Food Security in India Notes

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Why Food Security?

🔹 The poorest section of the society remains food insecure all the times.

🔹 People above poverty line might also feel food insecure in times of natur calamity
like earthquake, drought, flood, tsunami etc.

How calamities affect food security?

 Due to natural calamities the production of crops decreases which led to

food scarcity in that area.
 Due to scarcity food price rises up,
 at this point some disadvantaged section of society will be deprived of food,
 if the calamity existed for long time it will eventually lead to starvation and
 it may ultimately lead to widespread death due to weakness or weak
immune system.

Who are food-insecure?

 People with little or no land, traditional artisans, providers of traditional

services, petty self-employed workers and destitutes including beggars are
the main sufferers of food and nutrition insecurity.
 In urban areas people employed for low wages and in the casual labour
market are major victims.
 A large proportion of pregnant and nursing mothers and children under 5
years of age suffer from malnutrition and are thus, food insecure.
 Economically backward states are more prone to natural disasters etc. are
also affected.
 Since independence, India has aimed to achieve ‘Self Sufficiency in
 So the Green Revolution was the result of a strategy implemented after

Dimensions of Food Security in India :-

🔶 Availability :-
 Food production within the country.
 Import
 Stock stored in government granaries.

🔶 Accessibility :-

 Food within the reach of every person.

🔶 Affordability :-

 Enough food is available for all person.

 Persons have capacity to buy food of acceptable quality.
 There is no barrier on access of food.

Food Insecure group in Urban Areas :-

 Person employed in ill-paid occupations.

 Casual labour

Food Insecurity in Social Composition :-

 Schedule Castes
 Schedule Tribes
 Migrants
 Female
 New born babies

Food Insecure groups in Rural Areas :-

 Traditional artisans (Weavers, potters etc.)

 Petty Self employed.
 Providers of Services (Barbers, Washer men)
 Destitude
 Small and landless farmers

Hunger :-
🔹 Hunger is an aspect of not just indicating food insecurity and poverty but also brings

🔹 The attainment of food security involves eliminating current hunger and reducing the
risk of future hunger.

Hunger has chronic and seasonal dimensions :-

 Poor people suffer from chronic hunger due to very low income and are
food insecure all the times.
 In rural areas Seasonal hunger is caused by the seasonal nature of
agricultural activities.
 In urban areas, seasonal hunger occurs because of the casual type of work
like construction worker won’t get work during rainy season.

Need for self-sufficiency in food grains :-

 To feed rising population.

 To fight against droughts, floods, cyclone, etc.
 To reduce import of food grains.
 To control prices of food grains.

Steps Taken by Government of India for food Security :-

 Buffer Stock
 Minimum Support Price
 Issue Price
 Subsidy
 Rationing
 Public Distribution System
 Fair price shops

Buffer Stock :-

🔹 Buffer Stock is the stock of food grains (wheat and rice) procured by the government
through the Food Corporation of India (FCI).
Minimum Support Price’ (MSP) :-

🔹 The FCI purchases wheat and rice for the government from the farmers of surplus
states at pre-announced prices. This price is called ‘Minimum Support Price’ (MSP).

Issue Price :-

🔹 The grains stored in Buffer Stocks are distributed in deficit areas and among the poor
strata of society at a price lower than the market price known as Issue Price.

Subsidy :-

🔹 Subsidy is a payment that a government makes to a producer to supplement the

market price of a commodity . It keeps consumer prices low while maintain a higher
income for producers.

Rationing :-

🔹 Rationing in India dates back to 1940’s against the backdrop of Bengal famine , but
was revived in the wake of acute food shortage during 1960’s before Green
Revolution .

The Role of Cooperative in Food Security :-

 The cooperative societies set up shops to sell low priced goods to poor
 In Delhi, Mother Dairy is making strides in providing of milk
and vegetables to the consumers at controlled rate decided by Government
of Delhi.
 Amul is another success story of cooperative in milk and milk Products
from Gujarat. It has brought the White Revolution in country.
 In Maharashtra, Academy of Developmental Science (ADS) has facilitated a
network of NGOS for setting up grain banks in different regions.

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