style , educational achievement . They can adapt all the demands and challenges happened in
their life.
Self efficacy is referred as the ability of an individual to belief in their ability or capacity to execute
behaviors necessary to attain goals or for specific achievements throughout their life Self-efficacy
reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own motivation,behaviour and social
The aim of the is to find out the self efficacy in male and female adolescence . The result
revealed that, there is no significant difference in self efficacy in adolescence. So we accepting
the null hypothesis.
Despite all attempts to carry out the study scientifically and systematically, the study had some
inherent limitations.
The study is conducted in 60 samples i.e.30 male and 30 femaler espectively. Hence the sample
size was into 60,there will not be a wider scope for a generalised result.The data is only belongs
to adolescent male and female population of the age of 15 to19 years. Hence the result cannot
among diverse population. And there is an only variable in this study and doesn’t include more
Judge, T. A., Erez, A., Bono, J. E., & Thoresen, C. J. (2002). Are measures of self-esteem,
neuroticism, locus of control, and generalized self-efficacy indicators of a common core
construct? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 693–710.